Mysterious ER doctor suicide; Nurse-practitioner says Covid patients are being deliberately murdered; jewish doctor says white people should die for refusing vaccines

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Lorna Breen, MD was the ER director at New York Presbyterian in Jew York City, now a “suicide.” (Also: a childless, unmarried, attractive, intelligent white woman…. This is how our race goes down.)


[As stated, with this world crisis over Covid-19, I have had to keep on top of developments — whereas my real goal is a new Aryan consciousness, where people are mentally and emotionally open to some really scary truths, and not inoculated and immunized by the jews against them….. a new, genuine, spiritual religion, not mind-control or semitic fairy tales.

BUT the thing that has to be addressed to get the masses to wake up is this dreadful scam, this perilous, economy-crashing, “lockdowning,” imprisoning Covid mess.

So here I am again, to my surprise, covering Covid with the latest insights. 🙁 ]

A comrade sent me this:


Dr. Lorna Breen, a top ER doctor at NewYork-Presbyterian Allen Hospital in NYC, has supposedly committed suicide. Or was she “suicided?”:

New York-Presbyterian Hospital is the same NYC hospital where Dr. Craig A. Spencer, the Ebola hoaxer from 2014, is head of the entire ER department:

[on right]

Remembering the Ebola hoax six years ago; Bill Gates pushes letting the old whites die, and vaccines for the rest of us

Here’s what I said in a comment, which you used in the above article:

“…Spencer is “the director of global health in Emergency Medicine at New York-Presbyterian/Columbia University Medical Center.” In other words, he’s the boss of the entire ER system at that hospital, so none of his ER doctors or nurses are going to call him out on his blatant lies about Coronavirus — unless they want to lose their jobs.”

It seems that New York Presbyterian hospital’s ER, with the Jewish hoaxer Dr. Craig A. Spencer in charge, is the epicenter of the Coronacaust hoax in NYC. Now we have this Dr. Lorna Breen, who worked there under Dr. Craig A. Spencer, supposedly committing suicide. Very suspicious.

Then there’s this video, which will probably soon be removed from JewTube – I suggest saving it. [JdN: I did.] This nurse-practitioner, who looks Jewish herself,

…says that her friend, a nurse at an unnamed NYC hospital for COVID-19 patients, told her that medical murder is being committed at that hospital.

Since New York Presbyterian hospital is the apparent epicenter of NYC’s COVID-19 cases, it’s highly likely IMO that this is the hospital to which she’s referring:

[187,000 views as of 6 pm, 28 April 2020]


If (((they)) are deliberately murdering COVID-19 patients at New York Presbyterian hospital in order to inflate the COVID-19 death count, as the above video suggests, Dr. Lorna Breen may have intended to speak out about it, and was “suicided” to prevent her from talking. I admit it’s just speculation on my part, but I can easily see (((them))) doing such a thing.

…..Helpful comments below this YT video by the nurse-practitioner

nikya moore
1 day ago (edited)
I believe her, I was in a 3-car accident and hit my head. I was woozy and they examined me on the scene. A young paramedic said to me “ma’am, you don’t want to go that hospital” and he said it in a low voice! Needless to say I was shook!! I did have a concussion, tho, and I just went to a lawyer and neurologist instead. Something is definitely going on.

Katrina Lewis
1 day ago
I said the same thing..!!! I’m a nurse and it seems to me that everything we learned in school seemed to be thrown out the window such as ABC’S airway breathing and circulation…none of this makes sense to me!!!

Louise Jeffries1 day ago

I’ve heard that most are dying from ventilator-induced pneumonia. That’s not uncommon in ventilated patients.  Ventilation is not a straightforward action. It’s a complicated procedure. It requires trained and skilled health professionals to manage the ventilated patient. Where are those skilled health professionals coming from? These are patients who are dying from ventilation and not Covid — and they do not even need to be on ventilators. I want to know how health professionals can refuse to do these practices and also refuse the vaccine to come. How in good faith can they knowingly give a vaccine that has not gone through due process? How can health professionals come together now, support each other, and refuse to condone these practices knowing how wrong all this is?


V Sab
It is a very complicated, invasive procedure — survival rate grim. Am wondering if ventilators account for the high % of senior deaths?

1 day ago
Dr Rashid Buttar mentioned this video in live feed an hour ago on London real TV.

mark sleeger
1 day ago
Nursing-care facilities were ordered to take infected elderly patients, CAUSING mass death in the nursing homes. This is also in New York. I believe this is to “up” the numbers of deaths for a mass power-grab.

Justine carrington
9 hours ago
Most drs and nurses aren’t busy. I’m in the Philly [Philadelphia, Pennsylvania] [su]burbs. We are supposedly a “hot spot.” They are not busy. The two hospitals near here aren’t busy at all.

Michael Schuler
1 day ago
I went to a hospital the other day and it was like a ghost town i was the only one in the waiting room and it was a bunch of workers just sitting around doing nothing

Keith Cragg
1 day ago
The same thing here in Australia — people stub their toe and end up on the Covid stats to bump up the numbers. This is genocide by the governments.

