Not ALL white women today are heartless

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Whew….. It was tough to read this. (I found it on Facebook.) White kids especially are being sexually trafficked by the hundreds of thousands, especially to jews, and the blonder they are, the more jews lust to rape and defile them.
I know very well two adult white men today who were in foster care and/or orphanages, one from Wisconsin and the other from Texas, who told me that jews came around and paid, and paid well, to get at such kids.
There are also white mothers who pimp out their own sons and daughters for lots of cash. I know one such adult who told me her own mother rented her out. There is no word to describe the enormity of such a crime.
Then there are the many good and caring women out there like this gal.
“She was dropped off at my house with barely any information—just her name, her age, and a history of neglect and trauma that showed up in heartbreaking ways. The kind of trauma that makes you hide everything sharp, even the butter knives.
I held this little girl in my arms, her face buried into my neck, wet with what I wasn’t sure—tears? Snot? It didn’t matter. What mattered was that now she was in my arms, and I wasn’t going to turn her away.
The first day, she curled up in a ball in the middle of the bed we had so carefully prepared for her. My daughter had stripped her own bed, offering the most beautiful comforter we owned. ‘Do you think she’ll like the ruffles?’ she asked.
‘I don’t know what she’ll like,’ I said, ‘but it’s so kind of you to offer her your blanket.’
For hours, this sweet girl stayed huddled there, too scared to show her face. Until finally, in a soft whisper, she asked: ‘Can you lay with me?’ ‘Please shut the door.’ ‘Sing to me.’
So I sang. I sang every song I knew until I ran out of songs, and then I sang them all again. Slowly, she started to open up. First to our dogs. Then our cat. Then, finally, to my kids, who sat on her bedroom floor, smiles plastered on their faces, not knowing how to comfort her, but wanting so desperately to try.
At dinner, she hunched over her plate, her blond hair dipping into the marinara sauce. I had to resist every urge to correct her posture or the way she held her fork—there were more important battles.
And at bedtime, as I tucked the ruffled comforter up to her chin, those big blue eyes looking up at me, she asked, ‘Can I stay here forever?’
My heart broke. Because I know, for so many reasons, that her story might not end with that happy-ever-after.
I thought I’d be good at this—foster parenting. I thought I’d be strong enough to show up, do the hard work, love unconditionally, and let go when the time came.
But right now, with this little angel staring up at me, asking to stay forever, I’m not sure I’m strong enough. I’m not sure I can do what’s needed, even though I know she needs me to be strong.
So for now, I will give her all the love I have. I’ll kiss her forehead, smile through the tears, and whisper that everything will be okay. Then I’ll tiptoe out of her room, fall to my knees outside her door, and beg for strength—because right now, all of mine is gone.
I knew foster care would be hard, but I never imagined it would be this hard.


Only his return can save us — with his solution for our situation today.


    • I think Donald loves only himself. He has caused hundreds of thousands of deaths with his Warp Speed clot-shot “vaccine,” he armed Jewkraine to attack and kill 14,000 ethnic Russians in eastern Ukraine with Javelin missiles, and now he threatens us antisemites with death. Just as in his last incarnation, as Patton, he is a manipulative and shallow egotist who loves conflict, glory, and fame.

      He sure did not respect his wife just before he gave his inaugural speech on January 20, 2017, ruining for her, I am sure, the otherwise very happy occasion:

      • Why do so many Christians not give a shit about their own people, and if psychotic jews rape, abuse, and murder white children?
        And why do they act like jews are living gods that cannot be criticised? I despise Evangelical, Pentacostal and Zionist Christians, and I think they are extremely stupid and sick, demented and evil.
        They are the most ignorant, stupid people on earth, and it’s delusional scumbags like them that have swallowed jewish cultural marxism.

        Tthey let jews take over our countries and destroy our people and our race.

        • Yes, this judeophilic form of Christianity is an egregious example of madness.

          Routh, by the way,is an Anglo-Saxon name.

          But the whole earth-human species on this planet is mad. There are many other delusions out there, this being just the very worst of them all.

          As I wrote yesterday, “I will again remind readers that other white nationalists from 2010 on have called me a nut for saying the truth that we are not alone. I lost half my readers, though my articles were then and are now heavy on hard facts.”

