Need much better vehicle; banks authorized to deny access to or clean out your checking account; LORD ROTHSCHILD PREDICTS EURO WILL COLLAPSE; Texas judge warns Obama re-election could lead to civil war; top US general tells Netanyahu to pipe down; satanists hate Hitler and the SS

Spread the love
==================need vehicle

With the Eternal Solutrean Agency about to go public……because politically and economically the time is ripe (as you can also see from the content below, referencing very ominous current events), because the videos and new website are ready, thanks to my donors and volunteers (, and because I personally am ready to lead, we now need to lay out to you our needs to you, the reader doing nothing. And reading IS doing nothing.

1) We need money. As this blog has laid out, incredibly, the African dictator squatting in our White House has ordered the theft of the US mail to strangle me financially. I need you to go to Western Union online and send me donations.

If you are repeatedly reading this blog, you are already known to the tyrannical zionist occupation regime and you are already on their arrest list.

So just go to Western Union and register, and send me money. It is too late to be fearful, too late to be low-profile, for you are “on the list.” And your cowardice is stupid when FEMA camps — capable of holding millions of people considered troublemakers or just useful as slave labor — are standing around empty and ready to receive you, all of you. “Low-profile” is no longer a viable strategy. They are not planning to just arrest THE LEADERS. They plan to arrest ALL OF YOU.

So stop staring, reading, drooling and fearing like a bunny rabbit — and bluntly I am saying you should send me money. Others did their duty and sent the funds to get us to where we are now, and several of them are tapped out.

The life you may save by funding the successful launch of my movement may just be your own.

–I need urgently a better vehicle. I have been driving a 1991 Honda Prelude for six years now, and it has 156,000 miles on it. It is a small, two-door sports car. It was given to me by a reader.

I need now one of the following immediately:
–a powerful sedan such as a Pontiac GTP which can go at high speeds and take corners well
–an SUV capable of holding armed bodyguards
–a pickup truck with a double cab (second row of seats behind)
I now have a six-foot-two former military policeman, expert high-speed driver and firearms man as my bodyguard and computer tech support. He is too big for this Honda sportscar, his head sticks up through the sunroof 😉 and is getting aches and pains all over. This car was built by Japanese for Japanese. 😉
I am now getting a lot of western Pennsylvania readers. If you have such a vehicle, I need it and am willing to swap the Honda Prelude, a very nice car, for it, or work out another deal.

John de Nugent

223 First Street, Rm 303, Apollo PA 15613

(northeast of Pittsburgh on the Kiski River in Armstrong County)

Tel: (724) 212-5426


Stop reading, stop fearing, stop reading, stop drooling and act. It is both wrong and stupid to be a coward when danger is breathing down your neck and it has your number.
Right now we have a situation…. an urgent and important bill that can only be paid for by PayPal. Ridiculous, but that is how it is. Question, dear reader:  Do you have PayPal?

We have now an overdue bill for about $22 that needs paying


If this is feasible for you, please contact me ASAP:
email: or tel: (724) 212-5426
I also need to repay a loan to a comrade for $300, and he uses PayPal. Though retired and on a limited income, he sent me vital funds by Western Union. Now he must be paid back. Who is willing to pay him $300 via PayPal for his heroic financial rescue of me when in a serious financial jam two weeks ago?
As all regular readers of my blog know, PayPal closed my account, accusing me of violating their TOS against “racism and antisemitism” (though the jews are the ultimate racists, and they CAUSE antisemitism by their crooked and arrogant BEHAVIOR).
PayPal simply stole the $228 in it.
My video editor and I both noticed that there has been virtually no more neurotoxic chemtrail spraying here in the Pittsburgh area for about two weeks.
Blatant and illegal spraying of aluminum, arsenic and barium — committed by the CIA cut-company Evergeen and various airlines paid to harm Americans — has been going on over Pittsburgh on windless days for years now…..and aluminum, the main ingredient in chemtrails, is made right here in “the Burgh” by Alcoa, whose HQ is located here.
One rectal orifrice of a CIA pilot loved flaunting that he was spraying us — and how stupid we were to not get outraged — by twirling around again and again…… (Chemtrails have many bad side-effects, but one of them is to induce a zombylike passivity.)
This sudden halt to chemtrail spraying over the skies of Pittsburgh is suspicious to me, because my Launch Video of July 2012 starts off with an attack on chemtrails, and my new flyer is designed to awaken Pittsburghers about them.

