My Pillow CEO Says Bed Bath and Beyond, Kohl’s to Stop Selling His Products

Mike Lindell, CEO of MyPillow, speaks at the “Let the Church ROAR” National Prayer Rally on the National Mall in Washington on Dec. 12, 2020. (Samira Bouaou/The Epoch Times)
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My Pillow CEO Says Bed Bath and Beyond, Kohl’s to Stop Selling His Products

January 19, 2021 Updated: January 19, 2021

My Pillow products won’t be carried in Kohl’s or Bed Bath & Beyond any longer, the company’s CEO says.

CEO Mike Lindell said Monday that his company recently was notified of the discontinuance.

“I just got off the phone with Bed Bath and Beyond. They’re dropping My Pillow. Just got off the phone not five minutes ago. Kohl’s, all these different places,” Lindell told Right Side Broadcasting Network.

Kohl’s and Bed Bath & Beyond didn’t immediately respond to inquiries.

Lindell said the actions came after groups like Sleeping Giant push companies to stop doing business with him.

“It’s not their fault that they’re scared because they don’t realize these are fake people that are on, they’re going ‘we’re going to boycott your store if you don’t drop My Pillow.’” People should go into the stores and say they support My Pillow, he added.

A general view of the Bed Bath & Beyond sign
A general view of the Bed Bath & Beyond sign as photographed in Westbury, N.Y., on March 20, 2020. (Bruce Bennett/Getty Images)

He also said his company is a good partner and has seen its direct sales increase 30–40 percent since Friday.

Lindell drew attention last week by visiting the White House to meet with President Donald Trump. While there, notes he was holding were photographed and pictures of the notes were then circulated on social media. The notes suggested Trump declare martial law and move the chief of staff to acting Secretary of Defense Christopher Miller to acting CIA chief.

Lindell told The Epoch Times that the notes contained suggestions from a lawyer and he was just the messenger. He said martial law wasn’t part of the five-minute discussion he shared with the president.

The cancellation of Lindell’s products is the latest in punitive action taken against Trump and his supporters since the Jan. 6 breach of the U.S. Capitol. The president was banned from social media platforms and cut off by some banks, while some supporters have also been banned by Twitter and been fired by employers.

Sleeping Giants, a leftist activist group, has ongoing campaigns to pressure companies to drop conservative and right-leaning websites, such as Breitbart News and Fox News. On Twitter, it trumpeted the news that Bed Bath & Beyond and Kohl’s dropped My Pillow, claiming Lindell played a part in motivating the breach of the Capitol by questioning the results of the 2020 election.

“Honestly, how awesome would it be if we started selling Sleeping Giants pillows?” it added.


  1. I was thinking about this poor guy last night, and how the Jews will now drive him out of business for his support of Trump. Here’s a YahJew article on how Trump’s people are having a hard time even gathering together a crowd to send him off, because nobody wants to be photographed with him now:

    “Trump’s current staffers have a good reason to avoid their outgoing boss. “Former White House officials and campaign staffers who would typically land plum jobs in corporate America after serving their time are now out in the cold,” Politico says. One former White House official who got out early put it this way: “No one wants to touch them, they’re just toxic.” Another former Trump aide, pointing to the fallout from the Jan. 6 insurrection, was more blunt, telling Politico: “They’re f—ed.””

    I would add that our whole country is f—ed now. Thanks for nothing, Trump.

  2. Here’s an interesting article which says that California health officials are calling for an immediate halt to Moderna COVID-19 vaccinations because a “bad batch” of the Moderna vaccine has caused many adverse reactions:

    In my opinion, this is a “limited hangout” by Moderna in claiming that it was only a specific batch of their vaccines that caused the adverse reactions. The truth is that these mRNA, DNA-modifying “vaccines,” whether from Moderna, Pfizer, Johnson & Johnson, or some other company, are not even described as vaccines in their drug patents, but as gene therapy, because that’s what they are. And they are all deadly.

    Watch for the Biden administration to put a total clampdown on any reporting of adverse reactions to these “vaccines.” Then watch them mandate these “vaccines” for everyone, if not through federal law, then by having every company require them of their employees in order to work. Of course, the Jew billionaires behind this scam don’t have to work, so it won’t matter to them. They will sit back in their gated, guarded mansions and laugh while the “goyim” are mass-injected with these deadly “vaccines,” just like cattle being prepared for slaughter.

  3. I saw this YahJew article, took one look at Biden’s new black-eyed, bat-eared Director of National Intelligence (DNI), Avril Haines, and knew immediately she was a Jewess:

    So I did a search, and voila! Avril Haines, and apparently nearly ALL of Biden’s appointees, are Jewish. What a surprise, eh? I wonder if there are even ANY non-Jews in his administration. Maybe the janitors:

  4. Trump gives his farewell speech, undoubtedly written by some Jew speechwriter, hangs his Trump supporters in DC out to dry, brags about all his minor accomplishments that will be quickly undone by Biden-Harris:

    Mike “QAnon” Adams notes that QAnon’s promised declassification of a foot-high stack of incriminating Demoncrat documents has failed to materialize (second video), just like all of QAnon’s promises have failed to materialize. He makes the excuse that it’s because “something went wrong with Trump’s plan to overthrow the Deep State.” Yeah, right. This guy is just another educated fool being duped by his Deep State “sources”:

    Adams also mentions an interview with DC National Guard Major General William Walker, but Walker doesn’t say “…a peaceful transition TO military power,” as Adams claims. He says “…a peaceful transition OF military power,” which makes a big difference in meaning. Walker is talking about the military’s transition to the incoming Biden administration:

  5. Trump is not a brave man. He may have been threatened and blackmailed to make him back down and slip away. So he is a coward. Not a man to stand and fight against his enemies in order to save his country. Trump is still legally the President, because he won and Biden rigged a fraud win which was not a win. Trump could still instigate a revolution while the fire burns hot. Even if there were a media blitz to prove that he too is a sexual pervert, pedophile, would his supporters still fight against the coup powers under Biden/Harris/Pelosi? The coup powers know that Trump is still a threat so they are still out to take him out. Will Jared Kushner and Israel cooperate for a Trump assassination?

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