Non-white immigration into Italy has DOUBLED under PM Giorgia Meloni and her fake hard right!

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There was a tendency in October 2022 to welcome Giorgia Meloni, parliamentary leader of the Brothers of Italy (“Fratelli d’Italia”) as the new Prime Minister there.

She opposed illegal immigration, drag queens and LGBT, and compulsory vaccination. They called her a “fascist.”

But then she supported NATO and its war in Jewkraine against Russia….. then Italians have witnessed her total failure to stop the immigration-invasion!I In fact, wog immigration has doubled!


….Italy: The latest immigration figures are bad, more than ever bad…

June 26, 2023

Here is further confirmation that immigration to Italy is at record levels in 2023 despite the measures taken by the government of Giorgia Meloni. During this first half of 2023, arrivals of illegal immigrants by sea more than doubled compared to the same period in 2022.


Yet another blow for the government of Giorgia Melonim, who cannot mask the reality of immigration in the country, as confirmed by the recent publication of the latest figures from the Italian Ministry of the Interior.

While Giorgia Meloni now seems to be relying on Tunisia’s goodwill (a country which demands substantial financial aid) to try to limit the arrival of illegal immigrants on the Italian coasts, her country has experienced record immigration since the beginning of the year 2023.

According to data from the Italian Ministry of the Interior, more than 58,700 migrants landed on the coast between January 1 and June 22, 2023. This is a number more than twice that recorded in 2022 for the same period. (with 25,458 illegal immigrants). When, in 2021, this number remained below 20,000…

Source: Italian Ministry of the Interior

A very short-lived trend reversal

By carrying out this comparison month by month, we therefore find that the number of migrants disembarked since the beginning of this year has each time been higher than the observations of previous years, with the exception of the month of May, with 8,154 migrants recorded in 2023 against 8,720 in 2022. A reversal of the trend which has not, for the moment, been confirmed in June since on June 22, Italy had already seen 8,427 illegal immigrants land on its coasts.

The graph below is also an opportunity to recall that the assumption of office of Giorgia Meloni as President of the Council on October 21, 2022 had already not made it possible to curb this illegal immigration at the time. After a very slight drop in November 2022 (9,058 illegal immigrants recorded against 9,517 in 2021), the number of illegal migrants arriving in Italy more than doubled in December 2022 (10,788) compared to 2021 (4,534).

In mid-January 2023, three months after the constitution of the new Italian government, the country had then recorded an increase of almost 50% in the number of illegal immigrants landed compared to the same period the previous year — areality antagonistic to the promises made by the parties of the Meloni-Salvini-Berlusconi coalition, when it was then a question for them of preventing migrants from arriving in Italy and breaking the merry-go-round of smugglers and NGOs.

Finally, we should also point out that in the meantime, a new step has been taken by certain pro-migrant NGOs  who no longer hesitate  to disregard the injunctions of the Italian authorities to disembark illegal immigrants in the ports of their choice.

 6,000 “minor” migrants among illegal immigrants?

Regarding the origin of these illegal immigrants landed in Italy during this first half of 2023, nationals of Côte d’Ivoire, numbering 7,574, represent 13% of these arrivals. Ahead of the Egyptians (12%), of whom 7,038 individuals have been counted since the start of the year on the Italian coasts. To complete this top three, Guineans, with 6,374 illegal immigrants, represent 11% of these more than 58,000 illegal arrivals.

Next come Pakistan, Bangladesh and Tunisia. The latter, with just over 4,000 of its nationals having rushed across the Mediterranean to reach the European Union via Italy, has effectively, according to the wishes of its president, not “played the border guard  of Europe”  for now…

Will the announcement made on June 7 by Giorgia Giorgia Meloni that Italy intended to send about 750 million dollars in aid to Tunisia be enough to convince Kaïs Saïed to retain the country’s most “adventurous” his compatriots? The future should tell soon enough.

Source: Italian Interior Minister
Italian Ministry of the Interior

Finally, to complete this overview, it should be noted that among these tens of thousands of illegal immigrants landed since the beginning of the year, the Italian authorities have identified approximately 6,000 isolated “minor” migrants (i.e. without parents or referent adult) according to the NGO Save the Children.

Although in recent years this proportion of unaccompanied illegal “minors” in migrant arrivals by sea has decreased in Italy (15.8% in 2021, 11.5% in 2022, 11.1% in 2023), however, their number has more than doubled compared to the same period last year (they were 2,505 on June 13, 2022).

Photo credit: DR (illustration photo)
[cc] , 2023, dispatches free of copy and distribution subject to mention and link to the original source


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