===============website visitors around the globe
08/23 @ 06:30 : Wellington, NZ [NEW ZEALAND]
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08/23 @ 06:27 : Luleå, SE [SWEDEN]
08/23 @ 06:24 : Luleå, SE
08/23 @ 06:23 : Meadville, Pennsylvania, US
08/23 @ 06:23 : San Diego, California, US
08/23 @ 06:22 : San Diego, California, US
08/23 @ 06:21 : Löbejün, DE[UTSCHLAND = GERMANY]
08/23 @ 06:20 : Berlin, DE
08/23 @ 06:18 : Hamburg, DE
08/23 @ 06:15 : Albuquerque, New Mexico, US

08/23 @ 05:19 : Budapest, HU[NGARY]

08/23 @ 05:17 : Sydney, AU[STRALIA]
08/23 @ 05:15 : Brisbane, AU
08/23 @ 05:11 : Tampa, Florida, US
08/23 @ 05:11 : Adelaide, AU
08/23 @ 05:10 : Vienna, AT [AUSTRIA]
08/23 @ 05:07 : United States, US
08/23 @ 05:06 : Frankfurt Am Main, DE[UTSCHLAND = GERMANY]
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08/23 @ 05:02 : United States, US
08/23 @ 05:02 : Saltsburg, Pennsylvania, US
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08/23 @ 04:28 : Saltsburg, Pennsylvania, US
08/23 @ 04:23 : Monroe Township, New Jersey, US
08/23 @ 04:20 : Tauranga, NZ [NEW ZEALAND]
08/23 @ 04:19 : Modesto, California, US
08/23 @ 04:18 : Vancouver, CA[NADA]
08/23 @ 04:17 : Seoul, KR [KOREA]
08/23 @ 04:17 : Brisbane, AU[STRALIA]
08/23 @ 04:16 : Seoul, KR
08/23 @ 02:40 : Tualatin, Oregon, US
08/23 @ 02:38 : Guayaquil, EC[UADOR]
08/23 @ 02:36 : Rome, IT[ALY]
08/23 @ 02:34 : Elmont, New York, US
08/23 @ 02:28 : Hanoi, VN [VIETNAM]
08/23 @ 02:28 : Arad, RO[MANIA]
08/23 @ 02:27 : Plano, Texas, US
08/23 @ 02:27 : Dresden, DE[UTSCHLAND = GERMANY]
08/23 @ 02:19 : Canonsburg, Pennsylvania, US
08/23 @ 02:18 : Phoenix, Arizona, US
08/23 @ 02:06 : Woodbridge, Virginia, US
08/23 @ 02:05 : Denver, Colorado, US
08/23 @ 02:05 : Shanghai, CN [CHINA]
=======judge rules your checking account funds belong to the bank
The judge ruled that banks have the right to not give you your money back, to ignore your demand to withdraw all your money, to tell you to just use your debit card to pay bills,  that “we will not give you your money or let you close your account” — and if they put your deposited funds into a bad investment, sorry, your money is GONE. If you deposit it with them, the judge ruled, it becomes their property.


Infowars – –

Lord Rothschild Betting On Euro Collapse?

Banking titan places $200 million dollar short against single currency

Paul Joseph Watson
Monday, August 20, 2012

If the actions of Lord Jacob Rothschild are anything to go by, the long predicted collapse of the Euro may not be far away, with the banking titan placing a $200 million dollar bet against the troubled single currency.

