Number-one host worldwide, Tucker Carlson on FOX, dogwhistles by interviewing Israel-enemy Roger Waters of Pink Floyd, who demands release of Deep State-foe Julian Assange

Spread the love

Waters, founder of the huge 1970s British rock band “Pink Floyd,”  has been bashing Israel for years now…. and supporting CIA enemy Assange. Carlson, a 6’1″ part-Scandinavian, part-Italian with blue eyes, dogwhistles constantly WN positions. He is by far the most popular host on FOX, and is shown in the coveted 8-9 pm time slot that Bill O’Reilly occupied for years. 


The two “Duran” editors discussing all this are russophilic Greeks with American and British accents.

They specifically praise Waters for ripping to shreds the bogus character defamation of Assange as a supposed rapist. The two women never sued Assange for rape, and the Swedish prosecutor never indicted him. He was only wanted for “questioning” – but that was a lure to get him into  a police station and then hold him for extradition to Jewmerica.

Waters asks why there were no indictments of the Washington Post, New York Times and Guardian in Britain for publishing Assange’s truthful and horrific material? (Because they are all Big Jews.)

Wash. Post and Amazon owner Jeff Bezos


Shame on you, Donald Trump. Assange made you president by his Wikileaks against Hillary and her emails, and, even worse, the horrific, pedophilic John & Tony Podesta emails! (John was Killary’s chief of staff and had been WH chief of staff under Pres. Bill Clinton!)

Since Trump, even more than anyone else, prizes loyalty and those who help him in a pinch, has allowed this horrific abuse of an Assange who did just that in the presidential election year of 2016, this proves Trump is under extreme Jew/Deep State pressure.


…..Some top Pink Floyd songs performed by Waters




…..See also


Read this with smelling salts!


Was Breitbart poisoned in 2011 over Podesta brothers and Pizzagate, then his coroner as well? Sicko Podesta ”artwork” of abused little girls and beheaded, Dahmer-esque corpses

It was ASSANGE who exposed this. This fearless Aussie is a hero! So, his message being factual, they go and slander his character — just as with me!




…….Recent donations

I appreciate those with the courage to listen to my seemingly novel views and the generosity to send funds for my $250-a-month website.

Most of all I cherish those who understand that humans can and must be changed. All these fun facts and horrible incidents have no effect on a spiritual dead race of slaves.

My “Mission Impossible” is truly to change people, I partially did it in Germany, and now it must embrace all whites and even all humans, who can be our allies against Jewry and its reptilian backers.




–4 March 2020 50 euros and a card from M in France…

…. who said he especially enjoyed this recent article:

Weird beauty of a Lake Superior winter

–3 March 2020 $88 by check from J in Nevada

–29 February 2020 $100 in cash from B in Florida

–28 February 2020 $88 by check from J in Nevada


–27 February 2020 $30 Australian, letter and copied material on the Ainu from P. in Australia

–26 February 2020 $88 by check from J in Cicero, Illinois

–24 February 2020 $30 Australian and card

–22 February 2020 two French postcards from the Dreyfus Affair period a century ago for Margi’s project on Dreyfus, showing the massive and successful Jewish effort to get the traitor off


“Rehabilitation of Dreyfus — he rejoins his unit”


–20 February 2020 $100 via Amazon gift card, sending me simply the Gift Card code number.

The comrade also emailed me:

Just saw on CBS News more disgusting nonsense, lies, distortions and demonization of whites over slavery. It was talking about a Texas history book that, God forbid, showed a picture/painting of some slaves that were not being terrorized or tortured — as if they were never well treated.

This coverage can do nothing but further anger and inflame the blacks watching it. It is so patently anti-white and does no one any good. These Jews in charge of the media are really something to be allowing and pushing this crap. They are in favor of this not because they like blacks, about whom they could care less, but because they hate America.


–19 February 2020 genuine Harper’s Weekly issues from 1899 and 1906 glorifying the “poor victim of antisemitism,”  Jew Alfred Dreyfus, showing the massive press campaign to whitewash this arrant traitor — this French army captain sold top military secrets to the Germans for whore, gambling and champagne money  — because the Jews stick up for each other when arrested IF it is a case that can advance their agenda. (Margi and I are finishing a big project on this.)

–18 February 2020 $88 from a former Rockwell-party stormtrooper in Nevada

–16. February 2020 $25 via Amazon gift card from D (location unknown)


–11 February 2020 $88 from J in Illinois


50 Euro in aluminum foil with a letter from M in France

–9 February 2020 Book Hollywood Godfather by former Mafioso Gianni Russo from S in Idaho (because of the section on money laundering of Mafia drug money by the Vatican Bank and the murder of Pope John Paul I in 1979–  after only one month in office — because he had resisted this crime!)


–10 February 2020 Israeli stamp glorifying the Jewish traitor Alfred Dreyfus, who sold French military secrets for money for his whores, gambling and champagne — sent from Serbia! (This is for Margi’s and my Dreyfus project.)


