Never forget Waukesha!

Darrell Brooks, charged with killing five people and injuring nearly 50 after plowing through a Christmas parade with his sport utility vehicle on November 21, appears in Waukesha County Court in Waukesha, Wisconsin, U.S. November 23, 2021. Mark Hoffman/Pool via REUTERS
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This case makes me so god-damn angry, and as a spiritual person, I especially resent it being done during a Christmas parade,  honoring a Jesus who preached love, peace, service and humility, and died as an enemy of judaism. This killer ape incarnated two stereotypes I heard as a kid: “Crazy ngr” and “uppity ngr.”  This creature is the negro Darrell Brooks, who in November 2021 took a SUV and plowed into a Christmas parade in Waukesha, just west of Milwaukee, zigging and zagging to kill six white people and injure 62.

But this massacre exceeded even libtard Wisconsin’s patience and eternal sympathy for the perpetrator. Also, the unusually crazy and amazingly uppity Brooks constantly defied the judge and enraged the jury, which in turn found him guilty on all counts. Had he only pled that he was a pitiful victim of systemic white racism, the weepy Wisconsin females and male Demoncrat libtards on the jury, and the female judge would probably would have given him a $200 fine for reckless driving. BUT he was far too stupid to do this.

The female judge sentenced this beast to six consecutive life sentences in a super-max prison without the possibility of parole, plus 762 years, plus restitution. (LOL — how will this negro lifer pay his victims $500K in restitution?)

This is the same Wisconsin where they put Kyle Rittenhouse –a really good kid of German ancestry — on trial for murder for defending himself against Antifa. Wisconsin is more libtard than most other states, and sort of the California or Massachusetts of the Midwest.

Milwaukee, the big city next to Waukesha, was once a fine city full of German and Polish immigrants, plus Irish, Italians and Scandinavians, and was almost 100% white in 1910.

Now it is 32% white, the Blacks are out of control in every way, and huge areas are now hispanic.

Milwaukee once had many flourishing industries, not surprising in a one-third German town, including major beer breweries such as Pabst (as in the popular Pabst Blue Ribbon beer), SchlitzBlatz, and Miller); the city was the number-one beer producing city in the world for many years.  It  also hosted Harley-Davidson motorcycles, Allis-Chalmers tractors, Master Lock, etc.

The Pabst Building

Wisconsin is an ultra-libtard state composed largely of liberal emigrant Germans who had fled to the US in 1848. It abolished the death penalty in 1853. Indeed Wisconsin is in fact one of the earliest states to have abolished the death penalty, one of the states with the longest record of abolition and the only state to have only executed one person, a farmer who drowned his own wife in a cistern.

In 2006, an advisory referendum showed 55.5% of Wisconsin voters were in favor of reinstating capital punishment. But of course the state legislature did not adopt any statute to implement the popular vote. So what is the point of holding a referendum? A referendum is usually held on a controversial measure,  a “hot  potato,” with the legislature saying:  “Let the voters decide.”

Well, they DID decide, and the legislature ignored them! Quite the “democracy”…..

When I ruled Germany, I SERVED the German people, and OBEYED their wishes. I gave explicit orders to the justice ministry.

Every sentence must reflect das gesunde Volksempfinden, “the healthy feelings of the Folk.”

In some cases, that meant a very light sentence, full of understanding for what happened.

But in others it meant a very, very harsh one.

The most important criterion, I ordered, was to ignore legal technicalities and do what our Folk felt was right.

This beautiful German mother, Marianne Bachmeier, daughter of a Waffen-SS soldier,  in 1981 shot a man dead with six accurate bullets in the courtroom.  The fiend had raped and killed her little daughter Anna.

32-year-old Marianne Bachmeier is pictured in a court room in Luebeck, West Germany, Thursday November 4, 1982. Mrs. Bachmeier stands trial charged with the killing of Klaus Grabowski, the alleged murder of her 7-year-old daughter Anna in a Luebeck court room with eight shots in the back in March 1981. (AP Photo/Helmuth Lohmann)


Marianne got six years in prison (serving three of them) under the Banana Republic of Germany!

We NS would have given her maybe a light $100 fine and two months in jail with kind and soft treatment.

