Neo-con RINO queer Sen. Lindsay Graham again calls for Putin to be ASSASSINATED

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What could possibly go wrong? Russia only has, like, 7,000 nukes.


Senator Lindsey Graham, a South Carolina Republican, said Sunday that the goal in the ongoing Ukraine war should be to “take out” Vladimir Putin, contending that there is “no off-ramp” with the Russian president remaining in power.


On March 3, shorty after Putin launched the full-scale invasion of Ukraine on February 24, Graham first floated the idea of assassinating Putin during an interview with Fox News. The GOP senator put the idea forward on Twitter shortly later as well. “Is there a Brutus in Russia? Is there a more successful Colonel Stauffenberg in the Russian military?” Graham asked at the time.

The remark drew condemnation from the White House as well as some prominent conservatives. Later in March, Graham again doubled-down on the comments, saying during a press conference: “I hope he will be taken out.”




You know, it’s as if Russia were Andorra, a micro-country.

Nicholas Van Rensburg, the prophet who in 1917 was ridiculed for predicting THREE world wars, the annihilation of the northern hemisphere via “horror bombs,”  and an alliance between certain Germans and the surviving Boers.


….See also

Russia-1 television — which promoted my website on September 11 (!) 2016 — threatens UK with total nuclear annihilation, exactly as in the 1917 Van Rensburg prophecy which I have been proclaiming since 20 April 2017

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