UPDATED. My statement on SC; mindless-racist kid took violence-causing drug suboxone; strange, early June 16 listings for June 17 attack on Yahoo search

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…..Black tumult in Providence,  RI

Report from Potters Avenue, Providence, Rhode Island (on the Cranston line): Blacks attacking whites, starting fights, spraying “WE WANT REVENGE” on highway overpasses. A comrade had to pull his gun after he exited a convenience store and loitering blacks came at him. 40 Blacks were burning Confederate, American and Gadsden yellow flags.

(I was born and raised near here, and my ancestors co-founded the colony of Rhode Island in 1636. https://johndenugent.com/wn-biography-of-jdn/)


…..What’s up with this? The attack was on the 17th!


…..My statement


I strongly condemn this murderous attack, and accuse the federal government itself of being behind it. Its goal is more gun control and reducing freedom of speech for white nationalists to continue rightfully protesting against gradual white genocide.

No one should be killed just because of their race, and especially not church-going black people, who often are good folks, and most especially not while studying the Bible in a house of God!


I hope both this scumbag and the feds at MK-ULTRA who put him up to this fry in the electric chair.

But the brutal truth is that though the federal government refuses to release accurate interracial crime statistics, in 1993 Blacks killed 6,717 Whites, and that is 18 per day, every day, twice the number of the one-time-only Charleston mass shooting. There is no epidemic of Whites gunning down Blacks; there is an epidemic of Blacks gunning down, raping and beating Whites.


The recent Baltimore race riot was instructive. In a city with a black mayor, black police chief, and 48% black police officers, six cops, of whom half were black, arrested a black drug dealer and hardened felon who had just had spinal surgery. By foolishly and illegally running from the cops, this recent spinal-surgery patient and felon re-injured himself. There was nothing racist whatsoever about how the man got injured. Nevertheless, a massive race riot erupted against white people, fomented by secret operatives within the black community and paid by the FBI.


The answer is not to take guns or free speech away from Whites, who will resist the destruction of the First and Second Amendments. The answer is for black and white antizionists to united against the Jews who have taken over the United States government.”


…..Race-hate killer Dylann Roof ‘was taking drug that causes violent outbursts’

  • During a February arrest, the 21-year-old was carrying orange strips which he identified as suboxone
  • It is used to treat opiate addiction but is highly addictive itself and can make users depressed or aggressive, according to users on online forums
  • Users and their spouses have recounted startling stories online of violence after taking the drug
  • Roof ‘shot dead nine people at a black South Carolina church on Wednesday night’ and has since told police ‘he wanted to start a race war’

Dylann Roof, who is suspected of killing nine people during a bible study meeting at a South Carolina church, was taking a drug linked to sudden outbursts of violence, it has emerged.

The 21-year-old allegedly joined the meeting for an hour on Wednesday night before opening fire on his victims and fleeing. He was arrested in Shelby, North Carolina on Thursday morning and taken into custody before he was extradited back to South Carolina last night.

It has since emerged that he was arrested twice at a mall in Columbia earlier this year. In one instance, he was carrying ‘orange strips’ that he said was suboxone, CBS News reported.

Suboxone is used to treat addiction of opiods, including painkillers and heroin, but the drug is highly-addictive itself and has been linked to sudden outbursts of anger and violence, according to stories shared by users and their partners online.

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Arrested: Dylann Storm Roof, 21, appeared to smile as he was hauled away from the Shelby Police Department in North Carolina on Thursday. He has since been extradited back to South Carolina

Arrested: Dylann Storm Roof, 21, appeared to smile as he was hauled away from the Shelby Police Department in North Carolina on Thursday. He has since been extradited back to South Carolina

‘I am not an excessively violent person,’ one user wrote on drugs.com, ‘but on Subutex it took very little for me to lose it and start slapping or at least make very serious threats, way out of proportion to the perceived offense people made.’

Spouses also reported seeing sudden changes in their partners when they started taking the drug.

‘I got my ass kicked by 2nd husband,’ one woman wrote. ‘When he went after the kids, I’d go and hit him, so he would leave them alone, and I would end up on the floor.’

