Not a word from oblivious (?) Trump about HAARP — as hurricanes devastate high Trump-voter areas of NC and FL; Blue Beam and the murder of Serge Monast; Giordano Bruno was right

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I just read this article about FL tipping toward Kamala and another article saying the hurricanes will indeed reduce the vote for Trump.
Alan Axelrod, the jewish campaign mgr in 2008 and 2012 for Obama, says NC is now tipping toward Kamala. (Why? The white mountain folks, who are 95% MAGA voters, are either dead, sick, or preoccupied with just surviving. This jew says the affluent and successful educated North Carolinians – in the flatlands — will be able to get to the polls in much greater numbers than the MAGA mountaineers.)
DJT could now lose both NC and FL.

I can see a civil war erupting in November (NEXT MONTH) after Kackling Kamala steals the election with HAARP as her real running mate.

Scenes from the recent movie “Civil War” with Kirsten Dunst:




….Superb, updated vid by “The Why Files” on “Operation Blue Beam”

The French-Canadian whistleblower Serge Monast saw his kids seized by CPS, and then he himself was jailed and heart-attacked (murdered). This vid was demonetized by JewTube. (

Serge Monast interviewed by a French-Canadian reporter who asks him (in French) what is so wrong about having a one-world government, no borders, no wars, no national animosities, and then the establishment of permanent world peace….

Monast, of course, does not bring up the key problem, who would be the ones running this world government! It would be psychopathic, genocidal, goy-hating jews, who say in their Talmud each jew wil have literally 2,500 goy slaves!

Monast calls this government “6.6.6” — but we know about THAT number’s TRUE meaning, thanks to a discovery I made in 2011 and published on this website:


One of Monat’s books in English: project-blue-beam-serge-monast-revival-fake-alien-invasion-technology

In French: serge-monast-gouvernement-mondial-antéchrist

…So now the Canadian province of Quebec has made it illegal to have more than $2,000 in cash….

No bank wants to give me 39,980 coins of 5 cents. I’m explaining myself. The accounting clowns who run the province really have passed a bill banning us from having $2000 or more in our money. Otherwise, they consider the money as coming from organized crime and arrest us in the field. This is not a joke; they recently announced this law.

…….Giordano Bruno got it right

Bruno was a great Italian Renaissance scholar who was radically anti-jewish, and thus skeptical about Pauline “Christianity.” He also preached reincarnation, NOT the single-life theory of the Church, and that not just the earth but other planets contained intelligent life.

This meme I created has a very profound quote from Bruno, revealing a deep understanding of the earthlings’ tragedy —    They tend to have either a limited or no control over their own mind, which is mental illness. One reason that wicked governments fight the truth about intelligent alien life is that we would be shocked and enraged to learn that while we live in a kind of hell, on other planets people enjoy  health, harmony, peace, and progress.

In 1600 Bruno was burned in Rome by the jew-infiltrated Catholic church. In another life, I and Dietrich Eckart speculated that converso jews who had infiltrated the Vatican bureaucracy were behind Venice arresting him, investigating him, and extraditing him to the Vatican.

The most ominous things are now happening, things I and others predicted in the 1970s.

Either we transform our own minds into our servants and we become their masters — instead of serving THEM — or our minds will literally work for the enemy to betray us to our mortal foes for slavery and genocide.

The jew has no power over us, only over our mind.


It’s not that I can’t be friends with people who are atheists or leftists. I’ll debate the issues with you if you want but if you’re going to troll, slander, and not have an honest debate….I will block you because I have no time for that. You’re entitled to your opinions but you’re not entitled to your own facts.

John De Nugent

It is scary how weaponized and militant they can be. They are taught that we are evil and the enemy. These are the most egotistical people possible, completely blind to facts and realities.


  1. Donald Trump said were going to remove the jew haters who have done nothing to help our country.
    Thats after the jews have had over 5 billion people injected with the mrna bioweapon.
    And millions apon millions have been maimed and killed by it.
    What do you think about christians like Donald Trump and the evil demented closet homosexual piece of shit Lindsey Graham or George Bush and Dick Cheney?
    And what do you think about white christians not been able to feel hate towards blacks who rape them and kill their family members.
    Or the fact that 80 percent of christians worship jews that hate them and have tortured and killed over 100 million of them.
    And have raped tortured and sacrificed their children to baal and drank their adrenaline filled blood for the adrenachrome.
    I can only think of one word for these christians and thats mental retardation.
    And i think that it’s a fucking disgrace and an insult to normal sane people.
    I’m sick of these fucking nutjobs, and thats what they are! Mentally deranged nutjobs.
    I think that christians have proved how stupid they are and how dangerous christianity has been for our people.
    So i think they need to be kept out of politics and positions of power.
    No christian leader in modern times has ever criticised the jews, because they think their gods chosen people.
    And that they suffered in the fake holocaust from the jewish kabullah. Christians let jews take over our countries and destroy our people.
    And most of them them think jews are living gods that cannot be criticised.
    I would be embarrassed to be a christian, when the majority of christians think that jews are living gods.

  2. Because Trump was involved in New York real estate he needed to be on good terms with the Jews — because New York real estate was mostly Jewish owned. Trump will get my vote because if elected he will do his best to expell the Invaders who have crossed our open southern border, but Trump is Jew-filthy.

  3. Vladmir Putin has met with the new Iranian president, which is good news. The more countries that ally with Russia against the evil, zionist-controlled America and its zionist controlled western allies, then the better our situation will be.
    Also, a prominent Dutch politician has done an excellent speech disavowing Israel and calling them a terrorist state, while saying that we are constantly being blackmailed by the Holocaust scary-tale, because of which the jews have been given a license to kill, maim, and slaughter innocent people. It’s one of the greatest speeches in modern times and he did not hold back.

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