Naïve white females; black in Wales kills his father’s white wife, a kind animal-rescue volunteer, with an ax and samurai sword after watching samurai video

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Yet another unspeakable atrocity that shows, for the one billionth time, both the nature of the predatory black male and of the naïve white female.

With blacks you have 1) low IQ (stupid), 2) high testosterone (sex and violence), and 3) deficient frontal lobes of the brain, meaning a lack of self-control.

(In a lobotomy, the frontal lobes are removed — “-tom-“ means to “cut out” in ancient Greek — and you become a zombie, with no self-control at all. You the become totally “compliant,” doing whatever the hospital staff says. In this case, this negro did whatever the video said would be fun……….)
If you then have such a creature watch a violent video, bingo – he goes out and kills a white woman (his own father’s wife).
Add to that the psychopathic tendencies which many blacks have.

He cunningly exploited her compassion and kindness by claiming there was an injured cat outside the house — so he could get her out into the woods.
This is exactly why America had the Ku Klux Klan in the 1920s, including up in the North, and lynched blacks, because black men attack white women.


In America, 100 white women are raped every day are raped by blacks. (I know. It happened twice to my Margi!!! 🙁 🙁 🙁 )

This was in the 1980s, long before I met her. If anyone harmed her today like that, he had better run and hard.


Yesterday at Ontonagon Beach, enjoying the pretty cool, ahem, “invigorating,” water up here on Lake Superior.


Of course, street blacks in Washington DC would be severely tempted to attack a shapely, pretty white female with big, naive blue eyes who was (back then!) so oblivious to her surroundings, apolitical and not yet “red-pilled.”

In a way, it is cruel also to the black male to expose him to a female he cannot earn and have.

It frustrates him, just like ordering your dog to not jump up on the dining room table and grab a juicy, succulent steak off the serving plate, then walking out of the room for fifteen minutes.

If you willfully ignore a person’s inborn nature, you aid them to transgress. White liberals, all of them, are thus co-guilty of every single black rape and murder of a white person.

And white females, like black males, have their recognized traits. With the white female, it is naivéte and indiscriminate kindness. Margi won’t even kill a worm eating her vegetables. She carries it delicately 20 feet away and gently deposits it like a diamond down in the grass!


and after – Margi has a green thumb. 🙂

With me, I’m a man. I kill things that need killing. 😉 Spiders, worms, even a wonderful pet cat I had that got its hind legs crushed to mush by a truck …:-( I could not afford the thousand dollars of veterinary surgery, and my little buddy was suffering, so I shot him dead.

And the world too will find out that I have more than just one button, the  “Mr. Nice” button.



Any white father who does not, in our time, bravely say the racist truth about black men to his white daughter or wife (NO MATER HOW OFFENDED THEY GET)  is a negligent father, and co-responsible if they are raped, killed — or just knocked up and saddled with a little Obongo.


Congratulations, you smug white liberal cowards. It is you who put this woman in harm’s way.


You libtards, YOU, brought this racial African into white Wales — you killed Fiona Scourfield, a gentle friend of abandoned animals, with a sword and an ax!




…..The extraordinary naiveté of many white females

Whites (ahem, “Ancient North Eurasians”) entered late Ice Age North America from both west and east.  

“This is a new population of Native Americans – the white Native American”

Jan, 16 2018 Author: Thema Newsroom

A new discovery of ancient DNA may overturn the idea that the Native Americans were the first to have populated the American continent. Instead, a new group known as the ancient Beringians, who are more closely related to modern white Europeans, has been discovered by researchers. Genetic analysis of a baby girl who died at the end of the last Ice Age shows she belonged to this previously unknown ancient group of Beringians.

A baby girl who lived and died in what is now Alaska, at the end of the last ice age belonged to a previously unknown group of ancient people who branched off from the ancestors of modern Europeans, according to DNA recovered from her bones.

The child, a mere six weeks old when she died, was found in a burial pit next to the remains of a stillborn baby, perhaps a first cousin, during excavations of an 11,500-year-old residential camp in Tanana River Valley in Central Alaska. The remains were discovered in 2013, but a full genetic analysis has not been possible until now.

Researchers tried to recover ancient DNA from both of the infants but succeeded only in the case of the larger individual. They had expected her genetic material to resemble modern northern or southern lineages of Native Americans, but found instead that she had a distinct genetic makeup that made her a member of a separate population.


