New Sepehr video on Fourth Reich; interviewed Russian says it has a secret embassy in Washington DC

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Fascinating info on life in general under Antarctic ice as well as specifically on the German Disengagement Movement:



…..My comment

I disagree with this Russian only about the “Tall White” confusion. Tall Whites are not humans, but near-humans. Unlike Nordics, they are extremely unfriendly, cold and cruel toward humans, and despise and dislike them. They are also extremely pale, have white-platinum hair, and look strange, so they wear sunglasses, makeup, and hats low over their faces, when visiting Las Vegas and other human cities in Utah.

Nordics, mostly, are very spiritual, wise, kind, and courageous, unlike some of their ancestors who played at being gods for primitive earth humans and abused their power. This credible video says it all:


Periodically, Nordics incarnate as humans to try to awaken mankind from the clutches of other species. But all species encountering earthlings have nuclear and other weapons — including the death ray that Nikola Tesla already had planned out — and so any war between them would annihilate the entire planet. No, humans have to wake up and fight themselves for their freedom and progress.

I compare this reality about surface earthlings to the realistic decision by John Kennedy to start withdrawing US troops from Vietnam in 1963.



Kennedy saw clearly that the South Vietnamese regime was very unpopular and the people would not fight for it.

So if US troops went in en masse, they would end up fighting the war, and being resented by the very people they were trying to save  from communism.

And that is exactly what happened when Lyndon Johnson put 535,000 US troops into South Vietnam.   57,000 Americans, 90% of them white, as in most infantry units, died for NOTHING.

Joseph Farrell (PhD, Oxford) has been saying things like Sepehr about the Fourth Reich for years now.

The Reich does still exist, but it cannot take on the US or Russia, or liberate us. Nor is it morally obligated to do so. It tried, after all, in 1939-45, and lost 16 million lives in the Hellstorm.


The Reich’s  main duty toward the white race is to keep itself going.

…. just as a parent in a passenger jet puts on their own oxygen mask first if the cabin loses air pressure, then tries to save their kids.

Now the Reich is waiting for the Jewnited Snakes, the Jewnited Kingdom, and Russia to nuke each other to oblivion — and then it will openly re-emerge.

As I have blogged repeatedly, all this confirms the Nicholas Van Rensburg prophecy of 1917.

–The 1917 Van Rensburg prophecy of three world wars — and a German final victory (but in a world in ashes    ) marches toward its fulfillment.

According to the 1917 prophecy of the militant Boer Nicholas van Rensburg, after a black becomes president of South Africa ( = Mandela) and later a black likewise becomes the president of the United States ( = Obama), and recall that back in 1917 such notions seemed absurd and even unimaginable), with the black US president described as “a black boy,” THEN a male, white, older conservative will take over the reins of the state. He will have “hair like a wig,” constantly frown, and he will end up (against his will?) waging a catastrophic war against Russia.

Russia will be destroyed, and some European countries as well, especially England, which will break its alliance with the United States and therefore will be abandoned by them. Not one Englishman will survive, van Rensburg predicts.

Germans and Boers in South Africa will be the only major white survivors of this useless war that will destroy the entire northern hemisphere of our planet.

They will build together a new white empire in Africa, which will have remained unscathed from the Third World War, and these two very tough, smart, warlike white peoples with no racial illusions will crush without mercy any black people who oppose them..

As far as the Germans are concerned, as I have explained many times on my website, Adolf Hitler ordered, after the great defeat at Stalingrad, the evacuation of elite German scientists and military to Antarctica. They have huge under-ice military bases there, and also in the Andes mountain range, in a kind of existence like a badger, protected in their lairs, but not daring to wage war on the United States or Russia (on neither Soviet Russia nor that of Putin).

What are his prophecies about the Tribe, who are certainly our worst enemy?

He did not mention them. He was a fervent Calvinist Christian, thus a typical Boer, and not anti-Semitic. Like all Boers, he hated especially the English (who had killed two of his daughters in Lord Kitchener’s horrible concentration camps), and he loved and admired the Germans. He prophesied that the Germans would lose two world wars but win, that is, survive — alone — the third one.

Hitler himself said “Das letzte Battalion wird ein deutsches sein.” (“The last battalion will be German.”) This becomes understandable only if one accepts the reality of the military “Absetzbewegung” of 1943-45, the “disengagement movement”.

