A comrade and donor asked me:
What would you say are your top 3 favorite Jesus quotes/statements?
- God is love
- Your sins are forgiven
- My kingdom is not of this world; the kingdom of God is within you.
The original jews were created by a demonic alien, Yahweh, using a roaming horde of criminals (whores, pimps, fences, mercenaries, archers for hire, hitmen and fences) called Habiru (Hebrews).
Their ancestor Abraham was willing to even kill his own son, at Yahweh’s command, so his other descendants could some day rule the world.
This psychopath also pimped out his own wife to Pharaoh.
The God of Jesus, however, was “our heavenly father” (as in Jesus’ classic prayer to “Our father who art in heaven”). Like a father, he is as strict as he is loving. Even when he punishes, as fathers do, it is out of love.
“Your sins are forgiven,” Jesus said to the adulterous woman whom he had saved from being stoned: “Go — and sin no more.”
If you are genuinely sorry and make amends to the wronged party, action counting more than words, you can escape divine wrath.
Jesus encountered several Roman centurions, who as soldiers were paid killers for an often corrupt state. Not all the blood they shed was justified, and they knew it. Why do you think soldiers drink so much? They are haunted by what they saw and did.
As for the word “sin,” in Greek it was “hamartia,” meaning “missing the target,” not “pure evil.”
As Eckhart Tolle explains, and Buddhists understand the true Jesus more than anyone else, it is always an out-of-control mind, not you, that does stupid and wicked things in your name, and you get the blame.
First off, since karma rules everything, all wrongdoing comes right back around at you, sooner or later.
Second, no one can possibly hurt themself deliberately. Our entire body and nervous system flee painful stimuli, whether freezing cold, searing heat, hunger, a wild beast or mugger, or emotionally hurtful people. Watch a single cell under a microscope when a needle pricks it — it recoils. All life flees danger and pain — automatically.
But people do self-destructive things all the time. Are they dumber than a single cell is? No. But a deranged mind, full of sadism or masochism, is capable of seeking out and choosing pain .. making that egoic mind even more powerful, and even more independent of you, and then making disastrous decisions for you that this egoic mind knows will lead to tragedy: for your health, your wealth and your relationships. And the more you suffer, the stronger the egoic mind gets.
So Jesus said, hanging on the cross: “Father, forgive them, for they know not what they do.”
This is a literal truth. Your mind is no longer yours, but now an independent entity. Your mind is playing tricks on you, but very serious, tragic tricks.
You must get it under YOUR control.
Nasty, bearded jews gloating on the right….. but it came true that Jesus’ blood was on them as a curse, and on their descendants to this day. The Roman centurion, far left, looks troubled. “Truly this man was a son of God.”
“My kingdom is not of this world.” This means there is another world, actually many.
Just as with gods and angels, we too come here from elsewhere. Those who come here are very brave, for this world is a crossroads of the very good, the very wicked, and the masses inbetween, who have the potential in them to be wonderful, as we nationals socialists proved from 1933-45. 😉
When you die, if you were even just a “decent person,” you will see staggering beauty, experience impeccable order, and feel overwhelming love. This life is not all there is.
A surgeon, wife and mother of four, Mary Neal, M.D., drowns while kayaking, and sees the other side… also the EMTs working on her after 15 minutes underwater, and she makes the classic NDE observation: “This is more real than anything we can experience on earth.” (Some say this world seems like a faded, old, black-and-white tv picture compared with the sharpness, details and colors there. THIS world seems fake after that one.)
According to the Nazi philosopher Rosenberg, the White race-soul was honor based, as opposed to love based, regarding its its immate morality. Therefore Christianity, being love based in its morality, was incompatible with what was natural to Whites. Have you any opinion about this?
Yes, Rosenberg said that But why not be based on both, in a universe that is equally yin and yang? 🙂
Yin is love and honor is yang…. Venus AND Mars. 🙂
The Germans, like the Romans and the Spartans, were just a bit heavy on the yang. 😉
First, I try to catch flies with honey. 🙂
There have been freedom movements for thousands of years. Freedom can always be reclaimed from tyrants, but once a pure race has died, that’s it.
Yes, but nowadays the race can be recovered and improved.
The 1997 movie “Gattaca” goes into this, and other topics.
In the future, sex will be just for bonding and fun. When the decision is made to bring children into this world, the best eggs and sperm of mom and dad will be united, and handsome, healthy kids will be born.
You could literally make Swedish-looking kids out of Modern Greeks or Sicilians because those ancient genes are still in there. Remember Frank Sinatra, “Old Blue Eyes”?
This is not tampering with genes or playing God. This is not creating monsters or super-soldiers. This is choosing the best of all the chromosomes we as white men and women already have. 🙂
The fact is that we all, every single one of us, has brilliant, good-looking and healthy ancestors. Eugenics is bringing that back out in the white kids of the future. 🙂
“My kingdom is not of this world; the kingdom of God is within you.”
Where did you get the last part of this from? I can’t find it in any version of the Bible.
How hard did you look? It leaps out at you, and in fact Leo Tolstoy also wrote an entire book with this title:
Conosci la storia di questa Ragazza?
Guarda i suoi dipinti…
Sono bellissimi.
Do you know the story of this girl?
Look at her paintings … They are beautiful.
Yes, they are exquisite. I have blogged on this Miss Kramarik. 🙂
Come in alto, così in basso.
Leonardo ha giocato con l’immagine riflessa!
La fronte,il naso…e secondo me anche gli occhi dicono la verità.
I miei occhi sono verdi(dicono cerulei)…ma in realtà sono come li descrivi tu.
Universi paralleli… è da tempo che ci rifletto!Sei tu John,perché ho diversi indizi ormai.
Gesù è posizionato sul chakra del Cuore…come potrebbe spostarsi?
Ha un ruolo determinante che non può cedere a nessuno.