Joe Garcia
1 day ago
Being intubated with a ventilator is a death sentence. I was on 15 liters of 02 when I had Covid-19, and recovered without being intubated and on a respirator.

Richie Conway
23 hours ago
I am an ex-student RGN [registered nurse]. Either this is a very well researched hoax or there is some truth here.

She does appear to be well versed in procedures.

We have heard from a number of doctors that patients are presenting with oxygen starvation. Something is interfering with the process by which oxygen is being taken up and transported around the body. A ventilator is useless in this situation.

The first and most important duty of a nurse is to protect the patient, even if that means going against the protocols being employed.

I was “let go” from my job for refusing to go on duty alone, on a 12-hour night shift, on an old style nightingale acute medical ward. It had 32 patients and 4 of them were newly released from CCU and on active monitoring. The ward was also open for acute medical admissions. When I questioned this I was told that support would be available in the form of a nursing officer, at another hospital, a mile away.

At the time I was a 2nd year student RGN. This was in 1984.

John de Nugent
I second ago
I see a huge agenda behind all this: continuing lockdown, get rid of Trump because the economy has crashed, then a cashless society (where we are at the mercy of the government if it turns our cashless, digital account off), mandatory Bill Gates vaccines WITH biochipping to create an ID to show we are vaccinated, then global depopulation when the Gates vaccine, “rushed into production to save lives,” sadly has some “unforeseen side effects” —————— like sterility and death


… Jewess doctor says whites should die for refusing vaccines

[Info from the same commenter as above, used here with my thanks]

Well, here’s today’s Coronacaust outrage: CDC-affiliated (((Dr. Carol J. Baker, MD))) of Houston, TX, on a panel with other Jews, said that all white people should be “gotten rid of” because they are the only “vaccine refusers” in the United States, whereas dumb Hispanic immigrants will gladly take any vaccine offered to them. I thought this was a Daily Stormer troll when I first saw it, but she’s a real doctor, and she really said this:

Crazy Doctor Says ‘Get Rid of White People’ Because We’re More Likely to Refuse Vaccines

Note the last names of the panelists she was speaking to – except for possibly Paul Lee, they are all obviously Jews:

Here’s a clearer photo of Dr. Carol J. Baker, which shows her obvious Jewish features. A nasty old Jewish witch:

This first video below claims she’s been fired from Baylor University College of Medicine, which I doubt is true – she’s probably been promoted.

And firing isn’t nearly good enough – she needs to have her medical license removed immediately. Like the guy in this video said, imagine if some white doctor had said that the solution was to get rid of all Jews – that doctor would be GONE in a heartbeat:

Here’s the website to file a Texas Medical Board Complaint against her. She needs to lose her medical license immediately:





  1. Dear John

    Jewish doctors murdering gentile patients is not a recent occurrence.

    Unfortunately I am not able to remembar the circumstances but there actually was an internal-jewish paper that endorsed and advised that Jewish doctors murder time upon time some of their gentile patients. I can only remember that it was not in this century.

    Let’s hope said document (a letter from one synagogue to another synagogue in Europe) was a fake, but care is advised.
    Always look for a second opinion in medical issues.

    Your posting would be in line with this bit (I would say more like a half bit of information because of its incompleteness – sorry but I can’t do better this time) of information.

    I am telling this in order people take precautions, it doesn’t mean that all Jewish doctors are murderers.There are also very good and caring Jewish doctors.

  2. Dear John,

    And, as in the ritual murder cases, it is almost surely done with the participation of persons with medical knowledge.

  3. Gates vaccine, sadly has some “unforeseen side effects” —————— like his Windows OS with blue screen of death.

  4. People say doctors who promote the craziness of whites being ‘wiped out’ or stuff like that should have licensed removed, but it’s all talk. Meanwhile, thousands of kids are getting their lives destroyed. It might as well be the same as a gun to the head in some cases, it’s just in slow motion. I would not at all be surprised if the Jews were the ones who got the Romans to use lead and mercury in their aqueducts and thus destroyed Rome that way. These people have been poisoners for ages. Just look at the old testament. Every doctor who has directly and intentionally administered vaccines they knew to be harmful while not doing it to their own kids should probably be executed. Otherwise, it’s all pointless talk.

    Not like that’s going to fix those who have been ruined by the vaccines, though. But that’s all there is left. Meanwhile these same people openly say they want to erase your entire ethnic group from existence and that is ‘free speech’. Everyone who knowingly and intentionally gives these vaccines while knowing what they do deserves a trip back to hell, where their souls should be brain damaged for an equivalent amount of time as all the people they condemned to ruined existences, even if that means 1000s of years worth. Or they should just be punished for life in prison and given the same vaccines their whole life. They certainly deserve it. Only then will justice be even close to being served.

    • Powerful, righteous and heartfelt comment. I am in complete agreement. To knowingly inflict severe harm on little children and youth is the sign of The Jewish Century. This wicked civilization is like late Atlantis, when the Sons of Baal (who have reincarnated as the jews) got the upper hand, and it will have the same end, annihilation AND CLEANSING.

  5. I’ve been saying Jewish doctors are killing off the white race for decades now. I’ve watched them murder my family.

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