Near Death Experience skeptic shut down, but all this logic is besides the point

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A comrade sent me this very good essay:


Reading this Greg Stone piece…. I get so tired of people like Blackmore in stubborn denial.. They just have no attachment to truth; theirs is to their ego and to an imagined superiority over us supposedly benighted, superstitious fools. 😉

This is a great link to the many non-NDE instances where souls leave the body, in other words, have a OBE (Out-of-Body):

The medical doctor Stanislas Grof lists many triggers for OBEs:

NDE Triggers Index
1. After-Death Communications 9. Drugs 17. Psychic Visions
2. Astral Projection 10. Extreme Gravity 18. Psychomanteum
3. Brain Seizures 11. Extreme Meditation 19. Psychosis
4. Brain Stimulation 12. Extreme Stress 20. REM Desensitization
5. Coma 13. Falling from Heights 21. Shared Death Experiences
6. Death 14. Hypnosis 22. Surgery
7. Deathbed Visions 15. Orgasm
8. Dreams 16. Out-of-Body Experiences


My neighbor in Sarver, Pennsylvania, Dave K, a Vietnam Marine and later a steel-mill electrician, had a OBE experience when an explosion happened in the mill. He was not dying, but obviously terrified – and he had gone through combat in Nam!

The incredible quantities of soot up in the rafters of the mill came down, and the entire, huge building was full of smoke, flames, shouts, alarm sirens and swirling soot — this building here:


And he told me that he saw himself from 50 feet away climbing down the emergency ladder system, from landing to landing, in great fear.

I guess I get really tired reading this stuff by Blackmore and even by Stone, who is a good man.
SO MANY people, even of average morality and spiritual standing, have supernatural EXPERIENCES!

Once you have one, you simply KNOW.

There is one very nice older lady named E, around 75, who has a drink at times in a local tavern, the []. I have been to her house because she got tipsy and asked me to drive her and her girlfriend home so as to avoid a DUI.

Very nice gal, very solid.

Her friend is a lady trucker and also very nice.

Anyway, she told me how her late husband makes all kinds of noises to let her know he is watching over her, opening and closing cabinet doors in the kitchen, or blatantly moving objects around as she watches.

I saw her recently after a hiatus of about five months and asked her if she was having more such experiences. she said “Oh, yes.” 🙂

And she told them to a young bartender girl whom I also know.

And there is the widow of a Vietnam vet who suffered a lot from Agent Orange.

I mention her case in this blog

If you want to have such experiences, M, you can ask your angels for one, and if your heart is pure, it may happen.


But their job is not to bedazzle or entertain us, or convince skeptics (not referring to you here); we are in this dimension of practical realities for good reasons and we agreed to incarnate here to this earth, at this time, with these parents and these circumstances.

Every time I have a supernatural experience, in other words, I am just pleasantly surprised and so GRATEFUL. 🙂

But I never demand that God, gods, angels, or the higher nordic aliens prove they exist.

We earth humans are, to be brutal, really primitive – we are like a planet full of third graders in a tough school full of kids affected by drugs, divorce, abuse and neglect. It is an Animal Planet. And I am just a higher one of those animals, so grateful that the gods have shone light in the dark path before me.

…..My blog on spiritual experiences

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