Another wrote that she feared a similar situation, writing: ‘He has all the appearances of being normal but I am frightened his mind is getting messed up.’

In response, one user told her: ‘[Suboxone] can make you snap and cause severe depression… The Sub will f*** your head up, believe me.’

Fears: Roof was found to be carrying strips of suboxone when he was arrested in February. Users have complained online about how the drug makes them aggressive or depressed

Fears: Roof was found to be carrying strips of suboxone when he was arrested in February. Users have complained online about how the drug makes them aggressive or depressed

Caught: He was carrying the drug when an officer searched him at the Columbiana Centre, a mall in Columbia, after he started asking sales staff bizarre questions. He was later arrested at the mall for trespassing

Caught: He was carrying the drug when an officer searched him at the Columbiana Centre, a mall in Columbia, after he started asking sales staff bizarre questions. He was later arrested at the mall for trespassing

Dylann Roof is taken away by police smirking at cameras

Reckitt Benckiser Pharmaceuticals, which manufactures the drug, has not yet responded to DailyMail.com’s request for comment.

On the product’s safety information, it does not list mood swings or feelings of aggression or depression among its side effects.

Roof was found to be carrying the drug when he was arrested on February 28 as he went into a Bath and Body Works store at the Columbiana Center in Columbia.

Cops were called after he started asking ‘out of the ordinary questions’, such as how many staff the company had and what time they left the store, CBS News reported.

He told the responding officer that he was asking questions because his family had been pushing for him to get a job. The officer noticed he was getting nervous and searched him, finding the drugs.

He was arrested and he was banned from the mall for a year. But he returned on April 26 and was arrested for trespassing and banned from the mall for three years.

In custody: Roof is seen left in his mug shot and right in a jacket showing flags of apartheid-era South Africa and one from white-rule Rhodesia, now Zimbabwe. He said the shooting was to start a ‘race war’

Overcome: A man holds his head in his hand as he takes a moment beside flowers for the victims on Thursday. Six women and three men lost their lives after Roof allegedly opened fire at the church

Overcome: A man holds his head in his hand as he takes a moment beside flowers for the victims on Thursday. Six women and three men lost their lives after Roof allegedly opened fire at the church

On Wednesday, Roof allegedly entered the Emanuel African Methodist Episcopal Church in Charleston and sat down with a bible study group for an hour before opening fire.

He killed six women and nine men, aged between 26 and 87, before fleeing. He was caught in Shelby, North Carolina on Thursday morning after a member of the public recognized his car and haircut from images distributed by cops.

On Thursday night he was extradited back to South Carolina where a bail hearing will be held on Friday.

According to CNN, he has confessed to the killings and said he wanted to start a ‘race war’.

Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-3131524/Race-hate-killer-Dylann-Roof-taking-drug-causes-violent-outbursts.html#ixzz3dX8mU8xV
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  1. Was The Charleston Church Shooting Yet Another False Flag Distraction Event?
    TMR Editor’s Note:
    The timing of the Charleston church shooting is very suspicious, indeed, occurring the evening before the House Republicans quickly rammed through the Fast-track Trade Bill. That this highly consequential vote took place with so little advance notice is quite suspect as well. The mainstream media was practically AWOL, even after they were all over the issue prior to the first House tandem votes.

    The U.S Federal Government seems to use these “weapons of mass distraction” whenever they need to distract the body politic from what they’re really doing in Washington. It has actually become expected that there will be a false flag attack, or mass murder, or shocking assassination, which always serves to sufficiently divert the attention of the citizenry from the crimes that elected officials routinely commit against the interests of the people.

    When, pray tell, will the American people wakeup?!

    By the way, this heinous church shooting also appears to have been carefully staged to be another “shock and awe” attempt to sway the American people into an abrogation of the 2nd Amendment. Obama et al. are determined to strip the populace of their constitutional gun rights. Before he leaves office, he will do everything to accomplish that feat of political legerdemain, aka naked governmental betrayal.


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