NOBLE non-white, a Hispanic, shows beautiful humility toward our white race and America

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Every Mexican in elementary school learns that it was a mysterious, blond -bearded white genius named Quetzalcoatl who came one day to the Indios in a “flying serpent” (a tube-like spacecraft) and founded their civilization, then disappeared.

Then, it seems, he showed up in what is now Colombia, and was called “Bochica,”


..and THEN he appeared in the Andes as “Viracocha”!

He was clearly a starseed, not an earth human. None of us  back then was flying around in steel tubes.

He even wore a kind of space helmet at first, seen on the right, perhaps due to initially having trouble with breathing in our atmosphere, or it was the very high altitude of Mexico City. (I thank an Australian donor for this.)  His strong chin, rectangular face, and straight nose are classic Nordic traits.



The entire Mexican upper class is dark-white, not mestizo, Indio or black. Every president without exception is white.

In contrast, here are some mestizos (Indio-white mixes, with maybe 10% African) :

Francois send me this:

John, I just read this comment from a Mexican kid about why he thinks America has degenerated.

This is an obviously bright 16-yr-old Mexican.

[After correctly unloading on the 1960s — race riots, the very depressing assassinations of inspirational Americans, sex/drugs/rock’n-roll and leftist Vietnam protests, all stuff I (JdN) eyewitnessed, he goes on.]

The next reason will seem very offensive to some but I also believe immigration has caused a major decline in culture in America. Mind you, I am Hispanic and have many immigrant friends and family members. Allowing too many cultures from different countries into America has caused a fracture of American culture because there IS no one culture anymore that everyone is living by.

Growing up in a multicultural area, I have noticed this. It was chaos, a bunch of different cultures, and saying something which might offend someone else meant you just had to stay quiet.

Also most immigrant culture had no standards and their business and areas always looked run down.

Most immigrants don’t care about America and don’t even bother learning the language. They are here for economic opportunity and could care less about American culture. They also tend to vote in favor of removing our constitutional rights. Most immigrants see themselves as separate from the country.

Some would say what about Irish and Italian immigrants? But they were European, and integrated into the country much better than other cultures have.

*** Ron Howard movie about how the Irish adapted to America


P.S. I do not believe these other cultures are in any way inferior, rather that they should belong to their own nations respectively so that everyone has their own country.

Also I find it interesting that many people have responded to this question by complaining about food and claiming that this multi-cultural America is better than before, while not understanding the damage this is doing to the US.

I would also like to mention that there is a lot of sexual immorality in America today, In high school everyone was having sex and I believe this has caused a lot of unnecessary emotional problems for young people when they should be focused on school.

Say what you want about the past, but at least people were classy about things, and had more respect in regards to sex. Also, women dress in basically their underwear today, wearing leggings and booty shorts and crop tops.

Compare that to the days when women wore dresses and made themselves up just to go to the store.



In conclusion, American culture has degenerated for various reasons:

–Marxist infiltration,

–mass immigration, and

–sexual liberation.

It is hard to pinpoint exactly when this started, but I do believe it is obvious.


….This is when


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