Nordics against reptilians — as Cro Magnons look on in wonder

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I was at the TruValue hardware store here in Ontonagon yesterday, and the girl running the cash register looked e-x-a-c-t-l-y like this English girl, Christina Bevan, who was photographed in 1913 in England by the famous Lumière brothers of France in color, painstakingly using their custom, potato-starch filters.

Christina wading along Man O’War Bay in Dorset, England – 1913


John de Nugent It struck me how my body, mind and emotions reacted, as if I were in the presence of a goddess. You have to experience long, flowing golden tresses that are not out of a peroxide bottle; this area is full of pure Finns… The way the hair gleams, and then the blue eyes looking at you… She was at least 5’10”. Nice chest, too, not too little or too much, and an hourglass figure. I was struck dumb; I was literally speechless. This is probably how the Cro-Magnons (from whom we mostly descend) reacted when around 10,000 BC suddenly the nordics showed up in northern Europe, and I believe had climbed straight out of UFOs, desperate refugees from a lost battle with reptilians.




John de Nugent Actual photo of the UFO that crashed into the Bay of Bothnia (northern Baltic Sea) between Sweden and Finland:×629.jpgManage



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John de Nugent There are pockets of nordics all around the world; here are kids from a valley in Albania…/Albanian_children_at_school…Manage



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John de Nugent A comrade wrote me: “Being a man who clearly doesn’t shy away from tough questions, I wanted to ask you something… To be clear, I’m not looking to troll or antagonize… I am right on board with much of what you say, but the Reptilians subject completely loses me. What makes you believe in this?”
John de Nugent I replied: Evidence, comrade, as always evidence.
John de Nugent As Carl Sagan once said, “extraordinary claims require extraordinary proofs.” I provide those proofs, working seven days a week, having been disinherited by a multimillionaire father.
I have a science degree, magna cum laude and Phi Beta Kappa (top ten percent), from Georgetown, one of the top universities in the US.
As the expression goes:

“We report, you decide.” 

John de Nugent Statuettes from 5,000 BC from ancient Iraq clearly depicting reptilians
John de Nugent If there were no reptilians running things, why the HELL would the Papal Audience Hall Paul VI at the Vatican look as it does? Not one single Christian cross in the entire building — but reptilian features everywhere! SEEING IS BELIEVING. To deny the existence of reptilians is like libtards saying Islam is a religion of peace and that it honors women — the egoic mind in DENIAL of REALITY.
John de Nugent As for the Iraqi statuettes of reptilians, was that an Internet hoax or CGI in 5000 BC? 

…..See also

UFOs, the Third Reich after 1945, and the Pleiadians

¦ ¦Especially important blogs by John de Nugent

“Reincarnation facts

“Psychopathy in leaders

“Jews and Arabs descend from neanderthals

“WN biography of JdN

New York Times and Washington Post finally concede UFOs may be very real after two US Navy commanders step forward with 2004 incident that they saw and filmed with their F-18s

“UFOs, the Reich AFTER ’45, and whites as colonists on this planet

There is no question whatsoever for me that the Third Reich, knowing it would probably lose the war, evacuated its top scientists in over 50 U-boats to the Antarctic, equipped with the German invention of the snorkels (to get air while staying submerged for thousands of miles).

It is this military-scientific remnant of the Reich, a nuclear power, that would survive the destruction of the West in WWIII, dug in in the Antarctic and the Andes mountains of South America.

(Hitler did kill himself to fool the Americans that the “Nazi danger” was over, and because the remnant of the Reich did not really need politicians, just scientists and generals, to survive underground.)

This Reich (which has only five million citizens now) is not strong enough to challenge the US, NATO and Russia, just protect itself, and it has the nuclear weapons and other technologies to destroy any attacker. BUT IT CANNOT RESCUE US.

The Russians admitted in a major documentary on Russian state television that this is true, with testimony by Russian air force generals in uniform.

Does he look like he’s kidding? Or that Nazis with super-weapons is a laughing matter?   


“The founders and rulers of Ancient Egypt, Greece and Rome were nordics


“The 1917 Van Rensburg prophecy of three world wars ” and a German final victory — marches toward its fulfillment.

“Solutreans “ the white first Americans

“The Jewish serial killing of the Kennedy family

–Holocaust course


“Captain Archibald Ramsay’s “The Nameless War” “ how the Jews plan, finance and run revolutions against the goyim

(See also

“Youtube channel JdN

“The Normans “ white nordic aristocrats who intermarried with Jews to create the current Judeo-Anglo-American ruling class

“White safety zone “ Upper Peninsula of Michigan

“White South African tragedy

-For African-Americans (who actually are far, far more antisemitic than whites, and from direct, negative experience)

For African-Americans: Part 1

“Hitler’s moral and strategic disaster in Russia

“Hitler’s love for the British people

“My wonderful British grandfather and his eery return

Part 1 of 2 .

Part 2 of 2 .


“Who really was and is JdN?

Hitler’s Landsberg prison cell in 1924

–Hitler and his mentor Eckart were pro-Jesus, anti-Yahweh, and opposed to the Old Testament

–Hitler opposed atheism and prohibited its expression

“President Putin uses my website to send Trump a message


“The Obama White House calls me directly with a threat

“ “The Hebrews of the Bible (called Habirus by the Ancient Egyptians and Hittites) were roaming criminal hordes of semitic neo-neanderthals, who for their criminal traits were selected by the demonic alien Yahweh to be “his people” and rule the world — if they obeyed his plan. When Abraham agreed to human-sacrifice his own son Isaac to get the rewards Yahweh promised, that proved he had the “right stuff.”


“Washington Post blasts JdN over his Leo Frank exposé

“My lady Margaret Huffstickler on Reichsmusik


If my site goes down, please try or If my Facebook account is suspended or deleted, please go to

¦..Contact and support

John de Nugent
306 South Steel Street
Ontonagon MI 49953


Telephone: +1 (906) 884-6689

(Excellent, free-speech Russian answer to Facebook)


Jewish owner Mark Zuckerberg has deleted me twice for un-p.c. posts

Skype: John de Nugent (Ontonagon)



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  1. Yes, there is compelling evidence of reptilians, since very old times.
    I think they are still with us today, but why can’t we see them anynmore?
    Ancients made those statuettes because they could see them.
    Are they now disguised as humans, whether by shapeshifting or by hybridizing?
    Are they hypnotic and telepathic?
    Are they inside humans in form of a gene, a seed, like in Springmeier’s blood lines and like in elite jews?
    There must be found a way to identify them, to make them plainly visible.This is very important.

  2. Thinking about it, they shapeshifted in ancient times too, and yet humans (or some gifted humans) had the ability to see through the disguise.

    Thats why we have the statuettes, figurines, and in more recent times, irish lore.

    Perhaps that was one reason for the massive “witch” burnings…to exterminate the best of us first, in a well tought out plan.

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