Not a forum, but how I speak to the world

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A comrade sent an interesting comment containing his theory about Jesus, which comment I as the moderator did not approve. Feeling a bit hurt, he said his comment was polite, well-meant, and my rejecting it suggested I was not for freedom of speech.

I replied:

Yes, sorry, but I did delete it, though of course it was indeed a polite comment and your theory was obviously written with good intent.

Here, however, is the thing to understand:

My website is called “John de Nugent .com” for a reason. It is actually not a forum. is not here for you or anyone else to promote their views.

You can go out and start up your own website with my blessing, and publish there your opinions and theories, and that is fine. So it is not about “freedom of speech,” and I am not out to censor you.

This, however, is MY personal website, and its purpose is to teach my views. I spent tens of thousands of dollars a year on this site and hired years ago two people to protect it at huge expense from constant jewish/Deep State hacking.

Your comment and theory about Jesus as wanting to be the jewish king and Messiah, unfortunately, totally contradicts my teaching here on my site as part of my mission.

As I have written on my website many times, I see Jesus as, not a sincere jew who wanted to be king of the jews, but as a nordic starseed — a Nordic from a higher, and nordic planet, a heroic and enlightened idealist who, out of compassion especially for the white race, but also other races, incarnated here as a mortal human in order to save earthlings — Whites and others — from being horribly genocided by the jews.

The earliest Christians depicted Jesus as blond.



He saw clearly what a horrific, sadistic, evil people the jews are, and that their goal is a cruel master-slave planet.



Everything I say here is what Adolf Hitler believed a century ago about the true Jesus but was extremely careful or reticent about saying back in the 1920s — at a time when Christianity was still quite strong, especially down in Catholic Bavaria — and in most of Germany…. quite unlike now.

Have you never read my views on my website on myself and Adolf Hitler? I have made this assertion only five hundred times. 🙂 (See below.)

*** AH to movie genius Leni Riefenstahl (“Triumph of the Will” and “Olympia”) on the coming religion

found in:


Leni  filming “Olympia”

A cinema pioneer and genius, here between me and Goebbels




In the final speech I gave in 1934 in Nuremberg,I touched on many religious themes, but I did not proclaim a new religion because the white race was not ready in 1934 to abandon Christianity.

In the famous final speech at the 1934 Nuremberg rally, I said this, that our party must be a “true world-view party,” not a regular party, basically looking out for itself and thus always ready to compromise on absolutely everything. I said I intended us to be what we became, “like a religious order.” (The subtitles say, in very free translation, “ideologically conditioned movement” — but the German original says “eine wahrhaftige Weltanschauungspartei”  = “a true world-view party.” I am being pedantic here because the point is that Hitler was talking about the world, and how we see this world, not religious or spiritual pursuits. )

Wie ein Ordensreich! .

As my friend Horst Mahler, who spent many YEARS in prison, wrote:

“National socialism died as a political organization to become a spiritual one.”


Because It is not enough to have a WORLD view.

(Jobs, politics, money, health care, paying the bills, sex, kids, car, mother-in-law, etc.)

We must also understand God, the soul, what happens when you die, and why we are here.

And once we lose the fear of death, and gain the fear of bad karma, then we men, the natural fighters, supported by wonderful women and with the eyes of our trusting white children upon us, can do what we know needs to be done.

And if it means 90% of us die, so be it.

‘Cuz, brother, just look at South Africa. If we lose, and we are heading there now, we 100% are going to die anyway.


In my considered view, in that life and now in this one, the Nordic starseed then called “Jesus” saw two ways to vitiate Judaism.

One was to infiltrate Judaism by posing as a sincere jewish believer, paying lip service to various jewish beliefs and terminologies so as to gain initial acceptance among the little jews as being “one of them”…. and not as being just any observant jew, but as the long-awaited Messiah of the Jews, their earthly king.

So Jesus did things to, frankly, manipulate and exploit this common jewish desire for an earthly king — one who would mercilessly “rule the goyim with a rod of iron” and make “the kings of the earth bring their gold and silver unto Zion” — and yet Jesus said straight-out to Pontius Pilate,

“My kingdom is NOT of this world.”

In this regard, Jesus was just like the Buddha five centuries before Him over in Aryan-ruled India.

The Buddha’s real name was Siddhartha Gautama, and he had dark hair and blue eyes.

He was the crown prince of an Indian kingdom — but, once he got out of his palace and saw with shock how much human misery there was, he rejected becoming an earthly king.

Siddhartha wanted to alleviate severe human mental and physical suffering, not live a selfish life of luxury in a palace and order people around.

In this renunciation of earthly power, Jesus, like the Buddha before him, was saying that the searing problems of this hellish world cannot be solved by mere politics, or more soldiers, more cops, more hangings, or by better newspapers, or sincere and open-minded doctors, or alternative news websites, nor by any increased amount of money — not so long as human hearts are either wicked or disappointingly numb and apathetic.

Earth is a unique planet, a shunned planet, an avoided planet, because it is chock-full of 1) BAD-KARMA people and also 2) clueless young souls who are literally just up from the animal stage.

The Nordic starseed who was called (in Greek) “Jesus” — or Yehoshua or Yeshua in Hebrew or Aramaic — was here to accomplish either one of two different outcomes.

One was to radically reform and defang Judaism, remaking it into a peaceful, loving and non-genocidal faith that was not anti-goyim, taking a gentler path which would be better both for the little jews (for whom I feel some pity, since it is they who get pogromed because of the crimes of the Big Jews) and also for the sake of all the Gentiles whom the Big Jews wish to slaughter or to enslave, to humiliate and crack the whip over.

The reformed Judaism which Jesus envisaged and intended would be actually a Judaism in name only, and instead be an enlightening and uplifting faith, a “light unto the Gentiles,” with core teachings actually from Vedanta and Buddhism in India. (Vedanta is Hinduism as reformed by the Buddha, and revolves around reincarnation, karma, and overcoming the selfish ego.)

Option B for Jesus was this:

It assumed, first of all, that the toxic, genocidal Judaism of His day (and ours as well!) could not be reformed, not radically reworked, not even via the jewish masses back then being enthralled by the miracles which Jesus actually DID perform in order to “wow” the masses of the common jewish people (miracles the reality of which even the Talmud admits!!!!) nor via His charismatic teaching style and His love, understanding, and forgiveness for people, including non-Jews.

Watch this and meditate on it:


But then the old Judaism — being as unfixable as Jesus actually always feared it would prove to be before He reincarnated here on this earth — would have to be brutally exposed, denounced, opposed and abolished as what it was and what it is.

Judaism is a hideous conspiracy to commit worldwide torture of the Gentiles, their enslavement, and then “depopulation,” that is, the mass murder of 90% of the non-Jews.

So Jesus, being forced to go with Option B, said and did precisely the combative things that He knew would provoke the Big Jew leaders.

