Why the fierce jewsmedia opposition to hydroxychloroquine, which has cured 91% of patients ?
The jews want the economy to stay locked down — waiting for “the Vaccine” — until it collapses.
Then we get the welfare state Satanyahu envisions where you submit, accept your vaccine, chip and cashless society, and the jew will give you a tiny pittance if you slave away six days for him. (You are allowed to get drunk and/or high on day seven.)
On the mark, JDN!
They are now pushing the idea that big bad Nazis are all in the moon,tied to UFO sightings and reptoids.
Quick 3 minute video here about Dershoshit saying everyone must be forced to take Israeli vaccines and a clip of Alex Jones’s response rightfully going off on him.
Geehrter Herr John de Nugent,
kann das bitte geteilt werden:
Demokratie lebt von der Beteiligung ihrer Bürger. Derzeit haben sich etablierte Parteien und Mainstream-Medien den Staat unterworfen. Die „Agora-Initiative“ möchte die Demokratie wieder zu einem Bestandteil des bürgerlichen Selbstverständnisses machen.
Aufklärung und Aufstehen
Die Idee der „Agora-Initiative“ beruht auf zwei Säulen.
Zunächst sei es Aufgabe der Bürger, sich zu bilden, vor allem um die Manipulation der öffentlichen Meinung, wie sie bei den Mainstream-Medien gang und gäbe ist, erkennen und widerlegen zu können. Im „Handbuch der öffentlichen Meinung“ (hier herunterladen: https://www.agora-initiative.de/wp-content/uploads/2020/04/das-handbuch-der-oeffentlichen-meinung-agora-initiative.pdf) zeichnen die Initiatoren akribisch die Methoden und Funktionsweisen politischer Propaganda nach.
Vielen Dank
Hey John, I shared a playlist with you last time, and this time I wanted your help and opinion on something.
I was hoping you would watch the movie “Lost in Translation” and tell me what you take away from it (initial and lasting impressions)?
The movie can be torrented in 3 simple steps. Download a program called deluge, Go to a website called 1337x dt com and search for the movie title. Select a torrent with a bunch of seeders, and then click on magnet link. Its about 1-2 hours to finish. ORRR, you could just stream it.
Thanks John!
Thanks, brother, but I am under a ton of time pressure, and Margi is recovering from a near-fatal pneumonia. (I am going to pick her up soon at the hospital.)
What is the film about? Give me a teaser, please. 😉