“Lord Rothschild, an elder member of the dynastic Rothschild banking family, has taken the position against the euro through RIT Capital Partners, the 1.9 billion pound investment trust of which he is executive chairman,” reports CNBC.

RIT has upped its short against the Euro from 3 per cent in January to 7 per cent in July.

The European Central Bank continues to try to re-animate a dead corpse by continually pumping bailout money into debt-ridden countries like Greece, Ireland, Portugal and Spain.

However, top investors only see it as a matter of time before the single currency is consigned to the landfill of economic history.

Last week, influential German newspaper Der Spiegel reported that “Banks, companies and investors are preparing themselves for a collapse of the euro.”

Meanwhile, billionaires like John Paulson and George Soros are throwing their financial muscle behind gold as the financial picture looks increasingly unstable heading towards the end of the year.

“According to Bloomberg News, Paulson & Co. and Soros Fund Management bumped up exposure to SPDR Gold Trust to 21.8 million shares and 884,000 shares, respectively. Paulson & Co. now has 44 percent of its $24 billion fund exposed to bullion,” reports ABC News.

The next leg of the financial collapse is being forecast by many to be far greater in severity than the 2008 downturn, with Max Keiser appearing on the Alex Jones Show Friday to predict a systemic economic meltdown before April 2013.

“There is no way to stop it because systems analysis tells me that when you complicate a system to the degree that this has been compromised and complicated there’s a 99.9 per cent probability of a total utter systemic collapse before April (2013),” said Keiser.

He followed up by stating, “There is only one possible outcome from that and that’s civil war – there’s gotta be a civil war – it’s gonna be a civil war in America intergenerational – all the people under 30 are going to go to war with everybody who’s 45-plus who basically stole all their money, stole their country, stole their wealth….if you have one you’re gonna have the other and that would come in 2013.”

Watch the interview with Max Keiser below.


Paul Joseph Watson is the editor and writer for Prison He is the author of Order Out Of Chaos. Watson is also a regular fill-in host for The Alex Jones Show and Infowars Nightly News.

Article printed from Infowars:


Alex, this is John de Nugent speaking. You and Mike Rivero had a yuckfest at my expense in 2007 when I began promoting awareness of Profession Ariel Toaff’s book Blood Passover, with the truth that some Jews DO ritually torture and  murder Christian children and drain their blood out for use at Passover.
You speak contemptuously of what you call “Nazis.”
Yet the fact is that it was Germany and Hitler who stood up to the Jews who now are lying about YOU. Stop bashing the Third Reich in order to vainly kiss the Jews’ butt.
The Jew is the enemy of all races. THE JEW IS THE TRUE NAZI.
You have been happy for years to bash people like me, but now that the Jews are after you, now you protest.

If the world had listened to Hitler and not destroyed him, with three superpowers ganging up on one brave, scrappy country (Germany), today you would not be talking about a NWO because there would be no NWO, Alex, and no ADL to harass you.Alex.
It is the Jew World Order. It is not a New World Order, for it is as old as the Talmud, 2000 years ago, that preached a slave planet ruled by a Jew master race. Get that through your loud skull: Jew World Order.

The Great Seal of the United States since 1935 (Roosevelt) has this at the top. Go out and find a one-dollar bill, Alex, and look at the back.

