ENGLISH How Aryan India can save Europe and America from neanderthalic hate

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Here are the great words of Bobby Burns of Scotland with the tune he intended for this poem:



Mr. de Nugent,

You are doing great work in a world where it is is very dangerous to do so. But the truth always emerges from light. You are truly a man from God. The eyes of a person speak volumes, and your eyes, sir, speak volumes of incredible intelligence, truth, honesty, and sincerity.

We all know what the eyes of the powerful danger speaks volumes of…

You are not alone; your ongoing work is something to behold, and it is not in vain.

There are tons of info now, it seems, available on the Internet, all with big productions, wonderful lighting, expensive cameras, nice budgets etc… Yet it reminds me of the scene in ‘Indiana Jones and The Last Crusade’ when the knight tells Indy to choose a chalice of all the gilded and glittery bejeweled ones and to choose wisely… Alas, it is the plain tin one that is the Cup of Life.

Many folks follow and read your blog. None of them are so called ‘Nazi’ or anti-anything, JUST hard-working people that believe in truth and see past the TV, the papers etc… We all have friends of different racial ethnicities (Asiatics, Arabs, Blacks etc…) and the thing is is that they look up to us when we are around, but prefer to stick together within their own racial groups (in marriage, procreation etc.), and they have respect for our customs and cultures, though they are not interested in taking them on, which I think is a normal thing.

Yet we as Caucasian Christian people are literally forced to seek out new cultures other than our own or be ridiculed for being ‘backwards’ or ‘redneck’, and for our beautiful women to seek out relations with non-caucasian males so that they may be seen as independent ‘cultured’ women of a new era. It’s all around. This miscegenation, however, is actually looked down upon by other cultures of the world.

German Supermodel Heidi Klum with her black husband, the singer Seal. Over and over one sees the pattern black-male/white female. The Aryans of old India preached that the racial corruption of women would lead to the total downfall of society.

You and your work are making a difference. The poor Blacks who have been used unbelievably are starting to learn from their own scholars who was responsible for their ancestors’ incredible grief and life of agony. [JdN: See my https://johndenugent.com/for-african-americans-part-1]

Real Caucasian people would never do this enslavment to another human being, let alone a whole culture of them.

Take care, Sir, and may God bless you. Remember the snake may slither around a long while, but the nature of being so low-down eventually leads to getting stomped on. 😉

Your Canadian friend,


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I replied:

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Many thanks, Alfred, and look at this!

(source: http://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=jew%20snake)

jew snake

One who continuously cheats others out of money and other valuables such as food and alcohol…often in spite of the fact that they are from a very rich New York suburb and have a father that works at a hedge fund.

Example: “I gave that guy five bucks to get me lunch and he bought me a two dollar sandwich from the food carts…what a jew snake!”


====================INDIAN ADMIRER WRITES

On Facebook an Indian named Shankar Prasad Nandi, with a lot of white genes and atttachment to the ancient Aryan values of old India, wrote me (giving me permission to use his real name and photo on Facebook):

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I wish you a happy and prosperous New Year 2011, John.

I was reading through one of your writings on your blog and wish to share a few thoughts with you. It deals with the remnants of the Neanderthals.

[JdN: Here is my webpage on living neanderthals today: https://johndenugent.com/neanderthals-and-semites]

I think there is a large degree of truth in the belief held by many that the Neanderthals did not get completely exterminated by modern man but that they remained mainly in the Middle East and that one of their last areas of refuge was the mountains of the Caucasus.

I have noticed that many Indians share characteristics typical of Jews and that the propensity of Indians to move to other countries and act out as parasites in those cultures is typically Jewish and is responsible for much of the anti-immigrant feelings in those nations.

I feel a strong dose of the same Neanderthal genetic strain made its way into India from the Caucasus, from the same stock that produced the Khazar Jew. And you can find the effects of this genetic strain among Indians:

1. Many of the typical physiognomic characters of Khazars: hooked nose, sloping forehead: especially in North-Western India
2. The tendency to crass mercantilism and profiteering with a parasitic methodology.
I am happy that people like you have brought these matters to light and I am watching with interest how these discussions unfold.
With regards,

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I replied:

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Dear Shankar,

Many thanks for this message, which I will print on my blog today. Yes, I too have seen the dark side as well as the good side of modern race-mixed India. In America I have seen some Indian immigrants who were smart, hard-working, intelligent and loyal friends to me, and others who were just crooks, and sometimes, not to be cruel, but also amazingly homely, with neanderthal or negro features.

