No monument in Dresden to the Feb. 1945 bombing holocaust, BUT this “artwork” (three upright buses!) created by a SYRIAN is up there

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……Ain’t it sublime? An “artist” with a liberal German mother and an Arab father (of course…) named Manaf Halbouni created this unsightly junk. 

There is no monument in Dresden to the Feb. 1945 bombing holocaust, BUT this “artwork” (three upright buses!) created by a SYRIAN is up there, and it is outraging the more sensible Germans.

No monument to the estimated 500,000 German civilians, mostly refugees from eastern German who were fleeing the Soviet Army, who were burned to death in February 1945 in a three-day Anglo-American air force atrocity.

The most beautiful city in Europe was annihilated along with its suffering people. The massacre and cruelty were so mind-bending that the Hitler government played down the extent of the slaughter to prevent total panic, and the war crime (under the Hague Rule of War, civilian bombing is forbidden) was barely discussed until the 1960s, when British historian David Irving, whom I know, came out with his book.




The incredibly industrious and art-loving Germans rebuilt at least the gorgeous old downtown area — using tens of thousands of detailed photos carefully taken during the war by order of Adolf Hitler, a passionate lover of the arts and architecture, desiring that, after the war, at least the most beautiful of the old buildings could be rebuilt. When East and West Germany were finally reunited in 1990, wealthy West Germans sent money into eastern Germany, and the key buildings of Olde Dresden began to reappear in their old splendor. The Semper Opera today…

The Zwinger ( = “enclosure”)

Church of Saint Mary

The brave Pegida movement to stop muslim immigration began also in Dresden! Pegida spokeswoman Kathrin Oertel

“For the future of our children!”

“No religious wars on German soil!”

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  1. I’m German. No one is satisfied with the policy of Angela Merkel. There are many protests. Basically, a Marxist minority dictates a majority. Our freedoms are minimized step by step. How should this continue?

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