“Jesus” WANTED to set  a trap so the Big Jews would slander Him, then arrest Him, inflict on  Him a totally rigged “show trial,” and then, using base threats to Pontius Pilate, such as “we will complain about you to the Emperor in Rome that you are not crushing the jewish rebel king, Jesus” to get him to order that “Jesus” be whipped and crucified.

All this was desired, and designed consciously by Jesus to entrap the Big Jews into doing atrocious crimes that would create a powerful anger against jewry and promote antisemitism and anti-Judaism. This was the jews murdering a gentle man who healed the sick, loved the poor, respected women, cared about slaves, and preached love and peace to all men.

And it worked! Yet the fake “Apostle” Paul, a loyal and fanatic Pharisee, tried and succeeded in his effort to remake the Jesus religion into something much less antisemitic than Jesus had intended.

What you see here on this website, my friend, is someone who was Adolf Hitler in another life, but now is an American, working inside the American superpower at a time of its visible and steep decline to defang America. I have moved as intended in my last life into the creation of an authentic, credible Aryan religion, one based on Aryan Vedanta — on reincarnation, the reality of other beings in our vast universe, and in victory over the ego — andon taking this path for two vital reasons:

1) the great questions of life that must be answered — “Who am I?”; “Why am I here?” and “What happens when I die?” — are not answered or even addressed by any political movement, including by the NSDAP….. and

2) there is no longer any path to power by a pro-white political party winning an election, quite unlike 1930-33. Today, the jews both brazenly steal elections and also have flooded all white countries with non-White voters, who now are 20-50% of the electorate.

Returning to the topic of comments, to reiterate, I pay tens of thousands of dollars a year — via donations to me, or (in 2023) by selling my paid-off house, two cars, and four guns, to meet the high expenses my website incurs — in order to express MY teachings.

So, comrade, this is not “Aryan Religion Forum.”

It is “John de Nugent dot com.” 🙂

Others have sent so much over the last fifteen years to support this website, to support my views, and to support my physical survival.

You are so far one of those who seem to overlook my urgent pleas for donations. So in 2023 I had to sell all my major assets that I had acquired over years of hard work to keep his site, my site, going and defend  it from a world of jewish hackers.

To those who see my sacrifices, and place great hopes in my mission — of a true Aryan faith that can end the HELL we are in — I am most profoundly grateful.



…..Who really was and is JdN?

Margi took this shot in May 2019 near the old Franklin Mine in Hancock, Michigan, and you can see — in very, very exaggerated form with the dowward, sideways angle of the harsh sunlight — the unique double bulges over the inner eyebrow area — and the “V” that flares off it onto my side forehead.




Hitler’s Landsberg prison cell in 1924

Why it should be beyond obvious to not look exactly like Hitler


I dyed it black so you maybe, just maybe finally “get it.” My goal the last time was a worker-and-farmer movement, with even a communist-like red flag, and a party with the name “socialist workers” in it, so I had to look like The Average Man myself — like a working-class man.

Same mindset, same cheekbones, same sloping forehead, same twin bulges over the inside of the eyebrows, same v-ridges in the upper forehead and creases along either sides of the forehead, same height, same DEEP-blue eye color, same marionette facial line back from the chin — and the same military leanings, and an uncanny ability to speak both fluent German and Austrian dialect with no American accent.

Even my compositional style, just as with Mein Kampf back then, is way-too-long paragraphs, and concepts far too advanced for the average Joe.
Hey, I admit it — I am too wordy.
I often actually think in German, and my style in English occasionally shows it.
And I never kiss my readers’ butt, but instead I openly pour out my scorn like the mustache-guy on all WHITE whiners, WHITE excuse-makers, WHITE cowards and WHITE bumblers!
This was, in fact, the real me coming through in the bitter and sarcastic original title of Mein Kampf!

4.5 Years of Struggle

Against Lies, Stupidity, and Cowardice

— A settling of accounts [with my enemies]

…and a certainty, since age 5 on, that I WAS THAT MAN, AND — gulp —worse, much worse, that I WAS THE REBIRTH (a soul GIVEN A NEW CHANCE) of the MOST HATED MAN on this earth.
Oh, Shit! Here we go again!


with unique, rare, solid, dark blue eyes – not an Irish or Polish light-blue, not a blue-green, and not blue-gray either. Solid, deep blue.


Here is some humor — but the serious point is this: The whole Hitler approach may have turned the Germans on — who are a highly militaristic, stern, soldier-like people, and the Spartans (if not “Klingons”) of the white race — but all those uniforms, heel-clicking, and the sieg-heiling turned the rest of the freedom-craving white world OFF ;-(

The Hitler strongman image, face it, was a huge turnoff to the freedom-loving Americans, who are genetically a heavily keltic people (meaning the common English people, and of course the Irish, Scots, Welsh and the southern Germans).

Hitlerism, the one-man rule, the dictatorship, was seen as a step backward in Western Civilization into the Middle Ages, and as a slap in the face to what the Founding Fathers wanted — freedom of speech and a limited government.

Even the young John Kennedy, secretly very antisemitic like his dad, disliked the Hitler approach, while also admiring the man’s achievements.

One-man rule went very much against our Anglo-Saxon grain, our fear of megalomaniacs, and the famous dictum of Lord Acton:

“All power corrupts, and absolute power corrupts absolutely.”

We all know the Ancient Romans were no liberal, peacenik hippies. Nor were they opposed to powerful leaders……

But for five hundred years even the Romans banned one-man rule and kings — establishing even a dual presidency, two consuls — two rulers — and even those two were closely supervised by the Roman Senate.

SPQR: Senatus Populusque Romanus — “the Senate and the People of Rome”

So this time around, the flavor of National Socialism has to be modified, but the core ingredients are exactly the same!

The Aryan folk community is invincible — and must live again!

God, guns, guts and glory!

And this time, Jews,

it will be the world!



We will never win while worshipping our enemy’s god or believing the lies in his weird, fictitious, megalomanic, paranoid, and psychopathic book.

Psalm 2.6-9

Yahweh says:

‘I have set my king on Zion, my holy hill.’

I will tell of the decree of Yahweh:
He said to me, ‘You are my son;
today I have begotten you.

Ask of me, and I will make the nations your heritage,
and the ends of the earth your possession.

You shall break them with a rod of iron,
and dash them in pieces like a potter’s vessel.’

Isaiah 60.11,19 (NRSV)

Your gates shall always be open;
day and night they shall not be shut,
so that nations shall bring you their wealth,
with their kings led as prisoners in procession.


For me, Saul-ianity, that is, “Christianity” is, in actuality, the original teachings of Jesus of Galilee as they were radically twisted around by Saul, an enemy of Jesus and for years an open Sanhedrin agent, as the man had to admit.

And this pro-jew dogma for the goyim is the most dangerous bullshit on earth for white people, starting with its veneration of the jews’ twisted book, “the Bible.”

I wrote to an Christianity-basher:

If “Christinsanity” really did destroy the Western Roman Empire, why did it not also destroy the Eastern Roman Empire? It was just as Christian, with the same doctrines — and there was no schism back then.

