Noble blacks; a biracial supporter who is vehemently FOR us Whites, offers keen insights on race-mixing, “Bulattos” and “Wulattos”

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….”Black Conservative Patriot”, AKA”BCP”

This is an intelligent, diligent, honest, conservative Black reporter with 500,000 subscribers to his YouTube channel.

I and Margi for months now have found his reporting very reliable. He is a strong supporter of Donald Trump, free speech, gun rights, God, and the US Constitution, and a fierce enemy of Antifa, BLM, and anti-white violence and hatred.

And as we just saw, 31% of Blacks just did vote for Donald Trump, a new record for any Republican president.

As we consider the appalling treason of the very white man, Tucker Carlson, as laid out in this video above by BCP, remember this racial reality:

Carlson is a decent-looking, 6’4″ racial Aryan with blue eyes who has betrayed Trump and his loyal viewers for whatever unknown, yet base and selfish motive. He is a white traitor who, worst of all, clearly knows better. Carlson talks like one of us, that is, just like a white nationalist when we are trying to softly, gradually deprogram (and plant some seeds of thought in) a white, liberal friend, colleague or relative.


And I am certain Carlson “gets” the JQ as well.

When he desacralizes a Ruth Bader Ginsburg,

…..or sticks up for Iran,

or bashes byname the wicked George Soros,

Carlson IS going up against the jews and their NWO agenda, albeit subtly.


Carlson gets white people by the millions, knowledge-wise, “to first base,” as we would say in the American game of baseball. 😉

So it is infamous, nauseating and disgraceful of him to say, in Trump’s (and OUR ) hour of need, that Trump’s brilliant and experienced lawyers Rudy Giuliani and Sidney Powell “offered no evidence of massive vote fraud.”

Since when are 234 sworn affidavits of eyewitnesses of vote fraud in multiple states not “evidence,” Tucker?

In the courtrooms of what planet?

Men and women have been sent to death row and hanged on the basis of eyewitness testimony given under oath!

“Then I saw him take out a knife and stab her.”

Thinking now about this brave, noble-minded BCP, as I always say, you know the liberals think race is nothing.

White nationalists imagine race is everything. 😉

Actually, the truth is in the middle.

Race is something, yes, SOMETHING — but definitely not everything.

We are eternal souls that incarnate into bodies to grow and create; we do not have a black, brown, yellow or white SOUL.

Our genes do NOT make uns think, speak or act nobly.

And the proof right before our noses now is that if they did, Tucker Carlson — and the almost equally tall and blue-eyed Joe Biden — would be angels. 😉

Said on June 30, 2015 at a Wash DC banquet for the visiting President of Brazil

Look at my own daughter, a beautiful, hard-working white woman of British Isles & Germanic blood who has gone over to Antifa after I tried to raise her with the best of values.  I was her main caretaking parent (while her mother ran her own flourishing business) for the first nine years of her life, and I gave her tons of my love and time!

(All that  ended back in 1989, 31 years ago, and I have not had any great influence on her since, and in fact no conversations with her at all since 2007 by her “anti-Nazi” choice.)

But under the influence of her academic advsior, Stanley Rosenberg, and of her Washington DC environment, I can safely say:

She did not see the light; she saw the GREEN!

If she really did believe her antiracist claptrap, then why does she choose to live in a lily-white suburb, Bethesda, Maryland, and the commute into downtown Washington DC, when she could live conveniently in one of the huge black neighborhoods within walking distance of her job (areas where,  btw, Margi got raped twice!)?

A few years ago, this was Ingrid before TDS — Trump Derangement Syndrome

Now — and talk about “hate” and “micro-aggressions”! She has a look like an Antifa.


Going back to Black Conservative Patriot, he lives in the San Diego, California area with his wife, a Mexican, mestizo lady. He is also a low-key Christian (which I think is not a bad thing for Blacks, anyway), but he does not preach at you about it.

He has been terribly harrassed, physically attacked and beaten by Antifa and BLM, and so he never reveals his real name. He does two videos every day that are full of facts, video clip evidence, analysis and morale-building pep talks.

So here you have, on the one hand, a good, brave, smart, black man, without movie-star looks, succeeding by his hard work, ability and integrity, and, ON THE OTHER HAND, you have these handsome white traitors who are aiding and abetting brutal WHITE GENOCIDE.

I’d have a beer any day with BPC!

Remember, comrades: Aryan means noble — not “blond hair.”

Aryan is as Aryan does. 😉




…….NS comrade on white people today

He sent these two comments:

On occasions I have assisted White people who I thought were down on their luck. These efforts usually backfired in my face, with the recipient of my assistance somehow blaming ME for some temporary set-back.

I have since come to the conclusion that these losers weren’t receiving help from friends or relatives for a very good reason.

No good deed went unpunished, and I am now a fanatical believer in self-help.


I replied:

Yes, and that is tough love.

In the old days, there was an expression: “the deserving poor.” That was people who were down on their luck but honest, hard-working and sober. One was glad and proud to help THEM!

Once up on a time, you needed friends and family to survive, and had to behave accordingly. “To have a friend, BE a friend!” 

Today, thanks to the welfare state, started by crypto-jew Lyndon Johnson in 1965 with his “Great Society” program, every vicious, lying, parasitical a—hole can get tons of free food, medical, etc. from the feds — treat everyone like dirt — and survive and reproduce! 

He also commented:

Odd conversation happened last week. A young lady gave me her phone number IN FRONT OF HER BOYFRIEND. She actually had a child with this boyfriend.

Her boyfriend seemed like a (too) easy-going cuckold. I told her that he seemed like a nice guy, and she shouldn’t disrespect him.

She then proceeded to tell me that she cheated on her boyfriend with a negro. I resisted the urge to deliver an unreceptive lecture, and asked her if it’s true “what they say”.

She said he was small, but Sambo spent all his money on her. At that point I realized her true motivation, and I wished her well.

Another Lauren Mann. People have to fix themselves.

I responded:

OMG. Boy, these are truly “end times.”

But we can also learn so much from these degenerates.

This is a planet that is both horrible and wonderful, and one can grow here 30 times faster than on highly advanced planets, which are crime-free, peaceful, orderly, and even climate-controlled. No one will mug you, or try to bribe you, or offer you a child for sex. There is no porn, booze or heroin.

And there being no significant evil or danger, there is also no heroism.

We chose to come here in order to create a new reality in ourselves and this world, and now, like racehorses, we are at the starting gate. The 1775 moment is upon us.

Here now is a video to remind us that race is still a vital reality.

Black doing a simian dance.



……Brilliant, biracial supporter to me on the constant challenge and tragedy of being mixed

What I found most fascinating is the sharp dichotomy which he draws between having a black father and white mother (like Obama), which he calls being a “Bulatto” (from “B” for Black, and “ulatto” for “mulatto” and his own case — having a white and “libtard” father and a black mother, making him, in his term, a “Wulatto.”

(I have, of course edited it to avoid any identifiers and irrelevant personal stuff.)

This supporter looks a bit like Bulatto actor/director Mario Van Peebles, who himself had a black father and white mother (a German woman).

What the below reminds me of is what Count Coudenhove-Kalergi admitted in his books advocating race-mixing, namely, that mixed people (he having been one himself, being part-White/part-Japanese) are more flexible but also less steady and less stable. 