–8 February 2020 $50 Australian from J in New South Wales

–8 February 2020 check $50 from an Irish-American in Utah

Digging out every day, and loving the exercise and fellowship with other white snow-warriors

–6 February 2020 $50 Amazon gift card from T in Utah

check for $88 from J in Cicero, Illinois

check for $25 from C in North Dakota

–31 January 2020

Book on the Dreyfus Affair from M in Florida

Amazon gift card for $25

–30 January 2020 20 euros, a one-ounce silver coin from Degussa, two letters and a book catalog from “Der Schelm” (German for “The Rascal” ) from S in Germany

–29 January 2020:

check for $10 from J in Maryland

check for $88 from J in Illinois

two books from R in Minnesota, the Bhagavad Gita with comments by Sri Aurobindo, and Living in a Mindful Universe by fmr Harvard Medical School professor and brain surgeon Eben Alexander, MD, who had a dramatic NDE which ended forever his atheism

200 euros in cash, two interesting books (speculating on Jesus as a part-Roman and as a married man), photos and a beautiful pendant from E in Italy


–27 January 2020 $125 via MoneyGram from R in Canada

–23 January 2020 $20 Australian in cash (wrapped de rigeur in aluminum foil) from “Oz” from repeat-donor J with a beautiful card, thinking of Margi


Margi was touched by this greeting, and mustered the best smile she could, despite the then Stage-III cancer in her mouth and throat having weakened her jaw and facial muscles. Thanks, comrade! And her smile and voice are making a big comeback!

–24 January 2020 check for $150 from G in Michigan

–23 January 2020 Amazon gift card for $84.81 from J

–20 January 2020 Amazon gift card for $84.81 from CC in Florida

–18 January 2020 Amazon gift card for $25 from T (location unknown)

–14 January 2020 generous donation via PayPal to a friend for my webhosting and webmaster fees

–14 January 2020 $50 Australian from P in Oz

–13 January 2020 Amazon gift card for $50 from T (location unknown)

Thank you, TJ, for the newest Gift Card, the third! I also mentioned it on my website article (on Australia) for today! It has been a hard 18 months dealing with Margi’s undeserved cancer and almost losing her in January and July, but now, with the help of generous supporters like you, everything is on track again to me to have the time and energy to start a credible new faith that will enable us to beat the evil religions of Judaism, Islam and Masonry — and finally change this agonizing world!
Thanks again!
— John de Nugent

–12 January 2020 50 euros in cash and a warm New Year’s card from M in France

Dear John

Cher John,

You’re back home [from two months at the Mayo Clinic in Rochester, Minnesota for Margi’s successful cancer battle]!

De retour chez vous!

That’s great news for the both of you.

C’est une merveilleuse nouvelle pour vous deux.

Thanks for sharing your views and analyses.

Merci de partager vos émotions et réflexions.

It’s full of knowledge for your followers.

C’est riche d’enseignements pour vos lecteurs.

I wish you all the best for 2020!

Tous mes meilleurs voeux pour l’année 2020!



–12 January 2020, 20 euros in cash from C in Germany


–11 January 2020 $130 via PP from T in Australia

–10 January 2020 check for $88 from G in Cicero, Illinois

–8 January 2020 $77 Amazon gift card from T

–5 January 2020 $50 Australian and a lovely card from T in Tasmania


–4 January 2020 Amazon gift card for $50 from TJ

–3 January 2020 check for $40 for Margi’s cancer recovery from J in Tennessee

–2 January 2020 check for $88 from G in Cicero, Illinois

–20 December 2019 $100 via PayPal from D in Australia, sent to a WN friend

–19 December 2019 $88 by check from G in Nevada

–12 December 2019 $88 by check from G in Nevada

–7 December 2019 $88 by check from G in Nevada

–26 November 2019 $88 by check from G in Nevada

–21 November 2019 $40 cash from L in North Carolina

–19 November 2019 check for $100 from P in Maryland

–16 November 2019 5o euros in cash and wrapped in aluminum foil, with an interesting bilingual letter, from France

–15 November 2019 50 euros in cash and wrapped in aluminum foil from Bavaria, Germany

–14 November 2019 two checks for $88 each from an Old Fighter from the NSWPP, G in Cicero, Illinois (forwarded to me in Rochester, Minnesota from Ontonagon Michigan)

–7 November 2019 50 euros and two postcards, a touching note, and a beautiful copper pendant for Margi of Egyptian inspiration from southern Italy



The castle at Melfi, as well as the town walls and cathedral, were all built by my Norman relatives.

–23 October 2019 40 euros from regular donor A in Germany

–22 October 2019 25 British pounds (US$32) via PayPal from A in Scotland

–21 October 2019 $20 Australian and a very nice card from J in “Oz” (Australia)


–19 October 2019 $88 from G in Cicero, Illinois and $20 from K in California

–11 October 2019 $88 from G in Cicero, Illinois

–9 October 2019 $50 in cash from S in Florida

–6 October 2019 loan of $88 forgiven


–4 October 2019 $75 from G in Cicero, Illinois

–3 October 2019 $100 PayPal via a friend  from J in Texas

–28 September 2019 $75 from G in Cicero, Illinois

–26 September 2019 check for $20 from J in Maryland

–24 September 2019 $100 Amazon gift card from V in USA

The PayPal address for Margi of is no longer valid, since PP abruptly canceled it after six years with no explanation.

