Negress plows into NYPD officer

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…On blacks and brutes

A comrade and generous donor commented:

Regarding the video of the Negroes robbing the woman, there is a brutishness to these people that is not found in Whites nor Asians.

I replied:

Yes. Other races have committed heinous crimes, but usually there is usually some rationale. When the Allies bombed Dresden, it was part of a supposed program of breaking German morale to continue the war. When the Romans crucified whomever they called rebels, it was to suppress rebellion. When Genghis Khan massacred entire cities, it was so the next city would surrender immediately upon demand.

With the Black criminals, I feel like I am watching a wild animal….but more than that, an animal with latent tendencies toward evil.

A few animals are that way, too. A horse connaisseur and horse lover told me there ARE mean and evil horses, and horses are huge beasts. Some will kick you in the head for the sheer hell of it, or throw you, hoping you break your neck. Once this trait is determined, they must be put down.

I recall this blog I did in 2021 about a savage negro, and my salute to the late, great Professor John Baker of Oxford and his book, Race.

After reading Oxford professor John Baker’s book Race,

….the biggest shock was how many Blacks are not just dumb, oversexed, and out of control, but, well, also absolutely evilin other words, psychopaths.

The stuff they did to each other, and I mean out of pure sadism — and this  was long before the white man ever came and began exploring Black Africa — was simply hair-raising.

“Nice, calm, laid-back” negro burglarizes home, chops HEAD, fingers and toes off white Indiana female pensioner, churchgoer and homeless friend, then sets her home in apartment building on fire

It was a seminal book for me in the late 1970s, and emphasized that Blacks can be not just low-IQ and impulsive, but also malevolent. And their religions contain voodoo — black (evil) magic — and involve witch doctors doing frightful, torturous things to captured, tied-up living humans as part of laying a curse on someone else, or seducing their spouse, and summoning and pleasing some demonic entity.

One of the „justifications“ of African slavery and western colonialism was that it prohibited the practice of voodoo, which is literally devil worship.

And this raises the disturbing question what kind of a race would come up with such a „religion“?

Hitler made it very clear in Bolshevism from Moses to Lenin (1924) that the Old Testament, the Talmud, and the Shulchan Aruch did not make the jews. The jews made the OT, the Talmud, and the Shulchan Aruch.

…and one hundred more recent abominations that jews such as Soros  have concocted….

In the same way, the Blacks invented voodoo. It expressed something about them.



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    • Thank you. I will use this. I had never heard of this health issue related to “kapparos.”

      Here again we see jews getting total impunity from the authorities. Truly, we can speak henceforth only of Jew York City.

      I had a gf in the 1990s in Virginia who was familiar with the health codes for any establishment handling food served to the public, and the food authorities were strict, levied fines, and shut places down.

      During the 18 years I was in the Washington DC area, the Washington Post ran a regular column on restaurants shut down by the D.C. health department. This makes sense for the Post because lobbyists, tens of thousands of them, are always taking people (congressmen or others) out to lunch or dinner.

      So restaurants are a BIG part of Washington life. Btw, the offenders were constantly Chinese restaurants. (The health department — I would read the details of the violations found — found food from the previous day that was being illegally reheated and served, or cooking pots were found with no lid on them so a house fly (who had maybe just eaten some dog sh–) could get into the food…. or they saw rats and rat feces in the kitchen.

      And then these Chinese places were SHUT DOWN.

      I can say that twice I got food poisoning from Chinese food, once as a kid in Cranston, Rhode Island; and again, in Vandergrift, Pennsylvania, as an adult. I remember as a kid that it felt like someone had taken my intestines and twisted them with pliers. And people do die from food poisoning.

      But the jews are allowed to violate every ordinance and law about everything.

      The CDC says three thousand Americans die every year from spoiled food:

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