In other words, Mischlinge (racially mixed people) are more like putty, which is what the jews want, human putty you can MOLD and who will go along with anything — and so suddenly Lord Rothschild was sending him serious money.


Dear John,

I wish you good luck on the path that lies before you.

[I ran the next paragraphs before,  and put them now in navy-blue. You can skip over them if you wish.]

I’ve realized some of the errors of my ways, and I came to finally admit that you’re the best suited man to bring a change for the better. You’re experienced, knowledgeable and skillful. Your brainpower equals the efficiency of a supercomputer, no kidding and no sweet-talking, it’s just incredible how fast you can learn and absorb, and how many skills you’ve mastered throughout your life. You can think outside the box too, and through age you’ve become incredible wise. Not all elders radiate an aura of wisdom, but you do.

On top of that you have pedigree, and you graduated in high honors from a top tier university, and that’s very impressive. You even laid out your entire private life to the public, as you’re a man that has nothing to hide or feel ashamed about!

Finally, you have the strategic and tactical mastermind one must possess in the coming times of trouble, you can keep a cool head in stressful situations, and you know how warfare is to be fought. All of it combined with your fanatical and truly believed in religious creed. Your conviction to serve God and bring his divine will is more than remarkable, and I thank you again, for awakening me spiritually, and to show me that GOD is real!

How can our enemies, or anybody, attack or defame you? You don’t have dirt on you. Perhaps one could argue about some of your past decisions, but all of these are, at worst, minor mistakes or result of the foolishness of the youth, thus it’s nothing serious. Maybe your neander theory isn’t on point, but even if you hold on to it and it proves to be wrong, it would still not be enough to put even a tiny dent on your public image. Not to mention, your generation had far less information on this subject, even nowadays it’s a subject of dispute.

You’re also a true American, born and bred, what kind of nationality is currently better suited to achieve our final victory? No other one…

I’ve never lied to you, but you also never asked me the hard questions… To be honest, I’m just a very broken man… and a total failure. You overestimate my capabilities! Calling me brilliant, thanks, but I’m not! I’ve achieved nothing yet that makes me deserve such a label.

During childhood, I was able to compete with the white kids, but I was also the first that dropped out of everything……. It’s true, I was often attacked, whether by direct, harsh insults, or indirectly by graffiti, billboards or other influences, and all of it made me very depressed. [….] Now I have way too much bad baggage on me.

You’re the man, John, you’re the man of importance! I understand now, I see how important you are. You’re the only person in the whole superpower USA that is serious about starting a new movement to save the white race!

[…] You’re the true leader, the Führer, of humanity. You’re more than that, you guiding our Souls, you’re the Seelenführer!

I’ll never question or doubt you again, and I’ve accepted my place, I’m not special, thus I must start from the bottom, just like all others. Your worked yourself up, you deserve this position for countless reasons, thus you are the real Führer, and God gave you this role. If I get to [be with] you, I will prove my loyalty to you by cutting my hand with a knife and give an oath by blood!


I must mention that I’ve again thought very, very seriously about suicide. I couldn’t take it any longer. There seems to be no end to this nightmare. It feels as if I lost my energy, as I only want to lay in my bed. Since I had a talk with my parents, my motivation has gone down further more. I’ve made plans to get out of the city, so my body won’t be found, and bought some of the necessary “utilities”. Btw, I wanted to send you whatever money I have left, but I can’t even access my PayPal account, setting a VPN weakens the connection too much, and E-banking seems way too much of a hassle here…

Then I read your blog from almost a month ago, “Is your suffering stupid or noble?” By chance, I also had the movie “1917” downloaded, but I never watched it until now, as I assumed it to be yet another standardized anti-German war movie. It was a bit anti-German, portraying the German soldiers on screen as a bit dishonorable, unreasonable and as incompetent shooters, but it was a fantastic movie with an important message nonetheless!

I was committed to end my life, and do it before my birthday, now I’m uncertain again… If I was white I would definitely keep on fighting, but as a mutt [how he sometimes calls himself] it seems pointless… Or if I had at least something good to offer, i do feel I’ve screwed my current incarnation up, so I hope to get a second chance and do it better next time.

So, I’ve got to tell you that you likely overestimated my capabilities, but if you still think there is a use for me, I’ll keep on hanging on. I’ll accept every role you’d give to me, heck, I’d even wash your sheets, scrub your floor, wash your dishes and clean your toilet, and handle the rest of your daily hassles… no joke, and there’s nobody else I would do this for, and I’d do it for no pay!

Btw, you can also use whatever information or texts I’ve sent you.

I’m done for in this incarnation, and thus I’ll also gladly accept certain death as a common foot soldier. Cutting myself up somewhere out in the wild is not the ideal.It’s much better to die in combat for a divine purpose and serving the noble race.

I belief that the Aryan race are the true chosen people of God.

Thus I’d gladly give my life for them!!!


I have no idea how your future plans look like; I guess it also depends on the US election. Personally, I’ve lost hope for a political solution, as I think Trump is a marionette… though I hope Trump wins, because it would give us some time.

If the situation gets dire, I think it’s necessary to form a separatist state, so you best bring in as much manpower as possible to split of the enemy-ruled USA. Perhaps I could be of help when reaching out to Blacks… Still, wouldn’t it be better to send a more successful black man than me with pro-white beliefs?

Could blacks perceive me as “fake-ass” black? … Who knows? Maybe it’s better to hide the fact that I’m half-European?

Start again as an entirely new persona and change my name… Only white people have a unique look, while blacks all look-alike… so it shouldn’t be too hard to start off fresh, without any baggage of my past…

Either way, you are right, we need as much manpower as possible, and we can’t afford using high-quality white males as cannon fodder.

Union dead at Gettysburg

Let’s hope that a significant number of blacks will fight for the white race, but if not, I’m assured that the white race can win without them! Then the blacks have dug their own graves, as the Aryan race will double down on their efforts. It will be harder for whites, though they’ll win in the end, I’m sure of it!

Let me know if there is any use for me, take your time and think it through… and ask whatever you want to know. I’ll keep on praying for you, as I see you as one of the last hopes of mankind! I will pray in hope for you to gain, at least, another 30 years in lifespan, and that your health, eyesight and sharp mind won’t deteriorate! But this time, I acknowledge you, John, as the one and only Führer, the one man that is destined to bring us the Endsieg!

I replied:

Dear [],

Just a very quick note to say how touched and honored I was by your message and trust. In case you check your Skype messages soon, I just wanted to dash this off. And for a “mutt” — remember we are all mixed — you are actually pretty good-looking! I saw you on Skype! No, you incarnated to carry a great message of greetings and glad tidings from me to the other suffering races. The different whites are all brothers, but the other races are our cousins! We all want, however buried, these three things: truth, light and love. You must STAY ALIVE for your high mission, brother []! DEUS VULT! 🙂


He then wrote:

use DeBlasio and Robert DeNiro as produicng Wulattos

Hi, John,

This will be quite lengthy, but  please take your time to read it. I’ll touch on the “Mulatto Question”.

There is truth in your saying that I’m the “Anti-Obama.”

Both of us are biracial and born to a black and a white parent. We are “Mulattos”, even though I’ve started to dislike this term. I do think it sounds quite odd, but it’s the only term that describes this specific mixture, so I will use it.