But this scenario is incredibly sad — the pointless annihilation of 95% of the white race.
No more Russia, Europe, England – and as for the United States, according to Van Rensburg, they will fall to the status of an insignificant country and will take decades to rebuild from the rubble.
The 2009 movie “The Road” with the stars Viggo Mortensen and Charlize Theron (herself a Boer, though a renegade) and with a little South Africa boy, Kodi Smit-McPhee, also used, playing the little son, depicts a post-apocalyptic America during the nuclear winter that takes place after WWIII. No plants or trees can grow in the long darkness — the atmosphere is full of dust from 20,000 hydrogen bombs going off on major cities — so food production stops. Many humans resort to cannibalism to survive.


….Other especially important blogs & videos by John de Nugent 

Justin L. Smith  One of the most depressing lines of the song by Saga “Ode to a Dying People”: “The heroes of the race have already died…” We need giants to appear and lead our people.

–My university beats Harvard — why you get the best content on all topics here, and at my website:

Phi Beta Kappa means the top ten percent of the class at at top university — if hard-science courses are taken, not basket-weaving or poetry


With high honors (“magna cum laude”) (centered, above the university seal)

–Reincarnation facts

Reincarnation Evidence

–Psychopathy in our leaders (religious, political, financial, and in entertainment)

Henry Kissinger one of the premier monsters of our time, is seen here photographing a child who later killed herself using heroin, with her father, the mayor of Providence, Rhode Island (Buddy Cianci, who later did five years for extortion); next to them is my father, James Waddell Nugent.

–Jews and Arabs descend from neanderthals

Neanderthals & Semites

–Israel seeks global white genocide

Racist Israel seeks global holocaust and enslavement

–WN biography of JdN

WHITE NATIONIST Biography of John de Nugent

–President Putin uses my website to send Trump a message about assassination dangers, using Russia-1 television on September 11, 2016

–The Obama White House calls me on 23 November 2015 with a threat

“We are watching you!”

New York Times and Washington Post finally concede UFOs may be very real after two US Navy commanders step forward with 2004 incident that they saw and filmed with their F-18s

–UFOs, the Reich AFTER ’45, and whites as colonists on this planet

UFOs, the Third Reich after 1945, and the Pleiadians

There is no question whatsoever for me that the Third Reich, knowing it would probably lose the war, evacuated its top scientists in over 50 U-boats to the Antarctic, equipped with the German invention of the snorkels (to get air in to the crew while staying submerged for thousands of miles).

This vast, secret undertaking (comparable to the American Manhattan Project) is called in German the Absetzbewegung, which is a military term meaning “disengagement movement.” It means you strategically withdraw — conduct a planned, organized retreat — so as to fight and win on another day.
One could also call it a badger strategy — dig a hole and go into it. A badger can be killed only if he leaves his hole. And you will be killed if you go down the hole after him.
The wise badger waits patiently for his enemies to KILL EACH OTHER. Then he emerges again.
It is this military-scientific remnant of the Reich, a nuclear power, that will survive the destruction of the West in WWIII, dug in in the Antarctic and in the Andes mountains of South America.

(Hitler did kill himself to fool the Americans that the “Nazi danger” was over, and because the remnant of the Reich did not really need politicians like him, just scientists and generals, to survive underground.)

This Reich (which has only five million citizens now) is not strong enough to challenge the US, NATO and Russia, just protect itself, and it has the nuclear weapons and other technologies to destroy any attacker. BUT IT CANNOT RESCUE US.

The Russians admitted in a major documentary on Russian state television that this is true, with testimony by Russian air force generals in uniform.

Does he look like he’s kidding? Or that Nazis with super-weapons is a laughing matter?


–Two comrades were joking on Facebook about aliens and nuclear codes. One of them also friended me. I interjected: “Actually, while I enjoy reading this jocular banter, that part about aliens and nuclear codes is literally true. See the Malmstrom AFB incident in 1967 and the Ukrainian-Soviet ICBM incident in 1983 “back in the USSR.” Here is some factual information on that subject. PS Aliens do not view this planet as being “ours,” but instead see us as barbarians who are ruining a good planet which THEY have long used — and very much need intact today — so they can keep on extracting the raw materials they need, such as copper, hydrogen (from water), gold, titanium, etc.