If you wish to donate via PayPal, please write me for details of other PP accounts that trusted friend have.

–23 September 2019 $100 via Paypal (frozen by the jews for six months) from J in New England

–21 September 2019 loan via PayPal of $100 from M in California

–20 September 2019 loan via PayPal of $88 from B in New York State

–20 September 2019 check for $75 from G in Cicero, Illinois

–10 September 2019 $50 via PayPal from P in New England

–6 September 2019 check from G in Cicero, Illinois

–5 September 2019 $20 Australian, and a very nice card

–30 August 2019 $75 check from G in Cicero, Illinois

–30 August 2019 supportive letter and 20 Euros from C in Germany

–21 August 2019 book by Joseph Goebbels (the last one he wrote — in 1945, a brilliant collection of short essays given to the frontline troops called  “The Law of War”) and 20 euros from C in Germany

–20 August 2019 five Australian silver dollars and a kind greeting to me and Margi from M in Ohio


–19 August 2019 $20 cash from P in Florida

–16 August 2019 check for $75

LOL, photo with donation reveals my “Hitlerian” forehead

–14 August 2019 $150 from J in New Hamshah (New England pronunciation of “New Hampshire”)

–9 August 2019 Check for US$75 from J in Nevada und 50 Euro in cash with a card from A in Germany

Translation from German:

Dear John de Nugent,

Belated heartfelt greetings and all the best for your [65th] birthday!

And also for Margi my wishes for further improvement!

Enclosed are 50 euros as thanks for your great work in the service of historical truth. — A

I published this in German (Engl. transl. follows)

Zum netten Lob der Kameradin, die mir seit Jahren hilfreiche Spenden schickt, kann ich nur sagen, mit Pontius Pilatus: “Was ist Wahrheit?!” Sie ist wertlos, wenn die Leute Zombies sind. Mir geht es nicht nur und die geschichtliche Wahrheit über Deutschlands Größe, Unschuld und Jahrtausendleistungen, sondern um die radikale Veränderung der weißen Menschheit, damit wir nie wieder auf die verrückten, wahnsinnigen Lügen der Juden hereinfallen können!


To the nice praise of the lady comrade, who has sent me helpful donations for years, I can only say, with Pontius Pilate: “What is the truth ?!”

It is pointless if people are zombies.

I am not only concerned with the historical truth about Germany’s greatness, innocence and incredible achievements, which have benefited all mankind, but my goal is nothing less than the radical change of white humanity so that we can never again fall for the ridiculous, insane lies of these Jews!


–8 August 2019 US$45.60 from T in Australia via PayPal to

–8 August 2019 a valuable, health-related gift for Margi from J in Massachusetts

–4 August 2019 PayPal of $36 to from G in Germany

–3 August 2019 PayPal of $500 to from F in Holland

–2 August 2019 PayPal of $50 to from M in Florida

–2 August 2019 check for $75 from G in Cicero, Illinois

–25 July 2019 $75 check from G in Nevada

–22 July 20 euros, birthday card and note from S in Germany

–20 July 2019 $59 MoneyGram money order and touching letter from J in Maryland


–19 Juli 2019 Check from G. in Nevada


–13 July 2019 $20 cash in aluminum foil from O in Florida

–11 July 2019 $100 cash from DD in NYC and $20 Australian from J

–9 July 2019 Cash from C in Maryland

–5 July 2019 check from a loyal donor out west.

–28 June 2019 $75 by check from H in Utah

–24 June 2019 cash from former Marine P in Florida

–21 June 2019 check from J in Cicero, Illinois

–20 June 2019 $200 via PayPal to mhuffstickler@outlook.clom from R in Holland

–19 June 2019 check from G. in Cicero, Illinois

–15 June 2019 money order from C in Texas

–13 June 2019 check from G in Cicero, Illinois

–9 June 2019 $22 via PayPal from M in Florida and check from J in Nevada

–8 June 2019 20 dollars Australian from J in New South Wales, “Down Under” and a nice note for Margi, fighting her cancer bravely and maybe winning now, and thanking you very much!

I am holding here a stick of silver birch, which produces a growth called “chaga” that fights cancer and by which many Russians and Finns swear.