Obama and I do share this similarity, yet we seem to be polar opposites.

I find the “Mulatto Question” to be uncomfortable to talk about, for there’s a lot of darkness and sickness connected to it, but it’s a very important question that humanity needs an answer for. No one has ever bothered to investigate it, but I was forced to.

Many years ago, I’ve noticed strange feelings and a tension inside me when seeing a young White woman that was pushing around a stroller with a Mulatto child sitting inside, or similar sights.

*** JdN

Very pretty white girl claims to be crying because her mulatto son is “so beautiful.” Judge for yourself the real story….




I did not felt “connected” to these Mulattos. They felt different to me. I wondered if Whites are correct in only using one single term to describe both the children of Black men plus White women, and the children of White men plus Black women.

Whites use two different terms for horse and donkey hybrids, hinnies and mules, and this depends on the constellation of their parents, so why don’t they use two different terms for the two kinds of mulattos?

The Whites that seem to came closest in using a different term, depending on the constellation of the parents, were the Germans from WWI until the end of WWII. Though, they only had a term for the children of Black men and White women, whom they called “Rheinlandbastarde”.

Also, the children that were born to African-American soldiers and German women after our defeat in WWII were known as “Brown Babies”.



It’s true, hinnies and mules are distinct in phenotype, while Mulattos aren’t. Unlike Mulattos, hinnies and mules also originate from parents of a different species with a different number of chromosomes, not parents of a different race with the same number of chromosomes. Thus, these hybrid animals are often infertile.

Yet, there must be a distinction in Mulattos too, because a Black man is not the same as a White man, and vice versa, a Black woman is not the same as a White woman, and both genders fulfill a different role when creating a child. In consequence, there is a real difference in Mulattos, though this difference is not noticeable in outside appearance.

For the sake of differentiating and simplicity, let’s call a Mulatto with Black father a “Bulatto”, and the ones with a White father a “Wulatto”. In Spanish and other Romance languages, a female Mulatto is referred to as “Mulatta”, so we can also use terms like “Bulatta” and “Wulatta”.

One could say that Bulattos are more “natural”, because they don’t suffer from any complications at birth. Mulatto skulls are, on average, smaller than White skulls, and the pelvis of White women is, on average, wider than a Black one, thus it’s far easier for a Bulatto to “slide through” his White mother than it is for a Wulatto to slide through his Black mother.

Black women may seem to have a bigger pelvis, but that’s due to their higher concentration of fat in thighs and bottom.

Additionally, for White women it’s the easiest to “pop out” Mulatto children, even easier than White children, because of an infant with smaller, half-European skull and their own, bigger pelvis.

Though, can race-mixing ever be considered “natural”, even if it bears no complications at birth and leads to fertile offspring? I beg to differ for countless reasons.

So, the differences of their births reveals quite a few things. Bulattos have an easy, uncomplicated birth, therefore they are unaffected by it, but with Wulattos [like me], it’s the opposite.

Skull plates of newborns are not closed at birth. The fissures only close after a few weeks, perhaps months, after birth. On top of that, newborn skull-plates are not sturdy and tough, so their level of protection is limited.

A Wulatto [with a wider skull] will suffer from squishing of the brain, as his unclosed and weak skull-plates were not meant to slide through the unfitting, [narrower] black pelvis. Some Wulattos suffer less from it, others more, though, some degree of damage to the brain will be the definite consequence. This means, to get a Wulatto without brain damage, you’d have to “free” him from his entrapping womb, cutting it open via C-section.

I remember a graph that has revealed that African-American women are five times more likely to birth children through C-section than White women, and this is because they often birth children of admixed heritage, children which have bigger skulls than pure Negroid children.

As a result, African-American woman have this oddly high number of C-sections, but none of the “sheep” notices and asks why…

Speaking from personal experience, C-section is what has saved me. The doctors decided to have a C-section, or perhaps it was by request of my parents, because my mother has faced various difficulties when my older brother was born the natural way.

My brother was born three days after his estimated date of birth, but now it is apparent why. He must have had tremendous awareness to notice that this small pelvis would be damaging to him! And he must have had enormous willpower to endure three entire days inside a womb that has lost all its birth water [amniotic fluid] three days before!

He stayed on “dry decks”, in hope to find another way or be freed, but it didn’t come for him… That was some awful decision-making on the doctors part… Ultimately, my brother had no choice but to slide through. Afterwards, when he was born the “natural way”, his head was purple like a bulb and he wasn’t able to breath for almost 10 minutes. I kid you not! but the doctors kept him somehow alive.

I’m 100% sure that my brother received brain damage, perhaps even severe one, as he does not grasp logic and causality at a larger scale, and he barely has self-awareness.

He is quite a flawed individual, but so am I, though unlike him, I’m completely aware of it.

I avoid him because of that, as his lack of awareness and logic brings danger to himself and others.

Ultimately, it’s not his fault, as much of his flaws must originate from his extremely rough birth, which he had no control over. I’m sure he would have been far superior to me, if only he had been delivered by C-section.

He’s 6’2, while I’m 5’11, and he’s stronger, healthier and far more athletic than me. Besides, he looks more masculine. He also, unlike me, can still play the piano and did decently enough in school… I belief he would have turend into a good, likely even impressive, man [had it not been for his birth trauma].

I felt sorry for him, even cried, because he’ll never reach his full potential, but now, I understand that those are the ways of God.

Who knows, perhaps he’s also under bad karma to have such a “schwere Geburt” [difficult  delivery].

However, his lack of self-awareness and consciousness that results from it actually protected him quite a bit. I was the one that noticed all of the hostility, this living hell, surrounding us [from native-white anger at Blacks on their streets and the crime wave of bullying, insults, rapes, beatings and murder they have caused especially since 2015, which targets him as well — although he grew up in Germany and has strong pro-white views], and it made me somewhat anxious and, later on, very depressed.

Is hell really hell if you’re blind to it? If either of us brothers has bad karma, which one suffers it the most? Me!

This all sounds very, very dark… but it would be best to show my brother “tough love”, or, at least, sterilize and imprison him…. I can’t even stand being around him, to be honest, because his damaged brain and admixed, unstable blood bring great danger to humanity…

I pray to God that his soul will be forgiven and cleansed, so that one day he can incarnate as a pure Nordic and do good for this world.


The differences in birthing delivery is one ugly factor in the overall “Mulatto Question”, but get ready, because it will now get much worse.

First, I wish to share a few of my “Mulatto Memories.”

A long time ago, I’ve read a story of a “Bulatto” in Britain. He gave an interview to the press, which asked him about his experiences growing up in the UK as a biracial person. He told the readers how hard it was to be of mixed race, how  he had had to face numerous difficulties and underwent multiple traumatic experiences.

I believe him, every single word that he said, as I’ve endured those same problems myself.

However, for some reason, he has children. So why, if being mixed-race has proven to be a curse, did the Bulatto decide to continue the mixed-race curse and create offspring?

I think he has two daughters with a White woman, a woman just like his mum! Is that surprising, or somewhat predictable? … He also told the press that he’s “sad to admit it”, but he’s glad that his daughters look White, as they won’t face racism.

