But half in earnest, I am now really finishing for some bucks the Dietrich Eckart-Adolf Hitler audiobook about Jesus versus the Old Testament…. a subject dear to my heart.
Adolf Hitler and his mentor, Dietrich Eckart: Bolshevism from Moses to Lenin “ John de Nugent
J[], I am very, very VERY concerned, THIS TIME, that the Syria thing is going to become a match to set the world on fire as was Serbia in August 1914 or Poland in September 1939.
I urge you to have a bug-out bag at the least, cash (esp. gold coins if you have them), plenty of weapons and ammo, and to hell with local gun laws in case the SHTF, extra gasoline (4 full gerry cans), and if you can make it here, I think you and family can stay with me for a while. I am dead-serious. This area can be the ideal bastion.
The US and Russia are now flying combat air missions over the same area of Syria and bombing each other’s proxies. An incident and shootdown could happen any day.
And the rumors continue that the Deutsche Bank (with staggering amount of bad derivatives) will collapse and if so, it would be five times bigger than Lehman Brothers collapsing in 2008.
Time for another war to kill off the last Aryans.
I am going to go ahead very soon with my “secret plan.” We cannot keep just reacting to what THEY do.
And, btw, unless the Bradley Effect is YUGE, Hillary now has a huge lead over Trump in the Electoral College, as things stand, around 347 to 191. Forget the polls! Forget all this sis-boom-bah and Trump-huckstering from Andrew Anglin. The white numbers just ain’t there any more.
Hillary could get all the dark and light-blue states and KILL Trump in the Electoral College. Obama did exactly that with Romney in 2012.
Simple — the country is now 51% wog, a mass of brownies, and the 1/3rd of the 49% that is still white is chemtrailed, fluoridated, brainwashed fools with an IQ level and SAT scores that have been falling since the 1960s.
I did a video five years ago about how there is a 40 MILLION undercount of Mexicans in America!
I have to now use the only thing I have – me – and I hope the favor of our gods.
I often ponder this German woodcut from Christmas 1942, J[]….
What good are we men if we do not protect our women and children? And avenge crimes against them?
The next month will decide the future of our race on this planet.
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