We took a friend’s Scotty along Lake Superior yesterday


–6 June 2019 (in honor of D-Day ) check from J in Nevada

–3 June 2019 PayPal from R in France

–3 June 2019 cash from T in Texas

–2 June 2019 PayPal from T in Texas

–3o  May 2019 check from G. in Cicero, Illinois

–26 May 2019 $110 from D in Australia via PayPal to

–23  May 2019 check from G. in Cicero, Illinois

–16 May 2019 50 euros in cash from A in Germany

containing this note: “With best wishes for Margi’s further recover and all good things, and also thanks to you for your grand work for truth and justice. A”

–15 May 2019 PayPal for $88 to from M in Florida

–14 May 2019 check from G in Nevada

–10 May 2019 check from TBR magazine

–7 May 2019 $50 by check from J in Cicero, Illinois

–5 May 2019 $888.88 via PayPal to from L in Scotland, a repeat generous donor to my work, but this was specifically to support Margi, who is not just a great woman (and one who, never having smoked or drank, truly did not deserve to get throat cancer) but she is also a fierce, fearless, honest, caring and loyal lady comrade.

Thank you so much, L!

Me wearing a Nehru shirt that Margi made once for her brother in the late 1960s


–3 May 2019 $50 via PayPal to

Hi John, I sent your lovely companion 50 bucks via PayPal. Best wishes for you both in this hard time.

–2 May 2019 check from J in Nevada

–29 April 2019 $200 via PayPal from E in Virginia


–28 April 2019 via PP from T in Arizona

–24 April 2019 check from J in Nevada

–22 April 2019 $100 from P in New England via PayPal to

–19 April 2019 $108.34 via PayPal from F in Germany (Paid by F[] fr[], Transaction ID 1NU[] Note: Für Ihre Behandlung [ + “for your treatments”], Frau Huffstickler. Gruβ an Herrn de Nugent. )

–15 April 2019 check from J in Nevada

–13 April 2019 check from P in Washington DC

–11 April 2019 cash from K in New England


–10 April 2019 PayPal for 250 Euros (US$271.56) from S in Germany

–9 April 2019 check from G in Nevada

–2 April 2019 check from G in Nevada

–26 March 2019 check from G in Nevada

–20 March 2019 PayPal from P in New England

–18 March 2019 check from G in Nevada

–11 March 2019 check from G in Nevada

–10 March PayPal from M to

–4 March 2019 check from G in Nevada

–26 February 2019 PayPal from M to

–25 February 2019 check from G in Nevada

–18 February 2019 check from G in Nevada

–15 February 2019 100 euros ($US 108) via PayPal to

–11 February 2019 check from G in Nevada

–9 February 2019 PayPal to

–8 February cash given to me in person by J of Baltimore, visiting the UP

–4 February 2019 check from G in Nevada

–3 February 2019 Stripe from R in Texas

–28 January 2019 check from G in Nevada

–24 January 2019 Paypal from KR in USA

–19 January 2019 check from G in Nevada

–14 January 2019 cash and card from a former Marine and part-Italian from “the Sunshine State”

–12 January 2019 check from G in Nevada

–5 January 2019 Stripe from P in California

–3 January 2019 cash from K in Massachusetts

–31 December 2018 Paypal from IS in South Carolina

–31 December 2018 check from G in Nevada

–29 December 2018 20 Australian dollars and fascinating info on civilization on Mars from P in Australia

–25 December 2018 PayPal from I in South Carolina

–24 December 2018 check from G in Nevada

–23 December 2018 €99.99  from S in Germany to

–21 December 2018 Stripe from M in England

–20 December 2018 Stripe from P in Maryland

–19 December 2018 check from G in Nevada

Like this August check — a recurring amount

–13 December 2018 silver coin from the Royal Australian Mint from M in Indiana

–11 December  Books and booklets in German, French and English from the library of the late, great publisher Willis Carto (, sent by his widow Elizabeth

–10 December 2018 check from G in Nevada

–3 December 2018 check from G in Nevada

–26 November 2018 Books and booklets in German, French and English from the library of the late, great publisher Willis Carto (, sent by his widow Elizabeth


–24 November 2018 cash from Bismark, North Dakota, and “Thank you for your writings!”

–12 and 19 November 2018….. a fanatically faithful Rockwell party activist sent this

–6 November 2018 PayPal from the Netherlands to

–6 November 2018 — yet again, an Australian comes through for me and our race


–5  November 2018….. an old, fanatically faithful, do-something Rockwell party activist sent this…


–2 November 2018 Stripe from D in Australia

–31 October 2018 PayPal from S in Germany

–28 October 2018 check from a former Rockwell-party stormtrooper out west

….23 October 2018 the pretty Walgreens girl sent $120

–21 October 2018 check from a former Rockwell-party stormtrooper out west

–15 October 2018 check from a former Rockwell-party stormtrooper out west

–8 October 2018 check from a former Rockwell-party stormtrooper out west

–3 October 2018 PayPal from M in Florida to

–1 October 2018 check from G in Nevada

–24 September 2018 check from a former Rockwell-party stormtrooper out west

–17 September 2018 PayPal from S in Germany

–17 September  2018 PayPal from M in Florida

–10 September check from a former Rockwell-party stormtrooper out west

–3 September 2018 check from G in Utah

–24 August 2018 check from a former Rockwell-party stormtrooper out west

–17 August 2018 PayPal from S in Germany, check from G in Utah

–15 August 2018 PayPal from M in Florida

–13 August 2018 check from a former Rockwell-party stormtrooper out west

–8 August 2018 check from a former Rockwell-party stormtrooper out west

–6 August 2018 cash from C in North Dakota

–2 August 2018 PayPal from B in New York

–2 August 2018 medical (health-food) donations for Margi to help her fight cancer, and something yummy for us both