          I remember all the false hopes white people had surrounding Richard Nixon, Ronald Reagan, and in 2016 Donald Trump.

          Going further back, Adolf Hitler made constant peace offers to a delusional Britain which it rejected over and over and over and over. Even after thrashing the British Expeditionary Force in June 1940 on (which fled at Dunkirk minus all their equipment, and what good is an army with no equipment?)

          All this was consistent with his Mein Kampf in 1924, where he proposed an actual military alliance between Germany and the British Empire. It was in perfect accord with the extremely warm welcome at the Berghof by Hitler of Britain’s Lloyd George, the PM during the second half of WWI, and of the former king of England, Edward VIII, the duke of Windsor.

          And it all was consistent with Churchill’s own values, which were 1) preserving the British Empire, 2) opposing communism, 3) wanting to steer the dangerous jewish lobby away from communism, and 4) not becoming a vassal state of the Americans, and especially not of Frank Rosenfeld, a leftwing anti-imperialist and communist sympathizer.

          Humans like to lie and they have their favorite lies that they love to believe. This is why this planet is a kind of hell.

          Earthlings lie — to themselves, about themselves, to others, and about others.

          All day long they lie.

          All day long they believe lies.

          Mundus decipi vult, said the Romans two thousand years ago — “the world wants to be deceived.”

          And it is why aliens avoid us. We are mentally ill and dangerous to ourselves and others. Other planets are not this way, and they have advanced FAR beyond us. In fact, far from progressing, we are near causing a thermonuclear war with Russia that will throw us back to 10,000 BC.

          President Putin and his generals

          The famous hit movie “The Matrix” went deeply into this. How appropriate that jews did this film.

          The would-be assassin the other day of Trump, the blue-eyed white man Ryan Routh (an Anglo-Saxon name meaning a clearing, like the German word “rode-“), was seeking meaning for his pitiful weirdo life through fighting for some “higher cause,” and look at his slogan on the bottom of his sign to see what it is:

          “END RUSSIA.”

          …a country that has been around for a thousand years…. four times older than the USA.

          Suppose you or I said:

          “End Aborigines”

          “End Jews”

          “End Blacks”

          “End Muslims”

          “End Gays” ???

          Would that not be a call for genocide, or at least for mass murder?

          This brilliant, charismatic, and witty total fool, Abraham Lincoln, brought about a civil war where 750,000 white men — fellow countrymen — killed each other over worthless, Early Stone Age negroes, and sent armies to devastate the southeastern quadrant of the United States because Abe somehow “knew” in his precious little heart that Blacks were not “inferior”….

          (And what exactly is wrong with “inferior”? I am inferior to the negro Mike Tyson as a boxer. I was inferior to Margi, my late wife, as a cook. I am inferior to Donald Trump in wealth. I am inferior to my webmaster in protecting websites. We all are inferior to someone else in something. I am proud to be humble and realistic about this, Superiority and inferiority are facts of life.)

          Yes, Abe was an imaginary expert on race, knowing the negro far better than Southerners who merely had been around he Blacks on a daily basis for two hundred years. See, these bigoted Southerners were only “quibbling” about race. But, see, Abe KNEW….and he felt all good about himself as the Great Knower. He was the forerunner of Ryan Routh.

          In fact, even a highly sympathetic article on Lincoln and his depressions suggests that the Civil War functioned as a ghastly kind of psychotherapy for the mentally ill man. Depression, after all, is not any kind of normal feeling of dismay over a setback or bad turn of events, but a mood disorder. You can feel depressed — the old word for this was “melancholy” — for no good reason at all — when actually everything is going well for you.

          Rather expensive psychotherapy for negrophile nut Abe Lincoln — Pickett’s famous charge in 1863 at Gettysburg, in a July heat, with both sides wearing all-year heavy wool uniforms:

          Themost heinous thing of all was tha Lincoln in one part of his brain, before the Civil War, and even during it, had understood that Blacks could not be integrated into an advanced white country. But as he visited the battlefields and saw acres of dead and dying white men (not to mention thousands of dead horses, shot by bullets or cannons, creatuers for whom one can also feel conmpassion as sentient beings), somehow Lincoln felt that the war had to have some higher meaning than just “preserving teh Union” and ending a secession.

