My vision last night; Trump lays groundwork for WWIII with Sunni arms mega-deal; the apocalypse cometh, as does the true faith

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I felt very blessed last night. I had the most beautiful vision, which was simply gorgeous and contained no informational message, so I guess I am already on the right path and just need to DO it: the white religion, the white tribe and white reservations.

I have had this vision before since 2015:

Gorgeous sparkles and flashes of red and yellow. I had just turned off the lamp on my night table to sleep, and a “show” began… It was like gorgeous fireflies. Finally, the sparkles went away, seguéing into patterns of blue and green, like a wallpaper pattern, and gradually dissipated.

(I do see an ophthalmologist, and I asked her about such sights and if there was any medical explanation. She listened very, very carefully, of course, and then looked at me blankly, and said: “No, I have never heard of anything like that.”)

John de Nugent Watching FOX this morning, gloating that Trump is going to crush Iran, it confirmed what I said in this blog:

Trump is moving us straight into WWIII: the US, Israel and the Sunni Muslims versus Russia, China and the Shiite Muslims.

No more “‘America First,” just open meddling, throwing our weight around, interfering, and diving into a hornet’s nest of Middle Eastern crazies.

Russian prime minister Medvedev:


No lessons learned whatsoever from the Bush debacle.

John de Nugent The thing we learn from history is no one learns from history.
John de Nugent
John de Nugent Rather interesting clip (fiction): King of England uses his traditional power and dissolves a shocked Parliament that is destroying the country

…..This Trump-Saudi $350 bn weapons deal is ominous.

Instead of “America First” and butting out of foreign wrangles, we have de facto a new Sunni NATO forming against a Shiite Warsaw Pact, and the U S will get dragged right into it. Jared Kushner of 666 Fifth Avenue will make sure of that! And btw, no Jews were even allowed into Saudi Arabia before this state visit. (King Faisal paid $25,000 to Bill Grimstad of the old NSWPP in the 1970s, when I got involved, to write a compendium of anti-Semitic quotes from famous people throughout history. But things have now come full-circle.) The prophesy of the Boer Nicholas van Rensburg in 1917 is being fulfilled. Unless something changes, get ready for WWIII between America and Russia, and 90% of us dying. I am as serious as a heart attack.



Arthur Bentley
Arthur Bentley Think I will move to Argentina.

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· 2 hrs

John de Nugent replied · 1 Reply
John de Nugent
John de Nugent This also fits in perfectly with the American ABM bases located now in Poland and Romania, breaking of course the promise by Bush 41 to Gorbachev that NATO would NOT expand into Eastern Europe if Soviet Russia withdrew.

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Arthur Bentley
Arthur Bentley Trump is blowing hot and cold. Who is he taking for a ride? His supporters or the Deep State?

· Reply · 2 hrs

John de Nugent replied · 4 Replies · 2 hrs
John de Nugent

John de Nugent The purpose of anti-ballistic missiles is a nuclear first strike by the US against a recalcitrant Russia, which refuses to become a slave state.…/cnn-abm-treaty-us-withdraws.jpg



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· 1 hr · Edited

Tomas Borgers
Tomas Borgers It is truly disgusting.

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· 1 hr

John de Nugent replied · 5 Replies · 49 mins
Arthur Bentley
Arthur Bentley So they have installed THAAD in South Korea, and note how quiet they have gone on NK since they installed it, and now Saudi Arabia. Obviously they have Iran lined up next after Syria, and then Russia.

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· 1 hr · Edited

John de Nugent replied · 1 Reply
Annika Wolff
Annika Wolff The house of Saud are all crypto Jews

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· 1 hr

John de Nugent

John de Nugent This American nuclear base in North Dakota, Mickelsen AFB, was deactivated because both Nixon and Brezhnev understood ABM missiles lead to first strikes.…/mickelsen-abm-army-base-n…



John de Nugent

John de Nugent Address of Kushner Corporation on Fifth Avenue (not a joke):



John de Nugent
John de Nugent I discovered (but get no credit for this) in 2012 that the longitude and latitude of Jerusalem add up to exactly 666.

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· 1 hr

John de Nugent

John de Nugent Right column, under the map, are the coordinates:

deity, during the early Canaanite period (approximately 2400 BCE). During the Israelite period, significant ¦
John de Nugent

John de Nugent…/wiki-jerusalem-coordinates…

Deep is the hatred that burns in base hearts for the beautiful.” — Ernst Jünger, novelist and winner of the top German medal for bravery in WWI, the Blue Max (“Pour le Mérite”)

Parteigänger verlorener Sachen

Ernst Jünger – Auf den Marmorklippen (1939)

Kaj Bà¸rgesen
Kaj Bà¸rgesen dear John, is Satan real and will evil be defeated for good ? Or are they archons as according to Icke ? Who is the top demon and how do we defeat it ? Thanks.