–1 August 2018 via Stripe from N in Michigan

–30 July 2018 cash from P in Florida

–30 July 2018 via Paypal from S in Germany


–30 July 2018 via PayPal from P in Massachusetts

–11 July 2018 donation via PayPal from K in Germany

–4 July 2018 donation via PayPal from M in Florida

–2, 9, 16, 23, 30 July 2018 checks from G in Nevada

–4, 11, 18,  26 June, 2018 check from G in Nevada

–26 May 2018, check from G in Nevada

–21 May 2018, check from G in Nevada

–14 May 2018, check from G in Nevada, letter and cash from N in New Hampshire

–13 May 2018 from Stripe from P in Maryland

–5 May 2018 PayPal from S in Germany

–3 May 2018 PayPal from D in Australia

–31 April 2018 check from G in Nevada

–24 April 2018 check from G in Nevada

–17 April 2018 check from G in Nevada

–14 April 2018 cash from K in Massachusetts

–10 April check from G in Nevada

—5 April 2018 cash from L in Bismarck, North Dakota

–3 April 2018 check from G in Nevada and cash from A in New Hampshire

–26 March 2018  check from G in Nevada

–19 March 2018 check from G in Nevada

–12 March 2018 check from G in Nevada

–6 March donation from C in Germany via PayPal

–5 March 2018 check from G in Nevada

–26 February 2018 check from G in Nevada

–19 February 2018 check from G in Nevada

–12 February 2018 check from G in Nevada

–9 February 2018 authentic matchboxes for German soldiers from the Third Reich period, sent me by a comrade in New England, and featuring Hitler, the German army,  air force and navy.

–5 February 2018 check from G in Nevada

–29 January 2018 check from J in Cicero, Illinois

–22 January 2018 check from G in Nevada

–16 January 2018 cash and a letter regarding Sandy Hook from M in Connecticut

–12 January 2018 valuable book about Jewish ritual murders in Russia, The Murder of Andrei Yushchinsky, by GG. Zamyslovsky Prosecutor in the 1913 Menachem Beilis trial), sent to me by K in San Francisco

–11 January 2018 I am posting the following donations that came via PayPal to Margaret in December 2017, the exact details of which I was unaware of until yesterday.  My apologies for the late acknowledgment! Thank you for $4 from a Steven; $20 from a Guy D.; $40 from a Jason; $75 from a Chetri; and $20 from a Bill in Cape Cod, Massachusetts.

–10 January 2018 New “Snowball” microphone for my voice work from M

–9 January 2018 Stripe from L in New York State and Paypal from C in Germany

–8 January 2018 check from J in Utah

–28 December 2017 check from G in Illinois

–21 December 2017 via Western Union from C in Nevada

–21 December 2017 donation via Stripe

–20 December 2017 euros (with perfect German penmanship )

–19 December 2017 cash from S in Ireland, and also from H in North Carolina

–18 December 2017 Paypal from P in New Hampshire to

“13 December 2017 Paypal from C in Germany

–9 December 2017 book The Unseen Hand

–7 December 2017 Letter and euro cash donation from S in Germany; gift from D in New Hampshire

–4 December 2017 check from J in Nevada

–1 December 2017 via Stripe from D in Australia

–28 November 2017 cash and Christmas card from B in Oregon

–27 November 2017 check from G in Cicero, Illinois; via Stripe from a Canadian female comrade; and via PayPal from an American female comrade, A, and also from a German

–19 November 2017 PayPal from J in England

–18 November 2017 book from S in Idaho

–14 November 2017 check from J in Utah, also PayPal from P in New Hampshire

–9 November 2017 cash and US Marine Corps insignia (and playing cards) from P in Florida, a book from S in Idaho, and a battery charger and rechargeable batteries from C in Wisconsin

–6 November 2017 check from G in Cicero, Illinois

–4 November 2017 loan from B in Oregon

–2 November 2017 check from K in San Francisco

–26 October 2017 Stripe from T in Texas, N in Englöand, P in Maryland; Paypal from B in Massachusetts

[due to hack, all donations as well as all blogs are missing Aug. 29-October 29, 2017]

–28 August 2017 check from G in Cicero, Illinois

–28 August 2017 via PayPal from C in Germany

–24 August 2017 via PayPal from L in Scotland

–23 August 2017 via Stripe from C in Maryland

–22 August 2017 donation via Stripe from S in USA and from P in Australia

–21 August 2017 loan from J in Australia

–21 August 2017 check from G in Utah


–15 August 2017 check by an NS old fighter from out west

–8 August 2017 PayPal to from D in French Canada

–7 August 2017 check from G in Nevada

–6 August 2017 pymt made for me by P in Albania (inside joke )

–5 August 2017 cash from M in Oregon

–5 August 2017 a jar of Napoleon garlic cloves from M in Michigan (Does this mean I should remember to avoid invading Russia?)