Personally, I once knew a Bulatta girl in elementary school. She maybe liked me and, years afterwards, wanted a relationship. I’ll mention her again later  on…

But I’ve never had a Bulatto friend. I had, however, what can be called a “Bulatto Fan”. He went to the same school and was of the same “Jahrgang”  [year of birth], though he was in another class that didn’t focused on art.

I think his father was an African who had lived in France, or was it his mother that was a White Frenchwoman? I can’t remember. Anyway, he always complimented me, saying that I was “the only cool kid” in those classes, and he loved my artworks and paintings. I  was never been able to befriend him, as he told me a weird thing he did with his genitalia… and he showed an extremely anxious, over-the-top reaction to “racism”.

I remember the time when puberty hit him and most others, though not me, as I was a “late bloomer.” He started to “date” a White girl and did not show interest in a Bulatta from his class, so it seems he preferred women that resemble his mother…

However, my brother did hang around a few of them. He had a Bulatto friend with a Nigerian father and an Austrian mother, and he told me some interesting things. My brother told me that his Bulatto friend was developing hard, racialist views. He stated that he “hates Jews and Muslims”, and complained to my brother that he was upset about all these African men swarming into Europe, impregnating White women, and leaving them behind most of the time, like his own father did.

He also told my brother that he wanted to have children and “Germanize them”. Since this guy was only seen around White women, we can assume that he only slept with White women and planned on having children with one, going down the “I-hope-the-child-will-pass-for-white” route…

He later became a policeman, and that’s a rarity. He’s a half-black, biracial police man in [German city], which is known to employ open “racists”, and so that’s pretty brave of him.

The police told him “Du bist trotzdem einer von uns”, [“you are one of us anyway”] in reaction to his African heritage.

He has an intense inner anger against Black men, so he chose a profession that has allowed him to hunt down black men, and he does this with great enthusiasm, as he has told my brother.

He said that black criminals. and drug dealers especially, are afraid of him, and they stand no chance when running away, as he can catch them easily. His long limbs and height, I think about 6’4, make it no big problem.

When interrogating Black prisoners, the police often lets him do it, as they assume that he can handle Blacks better than a White police man. This Bulatto, if it’s true what he said, uses hard insults on those Africans, literally calling them “N—ers” out loud…

Once, a Black responded to him, perplexed and afraid,

“What’s wrong with you, man!?”

*** JdN For illustrative purposes — NOT this black German cop


Even though police work is an honorable thing and a honest job, and his actions against criminal migrant scum are laudable, still, I’d stay clear of this guy. You can’t trust cops of our current age, and while the [city] police are “hard on the Blacks”, they are also very, very protective of the Jews…

Years ago, I checked this guy’s social media out, curious to see what a guy like him would post, and I was surprised. He had photos of his parents’ wedding on it, and this didn’t match up at all, with his proclaimed anger against Blacks that go for White women. He showed those photos of a very, very dark Nigerian with a trimmed beard, who was educated but, to me, looked sinister, and a blue or green-eyed, decent-looking Austrian woman was with him  with auburn hair. His profile status was about his police job, but also about his mixed-race heritage, so he wasn’t ashamed, but rather he was proud of it!

To me, that seems be a mental paradox that only a retarded mind could produce, but it’s more likely a psychopathic dual-personality …..letting him trash Black men who go for White women, get a profession that allows him to put down Blacks and “Rapefugees”, and to tell my brother that he “hates” his Black father, yet at the same time, he then presents his parents’ interracial union as being the most wonderful things on earth!

This guy also has a younger, perhaps even taller, Bulatto brother, who bragged to my own Wulatto brother that he had had sex with 10 white girls in school…

His brother, unlike me, wasn’t talented enough to get into art school, but he surely had fun with the girls of this school when he went for visits. He also spreads libtard and Ho–hoax propaganda, and of course his girlfriend is White. I just loathe these two-faced guys, these latter-day “Rhineland bastards.”

Early on, I noticed this patterns of male Bulattos going for White women.

I checked out Obama’s life, who had ONLY White girlfriends — except for his gay/bi escapades, before he married.

He must have chosen a Black “female” [Michelle] to get the Black vote, though IMO that’s not his true preference.

I checked out other famous Bulatto men to see what they were going for. Only one of them, as far as I remember, dated a Black woman, though he could have done that to preach his social justice agenda, as he famously does.

However, I too, only like White, pretty and blue-eyed women, and so does my brother, who’s especially into blonds…

The women in my dreams have always been White… But I’m aware of the long-term consequences and have remained conscious, thanks to knowing about C-sections, not to give into the primal urge to sleep with awhite or blonde girl — and ultimately, race-mix and defile her…

***Muhammad Ali on how race-mixing is wrong


And I’ve had plenty of chances to defile a White girl… And no, it wasn’t me that was after them, these silly white girls were after me!

The girls and women that have shown interest in me, or have given me “the look”, were super attractive White women with green or blue eyes, and most of them blondes!

Not one of them had brown eyes, and most of them were of German heritage, though I could have also had an educated Swedish and a Norwegian girl in her late 20s…

All of that was before 2015-16 [when Angela Merkel began her infamous “refugees welcome”].


Since then, White women have shown only that they despise me, which, however, is “good” in the bigger picture.



German women in the group “120 Decibels” (the frequency of a rape whistle) protest agains the rapefugee invasion, Sadly, this organization is gone, and Merkel is still in power, five years later,  now flying in more rapefugees, often discreetly, at night, into airports, via military planes — at the German taxpayers’ expense. 


I find it alarming that these White women of good stock would have handed over their racial purity and open their legs so easily, and that they would have done it for a mixed-race, skinny and brooding loser that offers no stability whatsoever.

Sounds like self-hate, but objectively, that’s what my current physical form represents. I tried to ignore them and didn’t defile even one of them. Also, I was way too sick and troubled back then to even think about it, though I secretly, at least, stopped them from getting tainted by other Blacks.

To conclude, I’ve noticed that we Wulattos [white father/black mother] are defiling far, FAR less White women than Bulattos, even though we prefer them too.

So what is it with the Bulattos and the constant defilement of White women on a larger scale?

Actually it is not only they, but all the “Brownies”, whether full Negro, Arab, Turk, Afghani, or other swarthy southerners. All of them, quite obvious actually, are after the White girls…

One of the crucial issues those “Darkies” don’t realize is this, that the daughters they will produce with White women never reach the level of beauty the Nordic mother had, even if the kid is “White-passing,” and that alone should be a sign against race-mixing.

*** Official poster of the “German” Family Ministry


But the “Brownies” and other Non-Whites that crave White women can’t think that far…

Many are just utterly stupid, and can’t even comprehend the logical outcomes of their actions. Either way, from my experience, it was the Bulattos [with black fathers] were among the most successful in defiling Whites.

Dr. William L. Pierce seem to have noticed similar things. I’ve downloaded his book “Hunter” as a pdf and read the first few chapters, it’s about a man that hunts down and kills interracial couples, especially Black men with White women or Mulatto men with White women… Quite a dark book, but I had to take a look at it. I wonder, since you’ve known him personally, did he ever talk about Mulattos?

*** No, his main ire was, appriopriately, against the jews and white traitors, or jew-loving Southern White Christians



The question arises, are Wulattos and Bulattos findamentally different?