Who can condemn a mother face to face with the monster who had ravished and killed her daughter?

The Folk must be listened to when a mother avenges her daughter’s death!  


Poor Marianne died of pancreatic cancer at 46.

Back to the topic of referenda:

Michigan, for example, had a referendum in 2018 on de-criminalizing marijuana, and the voters approved it. The Michigan legislature then complied. Now marijuana is legal in Michigan for both medicinal and recreational use.

But with regard to the death penalty, our neighbor, über-libtard Wisconsin, refused to obey the clear will of the people, and  so this walking turd Darrell Brookes will not be executed but get  “three hots and a cot” (free room and board for decades at taxpayer expense) for the rest of his sorry life. What should have happened would have been to tie him to a wall and hit him with an SUV at 40 miles per hour, which was what he did to six white human beings. Hell, let one of the husbands, sons, or fathers of a Brooks victim do the driving.

*** stupid libtard reason in Wisconsin to abolish the death penalty

See below. If the hanging was botched, then take out a breaching shotgun and blow the murderer’s head off.  It will fly off like a bird. End of story —  end of execution.

I saw a police video where a Mexican was beating his girlfriend, who screamed, and then someone dialed 911.  The police came.  The shotgun was used first to open the house’s locked main door. When the perp charged the cop, the breaching shotgun simply beheaded him.

The negro Bennie Simmons raped a white Oklahoma teenage girl in the town of Onandarka in 1911. Though he begged for mercy (which the white girl never got), he was stripped, coated in oil, set on fire, hoisted up slowly by the neck, and, as he screamed, was shot into little pieces with shotguns.

Horrible? Yes. But the harsh punishment reflected a white realization over the centuries of two things: negro craziness (including an inability to be deterred by any consequences), and negro “uppity-ness” — a total, radical defiance of white authority that must be CRUSHED.

The messed-up hanging of the farmer McCaffary was no reason at all to end the death penalty EXCEPT FOR SENTIMENTAL LIBTARDS.

Why is China virtually crime-free?  Massive use of the death penalty.

The murderer kneels and is shot in the back of the head, with one more shot as a coup de grâce. Then his organs are usefully harvested for the benefit of people who are blind or they need a new kidney, lungs, heart or liver. I have no objection to helping decent, innocent people in this way.

This one guillotine in NS Germany, seen below, quietly ended the failed incarnations of hundreds of lowlifes. Cleanup? A scrub brush and a bucket of cold water. Put the corpse in the ground to rot as fertilizer — finally a good use for a worthless, parasitical life form. Lowlifes are ipso facto atheists, who do not fear God or believe in any afterlife, and so they fear death as their total end.  So keep the death penalty — and inflict it in order to terrify the scum.  No naive appeal to goodness works with a true lowlife. I speak from much experience.



John McCaffary

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
John McCaffary
Born c. 1820

Died August 21, 1851 (aged 30/31)

Cause of death Botched execution by hanging (unintentional strangulation)
Criminal status Executed
(August 21, 1851; 172 years ago)
Spouse Bridgett McCaffary
Conviction(s) Willful murder[1]
Criminal penalty Death
Victims Bridgett McCaffary
Date July 23, 1850

John McCaffary[a] (c. 1820 – August 21, 1851) was an Irish-American farmer who was convicted and executed for the murder of his wife, Bridgett McCaffary. His execution by hanging was botched; he was unintentionally strangled for over 20 minutes until he died. His execution led to the abolition of capital punishment in Wisconsin. [WHY?????? Do you think his poor wife did not suffer? Was drowning her “humane”?]

Murder of Bridgett McCaffary[edit]

On July 23, 1850,[5] Bridgett McCaffary (née McKean)[6] was drowned in a backyard cistern in Kenosha, a newly incorporated town in Kenosha County, Wisconsin. John McCaffary, an immigrant farmer from Ireland,[7] was arrested and charged with the murder of his wife. His trial began on May 6, 1851, and on May 23, 1851, the jury convicted him of willful murder. The judge sentenced him to death by hanging[5] and the death warrant was signed by Governor Nelson Dewey.[8]

The John McCaffary House was added to the National Register of Historic Places in 1978. [Oh,  Jesus…now McCaffary is a martyr.]

