Now we have graphene rain; spiritual reading

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Graphene rain — is climate engineering by the Deep State the source? What aren’t we being told if graphene is in the new chemtrails?

A highly credentialed scientist provides extensive analysis and explains how we came to this point of total submissiveness and cowardice by top scientists today, and how PhD students learn to obey orders, or their career never takes off.

This is a must-watch report, hoisted by the great Dana Wigington of

….Spiritual reading for 14 July 2023

(my birthday, 69 years young)

Today you will do well to place as much emphasis as possible upon remembering your goals. It could well seem as if you are journeying through dense jungle and all sorts of things will likely stand in your way and also lure you from your way.

If you can keep your focus on those things that are the most important for you, you will be able to make progress and to use the day well.

If you send some time at the outset considering what it is that you most need to do today, that would be good. The energetic vines will grow around you and pull you this way and that, but if you can recall where you are headed, they will not succeed in distracting you.

If you do go off on a detour, don’t fret and don’t worry. Just return to your path and keep going. No particular harm will come of a side trip, but neither will it be especially useful. There are no sights or sites awaiting your discovery.

Today is a day when using your will and intent to guide your actions and your movement is best. Leave as little to chance and serendipity as possible.

Anything grounding will be valuable to you. Connect with the earth, carry grounding stones, eat earthy foods. Excesses of water, in any form, could pull you in unforeseen directions, lessen your clarity and leave you stranded. It is not a good day for flying high or unearthing the depths.

It is a rather prosaically plodding day, but it will be a satisfying and useful one if you can stick to your ideals and your plans.

We send you blessings and much love.





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