Is one kind superior to the other? We already know of their different parentage, but do they differ in other ways?

People are completely blind to it, but if they’d open their eyes and look around, the answer would become apparent.

I ask you:

Who, of the two, has more success? Who reigns supreme over the other, in this (((modern, dreadful, dog-eat-dog world?)))

Berchtesgaden, Germany

It is, by far, the Bulatto. Mulattos with White mothers and Black fathers are better off.

Almost all famous and successful Mulattos are Bulattos, and one almost never hears of a successful Wulatto, especially not if male. But why?

*** Barack Hussein Obama, Bulatto


His real black father was, not the Kenyan Obama,

but instead the Communist Party member and porn writer Frank Marshall Davis (“Bob Greene”).


He was also married to a white Chicago socialite, and had “threesomes” with her and various white girls, including a half-jewess, Ann Dunham.



For one, Bulattos gain a big headstart. Their uncomplicated births will ensure an undamaged brain, which will make them more successful later on in life. In contrast, many Wulattos receive brain damage if born the natural way, and that’s primarily harmful to male Wulattos.

Males need their brainpower to excel in the universe, they need to be capable of logic and reason, and they need their brains to calculate and predict, and much, much more.

Women excel through others means, like femininity, beauty and kindness, thus brain damage affects them much less. Also, female infants of all races are likely to have, on average, a smaller skull than male babies, so a natural birth will do less damage to female Wulattos.

Furthermore, Bulattos gain immensely from growing inside a White womb. The fair coloration of their mothers’ skin will ensure a much higher Vitamin D production, and that’s crucial during pregnancy.

The more Nordic the mother is, the greater her body’s  Vitamin D production. Vitamin D is essential for brain development, and scientific research has proven that children who lack Vitamin D during pregnancy will have trouble at calculations and mathematics throughout their entire lives.

A fertile White womb, even more so a Nordic one, is rare, and the numbers are dropping drastically, yet Bulattos grow inside and “enjoy” a White womb, which gives them countless privileges.

Growing inside a White womb and, of course, coming half from a White egg cell, brings many advantages.It will make you smarter, fairer and more beautiful, probably even taller because of Vitamin-D overflow.

I believe Bulattos to be of a greater average height than Wulattos, and this is also a result of White women often going for very tall Black men when race-mixing, while White man + Black woman couples are usually only of average or below average height.

The tallness of the Bulattos I’ve known once puzzled me, but this is how it can be explained.

In the end, Bulattos have, on average, a superior body and brain than us Wulattos, because the enhancing effect of a White egg cell and the benefits of growing inside a White womb will make them superior to their counterpart, while also receiving no brain damage at birth.

In addition, a White womb does not only give you biological privileges, but also societal ones, like being born in the First World. (((Society))) mostly creates advantages that benefit a Bulatto. Black men usually leave White women to their own, and this creates single moms that depend on the taxpayer’s money. The greatest contributors to the state’s welfare funds are, by far, White men, and they pay, like harmless cuckolds, for the children whom foreign, hostile men have seeded inside their own women.

It’s interesting that in colonial America, Bulattos were also better off than Wulattos, as children received the status of the white mother.

So a black slave mother made you a slave as well, while a White mother was almost a guarantee that made you born free.

Wulattos do not gain, by a longshot, as much from welfare and minority benefits as Bulattos, because White men usually stick around. Growing up biracial with a White father may be better than growing up with no father at all, but it cannot overcome the handicaps that also come with that.

White fathers are also incapable of understanding the mixed-race child’s perspective and viewpoint, as I can speak from personal experience, for my father did not believed a single word, NOTHING, when I explained him the difficulties I was facing.

He even wanted to send me to a psychiatrist and said I was paranoid! Most biracial people with White fathers can confirm this, as I’ve read about this phenomenon on numerous Internet forums.

On top of that, Black fathers that do stick around, do a much, much better job than White fathers, as a Black man knows what kind of difficulties his children will face. I’ve noticed that Black fathers give their children “the talk” [about white hostility — employers, cops, and regular people toward Blacks] while White fathers are blind and unaware of racial prejudices and other issues.

Black fathers that stick around also push their children to greatness, as they know that they must do double the work to overcome racial hurdles, and I’ve observed this many times. There are countless numbers  of Bulatto celebrities that should be very grateful for their Black father’s ambitions. Black fathers, as most of them grew up in poverty, know about the importance of status and money, so they know where the “big money” lies and to work hard to get it.

Lewis Hamilton, a money-loaded narcissist, has a Black father who has put him into driving courses and signed him up for racing, even though his family was broke! The same can be seen in many Bulatto NFL, NBA, athletes or football players; many had a father who pushed them into it. Did my White father ever signed me up for soccer, or racing, or boxing, or acting? I’ll give you one guess.

Furthermore, it’s safe to assume that male Bulattos profit from a boost in self-confidence. They have a White mother, and White women are the most sought after, they are the “big prize” of society and are on top of the sexual market hierarchy of women.

A man is seen as a winner if he manages to impregnate an attractive White woman, preferably with Nordic traits. And BTW, I’ve always felt a bit ashamed when around my parents. I found it a bit pathetic that my father, a pureblooded, blue-eyed Austrian from a wealthy background, had to settle with a Black woman from the Third World.

And ALL those looks and stares we have gotten… absolutely damaging to a young, developing brain…

Yet my father was completely blind and never noticed anything. As a Wulatto, I get the opposite of a confidence boost when looking at my parents. Bulattos, however, could possibly feel ashamed around their parents too, but males will have an inborn confidence boost that carries them throughout their lives, as their fathers “scored” with a white “babe.”

As Bulattos have a White mother, they also know how White women think, which makes it easier for them to befriend or flatter them. Thus, Bulattos tend to end up in bed with White women more often.

Equally, Bulattos feel entitled to White women, as their mother is one. “If my n—er father got one, I sure deserve one, too” could be the thought process.

Left behind are female Bulattos, because nobody pursues them in a White society. The females are offspring nobody wants, not for something serious, at least. Most White men who suffer from “jungle fever” have a definite mental illness. They also usually go after women that are darker than Mulattos. And White losers that can’t attract a White woman usually go for Asians, not Bulattas or Wulattas.

A Bulatta from elementary school wanted me, as she somehow tried to get into contact with me through my mother and brother… Yet I never even paid her any attention. It sounds harsh, but I’d rather die alone.

She’s not ugly, but the mixed phenotype is just, objectively, not as beautiful as a White one, and this applies even more to women, though the main reason I didn’t want her is this: it’s because I saw her blue-eyed, blonde, Nordic-looking mother, and her mother must have been a 1000 times more striking than she!

It’s quite depressing to date a girl that has a mother who was far more beautiful in her prime…

Female Bulattos do not come close to the looks of their mothers, and that’s the reasons why I would have accepted her if she’d been a Wulatta. Of course, either way would have been damaging to have offspring with, because of the corruption of multigenerational mixing and loss of hybrid vigor.

To conclude, Bulattos have more success in this vicious world and enjoy a superior outer form, thus they are “superior”. But their success is obviously damaging to the White race, and later on I’ll explain why.



As discussed, Bulattos are on average much more successful and are, more or less, superior in brain and body to Wulattos.

But are they different, perhaps even better, in character and are they doing any good for the human species?

