“New Atlas” site owner and fmr Marine: Nothing [ = the jews can do] can stop the rise of Russia and China and their alliance

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Berletic, a fmr Marine, says the Pentagon has been writing for years that the US must weaken ( = harm) any rival for world power and use the Ukrainians, their treasure and blood, as a battering ram to debilitate Russia.
Of course, it has not turned out that way at all.


  1. He’s right. Look how empires are formed. What they do to see off competition. It’s difficult to see how jews can be kept out of China’s and Russia’s empire building or even India’s economic growth. India’s population has overtaken China’s in numbers. Will the jews get India to confront China over border disputes?
    All empires collapse because of the economic costs of running empires.
    Perhaps the age of empires is passing, and instead big businesses will run areas of the globe. This was predicted by Klaus Schwab, an EU-ophile who promotes self-elected business managers to run global regions for profit, similar to McDonald’s managers.

    • Africa especially is a showcase of the expense of empire, because the blacks are so primitive. The raw materials are abundant, but you have to deal with a corrupt black government and lazy, thieving, unskilled workforce.
      If China ever took over the world, they would likely exterminate 90% of them via some pandemic as useless monkey-men, while making a show of sorrow at this “tragic turn of events”..,..

  2. John, may i ask, are you circumsized and what do you think of this jewish practice ? Why are so many men in USA circumsized ?

    • Yes, I was, because that was the big trend in the anglosphere after WWII in the name of “hygiene.”

      In my opinion, because it is very painful and traumatic, it is a form of jewish trauma-based mind control.

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