Botched execution and abolition of Wisconsin’s death penalty[edit]

Burial marker in Green Ridge Cemetery, Kenosha

John McCaffary[7] was the only person ever to be executed by the state of Wisconsin. He was executed by hanging for the murder of his wife. McCaffary was hanged from a tree on August 21, 1851, before a crowd of 2,000 to 3,000 people in front of the Kenosha courthouse and jail.[5] The hanging was initially unsuccessful, and McCaffary remained alive and struggled on the end of the rope for approximately 20 minutes as he was slowly strangled. McCaffary was buried in the Green Ridge Cemetery in Kenosha. He was the first person executed by Wisconsin after it became a state of the United States in 1848.

The spectacle of McCaffary’s slow death in front of thousands led reformers in Wisconsin to press for abolition of the death penalty. On July 12, 1853, Wisconsin Governor Leonard J. Farwell signed a law that abolished the death penalty in Wisconsin and replaced it with a penalty of life imprisonment. The law is still in effect and no one has been executed by Wisconsin since McCaffary’s death.


*** Back to Waukesha

The sixth white victim passed away later in hospital. Jackson Sparks was age eight —  one of the 18 kids injured and one of two that were in critical condition.  Do not feel sorry fo Jackson, who has left this shitworld run by the jews because most Whites are bribable or are cowards.



“The Dancing Grannies” — three of them were killed

The dead so far — and some of the survivors may have TERRIBLE LIFELONG INJURIES AND HANDICAPS 


Margi and I took in a Boer woman FOR SIX MONTHS from South Africa and her four blond little kids in 2008. She loathed the Blacks so much she literally did not even like black dogs! The entire color black was hateful to her. I can understand her.

White SA boy punched by a large adult negro



VERY nasty photos coming…..



VERY nasty photos…..



VERY nasty photos…..



VERY nasty photos…..







This is what negroes can do:







…..Jewsmedia immediately scolded WHITES for their outrage over this massacre

And, for the jew Mike Rothschild, M.D., maybe he is thinking: What is so wrong about killing Christian goyim at a Christmas parade? The Holy Talmud informs us that Yeshu (Jesus) was a blasphemer who is being boiled in semen in hell!


If you or I ran over 69 BLACK people they would not call it an “incident.”


Excellent video:




…..Waukesha Christmas parade attack

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Waukesha Christmas parade attack

Site of the incident on the corner of Barstow and Main streets on November 22. Police investigate behind the yellow caution tape.
Location Waukesha, Wisconsin, U.S.
Coordinates 43°00′44″N 88°13′45″W
Date November 21, 2021; 2 years ago
~4:39 p.m. (CST)
Target People attending or participating in the annual Waukesha Christmas parade
Attack type Vehicle-ramming attack, mass murder, pedicide
Weapons 2010 Ford Escape
Deaths 6
Injured 62
Perpetrator Darrell Brooks
Motive Unknown

First-degree intentional homicide (6 counts)
First-degree recklessly endangering safety (61 counts)
Hit and run causing death (6 counts)
Sentence Six consecutive life sentences without the possibility of extended supervision plus 762+1⁄2 years, and restitution totaling $523,293.01[1][4][5]

On November 21, 2021, Darrell Edward Brooks Jr. drove a sport utility vehicle (SUV) through the annual Christmas parade in Waukesha, Wisconsin, United States, killing 6 people and injuring 62 others.[2]

Brooks pleaded not guilty to six counts of first-degree intentional homicide and seventy additional charges. He chose to represent himself at his trial, which began on October 3, 2022.[6] Brooks presented pseudolegal arguments from the sovereign citizen movement[7] and was repeatedly removed from the courtroom for failing to comply with decorum and courtesy.[8] On October 26, 2022, a jury found Brooks guilty on all seventy-six charges.[b][2] On November 16, 2022, he was sentenced to six consecutive life sentences without the possibility of parole, plus an additional 762.5 years to be served consecutively.[9]