          His depression symptoms lessened when he felt he could also go down in history as “the Great Emancipator.”

          So it was, in the end, all about Abe and his personal problems, and the country be damned. The widows be damned. Atlanta and Richmond be damned.

          If one of our “greatest presidents” (libtard historians place him even above George Washington!) was mentally ill, what does this say about the rest of this country and about this sorry world?

          It says earthlings are insane and often evil.

          National socialism was and is seeing the white race without rose-colored glasses, as a race with glorious gifts — but also a dark side that needs to be faced, understood, accepted, and firmly suppressed. It was both yin, kindness, and yang, firing squads.

          National socialism is tough love, real love — the kind of love that is not sentimental adn delusional, but actually brings about a record level of human happiness, solidarity, justice and safety for our men, our women and our children. It is the opposite of the hell the jews (1/4 of 1% of humanity) have created in alliance with our own egoic minds (the other 99.75%).

          • Winston Churchill was half Jewish and a closet homosexual, his mothers real name was Jenny Jacobson.
            Theres some evidence that Joseph Stalin, real name Iosif Vissarionovich Dzugashvili may have been part Jewish like Lenin was.
            And that he looked very Jewish when he was younger.
            And he dated Jewesses, including the sister of Lazar Kagonovich, Rosa Kagonovich.
            Her brother Lazar Kagonovich was a blood thirsty mass murdering Jewish butcher, who was the head of the gruesome Jewish Cheka.
            And one of the greatest mass murders in human history.
            Jews are spreaders of schizophrenia and psychosis and their genes are equivalant of being spawn from hell.
            I think genetics and low intelligence is the main reason. The last time America had an intelligent interlectual as a president that was capable of critical thinking was J.F.K.
            Donald Trump is a stupid low i.q moron, even Candace Owens is much smarter then Donald Trump which does not say much.

          • Plus people with low or average intelligence are much more suceptible to all the zionist propaganda and brainwashing.

          • Abraham Lincoln may have been a Sephardic Jew and the fact that Franklin Roosevelt was Jewish shows the danger that Jews pose being in our politics.
            In my opinion it’s going to take untill other countries finally get sick of Israel to destroy Zionism.
            It’s not going to come from a western country or even eastern Europe, they are all zionist controlled.

    • Thanks.

      I will again remind readers that other white nationalists from 2010 on have called me a nut for saying the truth that we are not alone. I lost half my readers, though my articles were then and are now heavy on hard facts.

      As for these spheres, many people in my region have seen glowing white spheres, sometimes three of them, which somehow merge into one of the same size and then shoot upward. Often the sighting is over Lake Superior or much smaller lakes in Wisconsin.

      It is a sad commentary that WNs who know the regime lies about all sorts of matters nevertheless trust it about ETs, and a classic case of cognitive dissonance. To believe we humans are all alone is just as insane as “diversity is our strength,” or racism is merely bigots judging a man’s character by his “skin color.”
      The gov’t cover-up is clearly hiding something bad.
      And never do Hebrewood ET movies show Nordics, always hideous, hostile, or weird beings.

      That great 1950 movie “The Day the Earth Stood still” showed Klaatu as a wise, extremely intelligent, kind, helpful, though exasperated Nordic — but that was about the end of the line.

      Of course, the “Star Trek” series by Gene Roddenberry showed entirely human or humanlike aliens, but it is set centuries in the future.

      Meanwhile the jew-ruled US is shooting down alien crafts with impunity to harvest their technology.

      And in 99.9% of sightings, aliens avoid contact with us…. No wonder.

      It reminds me of driving with my mother through the negro section of Providence and her saying: “Roll up the window.”

      We are, sadly, the negroes of the solar system. Aliens “roll up their windows” as they pass through. They get their hydrogen, gold, platinum or whatever else they need and quietly go about their business. Humans should ask themselves why aliens mostly do not contact us.

      • I want to live in an Asgardian spiritual world of ancestor/nature veneration/wisdom like our forebears, not a Judeophilic technocratic nightmare. National socialism 2.0 can take us there.

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