I’ve become aware of an obvious difference in the natures of Wulattos and Bulattos, which expresses itself in many different forms. I also belief, that both of these groups have a “realization” in their mind, and this occurs somewhere in childhood, before puberty.

It’s quite certain that Mulattos with White fathers have more empathy, and you’ll soon know why, though, this is actually a disadvantage. We, as a species, are drifting more and more away from the path of righteousness, and become a people that feeds  on “dogmas” that are merely deceiving and cunning.

We live in a world in which psychopaths have the clear advantage over decent and honorable folk, and our overlords are the best example for this. Hence, traits like empathy are a disadvantage in a winner-takes-all world,  which is (((society)))  today.

I’ve also observed that biracial individuals with White fathers, whether Mulatto, Hapa (Half-Asian) or any other type with a Non-White mother, suffer from a far greater rate of mental illness than biracials with Non-White fathers, and that they’re also a lot more likely to commit suicide.

Furthermore, I’ve noticed that male Wulattos have a very low number of offspring. During the slave trade and colonial times, many Wulattos seem to have reproduced, mostly with Wulatta girls, but nowadays, it’s different. They almost always die childless as the dead-end of a bloodline, which is very much the opposite of the male Bulatto, who has a much higher number of offspring in current times. Bulattos always seek to create offspring and they often succeed at it, and they prefer to reproduce with White women. Only when they fail to attract a partner or other factors come to play, will they die childless. When it comes to female Mulattos, Wulattas and Bulattas are on a similar or on the same level when creating offspring. Similar phenomenons can be seen in Hapas, etc.

These points suggest a different nature in Bulattos and Wulattos, but is this true? For thist we have to look at  conception itself…


We get the answer to the Mulatto question when we look at the components that create a human being.

As we know, every human has its origins in a sperm cell (spermatozoa) and an egg cell (ovum), which merge and become one. And both the sperm and the egg have different and unique purposes.

The sperm and the egg each contain half the DNA that creates a human being, and both cells are “alive”. Cells are not dead beings and they’re not just made out of physical materials like DNA, which I call “Life-Essence”, but they have a “Life-Energy” [Lebensenergie in German] and a lifespan too.

Most women lose one egg cell per cycle; this is called ovulation. Some women can lose more egg cells, which results in the conceiving of twins. Once ovulation has occurred, the egg cell will die after 12-24 hours, so yes, it’s alive and can die. Sperm cells are alive too, but they are more resilient and can survive up to 5 days after being released.

This indicates that the “Life-Energy” of the sperm cell is of greater power than the “Life-Energy” of the egg.

Both cells have life energy, but two life energies cannot merge into a single one. DNA from two different cells can merge, and this happens in humans, but the life energies cannot merge. Cells can join together to live in symbiosis, so two life energies can indeed help each other, but we don’t have in mammals any ability for cells to join together — to merge into a single organism. So only one life energy prevails — and the other dies off…

Sperm cells have the stronger life energy, thus it is the one that prevails over the egg cells’ life energy, and so it is the sperm’s life energy that is left alive. The sperm’s life energy is so potent that it does not only survive much longer when left alone, but it’s so powerful that it makes spermatozoa move on their own. This is common knowledge.Everybody knows that sperm cells swim inside the fluid called semen, and they move around to reach the motionless ovum in an attempt to penetrate it.

The masculine conquers the feminine, not the other way around, because Yang is the active and  Yin is the passive. Thus the man must initiate the encounter and “conquer” the woman through the actions of courting — so that his spermatozoa can conquer her ovum to create a child.

Both sperm and egg cells have DNA, genes, and chromosomes… I’m, unfortunately, no expert in biology and chemistry, so I’ve put all of the physical essentials under the term “life essence”. But cells also have a “life energy” which keeps them alive, so sperm and egg DNA can merge at conception.

However, only the sperm cell’s life energy prevails. The spermatozoa contains the one with greater power, a powerful and dominating life energy, and thus it’s the one that matters when creating a new organism, a new human. We can also call this dominating life energy the “life force”  [in German, Lebenskraft].

Neither life energy nor life force, of course, are to be confused with our eternal soul!

They fulfill entirely different roles. Sperm and eggs do NOT have souls. The soul returns to the spiritual realm once it has been here and hopefully grown through experience within a completed physical form. Sperm and egg cells need to meld into one to form a completed form, because a Soul can only enter a completed physical form!

The physical form itself needs to be kept alive, not just have organs, and that’s the purpose of the life force. It builds up your entire organism. It’s responsible for autonomic breathing [while you sleep], for the digestive system, sweating, hair growth… and many other things.

Those are the things our souls have no control of; it’s our life force that regulates them. However,  not the life force, but the soul is your true self. Thus the soul is of far, FAR greater importance than the life force, yet life force fulfils an essential role as well.

Materialistic scientists and atheists only believe in life energy, though they seem to be unaware of something greater, a “life force”, and the religious people only talk about the soul, yet ALL of it is real!

The main purpose of life force is to keep your physical form alive. For example, it sends signals to your brain when you’re hungry, so you won’t die of starvation. Life force runs your organism and does everything in its power to keep your body alive for as long as possible. The other main purpose is to multiply. The life force cannot live on forever in one organism, but it can live on by multiplying,by reproducing — by entering an ovum to build a new organism.

Life force gives you the drive for reproduction and the urge to find a mate so this force can multiply and stay alive.

The life force does more, however — it also gives you a nature, a “mindset” and behavior pattern which are part of the mind, though only souls can use the mind.

Life force contains something important — the very nature of a race!

Every species and race has not only have a unique life essence, forming a physical form, but also every race has its own life frce. Every race in the universe, at least the higher-evolved ones, has its own unique life essence and life force, the latter contains the nature of that race.

This unique life force, cannot, unlike life essence/DNA, change. Well… it can actually change, but only at a very, very slow space throughout the course of evolution. For a “life force” to change, one could wait a million years and it still would not have changed… And we see this in humans, who are, at least, several hundred thousand years old, yet did not have a noticeable change in life forces and its different natures… Yet life essence, DNA, can change in a single generation!

Life force comes from your father, as the father provides the sperm; within it lies the dominating life energy. Only women can grow a child inside them, yet men give the energy that gives a child the heartbeat.

In the sperm cell lies the Y-Chromosome and your haplogroup, neither of which can change, at least not for thousands or millions of years! One may look completely different from his biological father, yet the Y-chromosome and haplogroup is exactly the same. And that of your grandfather is the same, and of his father and that of his father is also the same…

This rule applies to the life force, so it seems than within sperm cells are many unchangeable things… Only the life essence contained within the sperm can change in a single generation.

And to conclude about the roles of egg and sperm: The sperm gives you the life force, the egg forms your body. Once they merge, a soul will enter.

6) What does the knowledge about egg and sperm cells tell us about Mulattos?

We know that the sperm cell, without question, provide one’s “life force”, and the life force is what regulates your organism, and contains your thought processes, behavior patterns, way of perception and the nature of the race.

A Wulatto is created out of a European sperm cell, thus he has the European life force, and a Bulatto is created out of an African sperm cell; thus he has the African life force.

As a result, a Wulatto will think like a White person, and a Bulatto will think like a Black person!