Waukesha, a western suburb of Milwaukee, Wisconsin, has an annual Christmas parade downtown.[10][11] In 2020, the parade was cancelled due to the COVID-19 pandemic.[12] The 2021 parade, the 58th annual event, featured more than 60 entries and had the theme “Comfort and Joy”.[13]


The perpetrator drove a similar maroon 2010 Ford Escape during the attack.[14]
On November 21, 2021, around 4:39 p.m. (CST), 39-year-old Darrell Brooks drove a red 2010 Ford Escape SUV, moving at about 40 miles per hour (64 km/h), past barricades and through the annual Christmas parade in Waukesha.[15][16][17] One police officer banged on the hood of the SUV in an attempt to get Brooks to stop.[18] In the final stage of the rampage, an officer fired his gun in an attempt to stop the vehicle.[19][20][21]

The parade was live-streamed, and other attendees captured the incident on videos later posted to social media. Two eyewitnesses told reporters that the driver did not initially stop; all they could hear was people screaming and crying.[22] One witness described the driver as “calm and composed”.[13][23] Police reported that the driver deliberately targeted the crowd, driving in a “zig-zag pattern” to hit as many people as possible.[24]


Abandoned items from parade goers on the corner of Broadway and Main St.
During the immediate aftermath of the ramming, five people were confirmed killed and forty-eight others were injured.[25] The five dead were identified as four women and one man.[26] Four of the dead were members of the Milwaukee Dancing Grannies, a dance group composed solely of grandmothers.[27][28]

Hospitals admitted twenty-eight people, nine of whom were in critical condition.[22][25][29] Seventeen children were among the wounded,[19][26] with three remaining hospitalized at Children’s Wisconsin until early December.[30][31] By November 23, two days after the incident, the number of people reported injured had increased to sixty-two and the number of fatalities had increased to six after an eight-year-old child died at a hospital.[24][32] The ages of the dead ranged from 8 to 81.[33]

On December 15, 2023, WWE premiered a documentary on Peacock, Braun Strowman: Waukesha Strong. The documentary details the life and death of Jackson Sparks, the 8-year-old boy who died in the parade.[34]

The Waukesha Police Department issued a shelter-in-place order for parts of Waukesha but withdrew it the same evening.[35][36] The Waukesha School District canceled school on November 22 and made additional counselors available to students.[35] On November 22, vigils were held across the city.[37] A week after the attacks the city of Waukesha held a moment of silence.[38] Children’s Wisconsin opened a crisis hotline for those seeking emotional and psychological support.[39] First Lady Jill Biden met privately with victims’ family members and attended a memorial to the victims on December 15.[40]

Several donation efforts were made, with nearly $900,000 having been raised on GoFundMe for victims of the attack,[41] and 7,000 donations being made raising over $1.8 million to the United for Waukesha Community Fund.[42] In addition, local contractors volunteered to install wheelchair ramps in the homes of those injured from the attack who would need wheelchairs.[43]

In March 2022, the United for Waukesha Community Fund announced that they had raised more than $6.2 million for the victims of the attack.[44]

Darrell Brooks
Born Darrell Edward Brooks Jr.
February 21, 1982 (age 42)
Milwaukee, Wisconsin, U.S.
Nationality American
Known for Perpetrator of the Waukesha Christmas parade attack
Criminal status Incarcerated
Conviction(s) First-degree intentional homicide (6 counts)
First-degree recklessly endangering safety (61 counts)
Hit and run causing death (6 counts)[c]
Criminal penalty 6 life sentences without the possibility of parole plus 762 years and 6 months
Date November 21, 2021 ~4:39 P.M. (CST)
Location(s) Waukesha, Wisconsin, U.S.
Target(s) People attending the annual Waukesha Christmas parade
Killed 6
Injured 61-62
Weapon 2010 Ford Escape
Imprisoned at Wisconsin Secure Program Facility[d]
On the day of the attack, police recovered a damaged Ford Escape and arrested a then 39-year-old Darrell Edward Brooks Jr. (born February 21, 1982), who was born and raised in Milwaukee and has an extensive criminal record dating back to September 1999.[29][45][46][35][47][48] A note, that was written according to police records, stated that in his early days in Milwaukee, Brooks was raised without a father but had a supportive mother. His grandmother wrote a letter to the court that Brooks began living with bipolar disorder at the age of 12, after he was hospitalized for mental health conditions in 1994.[49] Brooks also didn’t complete his high school education after he was charged with his first felony on September 5, 1999, for substantial battery while he was a junior at high school at the age of 17. He was sentenced to two years in jail, three years of probation, and six months at Milwaukee County Community Reintegration Center in nearby Franklin.[50]