–5 August  2017 from R in Michigan a wonderful little book by Eckhart Tolle, Practicing the Power of Now

–3 August 2017 check from P in Florida direct to my webhost

–2 August 2017 check from K in Ohio

–31 July 2017 check from G in Cicero, Illinois

–25 July 2017 check from G in Nevada

–22 July 2017 PayPal to from M in Florida

–19 July 2017  book The Chief about press baron Wm. Randolph Hearst from S in Idaho

–17 July 2017 cash from C in North Carolina and a check from J in Utah

–14  July 2017 cash from E in North Carolina

–13 July 2017 cash from M in Oregon

–11 July 2017 donation via PayPal from B in New York

–10 July 2017 check from J in Utah

–9 July 2017 donation from C in Maryland via Stripe

“5 July 2016 50 Euros ($55) via PayPal from C in Germany to

–5 July 2017 donation via PayPal from J in Australia

–1 July 2017 check and letter from a brave, intelligent comrade and author in San Francisco, California with possible cancer

Also cash from P in Florida and a birthday card!

Also, a Stripe donation from J in Pennsylvania


–30 June 2017 check from J in Maryland

–29 June 2017  PayPal from L in Australia

–28 June 2017 book on national socialism from C. von Kanwetzburg


–27 June 2017 PayPal from J in England, P in Connecticut,  B in New York, and P in Maryland,

and a check from J in Utah

–15 June 2017 cash from M in Oregon

–10 June 2017 donation by check from G in New Swabia

–5 June 2017 cash in foil, letter and nice card from S in Germany

May 26, ’17

Dear Mr de Nugent,

The thought of your going hungry for lack of funds nearly breaks my heart.

[] You could wring the neck of the oldest hen and cook the old girl, but that heartless idea did occur to you too, I should think.

It is sad and also telling that a man of your calibre and education and culture has to live the life of an outcast.

But such is life in Weimarica, courtesy of jews  (I do not capitalize this word, any more than I capitalize the word “criminal”) and white race traitors, who are worse than the aforementioned.

If a mighty wizard were to use his magic wand and say: “jews be gone!” what would you hear next?

A deafening roar, a stampede of filthy white race traitors running to fill the empty shoes and take the place of the jews.

And I am sure of it.

Interesting times indeed.

A brave new world where poverty is the price you pay for integrity and the worst sort of low-life is always on top. Duh!

On this sombre note I bid you adieu for now for now.


–1 June 2017 via PayPal from S in Germany

–30 May 2017 cash wrapped in aluminum foil from L in Massachusetts

–25 May 2017 check from J in Utah

–25 May 2017 donation from J in Australia via Paypal to

–19 May 2017 donations from J in Maine and Z in Pennsylvania via Paypal to

–11 May 2017 check from G in Montana

–10 May 2017 Cash from M in Oregon

–9 May 2017 Cash from C in Rio Blanco , Florida and from V in Germany

–8 May 2017 Cash wrapped correctly in aluminum foil, accompanied by a nice card and letter — from repeat donor S in Germany

–5 May 2017 Paypal from J in Australia

“27 April 2017 Check from J in Utah

–27 April 2017 donation via Stripe from D in Australia

–26 April 2017 cash donation in the recommended aluminum foil and beautiful gift card from repeat donor M in Germany

Accompanying note in German

English translation

Hello, John!

I wish you a beautiful beginning of spring. Keep on fighting! Let me know when the card and content (20 euros) have arrived.

Germany awaken!

With comradely greetings,

Sebastian [XX]

–25 April 2017 Paypal to from L in Scotland

“21 April 2017 cash donation by M in Oregon
“21 April 2017 Stripe donation by B in Denmark

–13 April 2017 check from G in Utah

—-13 April 2017 book from S in Idaho

–11 April 2017 cash from donor “Chad Bigly”

“10 April 2017 book The Unseen Hand from an anonymous supporter

–5 April 2017 cash from S in Florida

–4 April 2017 donations via PayPal from C in Connecticut, cash from C in New Jersey, and via Stripe from J in Utah

–30 March donations via PayPal from S in Germany

–9 March 2017 donations via PayPal from M in Scotland and B in Alabama

–7 March 2017 Euros and a book (Boa, written by a courageous child psychiatrist who uncovered an epidemic of police-protected child molesting on the Dutch island of Aruba), sent by A in Holland


–3 March 2017 Euros from A in Germany


“Dear Mr. de Nugent,

A much belated Happy New Year to you.

I hope you are doing well (and enjoy good health). I wish I could do more to support you financially. Alas, it is not possible. 

Like many others I work full-time yet can barely make ends meet. 

This system sucks big-time. Frugality or outright poverty for working (!) Germans, luxury for invaders, who never worked a day in their useless parasite lives.


However, this cannot last and something’s got to give. 

Our lying, thieving political con men are not the solution. They are all part of the problem.