The very Christian Eastern RE lasted until AD 1453…. and would probably be around today if the Fourth Crusade had not gone outrageously off course in AD 1204 and, under Venetian mis-leadership, sacked, pillaged, and laid waste to its capital. The blow was mortal; the Eastern Roman Empire never completely recovered.

 I think a point to remember is that Jews and Freemasons, who are extremely evil, indeed mega-evil, of course, and who lie, tell half-truths and suppress truths perpetually, actually finance all sort of scholars (Ivy League and other) and often churn out truly hairbrained theories that make the jews look good — and depict Jesus as either non-existent and a pure invention, or as a delusional egomaniac.
A good example of this is Edward Gibbon with his “Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire,” where this Freemason claims, contrary to all evidence, that the adoption of Christianity made Rome soft and so it fell. In fact, Roman Christians were extremely pro-Empire, pro-military, not pacifists in the slightest, and fiercely, savagely, rightfully anti-Jew!
Norman Cantor, a once famous and bestselling jew historian, actually boasted — between the lines — that it was the Jews who brought down Rome because the Christian Rome of the later 300s and the 400s was severely restricting and persecuting them.

I have written often, as did Adolf Hitler and Dietrich Eckart, that Jesus was a Galilean, and a half-Aryan, with light hair and eyes.

The New Testament itself says Mary was unmarried when she became pregnant after an angel told her God would be the father, not her jewish fiancée Joseph.

This is a classic case of a starseed, a Nordic who incarnates as an earthling, as one of us, as a human like us. He or she lives, eats, drinks, uses the toilet, ages, and finally dies, and speaks to us NOT as a god, but as a fellow human, all this in order to have much more real effect on us.

If Jesus came both then and now as a god to us, or as a Nordic alien in a silver spaceship that can go Mach 23, then know this:

With 1,000% certainty, young souls, who form the majority on this planet, would beg said god or alien to save us from our own bad karma and self-caused shitty life situation.

NO! It helps no one when you are prevented from experiencing the consequences of your own base thoughts, words, and deeds.

In Hebrew, Galil ha goyim is the name of Jesus’ childhood and ministry region of Palestine, located up in the north of that Roman province.

A lemon orchard in Galilee, “Goy District”


The region’s Hebrew name is גָּלִיל (galíl), meaning ‘district’ or ‘circle’.[2] The Hebrew form used in Isaiah 9:1 (or 8:23 in different Biblical versions) is in the construct state, leading to

g’lil ha-goyím (Hebrewגְּלִיל הַגּוֹיִם), meaning ‘Galilee of the nations’,

which refers to

Gentiles who settled there [….]

This name, again, in English “Galilee,” means “Gentile [literally “human cattle”] District” in Hebrew.

(“Galil” means “district” and “ha Goyim” means “of the human-appearing cattle”)

Until very recently and under jew pressure to normalize for Whites the way their countries are turning brown,

Jesus was always depicted accurately as blond or reddish-blond.

Jesus is the blondish man in the center with his dark-haired, semitic jewish disciples

Jesus, again, in the center (“Bosio” was a master baker who became a Christian; this was his burial chamber in a catacomb)


This nordic starseed Jesus came from a higher planet to incarnate here.

Why? To introduce a totally new faith for the little jews, while paying lip service to judaism and to the jews’ delusional Messiah belief.

This Messiah belief was that someday a fierce jewish general would arise, a jewish king descended from King David, and this killer would boot the Romans out of Palestine.


And THEN, with Aryan Rome having fallen,

…..the jews would conquer the rest of the world, and go on to rule the Gentiles “with a rod of iron.”

This lip service by Jesus to Judaism was intended to not overly shock those jews whom He was seeking to convert to His new faith.

The lip service — along with the performance of major, miraculous healings and other things, such as producing masses of fish for his fishermen, bread to eat for the crowds, or walking on water on the Sea of Galilee, events which even the hostile Talmud admits did happen

….was to get this blond Aryan nobleman man a hearing with the semitic jewish masses so he could propose to them a true spirituality and spread the values which the jews did not share — under their demonic deity Yahweh — of love, humility, brotherhood, forgiveness, and service to others.

Daringly, the great Italian sculptor Michelangelo, who worked on his art at the Vatican — and knew Catholicism inside and out — depicted the great prophet of Judaism, Moses, with two devil horns.


It was for the sake of us Aryans and our white survival, safety and prosperity, and I repeat, it was for the sake of us Aryans and our white survival, safety and prosperity, that Jesus was seeking in vain to transform the majority of the jews into a peaceful, honest, ungreedy, and caring nation.

Jesus, a reincarnated nordic alien from a highly evolved planet  of our own human race,

did die for us,

seeking (in vain) to straighten out our mortal enemies, the jews and get them to stop hating us Aryans! 

And he let the Big Jews kill him, ordering Peter to not kill the jews arresting him, to prove for all time how wicked this nation was, is, and forever will be! 

The opposition between heathens and Christians must be overcome! Jesus was not a jew, nor a god, but a highly evolved Aryan from a beautiful planet who fought judaism, and died to awaken us to the true nature of the jewish international crime family!

In fact, most of the jewish masses came to see miracles as a kind of carnival attraction, or they still wanted an ass-kicking Messiah, an earthly king, to sock it to the goyish Romans.

In the end, the jews’ hearts were not moved.

High Priest Caiaphas ridicules and slanders Jesus of Galilee, and claims “Nothing good can come out of [heavily gentile-DNA] Galilee.”

And then — with His mission sputtering — right after Jesus kicked over the tables of the moneychangers in the Temple, interfering with a lucrative currency-exchange business operated right within the Temple itself — the Big Jews, applying huge pressure, forced the Roman governor, Pontius Pilate, a typical politician who caved in to jewry, to have him whipped and murdered!

Like Pilate, President Harry Truman did the Big Jews’ bidding, and took their campaign donations for his Demoncrat Party, and hanged 13 top NS German leaders at Nuremberg after a kangaroo trial, all this while loathing the jews!



As for me, I am both extremely anti-jew and extremely pro-Jesus, exactly as were Hitler, himself a nordic starseed, and his great assistant, Heinrich Himmler….

I am also extremely anti- the Old Testament, and radically opposed to Saul, the crook who turned the faith of Jesus — as a loving Heavenly Father of all men, and so the jews should stop hating the white Gentiles — into a new and dangerous form of Judaism, Judaism for the white Goyim.

Saul taught gullibility, “sheepness,” and seeing in the jews “God’s chosen people” and in the Old Testament a sacred book of truth about God.

And this is exactly what the mega-wicked jew Marcus Eli Ravage admitted.

“Christianity” as served up by Saul, became a way to get Aryans to revere  the jews, and even to “love their enemy“!

This was the opposite of Jesus’ teaching! He did not love the committed jews as he did not love their father, the Devil!

Saul of Tarsus, who called himself Paul, was the totally self-appointed “Apostle Paul” who was no apostle at all, because he was not “stell” (sent) apo (forth)” (“apostell” in koiné Greek)  by Jesus as all. The big jews had gotten Jesus hideously tortured and executed years before, and Saul had heartily approved!