Brooks was arrested on the night of the attack, soon after he told a Waukesha resident that he was homeless and asked to use his phone to call an Uber.[51] The man was unaware of the events that had occurred and permitted Brooks briefly inside his home, giving him a sandwich and letting him borrow a jacket, but asked him to leave when police arrived. Brooks left the man’s home and surrendered to police without incident.[52]

It is believed Brooks acted alone and did not know anyone at the parade.[18][52][53][54] Police investigated whether he was fleeing from a nearby domestic disturbance when encountering the parade.[29] The police chief said, “We have information that the suspect prior to the incident was involved in a domestic disturbance, which was just minutes prior, and the suspect left that scene just prior to our arrival to that domestic disturbance.”[25] He also said that Brooks was not being chased by police when he drove into the parade route.[53] Prosecutors alleged that Brooks was trying to “strike and hurt as many people as possible”.[41]

Criminal history
Brooks faced criminal charges in Manitowoc in 2005.[55] Following this, in November 2006, he was convicted of a felony statutory sexual seduction after impregnating a 15-year-old girl in Sparks, Nevada. He pleaded guilty in March 2007 and was sentenced to 12–36 months at the Northern Nevada Correctional Center in Carson City. He was released in September 2008.[56] Brooks then had subsequent criminal charges in Wisconsin Rapids in 2010.[55] In 2016, he was made subject to a warrant for a statutory sex crime in Sparks, Nevada. This warrant remained outstanding at the time of the November 2021 attack.[57] Brooks has been registered for life as a sex offender in Wisconsin since 2020.[58]

On July 24, 2020, while living in the Milwaukee community area of Arlington Heights, Brooks was charged with second-degree recklessly endangering safety and felon in possession of a firearm after he allegedly shot at his nephew and a friend after a fight over a cell phone near a North 19th Street house in the Milwaukee community area of North Division. He was held pending trial, and did not post bail of $10,000; however, the trial was delayed, and he was released on a reduced $500 bond on February 9, 2021.[59]

Five months and five weeks prior to the Waukesha attack, Brooks was arrested in relation to domestic violence while staying at the Country Hearth Inn in Union City, Georgia. A witness told police that he was staying in the room next to Brooks when he overheard him arguing with and beating up his ex-girlfriend, causing the witness to confront Brooks. According to WXIA-TV, Brooks flashed a firearm in front of the ex-girlfriend during the argument. After spending the rest of the day behind bars at the East Point Law Enforcement Center in East Point, Brooks appeared in court the following day on May 28. He received a signature bond, but never made it to its signature court date.[60]

On November 2, 2021, three weeks prior to the Waukesha attack, Brooks punched his ex-girlfriend before running her over with his vehicle.[61] The subsequent charges held against him included second-degree recklessly endangering safety with domestic abuse assessments (a felony), as well as disorderly conduct with domestic abuse assessments. Brooks posted $1000 bail on November 19, two days before the Waukesha attack, and was released the same day.[62][53][63]

Legal proceedings
Pre-trial proceedings
Brooks was initially charged with five counts of first-degree intentional homicide. Following the death of a sixth victim, Brooks’s bond was set at $5 million, and he remained in custody,[64] following an initial court appearance.[65] The Waukesha County District Attorney said more charges were likely to come[18] and charged Brooks with a sixth count of first-degree intentional homicide on November 29.[66]

Brooks was interviewed by Fox News while he was in custody and he said, “I just feel like I’m being monster—demonized.”[67] His mother wrote a letter to the media saying Brooks had a long history of mental health problems and no health insurance to pay for treatment.[67][68] In December, Brooks was charged further for the November 21 incident, with charges of intimidating a witness and intimidation of a victim, both felonies. He is alleged to have called his girlfriend from jail [on an obviously tapped phone!] over several days and threatened her to prevent her cooperation with the investigation.[61]