Divine intervention and retiribution, yes please!

I enjoyed your writing very much and learned a lot. Please be very vigilant and stay safe. All the best and ORION [Our race is our nation]. Down with ZOG!  [initials of the sender]”

–2 March 2017 gift t-shirt from the Bahamas from J in North Carolina


–1 March via Paypal from J in England to

–28 February 2017 cash from a Haunebu base

–24 February 2017 donation via Stripe from P in Connecticut
–21 February 2017 cash from C in California

–14 February 2017 via Stripe (like PayPal) from M

–14 February 2017 cash from S in Florida

–6 February 2017 $39 from M in Minnesota and $20 and patriotic newspapers from B in California

–18 January 2017 cash from G in Maine, wrapped in aluminum foil

–17 January 2017 donation via Stripe from the generous and courageous Jamie Anderson of North Carolina (his name is used with his explicit permission)

(Jamie was one of the two key funders of the entire  Captain Ramsay/Nameless War project

Stripe is just as easy as PayPal. Please use it!

–12 January 2017 cash from C in Arizona
–11 January 2017 donation via Paypal to from M in Florida
–3 January 2017 $20 cash from M and $20 check from K, both from California
–21 December 2016 gift card from S in Florida

From a fellow fmr Marine, this ”Vanilla” Gift Card for $50: “John, Happy Christmas and Bright, Prosperous and Healthy 2017! — P[]”

–19 December 2016 PayPal from R in the Netherlands
–19 December 2016 cash and a Christmas card and note from B in Oregon

–16 December 2016 Donation of exactly $88 via Stripe from JF with this notation:
Merry Christmas, John! To the man who gets calls from the White House, visits from the feds, and shut down more than anyone


—-12 December 2016 book and videos on Christ from a new and interesting perspective, written by a fmr Marine, and sent to me by P in New Hampshire

–12 December 2016 Book on early whites in America, including white copper miners in the Bronze Age — right here in Ontonagon 3000-1200 BC — sent by S in Idaho

–9 December 2016 cash from S in Germany

–2 Dec 2016 delightful box of home-baked goods and donation via PayPal (to from a Bavarian (in Germany)
Look at that evil bird on my monitor desktop 
 photo xmas-german-homemade-sweets-a_zpshqk2ucsa.jpg
You can see my Snowball mike for recording audiobooks, such as Captain Ramsay’s The Nameless War

 photo xmas-german-homemade-sweets-b_zps6vfjkkdv.jpg

All lovingly handmade in Bavaria, where national socialism began, and based on healthful muesli. What a great present! 
 photo xmas-german-homemade-sweets-c_zpsl5rdq5p0.jpg
–1 Dec 2016 cash from M in Massachusetts

Image result for john de nugent 20-dollar

–28 November 2016 cash from M in California

–28 November 2016 donation via Stripe from F in Nevada


–27 November 2016 donation via Paypal to  from H in Germany


–26 November 2016 cash from D in Massachusetts


–14 November 2016 cash from S in Florida


–11 November via PayPal from S in Germany
–8 November book from Amazon from comrade S in Idaho
–5 November via PP from M in Florida
–1 November 2016 via Stripe from B in Germany
–27 October 2016 cash donation from S in Idaho
–27  October 2016 cash donation from M in Oregon
–21 October 2016 cash with greeting card from Oregon

–5 October 2016 via PayPal to from G to pay my overdue Internet bill


–2 October 2016 via PayPal from J in Finland and via Stripe from G in England

–1 October 2016 cash from P in Florida



“24 September 2016 donations via Stripe from J in Southern California and from M in Australia


–23 September 2016 euros in cash, wrapped in aluminum foil, from S in Germany


“9 September 2016 via PayPal to my friend Margi Huffstickler, email address, from S in Germany


“8 September 2016 via a PayPal to my friend Margi Huffstickler, email address, from F in Canada


–1 September 2016 book Hillbilly Elegy from a comrade in Idaho


–29 August 2016 $40 cash from Santa Claus, North Pole


–24 August 2016 via PayPal to from P in Australia

–22 August 2016 via PayPal to from K in Croatia

–15 August 2016  cash from both CC in Mississippi and a Miguel Serrano ( LOL ) in Massachusetts; even the dead are sending me money from Valhalla!