Old India was ruled by blond Aryans, though as they became degenerate they race-mixed.

I was once invited on a radio talk show by a young Indian-American who spent the whole hour trying to tell me that the Aryans originally came FROM India, they did not immigrate into and conquer it, and that far from being nordic in appearance they always had black hair and brown skin. He expressed indirectly a real racist hatred for me and for the whole concept that whites brought a higher culture in ancient times to his country and to many others. Then he vulgarly said on-air (real post-1960s American-style) that he had “kicked my a—” in the debate, at which time I realized it was the moment to end the interview. it was real psychopathy, hating me for being WHITE, and no remark that I made about how I admire many things about India — then and now — could change his hate-filled attitude. I HAD to agree that the Aryans had black hair and originated in India. Bizarre, unless one understands that the truth means nothing to an egotistical, ruthless, contemptuous psychopath.

The Buddha, whose real name was Prince Siddhartha Gautama, had blue eyes, like many upper-caste Indo-Aryans of ancient times.

I attended a Diwali celebration in Rhode Island, USA in 2003 (which a US senator also visited, because Indians are now getting rich and powerful in the race-mixed Jewnited Snakes of today).

[JdN: For this blog I will add this: Diwali (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Diwali) is an important five-day festival which commemorates the mythical return from exile of Lord Rama, who then annihilates a demonic king. Sounds good to me! :-)]

A diwali lamp on colored gravel, honoring the return of Lord Rama

Two things struck me: the good aspect was the closeness of the families, unlike in the Jewmerica of today, which unlike the 1950s when I was a boy is a culture wracked by divorce, homosexuality, drugs, alcoholism, abuse of every kind, materialism, laziness, violence, disobedience and despair.

Indian families, to generalize, seemed clearly to have obedient kids who looked like they were getting plenty of love and discipline. (In fact, one of my students in American accent in the 2000-2002 period in Boston, nicknamed Raj, just got married, to a doctor from India living in Canada, and I bet they will have a nice marriage and children. He is a nice-looking fellow too; I have not seen photos of her. Raj invited me to the wedding but I told him that I would not or could not cross the Canadian border, and I cannot and will not go anywhere in my position of responsibility unless heavily armed, which is impossible for me as an American white nationalist in that jew-ruled, ultra-politically correct once-white nation of Canada. But otherwise I would have loved to be there in Toronto for Raj’s very special day.)

On the other hand, I saw at that Diwali celebration that among the regular castes there is very, very little Aryan blood left, and the impression of seeing a whole large group of Indians together was, sadly, not attractive.

Gandhi visits with English factory worker ladies. Some Indians, such as Gandhi, are amazingly homely, and I suspect for that very reason, that is, jealousy, do resent white people. The cruelties perpetrated by the Jew-Norman-ruled British Empire on India, which some Indians blame in effect on the white race in general, should be blamed only on the white psychopaths and the Jews who ruled London, not on the average Briton. These textile factory ladies in Lancashire were cheering Gandhi in his quest to free India of British upper-class rule, which also oppressed THEM.

But through eugenics, the old Aryan India can be restored, it must be and it will be. And Aryan-hearted Indians are welcome in our movement. Those of Aryan soul and at least part-Aryan blood will always find friends and allies in the Eternal Solutreans.

India is now moving more and more in terms of its politics and global strategy into becoming a Jew-infiltrated country, partly because Israhell is telling your country that Islam is a common foe to both Israhell and India.

If India wishes to survive and prosper in the age of the Eternal Solutreans that is dawning, it must renounce both its neanderthal genes and its neanderthal “friends,” Israhell and the Jews who control the West. Or they will also corrupt YOUR families, morality and culture, and enslave your economy.

Maybe the Thuggees will even come back! http://www.amazon.com/million-murders-James-Lewis-Sleeman/dp/B00088HU2A/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&s=books&qid=1203728388&sr=8-1 In the 1800s the white British as rulers of India used force to suppress one of the most vicious religions the world has ever know, after Talmudic judaism.

The Thuggees (whence our word “thug”) worshiped their evil goddess Kali by strangling strangers by the MILLIONS. This was a hereditary and truly demonic religion passed on from father to son that involved befriending a stranger and then talking him into stepping into an out-of-the-way place and then strangling him with a kind of scarf, then burying him.

Illustration from Thug: Or A Million Murders by Col James L. Sleeman (on amazon http://www.amazon.com/million-murders-James-Lewis-Sleeman/dp/B00088HU2A/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&s=books&qid=1203728388&sr=8-1. Thugs used a cloth slightly larger than a handkerchief to wrap into a choke cord for their victim. Their religion compelled them to avoid drawing blood every time they made a kill.