· Reply · 1 hr

John de Nugent
John de Nugent Yes, Satan is very real. No, he will never be totally defeated. He is needed to allow cowards to become heroes and the selfish to become caring. He is the painful prod for change in the soul.

· Reply · 2 mins

Margaret Young
Margaret Young How very true.

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· 11 mins


……My calling

John de Nugent The new Aryan religion will address this, and it cannot come soon enough.

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· 9 hrs

Neil A. Bucklew
Neil A. Bucklew Remember you do not have to have all the details locked into place. The tradition evolves naturally. Gather whom you can to build it. Start a regular gathering on Sundays. It must be people face-to-face, just like at church.

Start small and let it grow. The rot of Western civilization is the fertilizer for our new way, and the time to plant is now. Gather whom you can in close proximity every Sunday and they will build it with you. You cannot build a religion for “us” by yourself. Get some of your own family, and others, and children as well. Make it a weekly habit on Sundays at a set time, outside preferably. Share our legends. Recite poetry like the Eddas and Sagas…. Jason and the Argonauts.

The important thing is to start gathering in physical proximity now. Establish a solid habit of attendance, just like we all once had with the Christian church.

It is a community project of building a community. If you can get 3 or 4 families together regularly, you have achieved a great start. You know many families are broken, so gather the fragments if possible, especially the children. Gather for an afternoon picnic, with some loose organization. Designate a couple of tasks to three or four members. one to recite an epic, another to go over the 88 rules, another to read from the Talmud or another book of our enemies — so that our people and children may know that we have enemies, and what their ways are.


There is a license that allows one to preside over marriages in the US. Set your sights on getting one.

While I see you want to forge a new Aryan religion I do not get the sense that you actually want to be a priest, or perhaps we should call it a Thane from our own pre-Christian traditions. But for a time you will have to take up this role. Once you have developed a solid structure it can be passed on.

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· 9 hrs

John de Nugent
John de Nugent Neil A. Bucklew Good advice, Niel, and thanks. My goal is to be priest, teacher, preacher, patriarch, Moses, Noah, Paul, everything.  I spent five years as a Jehovah’s Witness 1970-75, working as a full-time preacher….
…..then finally at their world headquarters in Brooklyn Heights, NYC, and learned a lot there.
Then I joined the Marines, who are only semi-humorously also called a cult, and then joined a serious ashram in Pennsylvania, which is still flourishing.

· Reply · 1 hr · Edited

John de Nugent
John de Nugent For the last year, I have been very carefully pondering these books:

· Reply · 1 hr

John de Nugent
John de Nugent Before that, I read this book (in the original French, which in German translation was AH’s seminal reading):

· Reply · 1 hr · Edited

John de Nugent

John de Nugent…/gustave-le-bon-psychologie… “The Psychology of the Masses”



John de Nugent
John de Nugent I wish to stress that I have had mystical experiences since I was five, so I feel a genuine calling. I am not creating a man-made concoction “to save the white race” with some song-and-dance. I believe absolutely in every single word I saw.
But I must package the authentic content skilfully to really help the best of the masses, who are easily distracted, skeptical, suffering from a 24% drop in testosterone since the 1980s, and resigned to drone-like slavery at this point in time.
The religion must fascinate, enthrall and even entertain, or it will stay a small sect — and fail.
Failure, however, is not an option when the other choice is extinction.

· Reply · 1 hr

John de Nugent

John de Nugent Cleon Peterson painting of non-whites slaughtering whites:…/cleon-peterson-red-black…



John de Nugent
John de Nugent Finally, I will give you these links, and they may blow your mind if it is not already belching fire and emitting fumes:

· Reply · 1 hr

John de Nugent
John de Nugent
John de Nugent Not just anyone can start a successful religion, and any faith that in reality is a fraud will collapse, and consign its founder to the fires of hell for misleading the innocent while misusing the name of God.
After trying the political route 1920-45,
….this is the other route to the raw power, unity, and fearless fanaticism which will be needed to save our race —  when the Enemy has “FULL-SPECTRUM DOMINANCE.”
And that superweapon is a a DYNAMIC NEW ORGANIZED RELIGION.

· Reply · 1 hr · Edited



  1. “I felt very blessed last night. I had the most beautiful vision, which was simply gorgeous and contained no informational message, so I guess I am already on the right path and just need to DO it: the white religion, the white tribe and white reservations”.
    AA has seen the need for a new religion to help pull our people together but White Sharia maybe a little over the top for most people. I think you are right when you say the time is right for Virtus!

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