NASA whistleblower: coworker slugged for looking at moon UFO photos he was to just burn

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Donna Hare worked for NASA 1967-81, and related that the agency constantly airbrushed out lunar flying vehicles, buildings and towers, including one that was several miles high.


  1. Extraterrestrial belief works with regard to Jew-wisdom as a heat sump works with regard to heat. It absorbs the energy and makes it go away.

    The alien in our midst becomes a space cadet instead of a worldly reality.

  2. John, do you think jews spread disinfo in the ufo field to discredit Aryans. I was looking at this and a dutch guy said he was in contact with aliens and the aliens said this “But you do blame us for something?”
    “And what is that?”
    “Any English-speaking Negro, Chinese or American Indian can give you the answer.” -seems like typical white bashing jew propaganda.

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