As Major Bill Fox USMCR relates, quoting Sleeman on his website http://www.amfirstbooks.com:

…[the] dependable Indian journal estimated that the two rivers, Nerbudda and Sutlej, witnessed 10,000 murders annually. This was a century ago, when Thuggee was being slowly throttled and when every opportunity existed for ascertaining the true facts; hence it is quite clear this was considered a conservative estimate. Now the area defined by this journal represents less than one-fourth of India, so, as Thuggee extended throughout that continent, it may safely be assumed that that on this basis alone forty thousand people fell to the Thug ruhmal every year, possibly in its heyday fifty thousand would be nearer the mark. [50,000 a year means five million over a hundred years, and 30 million victims over six centuries— author]. Staggering as these awful figures may seem, such is the wealth of human life in India that this toll would seem a mere flea bite, for wild animals and snakes still annually account for almost as many….
The Thug modus operandi

Thugs were very clever about winning the confidence of their victims. They liked to prey on travelers along the roads across India. Sometimes they would feign injury, or other times act like unpretentious travelers simply seeking companionship. A group of Thugs would typically lure each victim to some secluded area off the road, and proceed to pounce on him and choke him to death. Then they would bury the victim and proceed to their next kill.

Sleeman’s book points out on page 20, “The most astounding fact about the Thug is that, as a general rule, he was a good citizen and model husband, devoted to his family, and scrupulously straight when not on his expeditions, presenting a complexity of character utterly baffling to a student of psychology. It was, indeed, essential to the safety of their criminal operations that they should pass as peaceful citizens. Their opportunities were great, for communications in India were then both difficult and dangerous and vast amounts of treasure were carried long distances by road by disguised treasure-bearers or escorted by armed guards. A rich merchant and his attendants, for example, would leave Calcutta for Poona and would, in the normal course of events, remain unheard of until his return home, perhaps six months later…”

Thugs felt no remorse. On page 5 we discover: “However unscrupulous and treacherous the Thugs were, one thing at least stands to their credit, that while they sometimes killed women — though contrary to their faith — they never maltreated them beforehand. The taking of human life for the sheer lust of killing was the Thugs’ main object: The plunder, however, pleasant, being a secondary consideration. That robbery did not form the principle motive is clear from the fact that they made little effort to ascertain the wealth of those they put to death, and wretchedly poor men, their total world wealth less than sixpence, constantly appear in Thuggee records as having been added to the bag. The Thug, indeed, regarded his profession much in the same light as the sportsman: no motive was required for the murders the planned to commit; their prospective victims were unknown to them; and it mattered nothing whether they were Hindu or Mohammedan, for Thugs had in their ranks members of both religions.”

I think that white-hating Indians forget the great service that white Britain did for India by eradicating Thuggism.

I will give you an example, Shankar, of what I saw, how the Himalayan Institute had a real crisis when its leader and founder, a brahmin and swami named Swami Rama, whom I respected and also met one time, was seduced by a nineteen-year-old Indian-American girl in tight-fitting jeans and Western makeup.

[JdN: I am adding this for the blog: Nota bene that Indians are part-white through the Aryan invasion of India many thousands of years ago, especially in northern India. Hindi and all the other northern Indian languages are Indo-European in vocabulary and grammar just as English, French, Russian or German are. However, the “white” words as are spoken with a non-white pronunciation, coming from the original and conquered Dravidian people, who were of course the vast majority.

I studied meditation at the Himalayan Institute in Honesdale, Pennsylvania under the staff of Swami Rama, a brahmin (descended from the Aryans) from northern India. He could pass almost for an Italian.

Some Indians have natural dark circles under their eyes. Some have them from studying 11 hours a day.

This little sexual affair brought about a huge scandal at the Institute and for his followers worldwide, because swamis, if they choose that path, are supposed to be celibate. (Hinduism actually, however, encourages men to first have families, becoming “householders,” and then, only after 40, choosing that life. First reproduce!)

But who is to blame for this scandal?

The Jewish Frankfurt School, which consisted of Germans Jews who fled the justified wrath of Adolf Hitler to New York and preached “free love,” having sex with anyone, straight or “gay,” at any time, and that marriage was an oppressive institution. Through “swinging” the evil attitudes of the past and patriarchy would be overcome, and women liberated.