This means that a Wulatto will, on average, be more altruistic and empathetic, as these are attributes of the European life force, though they are also likelier to show the negative attributes associated with Europeans, such as naiveté or an egalitarian mindset that goes against fundamental truths.

Wulattos, I think, can reach the greater potential for evil, as the worst White men of history have outdone the worst Black men, at least in my opinion.

A lot of serial killers I’ve read about have been White men, thus a Wulatto, a man that thinks like a White person, can also fall to the absolute lowest…

There is somehow a twist however, because Whites have a slight non-European corruption in their blood… Also, it would mean that Wulattos have the potential to be a force for good, but Bulattos have this potential too.

Though it’s safe to assume that only Wulattos can reach the peak of humanity, as they have a European mind and perception, just like the greatest heroes and geniuses of mankind.

There are countless other variables to consider. A Wulatto might think like a European, but that won’t make him automatically “pro-White” in mindset, as not even the majority of pure Europeans are pro-White!

Wulattos, just like others with Non-White appearance, will face discrimination and will get insults from Whites, and that will hinder the development of a pro-White mindset, so it cannot realistically be expected of them.

Also, the “deterioration effect” of the Black egg cell and uterus must be considered too. A Black womb will not only darken your appearance and make you uglier, it will also dumb you down to a great degree, and in most cases, this degradation and degeneration of the mind is too grave, thus the vast majority of Wulattos will not show the behavior of a disciplined, highly intelligent SS-officer, but instead that of a retarded White kid.

On top of that, most suffer from brain damage they received during birth. My own brother reminds me of that; I’ve always perceived him as White in nature… but mentally, he’s one of the backward kinds of Whites, though, to give credit, his discipline when it comes to sport is commendable.

And we must not forget that the European, the Nordic nature, is actually altruistic and open to others. It seems, therefore, and tragically, that only in times of danger to the species will a larger number ofWhites develop a mindset that ensures the survival of the race.

However, a Wulatto CAN develop an inborn, truly pro-White mindset, not just a doctrine he was taught, but countless variables have to match up first, like resisting the deterioration effect for as much as possible, the luck of a C-section and the awareness of a higher consciousness.

He must also descend from a paternal bloodline that shows signs of higher intelligence and bravery; he must have some very good genes.

Of course, he must be a “White Soul”, or a soul that wants to become White…

Few, very few, have all the necessary prerequisites to develop an Aryan mind… It could be below 0.1%.

Something like this happens with Bulattos, but with them, it’s the other way around. They don’t degrade, no — they are enhanced when growing inside a White egg cell and womb.

Thus, they become more creative and intelligent than pure blacks, thanks to the “improvement effect” of the White uterus.

Some Bulattos may even reach a European IQ level or beyond, if their White egg cell has been of superior quality, but still they will have an African nature and mindset.

Thus, they CAN’T develop an inborn, truly pro-white mindset, because the natures of the different races are in constant competition with each other!

That means, that all ancient Wulattos would have died at birth, as their half-White skulls would have been too big to make it through alive!

Yet, I actually believe another thing occurred. It’s possible that Mulattos with White fathers did not die out, because actually they were not sired in the first place. I strongly assume that a pureblooded European man would not have found pure Negroid women to be sexually appealing!

I belive that that Mulattos with pure White fathers and pure Black mothers were never born before our degenerate times!

(Unless, who knows? some aliens kidnapped White men and took their semen, put it inside a Black women as part of an experiement — and cut her open nine months later…. But I see no evidence for this.)

12) It’s about to get uglier, but it’s enough for today.

I know that we Mulattos have, intended or not, almost destroyed humanity… and I know it was we that gave Humanity the “egoic-mind”…

To be more precise, it was Bulattos….

Ultimately, Bulattos have a lot more to answer for, as it was they that  started this mess.

“Die Rheinlandbastarde sind unser Verderben” [ = “Rhineland bastards are our downfall”], there lies much truth in my statement, because the first bastards,  IMO, were the first psychopaths…

Still, this doesn’t mean that Wulattos are any good. Most of us are scum, degenerates or deadbeat losers and drifters…

And yes, we’re psychopaths too, because mind and body are in imbalance. At least I’m aware of it.

In the end, both Wulattos and Bulattos must agree that “All Mulatto mankind must come to an end!”

No matter the cost…

If I ever started a movement, I would try to reach out to ALL non-Whites, even to Bulattos and Jews.

I’ld try to convince them all to fight for the White Race, but most importantly, to also fight thereby for their own souls.

Thus, I will give them a much different cause than you do, not a piece of land under Aryan rule, but the path to soul-cleansing, but I can’t touch on ALL of this now.

Why would they do it? Because I know how non-Whites feel inside.

I know what Gautama Buddha meant, and I understand how he really felt. I know what it means to leave the eternal cycle of suffering, the Samsara, for it’s the non-White blood itself that is the curse…

Non-Whites must follow the path to Nirvana, and for that they must first surrender to the absolute truth… and Whites will be taught to surrender to absolute truth as well, but also to get a hold of their tyrannon, their egoic mind, so they can become victorious and noble.

Btw, why exactly are the “Aryans” the people we look up to?

They were the ruling caste, but they’ve also gone downhill via race-mixing.

Or was this name given to them later on, by their non-White descendants, who admired their purity, or something like that?

Also, are Bulattos really to blame for our problems? No, in actually their creators bear the responsibility. The creators of biracials, no matter what mixture they represent, are to blame, not the mixed children themselves.

The truth about the first Mulattos will expose White women to the accusation [of foolishness and wantonness], and this could cause some of them to express outrage.

I thought about all this from beginning to end, and I believe to have found a path that will lead to healing and a peaceful solution that won’t hurt White women.

Also, White men are at the blame too, for it was they that were not strong enough to protect them, and it was White men that decided to mix with the hybrids, stayed inactive or were not capable of competing with the hybrids …

Also, as bad as it sounds, after all of this we still cannot blame White women, because problems are an opportunity for the growth of the soul…

And we do not know how this will play out. Even if our light is fading, it can still come to a happy ending that will make us stronger than we ever could have been. It could have been God’s plan from the beginning…

Only God knows why it had to come to this — and only He can fairly judge us all.

One thing is certain:

In the end, White women have nothing to fear, because we are starting to get a hold of our “Tyrannon” (egoic mind) and are beginning to understand what is most important, which is healthy, happy kids.

And healthy, happy babies can only grow inside healthy mothers, and kids need a happy mother to feel happy about themselves.

Hence, we are not allowed to make women feel miserable, because it would also harm our children, the entire White race and, ultimately, ourselves — because we reincarnate! The world we leave behind is what we will re-enter!

To conclude, it could be best to send a Mulatto to solve the race problem, since I believe it was we who started it…

Perhaps even I should work on this, and maybe I should do it before Whites with “Christian Identity” leanings, or other Whites [likecreativity types] that advocate the slaughter of all non-Whites do it their way…

Even if their hatred is justified, I cannot let Whites do it this way, as this would put them under extremely bad karma.

But who knows — maybe it’s time for a change to something far more extreme than a White man, something more shocking and unexpected.

The world must be shocked to awaken from its slumber… and a Wulatto from Germany is indeed quite a shocking thing. 😉

Anyway, I’ll keep on praying that you will achieve your great goals, and I hope you’ll finish the book you are writing, as your knowledge and wisdom will be of tremendous help to humanity.

