Napoleon on the jews (by Jan Lamprecht of Rhodesia & South Africa)

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Napoleon on St. Helena. I have no doubt that he was slowly poisoned to death with arsenic mixed gradually into his food, a horrible and lingering death, so typical of the jews.

Longwood House, St. Helena

A generous and repeat donor wrote me that the late Hans Schmidt, whom he and I knew well, a former Waffen-SS soldier and later a writer and analyst of world events, believed that Vladimir Putin was the reincarnation of Napoleon.

I replied:


Hunh, interesting!
All great minds know about reincarnation…
Putin has soft and tender feelings, but also can be cerebral, logical, calm and consistent.
Same height, too, 5’7″….
It is just amazing how “Perfidious Albion” has succeeded with the lie that Napoleon was a little shrimp, whereas 5’7″ was the average height back then, and Kirk Douglas and Tom Cruise were of this height.
Look how the Average Joe or Jane for two hundred years now had continued to imagine that the French conqueror, who btw had blue eyes, was a “little Napoleon” who had a “Napoleon complex” that came from being “so short.”
As stated above, the Jew Deep State, which totally runs the white anglosphere, always pursues this strategy of both denigrating as well as demonizing whichever leader their Jew masters wish to be destroyed by the gullible goyim.
Mike King wrote a whole book on how Napoleon was basically a good guy…
What especially leapt out at me from King’s book was that Bonaparte too initially deluded himself that one could “get along with jewry,” but later the man woke up to their true nature as hard-core psychopaths.

If our late friend Hans was right, then Napolutin needs to wake up once again, or, as I actually suspect, “come out of the closet” as the antisemite he is. And he may feel strong enough now, backed by China and other nations, to do do.
For what we see now, and what he knows himself to be true, is an implacable Jewish war — on him as well as on his people, with the horrific goal of their destruction.


……Lamprecht on Napoleon

Blogger Jan Lamprecht has a tremendous animus against England, which is quite understandable given the destruction of the white people in both countries he has lived in via “British” machinations.

But we all know it was City of London Jews who engineered all this. The average Brit is also being destroyed!


What led to Napoleon, the Assignat – Jewish financial fraud inevitably precedes the rise of great white leaders.  


– Arch


This is war! The white race is under all-out attack on all fronts

From: Jan Lamprecht []
Sent: Friday, January 14, 2022 10:27 AM
To: Sarah Perry
Cc: Daniel Johns; Joe Fougerousse; John Perry; Jack Heart; Jim Robison; FAURISSON Jean; Jeanice Barcelo; George Fry Jr; Joe Fallisi; John H; Joe Fangmann; James K. Enochs Jr.; John de Nugent; Nancy Hitt; Dixie Heritage Newsletter; ROGER PACK; Stan Hess; Evelyn Hutcheson; Robert Bowen; Henry Kirtland; Helen Hall; David Hicks-Fan; Harry B. Ireland; Billy Roper; Arch Stanton; David Martin; Ray Goodwin; Willard Shirkey; chuck wagon; Bob in DC; Patricia Aiken; Paul Fromm; Barbara Ann Nowak; Norm Kepler; Ray Edwards; David Westerlund; Tom Madison Law; Richard Connelly; Williamraymond; Walter Terrell; RANDALL CAREY; Edmond Morrison; David R. Gahary; C.; Skye McAnally; Blah-blah-blah; Sidney Secular; Sam Dickson; Catherine Mueller; Chuck Brands; Gabriele; BuelahMan
Subject: Re: Napoleon: Jews are GUILTY until proven Innocent!

Thank you very much for spreading this Sarah. I have a * LOT * more to say about Napoleon. In recent months, in between other things I actually spent quite a lot of time hunting for and reading English translations of various memoirs by Frenchmen who knew Napoleon personally.

I have not gone through all the stuff written by them, but the material I have gone through actually caused me some amazement. I now know why in ENGLISH … why they never quote Napoleon on a large scale. They hide a LOT about what Napoleon actually said. It is now much easier for me to see how it is that we english-speaking Whites are lied to. Truly, English is the language of liars. The Jew rats and their scum have truly made the English side of our race quite insane actually. It is not just the Germans who are lied about. When reading Napoleon’s views on many things I was very surprised by various things Napoleon explained. In this regard, we are better off with regard to Napoleon, than we are regarding poor Hitler.

There are so many things that we lost with Hitler’s death and without him having a chance to say many things. Napoleon in his final days spent quite a lot of time dictating to various men and they wrote up what he wrote. So Napoleon could explain many (but not all) things.

Napoleon was the first character who really obsessed me and drew me to my love of history. There is no historical character I know more about than Napoleon. I’ve read everything about him that I can, from all his campaigns to his love affairs and personal life. So imagine my surprise at many things he said in his final years. Why? Because what he told the French, AND WHAT THE FRENCH THEMSELVES HAD TO SAY ABOUT HIM … It just blew my mind.

I will tell you, I uncovered more about Napoleon and the Jews. Napoleon said that the Jews were nation destroyers. But it turns out that a lot of FINANCIAL STUFF is nation-destroying. Interestingly, Napoleon had bad experiences with bankers – and he *HATED THEM*.