From the abstract in Nature, which is one of the most prestigious scientific journals on earth, and here is engaging ( in what can only be called fear-based doubletalk:

“Terminal [Final] Pleistocene [Ice Age]  Alaskan genome reveals first founding population of Native Americans”  [who were “Ancient Northern Eurasians” = whites]

Gene flow from ancient north Eurasians [just come out and say it, Nature, WHITE PEOPLE!] into all Native Americans took place 25–20 ka  [thousand years ago] 

*** Nature doubletalk about Sally Hemmings and Thomas Jefferson

A friend of Margi’s on the excellent old forum wrote her how livid he was as a member of the actual genetics team that examined the DNA of the modern American blacks who descend from the black female slave of the Jefferson family, Sally Hemmings.

Nature had deliberately falsified the results to make it seem as if it were definitely Thomas Jefferson, who feared, despised and abhorred blacks, and predicted an eventual all-out race war, who (out of the whole male Jefferson line) was the one who had mated with that slave woman.

In reality, it was likely either Jefferson’s father or his brother, who was around nine months before the birth and had a bad habit of hanging out with the slaves and servants.

Jefferson, who had 200 slaves and was strict with them, advocated that they be 1) freed and 2) immediately expelled to some other place on this earth to rule (or ruin) themselves.


Ancient Beringians

A new genome from a Pleistocene burial in Alaska confirms a longstanding belief that European ancestors first arrived in America.

The newly-discovered group, named “Ancient Beringians,” appears to have split off from the Europeans around 20,000 years ago and made their way to North America via Alaska, when a frozen land bridge made the crossing from Europe and Asia into North America possible.


The Ancient Beringians then pushed south as the ice caps melted and mixed with other Native American populations, which is why many Native Americans today also exhibit physical characteristics more commonly associated with whites. According to Eske Willerslev, an evolutionary geneticist at the University of Copenhagen, whose team recovered the girl’s DNA from a dense part of her skull known as the petrous bone,

“This is a new population of Native Americans – the white Native American.”


Eske Willerslev, University of Copenhagen geneticist

Eske Willerslev holds a Lundbeck Foundation Professorship at University of Copenhagen and is the director for Centre of Excellence in GeoGenetics. He also holds the Prince Philip Chair in Ecology and Evolution at the University of Cambridge, UK. Additionally, Willerslev is a research associate the Wellcome Trust Sanger Institute. Willerslev is an evolutionary geneticist. …. Willerslev was born in Denmark in 1971. After spending his youth as explorer and fur trapper in Siberia, he established the first ancient DNA laboratory in Denmark and obtained his DSc at University of Copenhagen in 2004. At the age of 33, Willerslev became Full Professor at University of Copenhagen – the youngest in Denmark at the time. Willerslev has been visiting researcher at the MD Anderson Cancer Research Centre in Austin, Texas, independent Welcome Trust Fellow at Oxford, have been Visiting Professor at Oxford University, and a Miller Visiting Professor at UC Berkeley. Willerslev is a foreign associate of the National Academy of Sciences (US), member of the Royal Danish Academy of Sciences and Letters, horary doctor at University of Oslo Norway, and University of Tartu, Estonia and holds the Order of the Dannebrog (issued by Her Majesty, Queen Margrethe II of Denmark).


The findings which were published in the scientific journal Nature, are controversial and represent a growing body of evidence being discovered across the world that suggests the origins of the human race may have been Europe — and not Africa as once believed.

Working with scientists at the University of Alaska and elsewhere, Willerslev compared the genetic makeup of the baby, named “Xach’itee’aanenh t’eede gaay” (“sunrise child-girl”) by the local community, with genomes from other ancient and modern people. They found that nearly half of the girl’s DNA came from the ancient north Europeans who lived in what is now Scandinavia.


Finnish-American junior-high-school girls walking here in Ontonagon

Finnish-American female soccer coach


The rest of her genetic makeup was a roughly even mix of DNA now carried by the northern and southern Native Americans.

*** IF this is even true, it would be a result only of conquest and rape.

As stated below:

There was no voluntary “intermixing” in prehistoric times between our gorgeous, tall, blonde, beautiful women — Viking princesses — and ugly neanderthals or slant-eyed mongoloids. 

There was only the pitiless massacre of the white males, both men and boys, and then the sadistic, gloating, chortling raping of our white women.  

That is how “interbreeding” happened between a godlike and a lower race.


Using evolutionary models, the researchers showed that the ancestors of the first Native Americans started to emerge as a distinct population about 35,000 years ago. About 25,000 years ago, this group mixed and bred with ancient north Asians in the region, the descendants of whom went on to become the first white Europeans to settle the New World.