In January 2022, seventy-seven additional charges were filed against Brooks for the parade attack, including sixty-one counts of first-degree recklessly endangering safety with a dangerous weapon, six counts of hit and run involving death, two counts of felony bail jumping, and two counts of domestic abuse.[69][70] The latter charges are in relation to two altercations between Brooks and his girlfriend on the day of the attack and the day before.[71]

Trial and sentencing
On January 14, 2022, Waukesha Court Commissioner Kevin Costello ruled in preliminary hearing that Brooks would stand trial due to “ample evidence on all fronts”. Waukesha police detective Thomas Casey testified in the hearing as a witness, saying that he and other officers at the scene yelled at Brooks to stop. At the same time, Brooks zigzagged with his vehicle for blocks to strike [WHITE!!!!!!] pedestrians. Brooks’s defense attorney Anna Kees argued that Brooks was high during the incident, noting that the police officers who arrested him noticed that Brooks smelled of cannabis and had red, glassy eyes. Kees also claimed that Brooks did not intend to kill anyone, as he “couldn’t bring himself” to look at photos of the victims. District Attorney Susan Opper counter-argued that all that Brooks had to do was stop and that even if he was intoxicated, he still committed multiple crimes.[72][73]

On February 11, 2022, Brooks pleaded not guilty to all charges.[74][75][76] Defense attorney Jeremy Perri entered two motions, requesting in the first one for a different trial in a different county, claiming that Brooks was unlikely to receive a fair and impartial jury trial in grief-stricken Waukesha, citing the “ubiquitous” Waukesha Strong solidarity movement within the county. The second motion requested a new judge for the case, for which no reason was given.[77] Court Commissioner Costello denied the first motion but granted the second motion, reassigning the case from Judge Michael Bohren to Chief Judge Jennifer Dorow.[78] One month later, Dorow scheduled Brooks’s trial for October 3, 2022,[79] at the Waukesha County Circuit Court.[80] Before jury selection, one count of domestic battery was dropped by the prosecutors.[81]

In a pre-trial hearing, Brooks requested self-representation. Judge Dorow considered the request and ruled that Brooks could proceed pro se.[82] During proceedings, Brooks used arguments from the sovereign citizen movement, a pseudolegal movement whose adherents claim that courts do not have jurisdiction over them.[7][83] Brooks declared himself to be “sovereign”, stated that he did not consent to being recognized by his name,[83] asked if the court was “a common law court or an admiralty law court”,[84] and argued that since the state of Wisconsin was an entity rather than a person, it could not file a claim against him.[85] These arguments had not succeeded before in criminal trials; Judge Dorow ruled that Brooks was not allowed to argue that he was a sovereign citizen in court, stating that the defense was without merit.[86]

During his trial, Brooks was repeatedly removed from the courtroom after failing to comply with decorum; some of these instances included Brooks engaging in numerous interruptions, back talking, glaring, and other outbursts with Judge Dorow.[8] On October 24, 2022, Brooks was given the chance to offer the defense; however, due to Brooks’s repeated misbehavior and failing to follow decorum, Judge Dorow ruled that he had forfeited his right to call further witnesses (which would have included his mother) and declared the evidentiary stage of the trial over. Closing arguments began on October 25, and the jury deliberations began that same day.[87]

Before giving his closing argument, Brooks asked Judge Dorow if she had instructed the jury on jury nullification. Dorow sent the jury away so that she could warn Brooks, outside their presence, that he was not allowed to make that argument. Dorow cited case law which held that jury nullification was not a proper argument and that she had the power to shut down any argument that went outside the bounds of the law. Brooks engaged in a lengthy debate with the judge, during which he insisted that he be allowed to “inform the jury of the truth”. Dorow maintained her position and warned Brooks that if he persisted in raising the issue of jury nullification, he would forfeit his right to give a closing argument. Eventually, the prosecution suggested that rather than immediately revoking his right to a closing argument, Brooks would be allowed to make his closing argument, and the prosecution would handle any improper arguments through objection. The judge agreed. Within the first minute of his closing argument, Brooks argued for jury nullification. The prosecution swiftly objected and the jury was told to disregard the argument.[3][88]