I’ve already learned enormously from you, and you, in fact, are the one person who has awakened me spiritually!

I was atheistic and lost before contacting you… but NO longer, and for that, John, you have my ETERNAL gratitude!!!

Now, to read a book by you would be a dream come true… though, I know, how difficult it is to write a book. One cannot force himself to do the writing, and often, one feels “writer’s block” to actually write it. Thus, one cannot set a date to finish a book, so please, don’t feel obligated or rushed to do it.

I’ll await your or other Whites’ attempt to bring about the Endsieg  [ = final victory].

Also, no matter who will do it, one thing is certain — Humanity will learn that both extreme action and extreme inaction will have extreme consequences for it.

A lot of my writings are very dark stuff, but that’s just how it is. These are the subjects I will talk about in my own book, and there’s more to talk about. I can’t promise that it will be joyful reading, as the truth can hurt.

To stand a chance against my competitors and convince Whites, I must bring unique and original thought to the table, so it must be I who presents it.

Thank you for reading, I hope it didn’t gave you a headache! 😉 Stay safe and be healthy!

Gott sei mit dir [ = God be with you],






    Queste foto sono recenti…
    Questo è il Destino dei bianchi “ingenui” dagli occhi blu.
    Sono sicura che qualcosa di te vive ancora in lei 🙂
    È una situazione molto surreale…
    Non posso credere che questi esseri riescano a rovinare le migliori famiglie;”che cosa ci fa una ragazza così bella in mezzo a queste persone così bugiarde?”
    Perdonami ancora…

    • Transl:

      These photos are recent …
      This is the Destiny of the “naive” whites with blue eyes.
      I’m sure something of you still lives in her 🙂
      It’s a very surreal situation …

      I can’t believe that these beings manage to ruin the best families; “what is such a beautiful girl doing among these people so lying?”


      Thanks very much!

      This Whitney Saumweber is totally Deep-State, as is his CSIS, the “Center for Strategic and International Studies,” once located right next to the campus of Georgetown University – and the infamous “exorcist staircase”!
      Note also that the communications officer (Schwartz, as in the real name of Soros) and spokesman (Diamond) are both jews.

      Well, reincarnation means this:

      We, as the parents, did not create the child.

      The sperm and egg unite to make a portal, and then a soul from the other side enters our physical universe via this portal of a body. “Ingrid” had many, lives, so many incarnations, before me.

      And she makes her choices, as I make mine. After I reached age 40, 26 years ago, she was an adult. Sadly, we have not spoken since 2007. It hurts, and very much, but my mission is to save 250 million white women in many countries, not one, who had her chance, and had my love, and instead went with the fame, power, acceptance and money.

      Look at how Donald Trump has fawned over his daughter Ivanka, and now he licks the jews’ boots — to please his daughter! 🙁

  2. Questa è una grande frattura.
    Capisco perfettamente la reincarnazione,comprendo la tua missione!Ma lei è vittima di un grande inganno…
    O mio Dio,questa parola ha segnato la mia intera esistenza;si cede per amore di qualcosa,che può sembrare nobile in apparenza,ma poi va a finire male!
    C’è sempre lo “stronzo” di turno che ti fa credere chissà che cosa…
    Ecco perché mi dà tanto fastidio! Perché si rovina l’amore più grande che possa esistere nell’Universo,quello tra un padre e un figlio!Quello tra Dio e i suoi figli,che è il concetto di Amore assoluto.
    E gli Ebrei minano questo Amore,con l’incesto e con la pedofilia.
    Che orrore…

    • Transl:

      This is a big rupture.

      I understand reincarnation perfectly, and I understand your mission! But she is the victim of a great deception …

      O my God, this word has marked my entire existence; one surrenders for the sake of something, which may seem noble in appearance, but then it ends badly!
      There is always the “asshole” on duty who makes you believe who knows what …

      That’s why it bothers me so much! Because the greatest love that can exist in the Universe is ruined, that between a father and a daughter! The one between God and his children, which is the concept of absolute Love.

      And the Jews undermine this Love, with incest and pedophilia.

      What a horror…

    Non esiste solo la favola del principe azzurro…
    Ora so che esiste un amore molto più grande perché è quello che si avvicina al cuore di quel Padre che ci ha creati.
    E questa è l’unica favola che lo racconta,l’unica favola che nessuno ha compreso,tranne me 🙂
    Ora che sei qui…con me.

    • “Lucio Battisti was under surveillance by the Italian and US secret services: they suspected that he was financing the far right”

      by FQ | NOVEMBER 24, 2020

      Lucio Battisti was under observation by the Italian and American secret services. To reveal it in a video interview published on are the historian and consultant of various magistrates in the field of intelligence, Aldo Giannuli, and the project-manager of the communication strategies of the Army Staff, Roberto Di Nunzio .

      “It was I who found the confidential note from the secret services that attributed to Lucio Battisti a role as a financier of the far right,” Aldo Giannuli told journalist Michele Bovi.

      “During an investigation by the Milan Public Prosecutor’s Office into the massacres of the 1970s, I came across a series of documents from the Confidential Affairs Office, the secret service of the Ministry of the Interior. Among those sheets – reveals the historian – there was an information that indicated Lucio Battisti as a funder of the Tricolor Committee , an organization founded by Mario Tedeschi, senator of the Italian Social Movement and director of the weekly ‘Il Borghese’ , to help far-right activists who had trouble with justice. The Tricolor Committee essentially carried out the functions on the right that were the prerogative of the Red Aid on the left.”

      “I, who sympathized with the extreme left, but who was an ardent admirer of Lucio Battisti – Giannuli says in the video interview – did not give much weight to that document: I was used to reading several stratospheric lies among the confidential notes of the secret services they only served to get the informants to collect money. Years later – he underlines – I happened to talk about it with Bruno Lauzi. He told me that Battisti according to him voted for the Republican Party and that he was certainly not the type to subsidize someone or something: too stingy to shell out a single penny, much less for politics which was the least of his thoughts ”. In Michele Bovi’s exclusive reconstruction, Giannuli then reveals that the secret service of the Ministry of the Interior surveilled not only Battisti, but the entertainment world in general and many other famous singers such as Fabrizio De André, Milva and Gianni Morandi. In short, artists under special observation.



      These secret services or whoever have made a slaughter of these singers for one purported reason or another.

      If you die of cancer, no one can suspect a commissioned murder.

      De Andrè and Battisti died of cancer one year later.

      But the numbers don’t lie.


      Thank you very much.

      We all die so we can review our life and learn, then start fresh.

      And there are people I so not need to see again. 😉

      We live, learn, die, learn more , and live again.

      They, the sheep, only exist!

  4. “Suo padre era stato picchiato dai partigiani…e lui aveva solo cinque anni quando vide tutta la scena”.
    È inutile che ora vogliono negare il clima di terrore che hanno creato..
    Il Comunismo è ancora vivo e i suoi partigiani sono ancora liberi di fare i criminali.
    È la mano sinistra di Satana.

    • Transl:

      His father had been beaten by the partisans … and he was only five when he saw the whole scene. ”
      It is useless that they now want to deny the climate of terror they created ..

      Communism is still alive and its partisans are still free to be criminals.

      It is the left hand of Satan.

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