My new AR; Gosia prediction seems to near fulfillment of a false-flag massacre by ((((fed snipers))) designed to bring down Trump so Biden can win

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A jewish sniper aims at unarmed Palestinian protesters to murder them.


Looking to deter trouble (jew-feds, Antifa, BLM, etc.) with this Ruger AR-556

The price was $800; I added a scope. Ruger (actually “Sturm and Ruger”) is American-made. Two German-Americans founded it in the late 1940s.,_Ruger_%26_Co.



……Gosia predicted something accurately

My blog of June 15, 2020, 40 days ago, was about false-flag federal snipers planning to massacre “peaceful protesters” (LOL!) so as to trigger Trump’s removal from office…… As I pointed out, this would mirror the 2014 Maidan/Kiev/Ukraine tactic, where jewish Ukrainian snipers came in and then shot and killed both cops and protesters from the rooftops and upper windows to escalate the rage, hate and violence until a true uprising and revolution ensured, exactly as the (((CIA))) desired.

False flag to end Trump presidency imminent? Two very different sources predict massacre of protesters (to trigger impeachment?)

And now we see this sniper-massacre scenario being actually set up, prepared and moved forward toward implementation:

‘The tyrant Trump sends his feds in, trampling on the Constitution and states’ rights, and then they murder persecuted negroes and progressives.’

(How ironic and cynical for Demoncrats to now be for states’ rights!)

A comrade sent me a comment saying Gosia was a “fruitcake” who had said in a video many months ago, of which he watched 30 minutes, that Nordic aliens would soon come and save us from all this.

I replied that no, she had said the 180-degree diametrical opposite, namely, that Nordics will not come and save us.

I wrote him:

The truth about race, “the Nazis,” the “evil tyrant” Hitler, the Holocaust, who the real good guys in WWII were, and the whole outrageous history of the crimes of the jews –all that contradicted everything you were taught, and was also once utter nonsense to you too. 😉

By listening (likely in a hostile mood) to just 30 minutes of just one of her 200-odd videos, you certainly did not get the full picture. In fact, I think you wanted to reject it.

What Gosia said six months ago was that higher civilizations were debating, were considering, openly intervening as a result of the full, gigantic threat to humanity posed by this global Covid delusion. To this one can add the subsequent rise of BLM, Antifa, and a Trump impeachment following a false-flag massacre of “peaceful protesters” by federals, and then the final end of the old America which the ineffable lackey Biden would represent.

Gosia also stated clearly months ago that [just as with the defeat of Germany in 1945] it was decided yet again to not OPENLY intervene.

The brutal truth is this:

This earth is the infamous, almost INCORRIGIBLE trailer-park planet of our galaxy. 😉

With many trailer parks, the cops get soooo tired of getting calls and having to come out once again for all the drugs, rape, domestic violence, incest, child abuse, theft, drunkenness, noise, fistfights, shootings, etc.

This earth, likewise, is a planet full of reincarnated lowlifes and bad-karma people who hate the truth … well as really good people who are here as volunteeers, like knights in shining armor, in order to grow, to fight for what is right, and to teach others about truth, duty and love.

No, Nordics will NOT overtly intervene — Independence-Day style, with an armada of spaceships — and Gosia has said so with crystal clarity.

What the Pleiadians are doing is more subtle but more beneficial in the long run, enabling earthlings to awaken and then take action themselves.

A famous phrase about teaching a man to fish is not some ancient Chinese proverb. It is “just” 135 years old, and was found in an American novel. Anne Isabella Thackeray Ritchie wrote this saying down in a novel of hers called Mrs. Dymond, published in 1885:

“He certainly doesn’t practice his precepts, but I supposed the Patron meant that if you give a man a fish he is hungry again in an hour. If you teach him to catch a fish you do him a good turn.”

So now you have the truth. In a dozen videos Gosia has said no aliens will save us. We must save ourselves.

You watched a fraction of one video; I have watched dozens.

What is my mission now? To once again summon our race to self-help.

If we decide to stand up for ourselves, how “on earth” can we not beat the jews, who are just 1/4 of 1% of humanity?

If the other 99.75% get on their knees to the 0.25%, then they deserve whatever happens to them. This is the truth.

And the other truth is we must do our duty, regardless of what others do — or fail to do.

And if we die, we live.

We live on in a world that is jew-free.

Heaven is national-socialist, and the inspiration for our cause.

Man is a fallen god who remembers the heavens — Alphonse de Lamartine

The Lindgren’s masterpiece video — Hitler demands we help ourselves

Each man and woman must answer to God for how he spent his life. 


This is a time for heroes.





  1. Hai ragione,ci sono guerre lassù che nessuno può vedere,guerre invisibili,forse peggiori del pianeta Terra.Non possono intervenire finché non vedranno un reale cambiamento.
    La tecnologia è l’arma peggiore degli ultimi più sottile e subdola.
    Ecco il rumore che sento nei loro discorsi..è insopportabile,eppure devo mantenere il mio stato di quiete per non alterare me stessa(Yin-Yang).
    Concentrarsi su se stessi;quello che tutti dovrebbero fare per togliere potere a questi animali da Circo.

    • Transl:

      You’re right, there are wars up there that nobody can see, invisible wars, perhaps worse than planet Earth.

      They cannot intervene until they see real change.

      Technology is the worst weapon of recent times..the thinnest and most subtle.

      Here is the noise I hear in their speeches … it is unbearable, yet I have to maintain my state of quietude in order not to imbalance myself (Yin-Yang).

      Focus on yourself and on what everyone should do to take power away from these circus animals.

  2. The Pentagon issues a limited hangout on UFOs:

    My own view is that the whole “UFOs are piloted by aliens” is a massive, 73-year CIA disinformation campaign which started in July 1947 with the crash of a post-WWII Fourth Reich antigravity reconnaissance craft in Roswell, NM that was spying on U.S. nuclear facilities in New Mexico. The modern era of UFO sightings had begun in November 1944 over Western Europe with the “Foo Fighters” seen buzzing Allied bomber formations.

    • Thanks for that link.

      It is the height of hypocrisy for the (((US))) to “study” advanced tech other nations might have when since the days of Ike it has sold the people of this country out to enemy Greys in exchange for such tech itself. The fact is that Greys may well, being utterly treacherous and bereft of any conscience, be doling out bits of tech to both the Russians and the Chinese as well as to their rival, America, being basically ruthless arms dealers who also serve another malevolent race. And this race wants nothing more than to divide and conquer us, getting us humans at each others’ throats.

      Greys depicted by Mayans 1400 years ago

      Mayan stone engravings of UFOs:

      NASA scientist Jacques Vallée, PhD (Sorbonne) on ancient and medieval UFO reports:

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