On October 26, the jury returned with guilty verdicts on all seventy-six counts, after deliberating for a total of three hours and fifteen minutes.[2]

Brooks was sentenced on November 16, 2022. Judge Dorow imposed six life sentences without parole, one for each of the deceased victims, to be served consecutively [one after another]. For the sixty-one counts of reckless endangerment, she sentenced Brooks to a total of 762 years of initial confinement and 305 years of extended supervision. For the six counts of hit-and-run, he received 150 years to run concurrently with the reckless endangerment sentences.[89]

Post-sentencing and incarceration
After conviction and sentencing, Brooks filed for an appeal. He filed a motion for a stay of judgment pending appeal. He was placed on a suicide prevention protocol.[90] Upon his November 2022 conviction, he was submitted for incarceration at Waupun’s Dodge Correctional Institution;[91][92][93] As of February 2024, he has been incarcerated at the Wisconsin Secure Program Facility, a supermax prison located in Boscobel.[94]

Responses and reactions
Wisconsin Governor Tony Evers expressed gratitude for the efforts of first responders and good Samaritans, and voiced support for affected families and community members.[95] Evers ordered the United States and Wisconsin flags to be flown at half-staff the day after the incident in honor of the victims.[96]

President Joe Biden condemned the attack, calling it a “horrific act of violence”.[97]

Wisconsin senators Tammy Baldwin and Ron Johnson released a joint statement, asking people to avoid using the event for political purposes.[98]

Pope Francis sent prayers and condolences to the victims on a message signed on his behalf.[99][100]

Waukesha County Executive Paul Farrow posted on social media and stated: “Please pray for our community tonight after the horrific events at the Waukesha Christmas Parade.”[101]

The attack triggered a backlash against bail reform. Brooks was released on $1,000 bail two weeks before the attack when he was arrested for allegedly running over a woman with his vehicle during an altercation,[102][103] and the attack came at a time when the COVID-19 pandemic had resulted in courts wanting to reduce jail crowding to reduce risk of infection by giving lower bail requests.[102][104] The bail, however, was not a result of any systemic changes to Waukesha’s pretrial system;[105][106] the office of the Milwaukee District Attorney John T. Chisholm, which set his bail, said in a statement that “the State’s bail recommendation in this case was inappropriately low in light of the nature of the recent charges and the pending charges against Mr. Brooks”,[104] and said that bail was a result of “human error” of an overworked assistant district attorney.[107] A court commissioner who was also involved in setting the bail was indefinitely reassigned to non-criminal cases.[108]

The Anti-Defamation League (ADL) reported that the contents of Brooks’ Facebook account, which contained “Black nationalist and anti-Semitic” viewpoints, and his crime were exploited by white supremacists in order to push racist and anti-Semitic conspiracy theories, claiming Brooks’ attack was racially motivated, that he killed his victims specifically because he hated white people, and that left-wing media were attempting to cover up the incident. Law enforcement did not give a motive for the attack.[109][110][111]





  1. There are no botched executions with a guillotine. However, as a big supporter of the idea of recycling I suggest feeding them to the lions at the local zoo instead. Saves tax payers a lot of money, both in pet food for the zoo and in accommodation for the perp.

  2. This is one of the rare cases where black on white murder got a bit of media coverage, black on white violence and murder happens all the time.

    Just over a month ago in Sydney 5 large black african girls bashed a small white 14 year girl who suffered series injuries from the brutal attack.

    When the media reported this the race of the 5 girls were left out of the report and their faces were blurred.
    We know if the roles were reversed and the perpertrators white and the victim black there would be non stop media coverage world wide and politicians would be speaking out and condemming it.

    As for the gruesome photos of white South Africans tortured and butchered, their extremely graphic and gruesome but i’ve seen photos like that before, they don’t have the same effect on me as animal cruelty.

    Probabley because animals are innocent and can be loyal conpanions. And most white people i don’t like, i wouldn’t wish something that gruesome on any white person except a pedophile child rapist.
    But i wouldn’t give a shit if that happened to a leftist white liberal though.
    To me it would be them getting a taste of their own medicine.

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