During the last ice age, so much water was locked up in the ice caps that a land bridge reached from Europe and Asia to North America across what is now the Bering Strait. Willerslev believes the ancestors of these early white Europeans traveled to the continent in a single wave of migration more than 20,000 years ago. Those who settled in the north became the Ancient Beringians, he said, while those who moved south, around or through the ice sheets, split into the north and south Native Americans about 15,700 years ago.

But there is another possibility. Ben Potter, an archaeologist on the team from the University of Alaska in Fairbanks, suspects that the Beringians split from the ancestors of other Native Americans in Europe before both groups made their way across the land bridge to North America in separate migrations,

“The support for this scenario is pretty strong. We have no evidence of people in the Beringia region 20,000 years ago.”

Potter suggests that alternatively, these early European settlers may have mixed with Asians before crossing over to North America and were responsible for creating the original Native American people. The families who lived at the ancient camp may have spent months there, Potter said. Excavations at the site, known as Upward Sun River, have revealed at least three tent structures that would have provided shelter. The two babies were found in a burial pit beneath a hearth where families cooked salmon caught in the local river. The cremated remains of a third child, who died at the age of three, were found on top of the hearth at the abandoned camp.

Connie Mulligan, an anthropologist at the University of Florida, said the findings pointed to a single migration of people from Europe to the New World via Asia, but said other questions remained.

“How did people move so quickly to the southernmost point of South America and settle two continents that span a huge climatic and geographic range?”

But it may also be testimony to the hardiness of white European genes and their desire for better living conditions. With the land bridge from Asia to North America fast disappearing and in search of better food and water, the early Europeans would have feasted on the salmon they caught in the wild, which would no doubt would have enhanced their cognitive faculties and ability to anticipate and assess the rapidly changing situation.

David Reich, a geneticist at Harvard University, said the work boosted the case for a single migration into Alaska and then onward to North and South America, but he did not rule out alternatives involving multiple waves of migration. He added that he was unconvinced that the ancient Beringian group split from the ancestors of other Native Americans 20,000 years ago, because even tiny errors in scientists’ data can lead to radically different split times for evolutionary lineages.

“While the 19,000-21,000 year date would have important implications if true and may very well be right, I am not convinced that there is compelling evidence that the initial split date is that old.”

“It’s entirely possible that they were ancient Europeans through and through.”


Especially important blogs


…..On David Reich

Reich is a very prestigious Establishment Jew:


David Reich
Alma mater
Scientific career
Fields Genetics
Thesis Genetic analysis of human evolutionary history with implications for gene mapping
Doctoral advisor David B. Goldstein

David Emil Reich[1] (born 14 July 1974) is a geneticist known for his research into the population genetics of ancient humans, including their migrations and the mixing of populations, discovered by analysis of genome-wide patterns of mutations. He is professor in the department of genetics at the Harvard Medical School, and an associate of the Broad Institute. Reich was highlighted as one of Nature‘s 10 for his contributions to science in 2015.[2] He received the Dan David Prize in May 2017.


In several cases, as per the Wiki article, this Reich has done honest work proving the NWO liberal view (which we all were taught) was wrong:

  1. the people of India (especially northern India) are indeed a mix of blond Aryans (white, superior Indo-Europeans) and swarthy, flat-nosed Dravidians, just exactly as the ancient Hindu scriptures said (and the Aryans, there as elsewhere, brought the high culture of India with them from Europe and Aryan-ruled Iran)
  2. Neanderthals are not a separate species that died out — but a kind of early humans, and they did interbreed with modern European humans (the Cro-Magnons). [This mix, probably occurring due to rape, since neanderthals were short, squat, unimaginative, hairy, backward, and plug-ugly, resulted in the original gene pools that created the Jews, Khazars, Arabs, Armenians, Georgians, etc. Judaism and Islam are religions that reflect the violent, hyper-clannish, vengeance-based, female-despising nature of this race.]
  3. The first Native Americans were WHITE.

…..My commentary

When the Obama-influenced FBI, through endless harassment of every kind, drove us in 2014 out of Apollo, Pennsylvania (location of the explosive NUMEC scandal involving both Israel — and thousands of white cancer deaths — and the murder of President John Kennedy, who was blocking Israel from getting the nuclear materials for The Bomb), I can look back now, and say with gratitude, that moving up here to the heavily nordic UP of Michigan, 587 miles of straight driving (we could not afford a motel) was the right move.