So the psychopathic Jews of high rank indirectly caused a HUGE crisis at the Himalyan Institute while I was there (though other Jews, little New York types and sick of Judaism and its materialism, greed and hatred of Gentiles, were there supporting it).

Here is their website today, and Pandit Tigunait is now the leader: http://www.himalayaninstitute.org I once suggested that the moribund Institute emphasize in marketing itself that the ancient Aryans who had founded Vedanta — the spiritual form of Hinduism — were the distant blood relatives of us white Americans, and this dark-skinned pandit just glowered at me. 🙂

I had some correspondence with an observer of Indian swamis in America who told me that American women “throw themselves” at these swamis who initially are trying to be just as celibate as in India. The “American culture”‘ [sic] is for nubile women to sleep with the stars, and swamis are the stars of their ashrams (meditation communities). This journalist wrote me that in India no woman would ever throw herself, or offer herself, to a revered swami. “This is a specifically Western temptation.”

Sadly, not long after this scandal Swami Rama died of cancer. I think Jewmerica corrupted him and his mission. He had been a rising young star in India and, astonishingly an Acharya (like a cardinal) in his twenties. When I was at the institute, in the 1990s, it was just a shell of its former flourishing self and most of the buildings (a former Catholic monastery acquired in the early 1970s) were gloomily empty, just as when the Brothers of the Sacred Heart had had it and THEY died out.

The Himalayan Institute’s main building, in the Pocono Mountains of northeastern Pa. Deer collect on the lawns of this vegetarian institution at night in fear of outside hunters. 😉

Let me wish you a good new year of 2011, although in my heart the new year really should begin at springtime, as with our pagan ancestors, not as we enter the full brunt of winter but as we enter the springtime rebirth of nature and of all growing and living things.


====================MORE ON MORMON TEMPLES

A comrade visited the “Latter Day Saints'” temple in Kensington, Maryland which my blog yesterday discussed, and sent this striking photograph. My Greek-American friend Pete Papaheraklis, who lives nearby, says the Jews were protesting that this large Christian structure, by being right alongside the Beltway and highly visible, was somehow objectionable to them.

The Mormons are a group that once was persecuted and execrated, but now they are rich, powerful and more or less accepted. In this they are a good model for the Eternal Solutreans. If we cannot liberate our homelands, we must be prepared to survive as a large, feisty and feared minority, like the Jews themselves.


The next segment of the blog today is by Jason Salyers…..


Ram Swarup (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ram_Swarup) was a very good friend of Iceland’s leading researcher today on Asatru and heathenism, Guðrún Kristín Magnúsdóttir, she is also a close research associate with Jason Salyers

Gudrun “daughter of Magnus” — Wikipedia deleted the article on her (as on me) for “lack of notability”!

her website: http://mmedia.is/odsmal/

Sri [in Sanskirt, “the revered”) Ram Swarup on Europe’s Pagans

Rediscover the ancient spiritual truths to heal the wounded present

In an interview in the June, 1996, issue of Antaios, Hindu thinker, Ram Swarup, explained how Hinduism could assist with the renaissance of Paganism in Europe.

Pagan renaissance is overdue. It is necessary for Europe to heal its psyche. Under Christianity, Europe learned to reject its ancestors, its past, which cannot be good for its future also. Europe became sick because it tore away from its own heritage; it had to deny its very roots. If Europe is to be healed spiritually, it must recover its spiritual past–at least, it should not hold it in such dishonor.

The cross is an ancient pre-Christian symbol; the fish in fact was the original early Christian symbol and that sea creature is what we find on the walls of the catacombs of Rome. Here is a kind of Irminseul (“world column”) in a cross shape, erected in 1996 in Germany, and here is a rough Google translation of the German text about it. http://translate.google.com/translate?js=n&prev=_t&hl=en&ie=UTF-8&layout=2&eotf=1&sl=de&tl=en&u=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.harzkult.de%2F4images%2Fdetails.php%3Fimage_id%3D318

There is a lot for European thinkers to do. The task won’t be easy, and it will require decades of fervent dedication and a lot of introspection as well. Europe has been subjected for centuries to a systematic spiritual semitization. It will be no small task to change this situation.

Europe shall have to rediscover its ancient sensibilities about its people, environment, animals, nature. Earlier, the European Renaissance of the 17th century was incomplete. It was the revival of Greek and Roman literature and art-forms without Greek and Roman gods. If the Renaissance had taken its full course, it would also have become aware of its Eastern, its Hindu, links, but it was soon aborted. In fact, an opposite movement started, an anti-renaissance movement, in the shape of Protestantism, a movement of “Back to the Bible,” and “back to the Apostles.”