And look this up, Alex, and verify it yourself:
And Hitler was no satanist. The JWO is the satanists. The Jews are the satanists. Satanists desecrated the SS castle at Wewelsburg with child murders, rapes, and the painting of “666” all over.
Here was my major story on that — so sickening that most cannot get through it. SATANISTS HATE HITLER, ALEX JONES!
So why do you hate Hitler?
This article is so important I have added it to the bottom of this very blog.
Warning: there ain’t nothing the Jews have done worse than this. This is why judaism must be banned under the RICO Act  and dissolved as a criminal, psychopathic, and truly genocidal mind CULT. It is not a religion, but a nightmare of slavery and death for all humankind. The Jews are the Nazis. Hitler was never a Nazi.
The people of Germany came to LOVE a man who rose from the working class himself, became a war hero, then entered the thankless task of politics to rescue them as the leader of the nation from the Wall-Street-caused Great Depression, and the years of hunger, joblessness, humiliation and despair that Wall Street JEW STOCK SWINDLERS had caused both Germany and the world.

And now we need another man like him. Or better. For America, our mindset and our own traditions of political freedom.

But this was a man who did not rule by fear, and who was deeply loved.



And that is why he rode in an open car, top down, with hardly a bodyguard.




I call my movement the Eternal Solutreans because the Solutreans whites were the first settlers of North America during the Ice Age. The Asiatic Indians then invaded via Alaska to massacre most of them by sheer superiority in numbers, and take their land. We are now finding white weapons and skeletons all over North, Central and South America from LONG before Columbus.
The Solutrean culture of western Europe got its name from this very important rock formation, now in east-central France, where in the Ice Age the Solutreans hunted and many of their weapons and tools have been found.
Solutré in winter; reindeer, wild horses and woolly mammoths once roamed here and were hunted by Solutrean using new weapons that were “high-tech” for those times.
Two previous Discovery Channel documentaries, “Homicide in Kennewick” and “Ice Age Columbus– Who Were The First Americans?” had supported this new historical revelation.
But when the DC came to interview ME, it reversed itself and was in attack mode throughout the four-hour interview. Now it was a “neo-Nazi myth” – the very topic the DC had been advocating in the two previous documentaries!

This major book by the former director of anthropology at the Smithsonian, Dennis Bradley, proves whites were here first, and they were highly intelligent, creative and courageous.
The fleur-de-lys is the of the oldest symbols of our race and people.
The Eternal Solutreans need a chieftain today, like the selfless Solutrean chieftain Beyorg then…..
…who loves his people……
Beyorg is greeted by his grateful daughter Zia, a heroine herself in the docudrama after he is killed.
…..and punishes the wicked with exile and death.
The murderer is exiled…..
Most of the exiles perish in the wilderness.
Beyorg asks, at the clan’s horsemeat feast…..
All laugh when a follower responds… ;-):
===========Texas judge warns of possible ‘civil war’ if President Obama is re-elected
The Lookout – 7 hours ago


What is it about election years?

As if the negative political ads aren’t enough, now a county judge in Lubbock, Texas, predicts possible “civil war” if President Obama is re-elected.

Judge Tom Head was on a local TV news show making his case for a tax increase, when he said hiring extra sheriff’s deputies would especially be needed if Obama wins in November.

From Lubbock’s Fox 34 News: []

“He’s going to try to hand over the sovereignty of the United States to the U.N., and what is going to happen when that happens?,” Head asked.

“I’m thinking the worst. Civil unrest, civil disobedience, civil war maybe. And we’re not just talking a few riots here and demonstrations, we’re talking Lexington, Concord, take up arms and get rid of the guy.  “Now what’s going to happen if we do that, if the public decides to do that? He’s going to send in U.N. troops. I don’t want ’em in Lubbock County. OK. So I’m going to stand in front of their armored personnel carrier and say ‘you’re not coming in here’.

“And the sheriff, I’ve already asked him, I said ‘you gonna back me’ he said, ‘yeah, I’ll back you’. Well, I don’t want a bunch of rookies back there. I want trained, equipped, seasoned veteran officers to back me.”

Sheriff Kelly Rowe told a Lubbock newspaper reporter he has never discussed any of the scenarios with the judge.

On Wednesday, Judge Head explained his remarks in a video interview with the Lubbock Avalanche-Journal. He said his original comments were taken out of context. But as the county’s emergency management director, he said he has to keep a “worst case scenario” in mind if Obama returns to the White House and Democrats control the Senate.