Final_Judgment (pdf)



Though bone-tired, I did this radio show with Henrik Palmgren of Red Ice immediately after arriving:

I have had many supernatural experiences all my life, but the most subtle and wonderful one (though “spectacular” only within the confines of my own heart, and certainly not to any outside onlooker) happened when I was walking along Greenland Road in Ontonagon to the IGA grocery store.

There is a really nice family on the left, with a gorgeous, friendly Golden Retriever dog named “Bradley.”

One day the two little daughters were out playing, and there was another child there as well, maybe two years old, a little nordic miracle, who was their little cousin, and visiting for the day.

And this little platinum blondie just stopped playing with her bigger cousins when she saw me.

She turned, looked at me (a perfect stranger to her), raised her little arms up expectantly, and her cousins both chimed in:

“She wants a hug!” So — shucks — I got onto my knees before this tiny waif — and gave her one. 😉

It struck me how feminine she was, how divine, how beautiful, and, in the sense of feeling big, protective and strong, how much a “man” she made me feel. (Having two daughters myself, I and all dads feel a very special affection for little girls.)

Erika and Ingrid in 1988

It is a fact that, in terms of gender differences, white men and white women are the most different from one another of any race, with the biggest difference occurring in our own race between the levels of testosterone (aggressive male energy) and estrogen (female gentleness and nurturing).

(Black men and women and Chinese men and women are far more similar in their hormone levels.)

A German female comrade and mom (on the left) protesting Big Pharma and toxic vaccine adjuvants — and bearing classic nordic features

Margi refused last night to watch an episode of “Gunsmoke” with me. The episode “Durham Bulls” was “scary” and “too violent” — outlaws attack a grandpa and his little grandson while they were driving some bulls to Dodge City for breeding. One of my fave pix of Margi, this was taken in the kitchen of a German friend in Zerbst, Saxony-Anhalt, Germany.

If there is any one group of humans who both require and deserve our protection, it is our own white females. Their extreme innate kindness and dainty femininity (I am generalizing,of course) make them anything but warriors.

We men must be there for them.

German holiday card in 1909: “Yule Festival Greetings”

I have run this before and will run it again:


Note how US Marshal Matt Dillon — twice — looks at the woman afterward for approval and gratitude. What can be more fulfilling to a REAL man than to fulfill his vital manly duty to protect (and/or avenge)?

Sex is such a small part of masculinity.

Providing and protecting are real manhood.

Early episode — 1956 This short video clip has a beautiful ending  I THINK YOUNG PEOPLE TODAY HAVE NO IDEA HOW VIOLENT WHITE MEN USED TO BE.

THIS SCENE WAS NOT FAR-FETCHED AT ALL. My own dad, a college-educated man and church elder, got in a number of brutal fistfights, as in “step outside, buddy!”, with men who had merely sworn in restaurants “in the presence of a lady.” (You never heard any woman use the f- word, either.)

I had another experience here in this town recently. 

 At the local hardware store there is a Finnish-American girl who works at the cash register. She is like that little girl who wanted a hug from me, but grown up and age eighteen. This gal stands a good 5-foot-10 (1.79m), with naturally platinum-blond hair (right to the roots), starry blue eyes, and a spectacular figure: narrow waist, nice hips and a good chest (neither small nor huge, but just right). 

You can see from that that the nordic-alien thing is no myth.  That girl descends from the gods. Even more than we all do as whites.


And let me be absolutely clear: There was no voluntary “intermixing” in prehistoric times between our gorgeous, tall, blonde, beautiful women — Viking princesses — and ugly neanderthals or slant-eyed mongoloids. 

There was only the pitiless massacre of the white males, both men and boys, and then the sadistic, gloating, chortling raping of our white women.  

My friend and loyal financial supporter Jim sent me this info, and I will now run it again:

…..Nordics showed up in same place and time where UFO crash-landed between Sweden and Finland


The UFO found in the northern Baltic Sea around 2012 bears quite a resemblance to the “Millennium Falcon” in the first Star Wars movie, which is no accident.

Hollywood has been flaunting all sorts of shocking truths, very contemptuously, at the Gullible Goyim for decades, perfectly confident that Gentile audiences will go and laugh it all off as just a story, hah-hah-hah. 

But under the rules of demonic black magick, you may do anything by rights to your victim — rape, torture and slowly kill him — if you have already warned him — and the cowardly fool shrugs it off and neither fights nor flees.


