Nord Stream — the US act of war against Russia and Germany both

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Very good interview, but (and it was Ernst Zündel who said this before I did, and not intending to be cruel) it is so sad to see some postwar Germans, like this reporter Fabian Scheidler, are so very homely — a result of the genetic holocaust of Germany losing 16 million people in WWII, 13 million of them civilians. Twelve million were killed by massacre and starvation ….AFTER…. the war.

He reminds me of some Germans before we came to power, all overly intellectual, full of book-learning, and without one muscle in their entire body — strong on facts and weak in character. We sure changed all that! Men were again men, and women glad of it! 🙂


The Jewmerican destruction of the Russian pipelines to Germany was an act of war by the Jewnited Snakes — as simple as that.

This was Russian property.

It was worth at least ten billion dollars in Russian expense.

The Germans (Angela Merkel) had asked Putin for it.

It was vital German energy infrastructure for the very survival of that highly industrial country.

This was indeed an act of war.

The lying, russophobic Daily Mail actually claimed Putin did it! Talk about accusatory inversion!


But since the jews run the US,

US dollar with a Star of David ABOVE the American eagle

….a design approved by Franklin Delano (sephardic) Rosenfeld (Dutch Ashkenazi) in 1935….whom the Americans elected F-O-U-R time!!!! …..

….the jews can use their American golem to harm the Germans to their black hearts’ content — and to this very day, generations now after the antisemitic Hitler period ENDED in a bloodbath.

Germany had rebelled against the hook-nosed, self-proclaimed Chosen People of God, and, just as bad, Germany was happy and prosperous, THRIVING — because, under Hitler, it was free of parasitic jews.

That was the biggest crime of “Nazi” Germany of all, to show that jews were not needed by any white country, in fact, the opposite.

Hersh is a great reporter, but it was his people who made the US go to war on Germany and Russia, and who have turned our entire white world into a living hell for us.






    The very same DM newspaper now is saying it was the CIA that blew up the Nord stream pipeline.

    Even the comments section doesn’t believe Putin blew up his own pipeline.

    Another war without end to keep the industrial complex going.

    We use to have factories to fight a war. Now we need wars to keep the war factories in overtime.

    Churchill in 1940 kept buying arms from America for fear of American public opinion going against Britain if American factories cut overtime due to cancelled British orders.

    The Jewish US Treasury official gave Britain 48 hours to find $54 Million for a French arms order even though France had surrendered in June.

    “Pay up or we deliver the order to occupied France” said US Treasury secretary Morganeau.
    Lend lease = blackmail

    Unlimited funds for brothers wars.

    Whites are being ethnically cleansed globally via gimmegrants . Don’t do the elite Jews’ work for them.

    The amount of friends and relatives who have shunned me for my opinions is staggering — all happy to believe a comfortable lie over the truth.

  2. According to Rudolf Steiner and [1] the next step in the world plan is supposed to be that the Germanic peoples spiritually fertilize the East (Russia, Slavic peoples), i.e. that a spiritual exchange is supposed to take place; “Germanic” of course also includes the kindred in the Anglosphere and of course all correspondingly minded groups and individuals in the world, not only Central Europe (= Germany D, Switzerland CH, Austria A = DACH).

    Central Europe must now finally practice spirituality again, i.e. collect experience values with the contact cultivation with the personal subconscious as well as the inner self (guardian angel). So we should not only pray ritually, but really practice the contact cultivation with the inner instances and pass the gained knowledge to Eastern Europe.

    Of course, there is also a spiritual exchange in the opposite direction, of course, the Russians and Slavs in general have their own poets and thinkers. 🙂 However, it is so that each people specializes thematically for certain time phases to investigate superordinate topics, and every few centuries certain peoples work as an impulse motor for the spiritual-cultural advancement of mankind. According to Rudolf Steiner, after the Central Europeans, the Slavic peoples are to take over the task of the cultural motor (previously it was Indians, Persians, Egyptians, etc.).

    However, the adversary Ahriman/Satan wants to prevent this spiritual exchange under all circumstances, people shall remain trapped in materialism.

    Hence the constant wedges between Germany and Russia, so that there can be no rapprochement between Central Europe and Eastern Europe.


  3. Beobachter: Spirituelle Hintergründe zum West-Ost-Konflikt

    Laut Rudolf Steiner und [1] soll der nächste Schritt im Weltenplan darin bestehen, daß die germanischen Völker den Osten (Rußland, slawische Völker) spirituell befruchten, d.h., daß ein geistiger Austausch erfolgen soll; “germanisch” umfaßt natürlich auch die wesensverwandten in der Anglosphäre und natürlich alle entsprechend gesonnenen Gruppen und Einzelnmenschen auf der Welt, nicht nur Mitteleuropa (= Deutschland D, Schweiz CH, Österreich A = DACH).

    Mitteleuropa muß jetzt endlich wieder Spiritualität praktizieren, d.h. Erfahrungswerte sammeln mit der Kontaktkultivierung mit dem persönlichen Unterbewußtsein sowie dem inneren Selbst (Schutzengel). Also nicht nur rituell beten sondern wirklich die Kontaktkultivierung mit den inneren Instanzen praktizieren und die dabei gewonnenen Erkenntnisse weiterreichen gen Osteuropa.

    Natürlich findet auch in umgekehrter Richtung ein geistiger Austausch statt, natürlich haben die Russen und Slawen generell ihre eigenen Dichter und Denker. 🙂 Es ist jedoch so, daß jedes Volk sich themenmäßig für bestimmte Zeitphasen spezialisiert, übergeordnete Themen zu erforschen, und alle paar Jahrhunderte wirken bestimmte Völker als ein Impulsmotor für die spirituelle-Kulturelle Weiterentwicklung der Menschheit. Nach den Mitteleuropäern sollen laut Rudolf Steiner die slawischen Völker die Aufgabe des Kulturmotors übernehmen (zuvor waren es Inder, Perser, Ägypter usw.).

    Der Gegenspieler Ahriman/Satan will diesen geistigen Austausch jedoch unter allen Umständen verhindern, die Menschen sollen auch weiterhin im Materialismus gefangen bleiben.

    Daher die ständigen Keile zwischen Deutschland und Rußland, damit es keine Annäherung geben kann zwischen Mitteleuropa und Osteuropa.


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