“I have some opinions what they’re doing and what they’re trying to do if they stay in power,” he said. “And I have to prepare for that.”

Comments (9715)
No reply link so I could address some questions that Huckleberry brought up, but hope he sees this. You only need do three things: 1.) Review the latest UN resolutions and small arms treaty. That alone will clearly demonstrate to you that this judge’s concerns are valid and already shared by many Americans. They are dismantling this country from within for various reasons and will circumvent our Constitution with the UN. 2.) You can find footage at various places online of Obama’s blatant violation of our Constitution by serving TWO offices simultaneously while President, one of those being with the UN where he presides. Watch his use of language there as well in the footage. 3.) Any research, and I mean any, will bring up TONS of facts regarding Obama’s past affiliations with communist entities and whole host of stuff. I mean, it is no secret what kind of slime comes out of Chicago politics. So sorry, Huckleberry, but I don’t now what @Michael said, but I flip the bird to Obama and about 90% of ALL our “leaders”. A current of “Don’t Tread On Me” is running in this country and the fraud of banks and their minions is slowly becoming exposed.
Titusville,Florida,United States,US Less than a min ago


I helped save this October 2007 conference in Southern California after Jews began harassing the hotel where we were meeting.

They also hacked my website to try to destroy the video of my remarks there on psychopaths.


Like Hitler, I want a better world for all races, free of the tyranny of the enemy of all humanity, beauty and integrity — the Jews who are active and committed to the secret and horrific agenda of judaism. the jews are GENOCIDERS.

Like Hitler, I will oppose them with everything I have and am, with victory as my obsession.


================Israeli website: top US general told Israhellers — NO attack on Iran

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US Punched Bibi, Barak in the Face

Analysis: Dempsey’s remark regarding IDF’s inability to destroy Iran’s nuclear capability meant to show Israel who’s boss

By Attila Somfalvi

August 16, 2012 “Ynetnews” – Once every few years Israel needs a slap in the face to remember where it stands in the world. On Tuesday it was US Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff General Martin Dempsey who assumed the role of the responsible adult and slapped Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and Defense Minister Ehud Barak, the duo orchestrating the national hysteria surrounding the possibility of an attack in Iran.

Israel can “delay but not destroy Iran’s nuclear capabilities,” he said while sitting next to Defense Secretary Leon Panetta, who visited Israel a few weeks ago to allay the concerns of the leadership in Jerusalem.

Dempsey’s comments should be taken seriously, as should the stern message conveyed by Panetta, the White House and the American security establishment: If we can’t reason with you, the Israelis, we will have to get tough.

The general’s remark was not a slip-of-the-tongue. It was a calculated statement from a general of Irish descent and character. His words constituted a slap in Israel’s face, a punch in the face, and a kick to the most sensitive part of the body. To be more precise, the US slammed Israel’s head against the wall and said: “Shut up. Stop babbling about Iran. Without us there is not much you can do, and don’t assume for a second that we are dancing to your tune. You shouldn’t do anything stupid, and stop driving the entire world crazy.”

This was the message behind Dempsey’s comment. You don’t believe it? Just imagine what would have happened had an American general, after decades of ambiguity, would have held a press conference and announced that Israel does not have nuclear weapons, or that it does.

Now think again about the meaning of Dempsey’s statement, which was made after months and even years in which Israel was building up its image as an omnipotent power in the Middle East. Dempsey’s comments can even be considered earth-shattering: The US, Israel’s closest ally and confidante, has decided to bring the Jewish state’s leadership to its knees and hurt our exaggerated self-confidence and undermine our deterrence. No less.