I hope that the Neopagan movement will understand the importance and the immensity of the task. In certain Western milieux, Paganism has been welcomed because it was supposed to usher in sensuality and hedonism, sexual “freedom.” But those Pagans must understand that the ancient Pagan philosophers were great mystics and great moralists, and the European Pagan movement will have to understand Paganism in this way.

Steel sculpture in Iceland of Thor and his goat chariot

I believe that Hinduism has a very important role in the religious self-recovery of humanity, particularly of Europe. The reason is simple. Hinduism represents the most ancient tradition which is still alive [JS: as Savitri Devi of Europe recognized, though the race there is half-gone]. It has preserved in its bosom the whole spiritual past of humanity.

For self-recovery, these countries have to revive their old gods. But this is a task which cannot be done mechanically. They have to recapture the consciousness which expressed itself in the language of many gods. Here, India can help them with its tradition of yoga. In my book The Word as Revelation: Names of Gods, I spoke of a new kind of pilgrimage: a return to the time of the Gods. Meanwhile, European scholars can do a lot.

They should write a history of Europe from the Pagan point of view, which would show how profoundly persecuted Paganism was. They should compile a directory of Pagan temples destroyed, Pagan groves and sacred spots desecrated. European Pagans should also revive some of these sites as their places of pilgrimage.

The Extern Rocks in Germany

Arctic Henge, Iceland now nearly finished

The Arctic Henge is being built on the plains of Melrakkaslétta by the Northern most town of Iceland, Raufarhöfn, right under or by the Arctic circle. The unique location has a 380° horizon on land so nothing can hinder the sun and the moon light. All sunrises and sunsets can be seen if its not cloudy, how ever the sun does not sit during the high summer months and is almost not to be seen over the high winter months.

Some towers are completed.

The Arctic Henge is a calendar of the seasons based on the paths of the sun and the moon. It is a circular stone square 48 meters across. In the middle there is a stone structure with a crystal at the top that captures the rays of the sun and brakes it into prism colors. On the outer wall there are four gates facing each in main direction marking the solstices of winter and summer and the equinox of spring and fall according to old Nordic calendar.

The Henge will contain inner walls and independent structures that will each in its own way be a divide to capture the light of the sun and the moon for the purpose of monitoring there the path and brake their rays into prism, one will contain fire and water and one will frame the pole star.


JdN: Hitler believed that a religion once dead cannot be revived, because the common people see one god or set of gods defeating the other, which means they were WEAK.

Eternal Solutreanism is resurrecting what is best and most balanced in our pagan European heritage, the Indo-Aryan heritage and also seeing the great mission of Jesus, whom Hitler believed to be half-Aryan: heroic struggle against Jewry and other psychopathy. It is grasping that we live in times of an ultimate confrontation of good — white men and women struggling now toward the light, but not in arrogant self-righteousness like semites — versus the absolute, genocidal and enslaving evil of the Jewish-run New World Order.

This is NOT a struggle that atheists can win. In fact, atheists will RUN, fearing they will be killed by ZOG and thus be dead forever.

My house is now lit up, someone joked, like a German stalag at night, with five adults and more coming soon, and a 24/7 operation, four cars, three always armed men in-house to repel and kill aggressors to the people in this home, two other armed men nearby, two obedient but stranger-bitings dogs, and heavy Internet security involving Linux computers, physical firewalls and other devices, plus in-house DVD production and a bunker-like basement. My goal is to rent the two buildings behind this house ASAP for additional staff and operations. I have also migrated my emails to encryption and my main email address john@democratic-republicans.us to a secure server that is pro-WN. I need your donations NOW, please, in the final days before this audiovisual book is released.  Contact page for donations: https://johndenugent.com/contact

I just heard that David Duke’s YouTube channel is down again. The enemy is getting nervous. Good. I have never gotten more hate mail than now from petrified Jews.

They prefer to submit on their knees than to fight on their feet, or they prefer to work out a deal with the regime once it threatens to put them (back) in prison.

And they also infest white nationalism and make it into a self-centered career for themselves.