“I am a Pharisee” he said in the Sanhedrin, and it was the Pharisees, two generations later, around AD 100, who would begin to write down the bloodthirsty Talmud!

Saul grasped by AD 49 that the beautiful new faith of Jesus about love, peace and brotherhood, which was taking off, could be taken over and changed into something else, since the Master was dead…. and no one had written His words down! Many of His closest disciples were illiterate fishermen!

Saul hijacked, coopted and made the Jesus movement into a kind of  pro-jewish vehicle for mind control.

He then muscled aside the two leaders of the Jesus movement, James, the brother of Jesus, and the fisherman Peter, two men in Jerusalem who had actually known Jesus and heard His actual teachings.

How did Saul take over? By his oratory AND by his money power.

The early jewish Christians in Jerusalem were dirt-poor,  persecuted outcasts, followers of a man the majority saw as an executed blasphemer, and their charismatic leader and founder was long gone.

They dared meet only quietly, low-profile, and in their private houses.

But Saul had the powerful personality to win and the dough to control people.

He was getting HIS converts, Goyim living in the Roman Empire, to donate large sums of money to the Jerusalem Christians.

And Saul was able to cut the flow of those funds off as well.

Then came the great crisis over circumcision around AD 49.

James, the brother of Jesus, issued a rule and had it sent up to Antioch in the Roman province of Syria, that all Gentile converts must become jews by being circumcised.

Circumcision, the cutting off of the foreskin on the penis, was an incredibly painful, dangerous and disgusting operation — there were no antibiotic drugs or forms of anesthesia back then, so all surgery was dreaded until ether was invented at Massachusetts General Hospital in Boston in the 1830s!

And the penis, as obviously an organ of not just male urination but also of sexual pleasure, is full of nerve endings and VERY sensitive!

Baby boys scream in agony when circumcised!

And so very few Gentile adults were willing to undergo, no matter how sold they were on judaism,  and no matter what James — the brother of Jesus — had said.

James had decreed: You goyim must become fully jewish, and that means becoming circumcised.

Saul was suddenly confronted with two dangers:

1)  that James, by issuing this edict, was asserting that he, not Saul, was the leader of the Jesus faith, and his issuing of the circumcision order was meant to drive this home: “I, the brother of Jesus, am the boss here”;


2) all Saul’s converts, rejecting the danger and pain of circumcision, would leave him in disgust and horror, take their money with them, and go back to their own Greco-Roman and other pagan gods.

The Parthenon as it actually looked

Athena and a blond angel

To save his career, power, and grand and evil mission of making us Aryans so gullible, so sheeplike, and so dopey that we venerate the jews, our genocidal enemy, Saul had to pull out all the stops.

He began proclaiming that Jesus was God Himself, that the grotesque framing and murder of Jesus by the jews was a kind of holy sacrifice, that if you believed this, you went to heaven forever… because, see, all the rotten things you ever did were forgiven by Jesus being killed.

See, by sinning we owe God, but Jesus paid our bill off.


So by framing and murdering the blond Jesus of Galilee, the jews were unknowingly doing God’s will! Wow, so thank them and don’t be angry at the jews. Don’t become a rotten antisemite over what we jews did to Jesus, you dumb goy brute! It was God’s will! Now you can go to heaven!

Meanwhile we jews continue to hate, loathe and ridicule Jesus for his peace-and-love stuff, that Nazi. Watch this Israeli comedy:

None of this nonsense about Jesus being God or his murder sending us to heaven if we think it does was in Jesus’ real teachings, or in those of his successor, James.

The very idea that any man could be God was in fact repulsive, shocking and disturbing to any and all mainstream jews.

Judaism teaches that God is totally unlike us.

The jewish religion is not a pantheistic religion at all where everything is God, so the universe is part of God.

And the Dutch jew Spinoza was expelled from jewry for saying this (as does Neil Donald Walsch, in our time, in his magnificent Conversations with God).

For jews, God is totally different from us, a spirit and eternal, whereas we are material and temporary. No man can be God.

He is the Absolute Master of All Things, and we his slaves, or disobedient children…..

Any doctrine of Jesus as God would be so shocking to jews that it would be guaranteed to defeat Jesus’ primary mission of softening the hearts of the jewish masses, and leading them to HIS new religion of peace, love and truth… a gentle faith that, if adopted by the masses, would make the jews into a normal nation, not out to conquer and enslave the world, an ideology that posed a direct threat to the white, Aryan world.

Yes, the preaching to the jews of the message “Jesus is God” consigned the new faith to failure with its target audience, the jews themselves.

Saul, as a loyal jew, wanted to defeat the Jesus movement among the jews, and his claiming that “Jesus is God” worked like a charm.

Jews ever since hate Jesus as a con man, blasphemer, and megalomaniac!

This is kinda funny, actually…..


The notion of Jesus — the carpenter’s son and part-white man from part-white Galilee via a father who, the Talmud claims, was a white, Roman centurion named Pantera — as being “God” was a horrible heresy for all jews.

Jesus is not seen to this day by jews as merely deluded or mistaken about being the Messiah, but as an utterly wicked sinner who went to hell and is being boiled alive down there in hot sewage.

Btw, the Talmud concedes Jesus was real, performed major miracles, healed very sick or blind people, and was an effective teacher.

But when Saul started teaching “Jesus is God” and his execution sends you to heaven if you think it does lost the entire audience Jesus wanted to win over — “This stuff is crazy.” A Roman governor in Greece said once to Saul, after hearing this stuff: “Great learning has driven you mad!”


Note that the Romans, who under jew pressure, executed Jesus, never said that Jesus claimed to be God. This was Saul stuff!

The Roman sign “INRI” above the cross meant Iesus Nazarenus, Rex Judaeorum,  “Jesus of Nazareth, King of the Jews”…. and not Iesus Nazarenus Deus [=God] Judaeorum.   

And the high priest who mocked Jesus on the cross did not say “You claimed to be God.”

Mark 15:31-32 points out that “the chief priests and the teachers of the law” also mocked him among themselves, saying: “He saved others, but he can’t save himself! Let this Messiah, this king of Israel, come down now from the cross, that we may see and believe.” Finally, those crucified with Jesus also heaped insults at him (Mark 15:32).

Luke 23:36-37 mentions mocking by Roman soldiers: “The soldiers also mocked him, coming up and offering him sour wine, and saying, ‘If you are the King of the Jews, save yourself!’” (New Revised Standard Version). In Matthew 27:42 people, priest and the elders mock Jesus, and shout at him while he is hanging on the cross: “He saved others; let Him save Himself if He is the Christ, the chosen of God.[13]

According to Luke 23:39, one criminal on his left who hung there together with Jesus on the cross, hurled insults at Jesus: “Aren’t you the Messiah? Save yourself and us!”[14]

All the Jesus is God stuff came about much later, via Saul of Tarsus and his various writers, who wrote down Saul’s depictions of Jesus, men who later Church historians called Matthew, Mark, Luke and John.