All Napoleon’s complaints about the people who were destroying France basically boiled down to Jews and financial people. Compare that to our modern, insane love of money, business and the economy … It is no wonder that the West is being torn down. Napoleon gave examples of the behaviour of these people.

I must add, that in re-reading some of Julius Caesar’s own observations, the topic of wealth also comes up, and the German tribesmen, even in the time of the Romans, were very “socialist” in a certain way. The German tribesmen had rules about wealth and taking it away from people. It’s a topic I want to return to.

When you elevate a love of money above all things, it leads to the destruction of the nation. I think in future times, people will look with horror at the modern time and our love of the wealthy. The Japanese, I read, in prior times, regarded traders AS THE LOWEST LEVEL OF SOCIETY. Compare that to us Whites these days.

Napoleon proudly boasted of how he militarized France and how wealthy France had become and the many plans he still had. Napoleon also never had to step down. He explained why he stepped down. He did it for the sake of the French. He stepped down in order to avoid civil war.

The “real Napoleon” is much more like Hitler. Whereas Hitler never set out to actually fight wars and he bent over backwards for that Jewish Island called Britain , Napoleon was not the same. Napoleon came to power during the war and Napoleon went to extreme lengths to militarize France . The France he created was powerful enough to survive against all of Europe .

Before Hitler came to power he never expected the world to be turned against him the way it was. At ALL TIMES, Hitler had, as his core strategy, PEACE WITH BRITAIN. Napoleon experienced the true evil of Britain and at a point, he set out to invade it properly. The Battle of Trafalgar was actually the beginning of the invasion of Britain … but it went wrong. And because it failed he was unable to engage in the massive amphibious operations he had prepared to invade and conquer Britain . He had EVERYTHING READY. Everything. If his army had landed in Britain , it would have been the greatest conquest of Britain since the Norman invasion. He would have flattened them. Hitler on the other hand, never at any time was close enough to do this. Nor did he want to.

Napoleon’s private secretary had some extremely nasty personal observations to make about Britain . The British were already busy trying to assassinate Napoleon early in his career. The British also were not interested in peace. 

But returning to Napoleon, he, like Hitler, was an admirer of the Romans and Greeks.

Before I forget, I also came upon amazing references to Napoleon and RACE and Europeans! Napoleon spoke about all Europeans being “a family”. I thought that the issue of race was only something that came up in the late 1800s. NOT!!!! Napoleon and others were talking about the races of men and books were being written about it!

Napoleon then already was talking about all of Europe being united and being strong enough to almost rule the world!!!

Oh how far we have fallen!! We grovel to be ruled by Blacks and Jews. Good God! If you see how Napoleon thought, it was much closer to the way the Germans were thinking.

I made lots of notes because I have lots of lessons from Napoleon that Whites should learn. And you will see Napoleon is as refreshing and positive as Hitler. There is no need for our people to grovel to Jews and Blacks, I tell you. 

How it is that our race ended up where we have been due to nothing but the endless manufactured divisions among us.

In many respects I feel very sorry for Hitler. Truly, he was a poor man who did his utmost to save his nation, his people, his race and to make Europe great. And he was vilified for that. It is so disgusting. What happened to Hitler was criminal I tell you. The lies told about Hitler and the total misrepresentation of history is so disgusting. 

I still also need to publish something I uncovered back in 2018, a proof that long before WW2, that the Jews had issued an order to the Free Masons of the WORLD to create a war against Germany BY ANY MEANS. The Jews wanted war by 1936. The order went out in 1935. 

JEWS MANUFACTURED WW2. The only reason WW2 happened was BECAUSE OF JEWS! JEWS are the ONLY REASON why WW2 ever took place. 

On Fri, Jan 14, 2022 at 7:09 PM Sarah Perry <> wrote:

“Napoleon sent a message to every synagogue in Europe ! He tried to gather Jews representing 75% of the Jews of Europe for his Great Sanhedrin. Did Jews practice polygamy in Europe ? Napoleon had rewritten the entire legal system of France and now he set out, for once and for all, to solve the Jewish problem. Like the great Christian reformer, Martin Luther, Napoleon was friendly to the Jews. He’d even saved some of them from being exterminated. He had no idea how Jews really think and work. I examine letters Napoleon wrote about the Jews and other topics and we gain insight into a man who was as powerful as Hitler. We also see what the Jews themselves let slip regarding their “communal autonomy”. Napoleon and the French did all they could to bring the Jews happily into their free nation of France and to give them all the civil liberties. But in the end Napleon scrapped it all and issued his Imperial edict called by the Jews the “Infamous Decree”. Napoleon smashed Jewish money lending for ten years and made other rules against them. Napoleon called the Jews: “the most despicable of men”. We also look at Napoleon’s attitude to debt and lending and look at some scathing letters he wrote to his brother. Published on Jul 21, 2016”





Video: Napoleon: Jews are GUILTY until proven Innocent!

Napoleon sent a message to every synagogue in Europe ! He tried to gather Jews representing 75% of the Jews of Eu…

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