–The founders and rulers of Ancient Egypt, Greece and Rome were nordics

UPDATED Whites of today a mix of Cro-Magnons and ET Nordics ” two different waves of humans from the galaxy that made ancient Atlantis, Egypt, Greece, Rome and the modern West

The scribe Sakkara (Aryan Egyptians put an ochre-colored powder  on their skint to prevent sunburn)

Pharaoh Ka


A blond harpist (right) 

Circa AD 500, Egyptians depicted Mary and Jesus as blond, and a red-haired and a blond angel as protecting them


–Solutreans — the white first Americans

Our ancient white Solutrean ancestors in America and around the world

–White safety zone — Upper Peninsula of Michigan

White Safety and Heritage Zone — Upper Peninsula of Michigan

–The Jewish  serial killing  of the Kennedy family

The Jewish War on the Kennedys


–Holocaust course

If four million Jews were gassed, each cremated body weighing six pounds of ash, that would yield 24 million pounds of ash, which equals 12,000 tons of ash… Where is this Mount Ash?

–Captain Archibald Ramsay’s “The Nameless War” — how the Jews plan, finance and run revolutions against the goyim

(See also

–Youtube channel JdN

–The Normans — white nordic aristocrats who intermarried with Jews to create the current Judeo-Anglo-American ruling class.

Ever since the Norman Conquest (done partly by my own de Nugent ancestors, unfortunately), England has been heartless toward the working people.

The Normans were Vikings who were ravaging France in the AD 800s, and captured even Paris. These Northmen were then given Normandy (henceforth called “Northman-Land” by the French, “La Normandie”) by the king of France as an outright bribe so they would stop marauding all over his country.

They learned French in Normandy, then cast about after 150 years of very boring peacetime for another land to pillage, conquer and milk dry.

Rouen, Normandy Jews then lent them the money to launch a vast expedition to conquer England in 1066, and in turn the Normans made them their ruthless moneylenders and tax farmers, using the Domesday Book to record what every Englishman was worth.

In the end, the profligate Norman lords went broke, then married their sons off to the hooknosed daughters of their Jewish bankers, and as a result England is ruled by lords and gentry like David Cameron with semi-semitic facial features and vile attitudes 0f barely concealed contempt toward the native, common British people:

They simply use and abuse them, or even rape and molest their children, and send off the grown young “Tommy Jenkins” (in Rudyard Kipling’s word) to kill innocent faraway peoples, or die or be maimed, for the sole benefit of their own parasitical Judeo-Norman wealth and power.

The Norman Conquest gives the English to the Talmud


–White South African tragedy

White South African Tragedy

-For African-Americans (who actually are far, far more antisemitic than whites, and from direct, negative experience)

For African-Americans: Part 1

–Hitler’s moral and strategic disaster in Russia

Hitler’s great mistake in Russia

–Hitler’s love for the British people

Hitler’s love for the British people

–My wonderful British grandfather and his eery “return”

Part 1 of 2 .

Part 2 of 2 .


–Who really was and is JdN?

Hitler ‘s Landsberg prison cell in 1924

   I dyed it black so you get it. My goal the last time was a worker-and-farmer movement, with even a communist-like red flag, and a party with the name “socialist workers” in it, so I had to look average myself, and like a working-class man.

–Hitler and his mentor Eckart were pro-Jesus, anti-Yahweh, and opposed to the Old Testament

Hitler opposed atheism and prohibited its expression

—-The Hebrews of the Bible  (called Habirus by the Ancient Egyptians and Hittites) were roaming criminal hordes  of semitic neo-neanderthals, who for their criminal traits were selected by the demonic alien Yahweh to be “his people” and rule the world — if they obeyed his plan. When Abraham agreed to human-sacrifice his own son Isaac to get the rewards Yahweh promised, that proved he had the “right stuff.”

Washington Post blasts JdN over his Leo Frank exposé

— My 54,000-view video on the Leo Frank case: “VIP Pedophiles, Kill Them All!”


–My four hit videos on Hitler, his achievements and where we must go now

(1) (music) .

(2) (music) German girls and their soldier boys .