The Gospel of John is full of a megalomanic Jesus saying “I am the way, the truth and the light. No one comes to the Father except through me.”

Margi said to me: “When I read that, all I can say is Good Grief!” So she did not find Christianity/Saulianity credible or consoling as her tragic, wasteful, needless and painful death neared, dying of throat cancer despite never having smoked, drunk alcohol, eaten junk food, avoided exercise, or been overweight. IMO the jews gave her this cancer because she inherited money, she was an active national socialist, and she supported ME.

Margi did read the spiritual readings, and showed interest in reincarnation and NDEs, however.

But a Jesus who preached humility — yet thought he was God — was a huge turn-off for her, for jews, and for many Aryans, such as the great Thomas Jefferson, and George Washington, Deists who were raised Christian….all this coming about because Saul rewrote the story of Jesus, who was basically preaching a kind of Buddhism, and he took over the Jesus movement.  

All the New Testament books, however, were written by either Saul or his followers, who wrote books about Jesus — a Jesus depicted by Saul as Godyears or decades after Jesus had been murdered. 

So a new religion about God as our loving Heavenly Father was twisted into a new form of judaismjudaism for the goyim.

And Jesus’ teaching about overcoming the ego, loving others, and being in the now — Buddha and Eckhart Tolle concepts — became a weird new form of judaism, with Jesus worship, cross worship, and eventually it became a brutal state religion under Rome, with intolerance, inquisitions, trials and executions of heretics, witch burnings, etc.

It even insisted that Mary, the mother of Jesus, was sinless —  an immaculate conception. Mary actually became a kind of goddess to whom Catholic women literally prayed, and she was called “the Queen of Heaven.”

We are now in full Crazyland.

In other words, a new kind of toxic, delusional ego trip and power trip arose thanks to Saul, in place of a movement that exposed and opposed the ego.

Joan of Arc is burned at the stake by the Church Saul had founded. I have been to Rouen (in Normandy, France) and to the very spot where the Church burned her because she said an angel (named Gabriel) had spoken to her. (This I do believe, btw. I myself have had a deep male voice speak to me, as have others I know personally. Always it was a loving, clear, short, simple message clearing up something I could not figure out, and it was the kind of message a loving and wise guardian angel would say to be truly helpful. In Joan’s case it was telling this 19-year-old peasant girl — with zero military experience, and in a society and an army directed by the nobility — to go out and fight for France, and she would be victorious for one year. Btw, she forgot the one-year part that Gabriel said and was captured after the one year was over, then tried and executed by fire.)  

This Saulianity would deceive the Aryans, but horrify and repel, not convert, the jews, whom Jesus had wanted to appeal to, defang, and turn into a gentle people who would not seek to enslave and destroy the Aryans.

Saulianity, as I call it, was one of the first great examples of the jews moving in and taking over something that had started out good and was “taking off,” and then making it over time, with losts of money, infiltration, and half truths, into something horrible.


As for this process of cooptation, our comrades in Germany have seen the almost unbelievable transformation of the once anti-war, anti-US, pro-environment Green Party of the 1970s.

Under jew-CIA infiltration, and by using lots of bribe money, and also the blackmailing of many, many pedophiles in the  Green Party, it became the most war-mongering, white-hating, child-molesting, and America-worshiping party in all of Europe!

And there are so many other examples of the jews taking over something beautiful and twisting it onto something toxic for the white race.

Another example was the abolition movement. Its goal then was to free the African slaves. Now, controlled by jews and their money, the onetime civil rights movement of the 1830s-60s has become government laws and programs to enslave the Whites and then kill them off!

And so it is with Saulianity as well.

Love and obey the jews, worship their jewish-supremacist deity, Yahweh, hate yourselves as racists and antisemites who for centuries hurt God’s Chosen People, and be fine with our dying out or being extermination as a wicked, cruel, violent and guilty race.

Make America Great Again by importing more Mexicans, says Joel…..and let’s all become brown for world peace.

And, after all, Jesus went like a sheep to the slaughter, submitting peacefully to arrest, a bogus trial, beatings, torture and a long, slow death, so we Christians should submit to a tyrannical government too.

But it is all good, because by believing the crucifixion was not a crime by jews, but instead a wonderful thing that wiped out our sins, by believing utterly unproven and unprovable notions regarding people whom we never met — whether Jesus, or Saul, or Pilate, or anyone else who died 1,950 years ago and in a faraway land — we Whites can calmly die off and go have fun forever in heaven while the jews rule the earth.


……Adolf Hitler, speaking to his closest friend, Dietrich Eckart, about Jesus versus Saul in Bolshevism from Moses to Lenin (1923):

Eckart, a successful playwright, Hitler’s mentor and a very close friend, died of a broken heart on Christmas Eve in 1923 from 1) seeing the masses do nothing, 2) from seeing the Munich putsch fail, and 3) from seeing Adolf Hitler in jail, facing the death penalty for high treason

“Most of our revolutions,” Hitler said, “whether initially with desirable goals or not, have turned into something worse under Jewish leadership.

The revolutions of vulgar predisposition were, for the most part, the work of Jews; and those with loftier tendencies were soon subverted into a darker course by them.

In the case of a struggling young Christian religion, for example, the Jews, quick as a flash, began hanging onto its coat tails.

Consider Paul, properly called Sha-ul, who was a rabbinical student. That Shaul first chose the Roman-sounding name, ‘Saulus,’ and then had himself renamed ‘Paulus’ gives pause for thought.

Still more the fact that, in the beginning, he persecuted the fledgling Christian community, and did so with first-rate ferocity.

I don’t know: mass murderers who become saints — Eh, isn’t that a bit too much of a miracle? […]

“As a Jew, Paul certainly knew that of all the peoples of the world it was the Jews, first and foremost, who needed their souls saved.

Christ had EVEN demanded (in Matthew 10:5-6)

‘Go not… to the Gentiles, …But go rather to the lost sheep of the house of Israel.’

Paul ignored Jesus’ commandment, of course, and went straight to the non-jewish Greeks and the Romans, and brought them his own version of ‘Christianity.’

A ‘Christianity’ with which the Roman Empire became unhinged. “All men are equal! Brotherhood! Pacifism! No more privileges!”

And so the Jew triumphed.”

“I always think,” I [Eckart] spun the thread further, “of the admirable Herr Levine in the [newspaper] Berliner Lokalanzeiger. (58) (58) I.e., Berlin Advertiser, a Berlin newspaper. [Translator]

He suddenly burst out one day, as if in rapture:

Only a Jew could have done that!

Yes, indeed. Only a jew, with Paul’s impudence, could have put himself in the middle of the Capitol and there expounded a doctrine of venerating the jews which must bring about the utter ruin of the Roman Empire!

That’s what the man said, this Levine, word for word; I still remember it perfectly.”

“It certainly hits the nail on the head,” Hitler rejoined. “It may be a long time yet before Christianity recovers from Paul.

