MY PREDICTION OF THE COMING JEW COVID STRATEGY; Ontario province — with 40% of the Canadian population — cancels all non-emergency surgery after FIRING unvaxxed MDs and nurses

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Ontario has by far the biggest population in Canada, the federal capital, Ottawa, and the biggest city, Toronto. It has announced all non-essential surgery must cease, which over time will kill hundreds of thousands of white people the elite despise and who needed surgery for a problem to not become worse.


…..Placebo/fake jab yes or no?

A politico can get either a fake jab or a real jab with a placebo such as saline.

On 29 Dec 2020 Kamala got a fake jab. Notice lower-right the syringe bent over, NOT PENETRATING HER SKIN.

Looks normal — but the blue-gloved hand obscures that the needle has bent backwards.

The vile pseudo-conservative Markus Söder in Germany, governor of Bavaria, got the jab SEVEN times in December 2020, the debut month, back when only one jab was being recommended.


IMO, SOME jewesses in Israel are getting a placebo, hence remaining fertile; others the real vaxx and then sterility, miscarriages and heart attacks like female “goyim”

And I think this fake/real-vaxx dichotomy may be true of certain US military personnel. Maybe rightwing white males soldiers are getting the real death jab…..

….and blacks, browns and Demoncrats are getting the placebo so they survive.

…leading to a minority/bolshevik US Army.


….. My speculation as to what the Big Jew plan is

The Big Jews are clearly allowing little jews to be truthers about the vaxx (but, of course, not about 9/11, the USS Liberty attack, jewry, the Talmud, the jews and their role in porn, incest, pedophilia, organ trafficking, open borders, the atrocities of bolshevism, Wall Street fraud, etc.)

Of course, they want to control both sides of the debate, and especially about the Covid  perma-crisis.

And they do not want blame to fall on “The Jews” as a group for whatever catastrophe the big Jews have caused.

They want to be able to convincingly point to various “good jews” like Andrew Kaufman, MD; Simone Gold MD; many jews on Substack blasting the vaxx such as Steve Kirsch and Celia Farber; the two Israeli doctors, etc.

Let me also mention the gay jewish leftist Glenn Greenwald, who is regularly expressing outrage over how Covid measures take away our freedoms  on the number-one news/commentary show, “Tucker Carlson Tonight”:

So here is my conjecture at this point:

  1. They move by multiple media scare tactics and laws/decrees toward mandatory vaccination in every white country. The unvaxxed are cut off monetarily, and food-wise, and are quarantined until they relent
  2. The vaxxes then kill off 2/3rds of all Whites
  3. The remaining third will be told that some brilliant jewish scientist, “Dr. Feingold” or the like, and maybe even throw in that he is gay, his children are, has found the cure for Covid and the vaccine side-effects. The white masses worship him and grove in thanks to the jewish genius.
  4. But the cure from Dr. Feingold is a booster you must get ever three months, over and over — or you will die. (I myself take glaucoma meds that do not cure the problem, just treat the symptoms. I must keep on taking it — or I could lose my eyesight.)
  5. Glory (the cure) and power (refuse it and die) accrue to the Jew — his dictatorship is complete.  The Talmud says that in the end the goyim will beg the jews to openly rule them and and the chaos. 



…..After firing all unvaccinated doctors and nurses, Ontario orders hospitals and clinics to CANCEL non-urgent surgeries due to lack of staff

JdN: Under Justin Trudeau, IMO the biological son of communist tyrant Fidel Castro, Canada has gone soft-bolshevik. Same height, face and athletic talent (Castro tried out for the Yankees in baseball; Justin has boxed and done gymnastics)


Sunday, January 09, 2022 by: Ethan Huff

Image: After firing all unvaccinated doctors and nurses, Ontario orders hospitals and clinics to CANCEL non-urgent surgeries due to lack of staff

(Natural News) Ontario’s Chief Medical Officer of Health, Dr. Kieran Moore, has announced that all non-urgent surgeries are being canceled throughout the province due to an overload of sick patients and not enough medical staff.

Because all unvaccinated nurses and doctors were recently let go from their jobs due to Canada’s Wuhan coronavirus (Covid-19) “vaccine” mandates, there are now not enough bodies on-site to handle the influx of sick patients, many of whom are “fully vaccinated.”

Effective Jan. 5, anyone needing a surgery that the Canadian government deems to be not that important will have to wait indefinitely to receive medical care. The rule applies to both hospitals and independent health clinics throughout Ontario.

“Directive #2,” as Moore calls it, stipulates that all non-emergent and non-urgent surgeries and procedures must be put on hold “in order to preserve critical care and human resource capacity in the healthcare system in light of rising infection cases due to the Omicron variant,” reports The Epoch Times.

Since most cases of Omicron (Moronic) are occurring in people who got vaccinated, this means that medical care at Ontario hospitals and health facilities is now being rationed strictly for the jabbed.

“This is consistent with what was previously in place with Directive #2 and helps to ensure that health human resources remain available to support the province’s COVID-19 response,” said a spokesperson from Ontario’s Health Ministry about how all health facilities are basically now barred from providing “non-urgent/non-emergency procedures that require surgical nursing support or anesthesia health human resources.”

Certain dental procedures also now banned due to lack of staff caused by discrimination against the unvaccinated

Another casualty in Ontario’s healthcare system is dental care that carries the risk of a patient requiring “emergency medical services or other hospital services,” or that require “a sedation or anesthetic team.”

Thanks to Ontario’s discriminatory policies that resulted in unvaccinated medical workers basically being fired from their jobs, there are now not enough workers to even care for people’s teeth.

“Surgery in a dental setting that meets these criteria must be urgent and emergent in order to proceed,” the Times further revealed.

According to Moore, these bans on medical care are expected to free up anywhere from 1,200 to 1,500 beds, which are clearly need for all of the fully vaccinated patients who are flooding hospitals in need of emergency care for their vaccine injuries.

These beds, Moore insists, are needed to “provide oxygen and care” to people who test positive for Moronic or other variants of the Fauci Flu.

Moore expects a massive wave of new patients who need to be hospitalized in the coming weeks. After January, he says that wave will likely taper off.

“Specifically, cases are at the highest level since the start of the pandemic (>18,000 per day) and a continued acceleration in cases, and increased hospitalizations are expected throughout January 2022,” Moore’s directive further states.

Almost all of the experts seem to agree that Moronic is relatively mild, though. Very few people who “catch” it (or develop it, in the case of the fully vaccinated) end up requiring hospitalization, especially if they are otherwise healthy and do not have other preexisting conditions such as obesity.

“Public health care now means no health care. The pandemic is 2 years old and no increased capacity (with declining covid hospital admissions from the omicron variant),” wrote one commenter at the Times.

“Hospitals are empty,” wrote another. “It’s all lies.”

“I called our hospital, they have 2 hospitalized, serving 110,000 pop,” added another, affirming that same claim. “Total COVID ward is 4 beds. Hospital has over 120 beds.”



  1. Era in prima linea per la comunità ebraica,per l’olocausto.Ho trovato numerosi articoli.Poteva essere uno di loro.Non lo hanno risparmiato evidentemente,forse si è messo di traverso per qualche cosa.Forse Draghi.

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