The New York City comrade and activist begins: White guilt has reached a level of insanity beyond all comprehension.
A white person isn’t happy unless he or she is chained to a pole and whipped by negroes. Young beautiful white women give their love freely to the nearest available black thug or muslim, with their family’s blessings, even if it leads to being beaten, humiliated, abandoned, degraded, mutilated, raped or killed… it is still preferable to a coffee date with a white man.
And the white men defend them for this. They will attack, violently, anyone who dares suggest that a white person deserves to live, let alone bring white children into the world.
It’s not OK to be white.
No, white people do not deserve a seat at the table in the Family of Man. White people must accept that their DNA is a cancer upon the earth. White people must, from birth to their hopefully quick death, surrender all their resources to every whim of the “oppressed” brown people.
They must either not breed, or breed with the darkest negroes they can find to eliminate their whiteness for the world.
Their money, their homes, their possessions, their careers, their bodies, or even their very lives, must be given freely to the pleasure of the brown and black people, no matter how sadistic. The more sadistic, the better.
Because all white people are born racist.
Nothing is too much to demand from the whites, for their Original Sin of White Privilege can never be absolved, for their endless guilt of cruelty, genocide and slavery to the poor, innocent, peaceful, loving and tolerant brown people, who are forever guiltless and blameless for all wrongdoing, in all cases and circumstances.
White males are the cause of all the evil in the world. Only if a white person should happen to be gay, lesbian, transgender, gender fluid, pedophile or something other than evil CIS-gender (straight) can he or she be included among the Family of the Oppressed, Tolerant, Diverse, and Multicultural enlightened beings.
This is what white people really believe. Do you think I am joking? or exaggerating?
Then go put up a sign in public that reads:
“it’s ok to be white” or
“white lives matter” or
“Stop killing white people” or
“love your race” (with a picture of a white family)….and see how white people react to it.
No amount of persuasion, debate, or discussion can talk them out of it. Not hundreds of pages of historical facts and statistical data, showing how people of European descent have uplifted and advanced humanity, given alms and charity, ended oppression and cruelty, or have been wrongly blamed for the crimes of other peoples, can ever convince a white person that he or she deserves to live.
No amount of documentation and photographs showing acts of cruelty, murder, rape, slavery and genocides committed upon white people by non-whites, can product a single teardrop of sympathy.
No amount of documents proving a calculated long-term strategy to eradicate white people from the face of the earth can inspire a single word of righteous indignation.
Show them these, the photos of the bombing of Dresden, or the savage murders of the Christian-Newsome couple, or the Holodomor, or of the white farmers of South Africa, and they will tell you they deserved it.
Or they will call it racist garbage. or bullshit. Or they will think it’s funny. But Heaven forbid you should fail to worship at the feet of His Holiness Saint Trayvon.
Their mind is made up — and that’s that. The extinction of the white race is complete.
It is just a matter of the old ones dying off. The young, white, progressive liberals and antifa are gloating and giggling with hysterical joy as the inevitability of their own extinction draws near. They salivate in anticipation of the next opportunity to punch a Nazi. Or stab, or bludgeon, or mutilate with acid.
But why stop there? They have guns now, and nearly full legal immunity.
Nothing pleases the party of Love and Tolerance more than to see the blood of their fellow white brothers and sisters run through the streets, their skulls crushed and bodies splattered.
Because Love Trumps Hate.
Any dissenters who disagree or resist, who suggest that this might be wrong, or that some white people are good, will be quickly branded racist white supremacist nazi KKK, hunted down with extreme prejudice, tortured and eventually killed, by the cruelest methods available.
….My comment
Eloquent — and true.
It reminds me of the famous song by the Swedish WN songer Saga: .
We must accept that until the white masses are spiritually enlightened – or accept firm, valiant leaders who are — it is indeed over. (Btw, the Canadian WN who composed this song actually did give up and totally leave the white cause.)
Until human nature is changed — and it can be, because humans can evolve — no new factoids, blogs, videos, or marches will “do the trick” — and, anyway, no “trick” can solve a profound structural problem!
That is why I am creating a new religion.
And the great women and men of the past must reincarnate and step forward — soon. They shall.
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