I must say that I was intensely disappointed that Dr. William Pierce was an atheist. I knew him very well. And he made absolutely NO provision for adequate succession when he died of cancer in 2002. Erich Gliebe has been a catastrophe as National Alliance chairman. (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Erich_Gliebe)

Here is a very hostile take on the NA:

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I remember a troubling moment in my relationship with Dr. Pierce, whom I otherwise respected deeply. I was rapidly growing the Washington-Baltimore unit of the NA, and in fact it went from three to 12 members in six months, with constant meetings and my adaptation of some Jehovah’s Witness techniques of recruiting new members and teaching them in turn how to “preach” our racial message. I also integrated a lot of white music, aided by his secretary, an overweight but very efficient and cheery Rosemary Rickey, who also played very good piano, and by his then wife, an attractive German-American gal with brown hair and eyes. Morale began to really boom with our recruiting classes, speech class, new music and growth. (I also knew Kevin Strom during this period, though we were not quite friends, basically just collaborators. This was long before his wife and accusation troubles. He also fought an unjust arrest by a DC cop almost to the Supreme Court around this time.)

I was also writing a key section of Dr. Pierce’s newsletter. Then Pierce asked me to emcee the 1984 National Alliance convention, which was held (I might add, very successfully) in Crystal City, Arlington, Virginia. (Strom gave an outstanding speech there.)

So I was pleased with my contribution to the Cause and the Alliance. Then Pierce said to me, as a seeming afterthought to one conversation we had in his office (but it was not):

“Just one thing, John.

You are very good at ‘stroking’ people, making them feel good. I am NOT good at stroking people. I think people should do the right thing even without praise. They should just do their duty because it IS their duty. But I understand that most people these days do not ‘tick’ as I do.

But I want to warn you of one thing, not to engage in any ’empire building’ at my expense.”

I was nonplussed I had never heard the term “empire-building” and I had no idea what he was even driving at. So I asked him.

“Empire building” is starting your own organization or faction using my supporters…..which could lead to them going elsewhere.

I was stunned. My goal was to build a mass organization and his … It seemed to me at that moment that it was to hang onto his pitiful little group, and be a big fish in a small pond. (The Alliance, he had just divulged to me, had just 200 members, this the proud result of almost fifteen years of work by Pierce! 200 members out of 180 million unhappy white people in America….)

In point of fact, I felt absolute loyalty to Pierce until that moment, and had sought in vain to see him as a kind of mentor or father figure, which he could never be with his somewhat cold, though courteous, scientific temperament.

The thought of overthrowing him or taking away his best people had never occurred to me on any level of thought.

Let me emphasize at this juncture that I respected and still do respect Dr. Pierce’s life’s work, and in fact I put a photo of him (at the time 02:58) into this Solutrean video, done by a Slavic-American colleague:


But his terrible choice of successors in 2002 indicated to me that he was not worried overly what would happen to the National Alliance once he was gone. That is how atheists are: When I’m dead, who cares?

But we do NOT die.

Eternal Solutreanism is a very different spirit. It is seeing race through the prism of the higher “chakras,” and the understanding that this is first and foremost not a racial but a SPIRITUAL STRUGGLE. That both wicked and old souls are incarnating at this time…..psychopaths from lower worlds and advanced souls from higher worlds, to do battle with staggering consequences for the future of the earth.
We are a great race not because we are marauding blond Vikings …some Stormfront nerd fantasy….thrashing it out with yellow, brown and black people, but because, at our best, our race incarnates strength, intelligence, creation, order and beauty. Our race has a calling that makes us special and unique.
Others take; we MAKE.

O Stars, you are our Witness

Lyrics by Nelson, John, and Laughton

I. Should all become disloyal, yet we remain still true.
Thus always on this earth a banner stands for you.
Companions of our youth, recalling better times,
You stand for ancient truth, and sacrifice divine.

Companions of our youth, recalling better times,
You stand for ancient truth, and sacrifice divine.

II. Within the Aryan spirit there dwells a sacred shrine,
Steady as Nordic oaks, and moon and warm sun’s shine.
Again it shall be clear, in every brother’s mind,
They come in rue and love homeward to our kind.

Again it shall be clear, in every brother’s mind,
They come in rue and love homeward to our kind.

III. They struck, and fought, and bled, the heroes of olden days,
Our victory was near, but devils had dark ways.
However life unfoldeth, abiding mystery,
You never shall grow old, oh dream of majesty!

However life unfoldeth, abiding mystery,
You never shall grow old, oh dream of majesty!

IV. O Stars you are our witness, so silently looking down,
While the folk kneels in the darkness, applauding the evil clown.
Our tribe will never lie, betray our soul or die,
One aim directs our sparkling eyyyesss:
Solutrea – ARISE!

Our folk will never lie, betray our soul or die,
A martyr’s pride defeat defies,
Solutrea – HAIL! A-RISE!

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