Oh, what gullible souls we are!

A vicious Jew murders hundreds of peaceful Christians; suddenly he notices that the rest only become even more zealous.

The well-known light dawns on him; so he pretends to be converted.

He throws himself into the great pose, and behold: even though he deviates in nearly all his doctrines from the other apostles [who had actually known Jesus], it is to HIS preachings that we listen devoutly.

The simple teachings of the Master, which were told as stories which the most childlike mind might comprehend, we now must have ‘explained’ to us by a pushy Hebrew.”

“The Jew,” I [Eckart] replied, “certainly must be tempted to say, ‘Why are you goyim so stupid that you let everyone make fools of you?’

And there are many seducers of the public since back then who, on account of Saul’s extraordinary cunning, or ‘spirituality’ as they call it, look upon Saul with timid admiration.”



….Our primary relationship is with our heavenly father, not with the sheeple or any other earthling!




…..From Yahweh to Zion (2)

(continued from yesterday)

From Yahweh to Zion – Laurent Guyénot

“The destiny of the Jewish people appears to the historian as a paradoxical and incredible phenomenon, almost beyond comprehension. It is unique and without equivalent in the history of mankind,” writes French author Alexandre Roudinesco.

1 Such commonplace assertions are hard to refute.

To explain what makes the Jewish people so special, and Jewish identity so
enduring, without resorting to the notion of divine election, one has to agree that the Bible has played a major role.

(I use the word “Bible” for the Jewish Tanakh, the Old Testament of the Christians.) Jews around the world have drawn from the Bible pride in their history and confidence in their destiny, no matter what hardship they may endure.

Whether Jewishness is defined as religious or ethnic, its roots are in the Bible.

Therefore, its essence must be sought there. Whether he has read it or not,
whether he judges it historical or mythical, every Jew ultimately bases his
Jewishness on the Bible—or whatever he knows about the Bible. This venerable corpus—which includes the five “Books of Moses” (the Pentateuch, or Torah), the Historical Books, and the Prophets—constitutes the unshakable foundation of both Jewish religion and Jewish identity.

(The Talmud is only a commentary on the Bible, and does not fundamentally alter its core ideology).

From a religious viewpoint, the Bible preserves the memory and the essence of the Covenant with God that the believer internalizes.

From an ethnic viewpoint, the Bible is the foundational collective memory of the Jewish people, and the pattern by which Jews interpret their whole subsequent history (the Dispersion, the Holocaust, the rebirth of Israel, and so on). Any nation is a narration, and what makes the Jewish nation special is ultimately what makes the biblical narration special. The Bible has always been the “portable fatherland” of the Diaspora Jews, as Heinrich Heine once put it.

But it also became and has remained the heart of Israel, whose founders did not give it any other Constitution.

It is true that the earliest prophets of political Zionism—Moses Hess (Rome
and Jerusalem, 1862), Leon Pinsker (Auto-Emancipation, 1882), and Theodor Herzl (The Jewish State, 1896)—did not draw their inspiration from the Bible, but rather from the great nationalist spirit that swept through Europe at the end of the nineteenth century.

Pinsker and Herzl actually cared little whether the Jews colonized Palestine or any other region of the globe; the former considered land in North America, while the latter contemplated Argentina and later Uganda.

More important still than nationalism, what drove these intellectual
pioneers was the persistence of Judeophobia or anti-Semitism: Pinsker, who was from Odessa, converted to Zionism during the pogroms that followed the assassination of Alexander II; Herzl, at the height of the Dreyfus affair. Pinsker, a medical doctor, regarded Judeophobia as a hereditary and incurable “disease transmitted for two thousand years,” and he characterized the Jews as “the people chosen for universal hatred.”

2 The most recent manifestation of antiSemitism in Nazi Germany was the justification for the creation of Israel in 1948. And it is still today one of the pillars of Jewish identity throughout the world, as documented in Yoav Shamir’s excellent film “Defamation” (2009).

Indeed, since the end of the 1960s the Holocaust has become the source of a new secular version of the Election—the belief that Jews are God’s chosen people.

Yet, as we shall see, the Holocaust resonates deeply with the Bible.

Fundamentally, as its very name indicates, Zionism is a biblically inspired
project: Zion is a name used for Jerusalem by biblical prophets. Although
officially a secular ideology, Zionism was, from the start, biblical to the core.

Avigail Abarbanel makes the point in a text meant to explain to Israelis why she has given up her Israeli citizenship: “Let’s say you did ‘return home’ as your myths say, that Palestine really was your ancestral home. But Palestine was fully populated when you started to covet it. In order to take it for yourself you have been following quite closely the biblical dictate to Joshua to just walk in and take everything. You killed, you expelled, you raped, you stole, you burned and destroyed and you replaced the population with your own people.

I was always taught that the Zionist movement was largely non-religious (how you can be Jewish without Jewish religion is perplexing in itself). For a supposedly non-religious movement it’s extraordinary how closely Zionism—your creator and your blueprint—has followed the Bible.

Of course you never dare to critique the stories of the Bible. Not even the secular amongst you do that. None of my otherwise good teachers at my secular schools ever suggested that we question the morality of what Joshua did. If we were able to question it, the logical next step would have been to question Zionism, its crimes, and the rightness of the existence of our very own state.

No, we couldn’t be allowed to go that far. It was too dangerous. That would risk the precarious structure that held us in place.”

The founders of the Yishuv (Jewish communities settled in Palestine before
1947) and later the founders of the new State of Israel were steeped in the Bible.

From their point of view, Zionism was the logical and necessary end of
Yahwism. In Ben-Gurion, Prophet of Fire (1983), the biography of the man
described as “the personification of the Zionist dream,” Dan Kurzman entitles each chapter with a Bible quote. The preface begins like this: “The life of David Ben-Gurion is more than the story of an extraordinary man. It is the story of  a biblical prophecy, an eternal dream. […] Ben-Gurion was, in a modern sense, Moses, Joshua, Isaiah, a messiah who felt he was destined to create an exemplary Jewish state, a ‘light unto the nations’ that would help to redeem all mankind.”

For Ben-Gurion, Kurzman writes, the rebirth of Israel in 1948 “paralleled the Exodus from Egypt, the conquest of the land by Joshua, the Maccabean revolt.”

Yet Ben-Gurion had no religious inclination; he had never been to the synagogue, and ate pork for breakfast. He liked to say that “God did not choose Israel; Israel chose God,” and he quoted Joshua 24:22 to back it.

According to the rabbi leading the Bible study group that he attended, Ben Gurion “unconsciously believed he was blessed with a spark from Joshua’s soul.” He had been captivated by ancient history since his childhood, and changed his name David Grün to that of a Jewish general fighting the Romans.

“There can be no worthwhile political or military education about Israel without profound knowledge of the Bible,” he used to say.  He wrote in his diary in 1948, ten days after declaring independence, “We will break Transjordan [Jordan], bomb Amman and destroy its army, and then Syria falls, and if Egypt will still continue to fight—we will bombard Port Said, Alexandria and Cairo,” then he adds: “This will be in revenge for what they (the Egyptians, the Aramis and Assyrians) did to our forefathers during biblical times.”