JdN to a comrade, “G”: I am going to do a blog just on the Baltic UFO…

It was great how you read my blog on nordics and quickly realized the possible connection to this UFO which did a crash-landing, apparently around 10,000 BC, between Sweden and Finland, which seems to be exactly when the narrow-faced nordics very suddenly show up — and this is the epicenter of nordic looks, too!

[Here is ANOTHER Baltic UFO article.]

The secret of the “Baltic UFO”


The secret of the “Baltic UFO”

[JdN: I edited the very Swedish-sounding prose to sound better in English.] 

Scientists and oceanographers cannot seem to rest when it comes to the mystery of this strange object, discovered in the depths of the sea about five years ago. It has already become famous as the “Baltic UFO,” and it continues to be investigated.

When, at the bottom of the Baltic Sea, at a depth of 87 meters, a strange object of an ideally round shape with a diameter of about 60 meters was discovered with the help of sonars, everyone “ from professional historians and archaeologists to ufologists of all stripes “ became interested in the discovery. The most incredible assumptions were made that a sunken alien ship or a “flying saucer of fascists” [German Fourth Reich] was found.

The ones who revealed this this “UFO” were a group of Swedish oceanographers led by Peter LINDBERG and Dennis ASBERG. They were struck by its correct geometric shapes, resembled a ship from Hollywood space-alien films, and also some ancient structure like the English Stonehenge. The first shots of the object from a close distance showed that it leaves a dented strip and furrows with a length of about 300 meters, very reminiscent of the track from an emergency landing.

For several years a group of oceanographers was studying this amazing find. Three expeditions with the participation of divers discovered mysterious features which to this day can not be explained. Among them is the division between the object itself and the seabed on which it lies, a series of corridors with vertical walls on its surface.

There are also incomprehensible grooves in the corners, many of which are exactly 90 degrees. An abnormal “radio signal” above the object, very strange deviations of the compass near it, unknown burnt organic materials on the samples obtained for testing, not to mention a significant round hole on the surface leading “in”, and details very reminiscent of the ladder leading to the Upper Level platform.

According to the members of the research team of the Swedish company “Ocean X Team”, which was studying the find, electronic chronometers, cameras and satellite phones stop working near the object. “Only when we sailed away from the object for a good 200 meters did they again begin to function. As soon as we got closer again, the instruments switched off again,” in the words of one of the participants in the expedition.

Continuing to explore the mysterious object and examining the data obtained from the scanning sonar, some researchers concluded that this could be a top-secret Nazi base on which antisubmarine weapons are installed.

A former Swedish naval officer, Anders AUUTELLUS, suggested that a 200-by-25-foot structure could have served to block the signals of Soviet and British submarines moving through the Baltic area during the Second World War. This, in his words, can explain the fact that near the “UFO” some technical devices stop working. Team member Stefan HOGEBORN agreed with these arguments: “The facility is located directly on the line of the navigable path. Most likely, this is really a huge structure of concrete. ”

The Nazis, retreating, supposedly “burned their bridges behind them,” sweeping away not only evidence of their crimes, but also the discoveries of their scientists.

But there are many wild stories about the experiments that supposedly were conducted by them. A significant proportion of their secret objects were destroyed, and most of those men who engaged in this kind of research have not survived to the present. Perhaps this installation was one of the last ones that they created, and this means in the singular, just one of them, considering that others (or even just similar ones) have not yet been not found. A hypothetical Nazi base would in some way be quite capable of “jamming” radio signals, since it is believed that signals from Allied submarines have disappeared because of their technology.

But there is a completely different explanation out there as well. Professor of Geology Volker Bruchhert from Stockholm University believes that the object is ” ¦ most likely of geological origin” lying on the bottom of the Gulf of Bothnia (between Finland and Sweden). As the expert noted, “the Baltic Sea was formed as a result of the glacier passing through this territory, which later melted and laid the foundation for its formation.”

After studying the samples of rocks collected at the site of the detection of a mysterious object, Bruchert asserts that the samples transferred to him were pieces of ordinary basalt “ a volcanic rock. The scientist suggests that basalt was once brought to this place by a glacier, and after the ice melted, it was on the bottom of a new sea. According to the professor, it was the northern part of the Baltic bottom that was influenced by these processes. So, both these rock samples, and the object itself, most likely, were at the bottom as a result of melting glaciers. And the fact that the basalt acquired an unusual shape, due to the fact that ” ¦ huge ice massifs contained fragments of rocks. These stones passed with glaciers thousands of kilometers and settled where they found the end of the Ice Age. Often, as a result of these debris formed bizarre formation, even similar to the “flying saucers.”

