My site under hacker attack; Margi’s cancer news seems good

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My site on Russia-1 television on September 11, 2016, when my article warned Trump bluntly against assassination by the jews

Thanks for contacting []. Sorry to hear about the problems you have been experiencing. The site appears to be under some heavy traffic at the moment and no pages are being served by the server varnish cache.

 64101 [28/Sep/2018]

Top 10 IP’s hitting the site:

  1093 Germany Bayern Munich

 1121 United States New Jersey Belvidere

   1191 United States California Mountain View (Google)

  1282 Czech Republic Jihomoravsky kraj Troubsko

 1432 South Africa Eastern Cape Port Elizabeth

 2023 United States California Mountain View (Google)

 2056 Germany Niedersachsen Osterholz-Scharmbeck

2349 Germany Bayern Gunzenhausen

   3799 [– Your ISP]

   6458 [– Attack forcing cookies to every single visitor and bot from the site — slows site way down.]

Varnish is currently unable to cache sites due to the PHP session cookies being served up.

Please feel free to contact us if you have any additional questions.   Thanks!

John R


….to a loyal long-term donor since 2011

Thank you very much for the fifty-dollar donations using PayPal top!
I did a reblog of one of my 2015 Tom Watson articles here:
…and also promoted Watson here:
How are you doing?
It would seem Margi is beating her throat cancer, which I am nearly certain the Deep State caused, since they have a long track record of giving dissidents cancer (including IMO Dr Pierce) and whistleblowers in particular get throat cancer.
Margi has spoken and sung as a professional singer for our cause,
and recorded these two audiobooks fearlessly  on the truth about the vile jew bigshot Leo Frank, who raped and murdered Mary Phagan, then whined he was a victim of antisemitism, and tried  in vain to frame two of his black employees to a Deep South jury.
Margi has never smoked or drunk alcohol, has eaten only natural and organic foods for forty years (at great additional cost!), and, genetically, both her parents lived to a ripe old age.
She was pressured by the local doctors to do radical chemotherapy and radiation, which would have destroyed her throat and ended her beloved singing. (I know well a very nice local woman named V[], widow of a 28-year navy vet [], who now can only eat ice cream! Her throat was just charred by the radioactivity and chemotherapy!)
Two doctors both suddenly quit on her, refusing even to be just her general practitioner and rejecting her request to at least do tests for her!
Anyway, Margi went ahead with 1) Rick Simpson Oil, a powerful and often effective marijuana oil (all this done legally under the aegis of her Michigan Medical Marijuana card), 2) with chaga, an effective, legendary folk medicine used by the Finns and Russians that is made from a black-and-orange growth on birch trees, 3) with mega-doses of vitamin C, and 4) with juicing (using a special super-blender that transforms tough vegetables into juice).
Plus she is taking special, expensive anti-cancer supplements. (Margi has a degree in nutrition and ran a very successful nutrition-counseling practice in downtown Washington DC.)
In addition, since I suspect the Kabbalah Jews were also trying to send some kind of talmudic curse on her, we took counter-measures there as well — to send the curse back to sender!
Anyway, the purple mass in her throat has shrunken dramatically. 
It has been a tough time, and the battle is not yet over. Margi has gone through a lot of money fighting this (just as the Deep State jews intended). The Rick Simpson Oil (containing THC as the key active ingredient in fighting the cancer, not just alleviating the pain) has made her pretty zonked for the hours it affects her, and kept her sleeping for long periods.
So I have had to do a lot for her, including driving her around and performing many household chores and projects. (All this while trying to finish my book to start a new world religion!)
But the angels seem to be rooting for us.  🙂
At a local family farm owned by a Finnish-American family where we buy eggs
My site is also being perma-hacked for a week now.
Thanks, as always, for your support, even in your current, tighter financial situation, brother M[]!
John de Nugent

…..Recent donations

–24 September 2018 check from a former Rockwell-party stormtrooper out west

–17 September 2018 PayPal from S in Germany

–17 September  2018 PayPal from M in Florida

–10 September check from a former Rockwell-party stormtrooper out west

–3 September 2018 check from G in Utah

–24 August 2018 check from a former Rockwell-party stormtrooper out west

–17 August 2018 PayPal from S in Germany, check from G in Utah

–15 August 2018 PayPal from M in Florida

–13 August 2018 check from a former Rockwell-party stormtrooper out west

–8 August 2018 check from a former Rockwell-party stormtrooper out west

–6 August 2018 cash from C in North Dakota

–2 August 2018 PayPal from B in New York

–2 August 2018 medical (health-food) donations for Margi to help her fight cancer, and something yummy for us both 😉

–1 August 2018 via Stripe from N in Michigan

–30 July 2018 cash from P in Florida

–30 July 2018 via Paypal from S in Germany


–30 July 2018 via PayPal from P in Massachusetts


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