Three days after the Israeli invasion of the Sinai in 1956, he declared before the Knesset that what was at stake was “the restoration of the kingdom of David and Solomon.”

Prophecy is part of the biblical mindset. In a statement published in the magazine Look on January 16, 1962, Ben-Gurion predicted that in the next twenty-five years: “All armies will be abolished, and there will be no more wars. In Jerusalem, the United Nations (a truly United Nations) will build a Shrine of the Prophets to serve the federated union of all continents; this will be the seat of the Supreme Court of Mankind, to settle all controversies among the federated continents, as prophesied by Isaiah.”

That program is running late, but it has not changed. How could it? It is printed in Isaiah! Christians find hope in the prophecy that, one day, people “will hammer their swords into plowshares and their spears into sickles. Nations will not lift sword against nation, no longer will they learn how to make war” (Isaiah 2:4).

But more important to Zionists are the previous verses, which describe these messianic times as a Pax Judaica, when “all the nations” will pay tribute “to the mountain of Yahweh, to the house of the god of Jacob,” when “the Law will issue from Zion and the word of Yahweh from Jerusalem,” so that Yahweh will “judge between the nations and arbitrate between many peoples.”

Ben-Gurion’s attachment to the Bible was shared by almost every Zionist leader of his generation and the next.

Moshe Dayan, the military hero of the 1967 Six-Day War, wrote a book entitled Living with the Bible (1978) in which he biblically justified the annexation of new territory. Even the nuclear policy of Israel has a biblical name: the Samson Option. On March 3, 2015, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu dramatized in front of the American Congress his deep phobia of Iran by referring to the biblical book of Esther (the only Bible story that makes no mention of God).

It is worth quoting the heart of his rhetorical appeal for a US strike against Iran: “We’re an ancient people. In our nearly 4,000 years of history, many have tried repeatedly to destroy the Jewish people. Tomorrow night, on the Jewish holiday of Purim, we’ll read the book of Esther. We’ll read of a powerful Persian viceroy named Haman, who plotted to destroy the Jewish people some 2,500 years ago. But a courageous Jewish woman, Queen Esther, exposed the plot and gave the Jewish people the right to defend themselves against their enemies. The plot was foiled. Our people were saved. Today the Jewish people face another attempt by yet another Persian
potentate to destroy us.”

Netanyahu managed to schedule his address to the Congress on the eve of Purim, which celebrates the happy end of the book of Esther—the slaughter of 75,000 Persians, women and children included.

This recent and typical speech by the head of the State of Israel is clear indication that the behavior of that nation on the international scene cannot be understood without a deep inquiry into the Bible’s underlying ideology.

Such is the main objective of this book.

The first three chapters probe the heart of the Hebrew Bible. They set out to extract its ideological substratum, unveiling the process by which Yahweh, through the voices of his priests, prophets, and scribes (the “cognitive elite”) shaped the vision and collective psychology of his chosen people.

Christians have their own reading and particular conception of the Old Testament—a “religious,” second-degree reading—that differs from the Jewish reading, and that impedes their understanding of Jewish identity.

We must consider the biblical tradition in its original context in order to grasp its revolutionary and corrosive character.

Chapter 4 then examines the genesis of Christianity and its medieval evolution, while chapter 5 analyzes the evolution of the Jewish people in its relation to Christendom. The major turning point of this story is the expulsion of Sephardic Jews from the Iberian Peninsula in the fifteenth century, and their forced mass conversions to Christianity, followed by the pitiless hunt for the “false Christians” thus generated.

These traumatic events radicalized Jewish anti-Christianity, and played a critical role in the upheaval of the old world, as Jewish historians alone have correctly apprehended.

Chapters 6 through 9 shed light on world events from the nineteenth to the twenty-first centuries by focusing on the influence of Ashkenazi Jews in Central and Western Europe and then in North America.

The “deep history” of networks, secret diplomacy, clandestine operations, psychological warfare, and propaganda reveals the decisive steps in this process, which launched a struggle for the soul and destiny of humanity.

This book will highlight a “project” that has been ongoing for over a hundred years, marked by four world wars and culminating in the programmed destruction of the Arab-Muslim Middle East, the final installment.

The two concluding chapters (10 and 11) provide a summary and synthesis, proposing theoretical models capable of handling the empirical data, and presenting a conception of history that recognizes the crucial role played by the Jewish people.

These chapters, like the preceding ones, will rely mainly on Jewish authors, whose views on these questions are often much more relevant than those of conventional non-Jewish historians.

This book is a critical approach to “Jewishness” as a system of thought—a representation of the world and the self—essentially an idea. I am critiquing this idea by exposing its dangerous irrationality, nothing more. Even if it were as old as the world, any idea would deserve critique.

Since the first victims of a toxic idea are the men and women who believe it, they are the first I wish to help liberate. Trying to understand Jewishness entails dealing with the nature of the Election, the Holocaust, and Israel, for they are the three “invisible walls” of the “Jewish prison,” according to French journalist Jean Daniel’s personal testimony.

If there is a moral judgment in the following pages, it is directed at the elite who have built this prison throughout the ages, and kept its key. For today, just like yesterday, Jewishness is an identity shaped by the elite, as it has always been.

The dominant ideology among world Jewry is, by definition, the ideology imposed by the dominant Jews, the cultural and religious elite intimately associated with the political and financial elite.

“The evils of Israel are the evils of leadership,” wrote Jewish publisher Samuel Roth in Jews Must Live: An Account of the Persecution of the World by Israel on All the Frontiers of Civilization (1934).

He blames all the suffering of the Jews on “the stupendous hypocrisy and cruelty imposed upon us by our fatal leadership.”

“Beginning with the Lord God of Israel Himself, it was the successive leaders of Israel who, one by one, foregathered and guided the tragic career of the Jews—tragic to the Jews and no less tragic to the neighboring nations who have suffered them. […] Despite our faults, we would never have done so much damage to the world if it had not been for our genius for evil leadership.”

This book will show that the submission of the Jewish people to the self-proclaimed representatives of Yahweh—and to their ideology— is the essence of biblical ethics. Even though the biblical narrative itself presents the Hebrew people as often rebellious and reverting to their “abominable” natural leaning toward fraternization with their neighbors, Yahwist ideology, which forbids intermarriage with the goyim, always seems to have the final say.

Today, under the influence of a new elite, composed mostly of sons and
grandsons of rabbis, Jewishness tends to merge with Zionism. Being Jewish had always been synonymous with being part of “Israel,” but now “Israel” has taken on a new meaning.

Jewish identity is no longer defined as belonging to a people or a religion, but as loyalty to a particular Middle Eastern state. The efforts of Jewish authorities to condemn anti-Zionism as a disguise for anti-Semitism
(Israel has become “the Jew of nations,” claims Paul Giniewski in Antisionisme: le nouvel antisémitisme, 1973) are only the counterpart of their efforts to convince all Jews that Zionism is a nonnegotiable part of their Jewishness.