Dempsey was painfully clear. He basically said that Israel should not disregard the opinions of its top security officials, stop the constant chatter on Iran and refrain from any acts that may have an adverse effect on the global economy. The general also meant to tell Israel that it mustn’t believe that Netanyahu has any control over the US because he has friends in the Republican Party. Dempsey laid down the facts: Israel is not America, it does not possess the same capabilities, and if Netanyahu and Barak continue wreaking havoc – Israel won’t have America either.

It will take a while before we will be able to gauge the depth of the current crisis between Israel and the US (and between Netanyahu and Obama). Washington made a strategic decision to show Israel who is the mentor and who is the protégé. The US hit Israel’s most sensitive nerve: The pride in its military power. But it appears that the US had no other choice. After weeks of belligerent headlines, President Obama had enough of Netanyahu’s inclination to play with fire. We should start getting used to it.


The mahdi is the great war leader of Islamic prophesy who will save Islam. the Iranians are not afraid to die for total victory, whatever the cost. while I disagree with certain aspects of Islam, we must admire the courage and dedication to their ideals of sincere muslims.

The Founding Fathers understood that If you have nothing worth dying for, you have nothing worth living for. Freedom is worth any sacrifice.

This article claims ( that the US has set up six secret military basis in Israel and that Iran has warned the Jewnited Snakes government that they will not be spared if USrael attacks Iran.

The Iranians are not Arabs; they consider themselves to be Aryans. They are very intelligent and they invented the game of chess. And I believe that Russia and China will back them in any war with the Jewnited Snakes.

=================satanists loathe and fear Hitler and the SS

Ritual murders at Castle Wewelsburg and the Extern Stones in Germany============

I just finished watching the full (one-hour) 2003 German documentary rituellen Missbrauches in Deutschland (“Life in hell: the struggle of the victims of ritual abuse in Germany”).

Clearly, Satanists did ritual child murders in the 1990s and in the year 2000 specifically at the Wewelsburg, the famous onetime SS school-castle (., which was many centuries old…. and in a way practical for that purpose because it had ritual rooms (it had belonged to a bishop), it had been a prison and had chains on the walls of its dungeons already.

(Castle is slightly upper-left on a hill)

A further motive for satanists: 1) desecrate it as Himmler’s castle, 2) discredit somehow thereby the SS and thus the Third Reich, and 3) try to end it as a source of some mystical Aryan power, or 4) twisting the power for evil, or, of course all of the above…..

Wikipedia’s articles in English and in German on the Wewelsburg mentioned nothing about these massive allegations of child murders there……
To me it all suggests the Satanists want very badly to 1) weaken the Wewelsburg energy or 2) capture it… and certainly try to “ruin” any future enjoyment of it by us after our victory. It will really need a ritual cleansing…As will the whole Federal Republic of Germany…..The German ID card, the Ausweis
Ornaments brought in by satanists for a 2000 ritual murder at the Wewelsburg


I assume that the reason the media has not made a big thing out of this is that if satanists hate NS, then by extension their lord, Satan, the ultimate in evil, might hate Hitler, Himmler and the values of NS…….This has to be a main thrust of my final video. I have seen people SEETHE when one brings up child molesters and murders of children. Nothing infuriates people, more, not even 9/11.


Ritual scenes from the basement of the Wewelsburg: goat head, red snakes, inverted crosses, children raped (lower left), chests punctured, being hoisted up and bled)

The details, btw, were beyond the word shocking. I will just say that two sisters went on camera, accused their own parents, the father being a Protestant minister, and both confirmed on camera that the older sister was forced to give birth (from rape) to a baby, then kill it with a dagger, and open the chest cavity, take out and eat some of its heart.

Of course, no one has been arrested, despite many witnesses stepping forward, identifying other victims on photos, and describing the perpetrators using the same or similar names.

Interestingly, one redheaded girl says the children being held in captivity never talked to each other, and would not talk to each other today even as adults. In most cases, they were forced to commit various crimes, from the horrific one one above to killing cats and kittens.

I always wondered why my brother would never contact me for any reason, never send birthday or Christmas cards, I never sent him any, and to this day no one in my family sends birthday cards.