True, the geologist could not explain why the “rock fragments” also interfere with modern electronics.

During subsequent expeditions the scuba divers managed to chip off some particles from the strange object, on which traces of burned material were found. Studies of this sample were taken to the Weizmann Institute and the Institute of Archeology at the University of Tel Aviv.

In the report, the scientists indicated that they were puzzled when they found materials that, “most likely, can be found in modern construction, or, for example, in a ship wreck.”

According to the latest news, appearing in the press and on the Web, American experts have studied the underwater 60-meter object on the bottom of the Baltic Sea. Based on the fact that the sample presented by him, showing anomalies, contains a metal that nature [on earth] does not produce, they came to the conclusion that it has an alien origin and it may well be a UFO.



It has turned out from the examinations that the mud which, as the Tel Aviv scientists have determined, had fallen into the fissures of the fragments that were studied, was more than ten thousand years old.

That is, either the spaceship (if, of course, the found artifact was a kind of ship and jot a natural feature) crashed into the seabed at such a speed that it lifted the mud layers of the sea floor that had been stored there for centuries, or it itself has been there for this time, ten or even fourteen thousand years.

UFO specialist Ryan KASDIN believes that the object on the bottom of the Baltic Sea is only ” ¦ a part of the fleet of alien ships that crashed on Earth.” In his opinion, the whole crash site contains much more alien wreckage than has previously been thought, and it is necessary to continue the search there.

So, although over the years more information has come out about the unidentified object and despite the many explanations and studies, the “Baltic anomaly” is still a mystery, its origin is still unknown. What the object is, in fact, is still not really clear.



G: One estimate I heard placed it to be much older based upon sea sediment. Like tens of thousands of years older.

JdN: It is believed by some that white race has been implanted here and been wiped out several times (being spiritually primitive, naive and divided by egos, though in IQ, quite advanced), and the planet keeps having to be “reseeded.”

G: Like adding yeast to bread? I believe that Adam and eve were tribes, not actual persons.
JdN: That is interesting…. Even the Book of Genesis admits other humans were alive then. After Cain slays Abel, he goes and takes a wife (from where?) 😉
G: I saw a documentary that places the Garden of Eden, flooded now, under the waters of the Persian Gulf.
Evolution and creationism are gross simplifications of a much more complex answer that nobody has the complete answer for.
JdN: Yes
IMO we evolved on other planets, perhaps with help from much higher beings, and came here as fully evolved humans. But blacks may be the native “Terrans.” A friend of supporter wrote a great book on blacks and homo erectus.
G: My wife and I have discussed the possibility of Asians being a race of Downs Syndrome. Once saw a humorous cartoon of Neanderthals dressed like genteel Englishmen with canes and monocles and top hats and tails. Anti-evolutionary of course.

JdN: Well,East Asians are certainly retarded in terms of empathy. Did you ever read “Ways that are Dark?”



Great book by Ralph Townsend about the true character of the Chinese. (He grew up there as the son of missionaries.) Later, FDR indicted him (and other America Firsters) for sedition in the Great 1944 Sedition Trial.

G: Insects. Unemotional and unimaginative insects. 

JdN: Yes…. perfect description of many, especially Chinese, intelligent insects….

Although the Japanese, being part-white (Ainu) can be really noble people., I was once close to several Japanese scientists who learned American accent from me at Harvard-affiliated teaching hospitals in the Boston area. Honor, honesty, quality and reliability are just everything to them.


….Pockets of nordics all over

Children in an Albanian valley, on the Adriatic and Mediterranean


Actual 1950s photograph of an American town in the Midwest

…..See also


Artwork by Jews and other satanists about killing nordic whites:




In sum, earth is a battlefield between a confederation led by nordics and another led by reptilians, whose goal is to either eat or slaughter us.

…..Instant awakening

Instant awakening:
If I pretended to be your friend,and asked you to go with me to see my new car, but then, once we went around the corner, pulled out a gun and held it to your chest, and demanded your wallet, all your money — a regular robbery — you would, just by seeing the gun, instantly grasp that your previous beliefs about me, and your trust, were massively wrong.
This, however, proves people can wake up totally from brainwashing in just two seconds! From swallowing the lie to total awakening.
And this is what needs to happen NOW.


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