Not “lucky” to live in the UP — but determined, and blessed for not giving up

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At the Lake of the Clouds overlook with three friends, Upper Peninsula of Michigan, USA

On Rose Island next to the Ontonagon River and marina; temp. a breezy 72 degrees (21 C) at noon on July 10th  Note nordic-alien head. 😉 



John de Nugent This is the water color of the Iron River in the spring and summer ” an astounding, warm coppery-red!…/bonanza-falls-17-june-2017…

John de Nugent A friend, Judy, making a video of the Lake of the Clouds and the Carp River Valley…/julie-making-video-lake…

John de Nugent Judy’s intrepid Papillon dog, Oliver, was our bodyguard as monster waves crashed against the shore of Lake Superior. His female Papillon friend Bella stayed “zen.” 😉

Ron Miller That’s a beautiful area, nothing like Detroit — a whole different world

John de Nugent replied1 Reply
Jeanice Barcelo Gorgeous photos!
Scott Souter The UP is my favorite place to vacation. I stay up in the Keweenaw. I’ll be back again at the end of July. Visited the Porkies 2 years ago, and saw the Lake in the Clouds.

William Bishop Beautiful place

Heinrich Adam-Blatsch 88 – ich grüße alle amerikanischen Kameradinnen und Kameraden!
Mark Hastings Looks great out there
JW Corrigan The UP is one of the most beautiful places in the world.

You are lucky to be there.

John de Nugent Well, “lucky”, no;
blessed, yes;
and determined, definitely.
Margi and I, homeless and broke in September 2014, drove 18 hours almost straight, fueled by two cans of Red Bull, for 580 miles, and me driving with a torn contact lens scratching my eye. We could not afford a motel. An admirer up here offered us two months free rent.  
This is the reality of life of a hounded, high-profile WN activist whom Obama and the FBI wanted OUT specifically of the town of Apollo, Pennslyvania. ……
This all-white town full of cancer victims was where chemist Zalman Shapiro enriched uranium and plutonium — meant for the US Navy — and smuggled it illegally to Israel for its first atomic bombs.

When our President, John F. Kennedy, angrily found out, and had a fiery exchange of letters with Israeli PM David Ben Gurion, this led directly to his murder in Dallas, masterminded by the crypto-Jewish Lyndon Johnson.

The Apollo Affair – Wikipedia

The Apollo Affair was a 1965 incident in which a US company, Nuclear Materials and Equipment Corporation (NUMEC), in the Pittsburgh suburbs of Apollo and Parks Township, Pennsylvania was investigated for losing 200 “600 pounds (91 “272 kg) of highly enriched uranium, with suspicions that it had gone to Israel…


John de Nugent I drove 18 hours with this in my eye, yellow with over-use and torn in two places  (CLICK TO ENLARGE):…/jdn-torn-contact-lens-sept…
John de Nugent One of our FOUR abodes in 2014 was this motel room (no phone, tv [not connected], wi-fi, microwave, fridge, bathroom, closet — nothing):…/rm-210-chambers-hotel-apollo…


John de Nugent I ate cold food out of a can from a free-food pantry:…/rm-210-chambers-hotel-apollo…


John de Nugent At 60, we arrived here penniless and owning only our Crown Vic and what was stuffed in it:…/jdn-crown-vic-april-2015…


John de Nugent So “lucky”? DETERMINED and maybe watched over by the angels. I will say that Red Bull, made in Austria, may be toxic if used constantly, but it succeeded in keeping my eyeballs open when many cups of coffee failed.
John de Nugent The shocking truth about the Israeli rape of Apollo, Pennsylvania part 1)

John de Nugent Part 2: I confront the US Army Corps of Engineers at an EXPLOSIVE PUBLIC HEARING about the cancer epidemic and snail’s-pace “clean up”

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