Nosebook suspends me anew for 30 days; the Edgar Steele tragedy

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I guess this blog article below really bothered them. Interestingly, this post was four days ago. I guess higher-ups were sent it, read it and got upset.

The continuing reality of the Reich; the “Absetzbewegung”, the successful Disengagement Movement of 1943-45


There is nothing more to say that I have not already said. Join me on Vk!

What vile hypocrites, defamers and liars these Jews are! This is a great graphic by the late Edgar Steele, a WN lawyer and activist who interviewed me for his radio show in 2009.

Steele (top center) was framed for conspiracy to murder on the testimony of a convicted felon to whom he had mercifully given a chance, giving him a handyman job. Then he was found guilty by a zombie, libtard, white Idaho jury.

Then Steele was slow-murdered by the vile Obama terror regime, which withheld his vital medications. Ultimately he was sent deliberately to the faraway Victorville, California federal prison. (Why was conspiracy to murder even a FEDERAL crime?)

This dungeon is located near Los Angeles, 1,300 miles from where he and his loyal wife Cindy lived, in Coeur d’Alene, Idaho. The point is for your WN family/spouse to use up all available funds on airfare and hotels.

The Bureau of Prisons under closet-homosexual, closet-Jew and closet-illegal alien Obama also carried out brutal “diesel therapy” on him, as with many other WNs.

It drove him around from prison to prison during the arrest-“investigation”-sham trial phase, so he got no visitors. (He was gone when they came.)

And the feds refused to forward any mail at all to him.

I know all about Obama myself.

And this is why I carry all the time, in case any fed, state or local Talmudic “law enforcement” attempts to arrest me on any trumped-up charge.

As far as I am concerned, the feds (or Mossad, all the same) probably gave my Margi throat cancer, too.

Margi’s throat cancer a Mossad hit?

The stuff I do for our race. It is worth it, but just so you know. 😉





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