New reports that the 25,000 troops in DC are NOT at all there to protect Biden — Fantasyland or Trump’s trap?

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  1. I assume that the threat of planted nuclear bombs still exists. The Jews/Israel want the US destroyed and they don’t care which Americans get killed as long as most of us are wiped out. Therefore it is reasonable to believe that it doesn’t matter to them if everyone inside D.C. gets killed. A nuclear missile launched on land, or from a sub at sea, would wipe out all of D.C. So all those Communist comrades inside D.C. wouldn’t be rescued at all, and the Communist leftists outside D.C. wouldn’t care. No matter which way events occur, it appears there will be internal warfare, and possibly an external Chinese attack. Under Biden/Harris regime, every governmental position is already planned to be occupied by every alive political criminal that has existed free from punishment for the past decades. Either a violent revolution or a total nuclear government wipeout is desperately needed.

  2. Mike Adams is just repeating the same old QAnon disinformation. Sadly, the most likely scenario after all this QAnon talk of martial law and Trump “rounding up the bad guys” is probably going to be business as usual. Trump will leave quietly, and that will be it. Trump has been a real disappointment – all talk and no action.

    • I understand your reluctance to get your hopes up, brother.

      Today, however, something new will happen.

      And USAF General McInerny and US Army General Flynn, once head of the Defense Intelligence Agency and National Security Advisor, who have discussed martial law with the president (whatever his throw-away denials, because of course one denies a plan to arrest the entire government!!), are hardly shadowy, fictitious QAnons.

      If Trump does act, saving your neck from BLM/Antifa/FBI as a “domestic terrorist” for “promoting sedition,” you will be glad I did not publish some of your accusations against him.

      • As Joel Skousen has said many times in his World Affairs Brief, Generals Flynn and McInerny have both been deceived by the QAnon disinformation. They have both “received calls” from sources they trusted, and those sources have been Deep State disinformation agents on the same team as QAnon. On Jan. 5th, Flynn had done an interview where he said he was 100% sure that Trump would remain in office. Flynn is reportedly devastated by the debacle at the U.S. Capital the following day on Jan. 6th, and is no longer speaking to Trump. Skousen’s comment on this report was that Flynn should be angry at the Deep State sources who purposely deceived him, not at Trump.

        • Trump went halfway on the sixth, riling the crowd up but then nothing. Had he summoned five million veterans with guns to that speech, he could have changed the world. Now he risks going down in history as a poseur, and we risk going down literally.

          It will now take a true national socialist.

          • Trump could not do what he was not allowed to do. A mind controlled slave is always given orders that are under the control of his handlers. In his case–Jared and Ivanka Kushner. That is why Trump, even at the end was using his remaining power as President to serve Israel, not the American people. Trump has been surrounded by criminals and Communists his whole term, and life. Must remember that Trump has not been known for moral integrity his whole life. Really a very weak person.

  3. God bless America and God bless President Trump. Many in the UK are praying that this is all one huge snare for the Demon-crat Communist parasites eating America (and more worryingly, its youth) alive from within.

  4. The thought of the evil warmonger Biden and the demon Harris with their satanic fingers on the nuclear button must fill all peace loving people with dread .the us generals cannot allow this catastrophe for humanity to come about they must repeat must act now or nuclear Armageddon erupts on this tragic world

    • LOL — They were temporarily relocated to the Thurgood Marshall [black Supreme Court justice] Judicial Center garage

      Boy, that is really Third World incompetence and showing they do not care one bit.

      Two toilets for 5,000 men….

      Thank you –maybe usable. 🙂

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