(3) Hitler caring about the workers

4) Hitler then and now

–My lady Margaret Huffstickler on  Reichsmusik

If my site goes down, please try  or  If my Facebook account is suspended or deleted, please go to

..Contact and support

Contact/Supporting VIRTUS

John de Nugent
306 South Steel Street
Ontonagon MI 49953


Telephone:  +1 (906)  884-6689

(Excellent, free-speech Russian answer to Facebook)


Jewish owner Mark Zuckerberg has deleted me twice for un-p.c. posts

Skype:  John de Nugent (Ontonagon)



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    John de Nugent
    306 South Steel Street
    Ontonagon MI 49953

    Telephone: +1 (906) 884-6689

    (Excellent, free-speech Russian answer to Facebook)


    Jewish owner Mark Zuckerberg has deleted me twice for un-p.c. posts

    Skype: John de Nugent (Ontonagon)



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    Or get a PayPal account yourself and send funds that way. Rather than filling out forms and re-inputting your card details over and over again, you can donate simply by providing your email and password.

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    I need your financial help to WRITE MY SACRED ARYAN SCRIPTURE FOR US AND OUR TIMES. Others have been making big sacrifices. How about you?

    What is my religion based on?







    …..Actual donations

    –20 March check from C in Maryland

    –18 March 2018 check from G in Nevada

    –12 March 2018 check from G in Nevada

    –6 March donation from C in Germany via PayPal

    –5 March 2018 check from G in Nevada

    –26 February 2018 check from G in Nevada

    –19 February 2018 check from G in Nevada

    –12 February 2018 check from G in Nevada

    –9 February 2018 authentic matchboxes for German soldiers from the Third Reich period, sent me by a comrade in New England, and featuring Hitler, the German army,  air force and navy.

    –5 February 2018 check from G in Nevada

    –29 January 2018 check from J in Cicero, Illinois

    –22 January 2018 check from G in Nevada

    –16 January 2018 cash and a letter regarding Sandy Hook from M in Connecticut

    –12 January 2018 valuable book about Jewish ritual murders in Russia, The Murder of Andrei Yushchinsky, by GG. Zamyslovsky Prosecutor in the 1913 Menachem Beilis trial), sent to me by K in San Francisco

    –11 January 2018 I am posting the following donations that came via PayPal to Margaret in December 2017, the exact details of which I was unaware of until yesterday.  My apologies for the late acknowledgment! Thank you for $4 from a Steven; $20 from a Guy D.; $40 from a Jason; $75 from a Chetri; and $20 from a Bill in Cape Cod, Massachusetts.

    –10 January 2018 New “Snowball” microphone for my voice work from M

    –9 January 2018 Stripe from L in New York State and Paypal from C in Germany

    –8 January 2018 check from J in Utah


    1. “When Abraham agreed to human-sacrifice his own son Isaac to get the rewards Yahweh promised, that proved he had the “right stuff””.

      Here you seem to have fished out a piece of truth almost always overlooked by those not accustomed to analyze objectively all aspects or sides of an event, that is, by religiously programmed people as well as by atheists, who are not that much different from religiously programmed people – they only have another programming.

      The overlooked point of view: Abraham was “chosen” because of his treachery, vileness, cruelty, and cowardice. – Think on it.

      (If anyone out there can prove this is not a valid point of view, he would make a contribution to truth if he shared his proof – we are all interested in truth.)

      As we all know, Abraham was approved with “honors” in this job-interview, where it was shown he was the right man for the destructive job that would be assigned him and his descendants.

      Logically, Abraham passed his traits on to his biological descendency, the jews, who are universally recognized as possessing precisely the same character traits (that is, in much more abundance than other peoples, who of course are free to show the same character traits if they wish).

    2. Re your comment on the video of UFO sighting above:

      “Nordics incarnate as humans to try to awaken mankind from the clutches of other species.

      Please stop the disinformation.

      I saw them too. I saw five of their silvery ships. The Reichgermans occasionally try to awaken their fellow humans from the clutches of the bullshit narrative of aliens, by visiting them. They usually are blonde and speak English with a German accent.

      Wake people up to the reality of the Last Battalion.

      • This is not disinfo.

        The Reich Germans, about whom I have written in extenso, perhaps uoknown to you, are a different group entirely from the Nordic aliens. Both are real, and have both similar and conflicting interests.

        It is beyond obvious that most Germans are not 6’5″ and blond, btw. Not even most Finns or Swedes are that way.

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