PS Here are more notes I took:

Satanism: getting power to be a god; self-deification

life is in blood, so blood power

children had to kill cats “for starters”
…had to watch other children being raped
One saw 11-year-old brother screaming and twitching; he finally committed suicide
Sibling victims do not want to talk to each other afterward
–special initiation: open grave in graveyard next to church; girl had to take heart out of a fresh cadaver; then enter church with lodge officials, lay self on altar; sexual things done to her; the victim should do evil things too and also feel powerful; trained then to do rituals and kill children; child gets recognition and praise for every crime it does;
–German policewoman: The rule is that if there is no Anzeige (criminal complaint) by the victim, there can be no investigation whatsoever, no mater how much suspicion or proof. A victim must step forward and, with his or her real name, make an accusation before any investigation can BEGIN…..and then go nowhere (which the documentary says, in quiet disgust).
–adults who were victims do not come forward because they too have committed crimes (under duress)the pastor’s daughter at the Externsteine, forced there to murder a 14-year-old girl; victims fear being indicted themselves. But usually there is no body.

–three dirty, cold cellar rooms.
This former East German girl……… whose parents were well-situated communists….
…… described…a holding room
Girl being held….
A child being electro-shocked…..
A red-haired girl is taken to a fireplace created on the floor of an abandoned factory basement.
A child is being bled.
–satanists take many photos during these crimes for online porn offerings (and I add: for blackmail)
Children on all fours and with a golden ring on a finger (not visible): all this means to the sickos “you can do anything to them and they will cooperate, being well broken-in”

.! Use segment 25:27-44 or to -26:38 A child is dragged toward the fire. (I remember being dragged, and to this day, if I see a person dragged on a rough floor it gives me a horrific feeling.)
–children never talk, dead-silent, while being transported to and from abuse location

–child aborted in sixth month and sacrificed on the spot, on the ritual fire location of Wewelsburg
–children must harm other children
-use of reversed words by satanists
“Do what you want” (in English and backwards, a modern version of the Aleister Crowley phrase); a child is tied up in a wooden box to be sexually molested by hooded figures.
–witnesses recognized each other, recall similar-sounding names of perps
–high priest, cloaked, called himself Manngott, “Man-God”
–38:43 at Externsteine woman, then 17, threatened with death if she talked, then ordered to slit throat and filet a 14-year-old girl, then praised after doing it for the “great job”
–victim says that being forced to harm or murder another child is much worse than any rape or torture
–regular mode of operation to always make victims into perpetrators
A German expert, Renate Rennebach, former MP (Member of the Bundestag (the German parliament) in Berlin, 1990-2002, thus for 12 years, says, around 53:18:

“They have a network; we have none.”

–girl raped (see picture directly below) at 13, gave birth at 14 (sister, then 10, witnessed and confirms this). Forced to eat part of the placenta, then forced to kill her own child by stabbing the baby in the chest, then to open the ribcage and eat part of the heart; then all the hooded figures around the altar ate of the heart too; the high priest “Atama” with a black-gold mask on guided her hand in the stabbing and chest-opening.This was the only time either of the two sisters, who acted numb and zombylike. usually on-camera, got teary.The same girl (right below) who had to kill her baby was also raped on an earlier occasion on a church altar by a goat after being smeared in a stinking substance.
–constant use of 666….. in this form: three sixes (666) with the balls touching and thus three whirling arms

Judaea delenda est. Wikipedia article on Jerusalem with coordinates of the city
–A child being raped (erect penis of priest) at the Wewelsburg, who has been stabbed in the heart and blood is being taken out by syringe while he is vomiting and streams of tears fall; several victims have come forward testifying to the same details and even the same perpetrator names and no one has been indicted.

–His wrist is slit while he is hoisted up by feet; all these are practices described in Blood Passover by Ariel Toaff


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