When Rabbi Josy Eisenberg writes in an editorial for the French magazine
L’Information juive, “Except for a few Jews—alas sometimes negationists—love for the State of Israel is today the only common point of all Jews,” he means it less as an observation than as an injunction: each Jew is required to love Israel or he will be deemed traitor to his own Jewish identity, that is, a “self-hating Jew.”

At minimum, adds Eisenberg, “there is today a moral imperative not to add our voice to the detractors of Israel, and to always temper our critiques.”

I do not ignore the fact that, like the ghettos of bygone days, the “Jewish
prison” has also been a refuge. As an even greater paradox, it can be argued that the prison has incited great creativity among the prisoners most determined to free themselves; true freedom is, perhaps, only available through escape. If so many Jews have left their mark on worldwide cultural history, it is obviously not in spite of their Jewishness.

Instead it is often in an antagonistic relationship to it, or at least in a determined effort to move beyond it. These Jewish geniuses are very different from the communitarian elites, even though the latter try to
appropriate and profit from the posthumous fame of the former.

The archetypal example is Baruch Spinoza, excommunicated by the rabbis during his lifetime, now lionized as the greatest Jewish thinker. Almost without exception, the Jewish geniuses have been anticommunitarian, critical of Judaism, and, in the twentieth century, anti-Zionist.

Today the Jewish mental prison consisting of victimization (Holocaust worship and fear of anti-Semitism) and guilt (blackmail-driven loyalty to Israel) has become so oppressive that those who wish to escape must first exhaust themselves breaking down the walls.

This book is, above all, the result of a sincere effort at cognitive empathy. I
have read from a wide range of schools of thought, but among them I have given the greatest importance to Jewish writings. These have greatly influenced my vision of Jewish culture and its worldwide impact, leaving me today with the dispassionate conviction that Judaism and the Jewish people have been, throughout history, in their very antagonism to Gentile cultures, and sometimes in a brutal and tragic way, a dynamic factor of evolution.

No Christian, indeed, could deny that fact without ignoring Jesus’s background.

This book will deal with Judaism, the Jewish people, Jewish history,
Jewishness, and Jewry (the Jewish community). I adopt for all these terms
nominalist definitions, the only ones that suffer no objection: “A Jew is a person who considers him/herself a Jew and is so considered by others,” to quote Raphael Patai.

Likewise, Jewishness is nothing but what Jews think of it. I am dealing with these notions exclusively from a cognitive viewpoint; my research is about beliefs, ideology, mental frameworks, and representations.

For example, the fact that the majority of modern Jews define their Jewishness as ethnic rather than religious is, from the standpoint adopted here, a cognitive fact, nothing more.

Whether genetic studies prove them right or wrong is not the point, for
ideology is independent from biology.

The thesis of this book is also independent from the question of the Bible’s
dating. That the majority of Jews and non-Jews think it is three thousand years old is just another cognitive fact. The nature of the Bible is in its content, not its age.

Yet the historical context of its birth and growth, as informed by scholarly research, can be enlightening. Such is the subject of the first chapter.

Finally, the argument of this book is independent from the question of the
existence of God—a question that presupposes a consensual definition of “God,” an impossible task.

Let it be said, however, that the author holds as self-evident that the Universe is endowed with Intelligence; for how could man, otherwise, be intelligent? Philosophers figured that out more than two thousand years ago.

The unfathomable mystery of that Cosmic Power of Truth and Love,without
which human brotherhood is a vain idea, cannot be contained in a book or a set of dogmas.

As for Yahweh, I consider him nothing more than the main character of a saga written by several generations of priests and scribes for their own advantage. Yet, as an idea cultivated in the collective psyche of millions of
people for tens of centuries, it is certainly endowed with great spiritual power.

All Bible quotes are taken from the Catholic New Jerusalem Bible, which has not altered the divine name YHWH into “the Lord,” as most other English translations have done for unscholarly reasons. I make only one alteration to this authoritative translation, for reasons that will be apparent later: I write “god” rather than “God” when the word is used as a noun rather than a name, as in “the god of Israel.” For example, where the NJB arbitrarily differentiates “Chemosh, your god” from “Yahweh, our God” in Judges 11:24, I do not.



  1. Uns Vitzli trifft den berühmten Nagel erneut auf den Kopf – Autsch! ; – )

    Schlimme weiße US-Bullerei erschießt Neger „mit fast 100 Schuß“.
    (Vitzli, den 11. April 2024)

    Der hatte zuvor einen Polizisten bei einer Verkehrskontrolle angeschossen. Jetzt heult die negerische Verwandtschaft.

    Man hält den Rassistenquatsch echt nicht mehr aus. Der einzige Weiße neben den Negern sieht aus wie ein ((( ))).

    Offensichtlich meinen die Medien, die weißen Polizisten hätten sich abknallen lassen sollen. Vor allem Frauen denken ja gerne so.

    Sich ärgern? Sich wundern? Nö.

    Ich habe in meinem Leben mehr als eine Handvoll Verkehrskontrollen erlebt, mehrfach auch als angeblich Schuldiger betroffen (immer entlastet). Auch im Rahmen der RAF – Fahndung nachts mit Maschinenpistolen und allem drum und dran. Aber ich habe nie einen Bullen angegriffen oder gar mit einer Schußwaffe verletzt. Muß man gar nicht. Und der Neger schießt auf einen Bullen und die lieben Verwandten wundern sich, daß er jetzt tot ist? Ja, was denn sonst???

    Die Schlüsselperson ist der Jude auf dem Photo.



  2. Ein äußerst bemerkenswerter Beitrag vom Kommentator namens abc, der sich folgende Gedanken gemacht hat.

    abc sagt:
    (abc, den 12. April 2024 um 9.34 Uhr)

    Die Familie dieses Assi-Floyd hatte seinerzeit von der Stadt Minneapolis 27 Mio. Dollar „Schadenersatz“ bekommen.

    Um es mal zu verdeutlichen, und ggfls. ein Gefühl dafür zu bekommen*. Ohne Zinsen, Inflation, oder Währungscrash.

    Diese 27 Mio. reichen auf 30 Jahre** gerechnet für:

    2.500,- pro Tag

    75.000,- pro Monat

    900.00,- pro Jahr

    9.000.000,- pro 10 Jahre

    Das weckt selbstverständlich Begehrlichkeiten!!***

    * **

    Also, lieber Leser. Was hast du im April 1994 so gemacht? Kannst du dich erinnern?? Deine 27 Mio. sind heute leider alle! Schaaade!

    Aber du hast seitdem jeden Tag 2.500,- ausgeben können. War mitunter manchmal ganz schön schwierig, gell??!


    Und weckt natürlich bei den allbekannten -an körperlicher Arbeit gar wenig interessierten- unsichtbaren Rabulistik-Rechtsanwälten erst recht Begehrlichkeiten!



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