Now a muslim mayor of London — “Sadiq Khan”! and father of Scientology leader unloads

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Sadiq Khan, the new mayor of London, a city of eight million, capitol of the United Kingdom, and a world financial capital. Only 44% of Londoners are white. His first act was to go to a Holocaust memorial: Sadiq Khan’s first function to be at Holocaust memorial


The Daily Mail caption on this is: “Khan was introduced by Baroness [sic] Lawrence of Clarendon, the mother of British teenager Stephen Lawrence, who was murdered in a racist [here we go] attack in South East London in 1993.

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. Paul Golding of the BritainFirst Party exposes this “human rights lawyer” who always defended the worst Muslims in the world!


Paul Golding, as a fellow candidate for mayor (I sent him money), glares at the vile Khan….


….then turns his back correctly on the penis-nosed little neanderthal as he goes to the microphone to gloat over his victory:



Well, I like Golding, and Jayda; he is clearly one of us, he was a BNP councillor, and he made the strategic decision when he quit them to drop the open Jew and race issues to focus on things the public does understand, like Islam and paedophiles. I can at least understand that! I think the two of them are bravely trying their best.

Jack Sen pointed out to me that Muslims are “only” 12% of London, yet Khan got 57% of the vote. so many whites voted for him, and against the Jew Goldsmith, filthy-rich candidate of the Tories (no surprise there).

I am ploughing straight ahead now on my religion. Nothing else but a spiritual upheaval can save us.
Liberalism and this social justice warriordom are the mental drug of choice for whites now. There has to be a mental “counter-drug” — a religion — so whites stop embracing, enjoying and approving their own genocide in an act of extreme delusion.





…..Arabs, Pakis  and Jews — all the same thing racially and psychologically!


Neanderthals & Semites





…..To an active WN comrade and writer who also has a brother in Scientology

:From: John de Nugent <>
Sent: Saturday, 7 May 2016, 7:17
Subject: Paki Mayor of London; Miscavige father’s tell-all

Hi, [].
I am really reeling from the thought of a muslim as mayor of London….  It is like actually seeing a negro inaugurated as President of the United States.
Accepting this is the real crime — and it is our crime.
I remember when Obama was inaugurated that Henrik Holappa murmured to me: “Now it is finally sinking in that a negro is president of the United States.”
And it was not just a psychological change. To hurt me (and to hurt Holappa, for using his US freedom of speech and the blogging skills I taught him to expose Jew control specifically of the Finnish mass media),
Photo taken after Margi and I spent $2000 on his political-asylum lawyer, Valerie May of Pittsburgh
…..and as part of an elaborate plan about which Holappa told me and Margi on webcam in 2013, where he was an unwitting pawn — the three threatened indictments against him relating to “hate speech” were part of a plan to get me to offer him a chance at asylum in the US while living at our house — Holappa was arrested by Obama’s white lackeys six weeks later: a squad car from the Penn. State Police and two unmarked cars with bearded guys (!) in them from Homeland Security.
(These were probably genuine bad-asses, and I know they were very worried because I was armednd shot expert with the .45 in the Virginia Army National Guard. Holappa later told me, after his expulsion back to Finland, that the Pennsylvania State Trooper who was watching me reminded the two Homeland Security guys to make it snappy because I WAS ARMED AND HE COULD SEE MY PISTOL bulging out of my pocket.)
I was there and saw it all. I was the one driving when we were pulled over. They put Holappa in shiny, steel wrist, chest and ankle chains, and pushed him into the Homeland Security car — for supposedly “overstaying his visa” (a lie — the same kind of visa-violation lie they used on revisionists Ernst Zündel and then on Germar Rudolf.)
 Then Holappa was “turned” (intel term) by threats (and I think perhaps, after seeing the 2004 movie with Meryl Streep, Denzel Washington and Liev Schreiber, by a Manchurian Candidate treatment).
He spent 87 days in solitary (March-June 2009) and then he attacked me as ordered in 2011, as I was preparing to run for president in 2012 and had a five-member staff, a three-building headquarters at 213 Ekastown Road, Sarver, Pennsylvania, an fiercely anti-Obama area.
I also had over three thousand dollars worth of video-related equipment, bought for me by a Finn.
In the 2004 film “Manchurian Candidate,” an Army soldier, broken by days of torture, including sleep deprivation, drugs and electroshock, just stands there numbly as another soldier raises a pistol to shoot him dead. The horrible “beauty ” of Manchurian Candidate torture is that it is by design so severe, so extreme, that the conscious mind totally blocks it out and the victim does not remember either the torture or the programming and the orders he received. It comes out only in nightmares.
Holappa’s common-law wife in Sweden, whom I got for him, the California-born [] (with whom he now has two daughters), told Margi directly (after she and I had broken up in May 2011, assuming wrongly that she was now my enemy; in fact, we got back together in 2012) that David Duke had called her and told her that while Holappa was in federal detention I had gotten and pocketed thousands of dollars in donations for his legal defense fund — a blatant lie, and one which raises the question why Duke would do such a thing, since he and I had no open conflict at all at the time, in 2009. My problem then was only with Don Black of Stormfront for closing my thread on his site, which had at the end over 264,000 views.
I was perhaps the first, or one of the first American bloggers, [], going back to 2008, to expose Obama as a bisexual, as a quarter-Jew via his grandfather, Stanley Armour Dunham,
Obama's Grandfather at War
as a non-US citizen with a forged birth certificate and possessing six different stolen Social Security numbers (his latest is from Connecticut, a state he never lived in!), as being born in Kenya and thus ineligible for the presidency, and that a black nationalist and registered Communist Party USA member, Frank Marshall Davis, was his real, biological father,
With Margi’s help I also located and published the nude glamour shots of his mother, taken by the pervert Davis, whose threesomes with his wife, a white, race-traitorous Chicago socialite, and the future Obama-mama, including, ahem, “golden rain” (look it up 🙁 ) are described in his porn novel Sex Rebel Black. (See photo.)
…..and I exposed, using Wayne Madsen material, that Obama, a ruthless narcissist, had four people killed who knew about his gayness and fag orgy townhouse on Capitol Hill in Washington —  and his lifetime membership in the Man’s Country queer male “club” in Chicago, where older white fags sucked his dick. (He loves humiliating white men.)
Obama has the White House relit in gay colors after the Supreme Court okayed “gay marriage.”
This is an actual cover of Newsweek magazine
Three homo choir members at Obama’s black nationalist church, all murdered in the fall of 2007
Ashley Turton, the mother of three who “knew too much” — that Obama and his then chief of staff, the Jew Rahm Emanuel, are both active bisexuals, and also gay killers — was once the assistant to House Speaker Nancy Pelosi and then chief of staff of a Long Island congresswoman. Her BMV burst into flames as she backed out of her garage on Capitol Hill in January 2011. Here is the pure-bs Wikipedia report, defaming her as a drunk driver, exactly as the Jews libelled Jörg Haider after murdering him in his car:
Remember, kids: Never buy a BMW; it might burst into flames if you put it in reverse!
In sum, getting a leftist black president meant real, palpable and negative “change in the air,” not just a change in symbolism.

……MISCAVIGE/SCIENTOLOGY — the father of the leader comes out.

Miscavige had an apparent hitman following his dad; he was arrested in Milwaukee and convicted of having a silencer on him. This detective-hitman once phoned the son, the Scientology leader, and said “I see your father having a heart attack” and the son said to let him die.

……Contact and support


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