Neocon mass-murderer of both our soldiers and Iraqi civilians, John Bolton, accuses Republicans of ‘coddling’ Trump, while he ‘trashes the US electoral system’

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The following story is an op-ed by Francois Arouet.
John Bolton is the devil incarnate.
I truly believe that.
There are some REALLY evil people in this world, but few – even those that perpetrate mass murder on the scale Bolton has – do so because they enjoy it.
Bolton is one such man.
A creature so full of contempt for humanity and driven by an insatiable blood-lust, he’d meld seamlessly into Kaganovic’s Holodomor death squad or Pol Pot’s, Khmer Rouge.


Bolton, also one of the most discredited men on the face of the planet, has now had the audacity to chime in on our nation’s election debacle, and as expected he has used the platform the mainstream broadcast and legacy print media have afforded him, to trash our President and undermine our constitutional right to a free and fair election.


And also as expected, the Left have welcomed the madman and his vile machinations with open arms!


Literally handing him hours of airtime as well as a full column in several of the nation’s most-read newspapers.


Have Lefty scum forgotten Bolton’s role in the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan?


And here I thought the Left, led by the Democrat Party, were the champions of “peace” and “love” and arbiters of “justice”.


While Trump at worst is guilty of a few gaffes that could be possibly misconstrued as inappropriate, as well as at times being a bit of a blowhard, Bolton literally has the blood of MILLIONS of innocents on his filthy blood-soaked Neocon hands.


And much of that BLOOD (I’ll be using that word a lot in this piece) was spilled from bodies draped in brown skin – in Iraq, as well as in our military. You know, the sorts of people Democrats claim they care about?


Guess not, when the man killing said non-whites, also HATES our President.


Still, their blatant hypocrisy is as astounding as it is evil.


Instead of ignoring the irrelevant war criminal, the former White House National Security Adviser has been given dozens of platforms from which to spew his venom – I’ve now seen him on CNN, MSNBC, as well as read his putrid commentary in the Washington Post and across an array of other mainstream publications.


The man has literally been able to speak his putrid piece pretty much everywhere hatred of our President is peddled.


Bolton first lashed out at the Republican Party for continuing to support their leader in an op-ed on Wednesday, accusing the GOP of “coddling” President Trump following his supposed electoral “loss.”


In the opinion piece first published in The Washington Post (what are the chances!!) the blood-thirsty madman opined that he was distressed by how many Republicans had elected to “coddle” and “comfort” the President “while he trashes the U.S. electoral system.”


How their behavior not only upset him on a personal level, but how he felt they were not only being unethical, but immoral.


Yes, John Bolton chimed in on morality.


How on God’s green earth can this monster speak of morality? Is he that oblivious to just how much blood he’s spilled during his career?


Or is he so far gone – and that much of a sociopath – that he really doesn’t realize how bloody evil he is?


And what about the Left? How can these editors and “journalists” sleep at night?


Silly question….


Still, just last year, before Bolton reared his ugly head again – this time to wage war on President Trump – the Left Wing Guardian newspaper opined,


“Our long international nightmare of John Bolton is at last over. Did Bolton resign? Was he fired? It doesn’t matter. John Bolton is now no longer in charge of US national security policy and thus, we can all breathe a little easier.”


Now these same papers are in fact INTERVIEWING him! Asking the man for his opinion on President Trump, all but welcoming him into their inner circle.


The Washington Post has even paid him for a column!


Bolton, in his WaPo piece (of you know what) continues,


“But this coddling strategy is exactly backward. The more Republican leaders kowtow, the more Trump believes he is still in control and the less likely he will do what normal Presidents do: make a gracious concession speech; fully cooperate with the President-elect in a smooth transition process; and validate the election process itself by joining his successor at the Jan. 20 inauguration,”


Bolton adds, “Consider the competing interests. Donald Trump’s is simple and straightforward: Donald Trump. The near-term Republican interest is winning the Georgia runoffs,” Bolton wrote. “The long-term Republican interest emphatically involves winning those Senate seats, but it also involves rejecting Trump’s personalized, erratic, uncivil, unpresidential and ultimately less-than-effective politics and governance.”


Yes, this drivel was in fact published in the nation’s seventh most popular newspaper. A self-described “liberal” newspaper, whose slogan comically reads, “Democracy dies in darkness”, has given an actual column to a man guilty of killing millions of people.


But no one should be surprised.


As we have been arguing for years, the Left and Right wings of the Establishment may disagree on abortion, gay this-and-that, and other “charged” issues most of us care little about, but when it comes to war, seizing our civil liberties, spying on us etc, they are almost always on the same team.


Sure there are a few good eggs in both parties – think Republicans Ron and Rand Paul, Donald Trump and at times even Ted Cruz, and on the Left you have men like Dennis Kucinich and lasses like Tulsi Gabbbard – but in general these monsters are warmongering filth cut from the same cloth. And more importantly, they’re on the same team!


With the exact same enemy.




Make no mistake these bloodthirsty sociopaths hate us with equal measure, and revile the man that stands between US…. And them.


OUR President, Donald Trump.

[End of article by Francois Arouet]


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