No money for muslim Palestinians

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John de Nugent I feel like answering: “Then 1) stop fathering kids if you’re broke. White men don’t breed if they have no food, utility or rent money.
2) Tell your brothers in Manchester, Marseilles, Malmö and Munich on Facebook to stop raping our white girls.
Pregnant German woman in Munich, raped and beaten into a coma by muslim immigrant
Stop throwing acid in their faces, running children over,
And stop kicking seniors to death in the subway.”
London Bridge massacre — muslima walks by dying infidel, chatting, while whites rush to aid victims

In other words: “F– you. You’re only friendly because you’re down.”

John de Nugent I had one Gazan call me on Messenger video five times in five minutes, and send me emoticons of a crying face.
If you befriend anyone with a muslim-arabic name from Syria or Gaza, they will write “how are you, my name is Hosan” and 15 seconds later hit you up for money for their brood.
Constantin Von Hoffmeister I thought you cared for the Palestinians‘ plight!


John de Nugent I care, but as long as they are drinking the muslim koolaid, no money.…/Manage

Constantin Von Hoffmeister I don’t care one bit about them. Not one iota.

Elzbieta Patino Every war is a humanitarian tragedy and destruction of innocent people.
John de Nugent True, but how many muslims are innocent?
Russell Weber III The Catholic Palestinians have the only Christ-given right to live and own the Holy Land of Palestine.

Try the website the Franciscan Foundation for the Holy Land. The Christian Arabs are being slaughter in the middle East and das juden has caused this nightmare.

Dale Beeman I friended one that started in with the begging. He would send me links to put money into his Bank, sending very sharp and clear photos. But in one of them I saw in a mirror his camera, a $2,000 top-of-the-line Nikon……I unfriended him right then and there.
Elzbieta Patino I never liked Arabs. They are so different from us. I don’t defend them, but they have a right to a life in peace in their country.

John de Nugent Elzbieta Patino The truth is that Arabs violently conquered Palestine and filled it with their genes via rape, polygamy and harems.Manage

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