–13 August 2016 cash from a fellow fmr Marine in Florida, a Patton booklet (very interesting and à  propos and info on the Michigan Statehouse


–11 August 2016 via Paypal to Margi Huffstickler at from J in England

Margi-John-Old- Timers-Car-Show -Sarver-Pa-Sept- 2008


Royal Naval College



–July 28, 2016 cash from P. in Minnesota



–July 18, 2016 cash from P. in Massachusetts

–July 17, 2016 cash from M. in Oregon


–July 15, 2016 donation from Germany via PayPal

–June 20, 2016 cash from New Swabia


–June 16, 2016 book, postcard and cash from Oregon


–June 14, 2016 bill paid by a friend in Idaho

–June 14, 2016 six books from Germany


–June 11, 2016 cash from a donor in Massachusetts and one in Florida


–May 28, 2016 cash from J in New England

–May 24, 2016 via Paypal from J in New York State

“April 10, 2016 cash from K in Massachusetts


“April 3, 2016 cash from Minnesota


–March 31, 2016 cash from CC in Mississippi


–March 19, 2016 cash from P in Missouri


–March 14, 2016 cash from N in New Hampshire

–March 5, 2016 cash from J in Massachusetts

–February 15, 2016 cash from J in Massachusetts

“January 30, 2016 via Stripe from HH in Germany

“January 30, 2016 via Paypal from M in Germany

“January 30, 2016 in cash from J in Los Angeles

“January 29, 2016 via PayPal from J in New Zealand

“January 16, 2016 in cash from PS in Florida


–January 12, 2016 via Stripe from LS in New York State

–January 12, 2016 via Stripe from TS in Belgium

–January 7, 2016 via Stripe from JM in New York State

–January 6, 2016 via Stripe from G in Canada

–January 2, 2016 (personal item/gift) from anonymous in York Cty, Toronto, Canada

–January 2, 2016 via Paypal from M in Germany

–December 30, 2015 via Stripe from R in Arizona

–December 28, 2015 from V in Massachusetts

–December 24, 2015 from K in Massachusetts

–December 20, 2015 via PayPal (to from M in Scotland

–December 19, 2015  via PayPal from M in Florida

–December 17 , 2015  via Stripe from A in Pennsylvania

–December 16, 2015 via PayPal from J in England

–December 15 via Paypal from J in New York State

–December 14, 2015 via PayPal from F in Germany

–December 4, 2015 cash from TS in Illinois

–December 1, 2015 via PayPal from MK in Germany

–November 26, 2015 via PayPal from JC in England

–November 26, 2015 via Stripe from SC in Nebraska

–November 17, 2015 via Stripe from EC in London, England

–November 13, 2015 from JA in North Carolina via Stripe

–November 10, 2015 from FL in Germany

–November 9, 2015 from JD in New York via PayPal

–November 6, 2015 1) from MB in Iowa via postal money order and 2) via Stripe from GM in Saskatchewan, Canada

–November 2, 2015 from JA in North Carolina via Stripe

Financial transaction certified by and SSL certificate. Pls donate $5 or more. Thank you!

Donate Now

–October 27, 2015 from JL in Australia via PayPal

–October 26, 2015 four books from Germany


–October 20, 2015 via Stripe from TR, England

–October 17, 2015 check from LO, Bronx, New York City

–October 10, 2015 from DP in Texas

–October 4, 2015 via Stripe by BM in Illinois

–September 29, 2015 Payment of an important bill by a comrade in Australia

–September 22, 2014 three books and a video DVD from anonymous


“Twenty good reasons to be anti-American” (due to Zionist control of America)


–September 14, 2014 via Stripe from AM in Pennsylvania

–August 31 via Stripe from GM in Canada

–August 19, 2015 via PayPal from M in Germany

–August 14, 2015 via check by KF in Ohio

–August 11, 2015 donation from JD in New York State

–August 7, 2015 donation via Stripe from JA in North Carolina

–August 2, 2015 donation via Stripe from M in Canada

–August 2, 2015 donation via Stripe from M in Canada

–July 28, 2015 US postal money order from D. in Florida

–July 25, 2015 cash from a German comrade in Pennsylvania

–July 24, 2015 via PayPal to from G in South Carolina

–July 23, 2015 cash from a lady comrade in Massachusetts

–July 14 2015 from BS in  Connecticut and from AM in  Pennsylvania

–July 13, 2015 from a comrade and fellow former Marine in Florida, and a history magazine about the Norman Conquest and Iwo Jima

–July 11, 2015 from a comrade Ian in Connecticut

–July 10, 2015 from a comrade B. in Holland

–July 10, 2015 $100 in cash wrapped in aluminum foil from a comrade in North Carolina, and a letter praising the first five chapters of my translation into English of Die spirituelle Welt [“the Spiritual World”] by Michael Winkler of Germany on the details of reincarnation. [The courageous Winkler is facing a judge on my birthday, July 14, 2015 , for politically incorrect writing.]

(1/4 down here:




arrived here safely at 306 S. Steel St., Ontonagon, Michigan 49953 USA


The enemy is very afraid I will get the financing I need to start a heroic Aryan religion that will turn us into fighters. If anyone understands the power of religion it is the Jews themselves!


I am living now in Upper Michigan, USA, on the Canadian border…My goal is go as far north as I can


I am creating for Westerners a new religion based on Vedanta, the true Aryan religion of karma and reincarnation of our ancestors…. because we Westerners today are mentally, spiritually and karmically in a disastrous condition… and for me only true, ancient Indo-Aryan values can save us.

I am now completing a translation of Michael Winkler’s book Die Spirituelle Welt, “The Spiritual World.”


This fleshes out the details of exactly what happens when you die. Winkler is a very well-known political commentator in Germany ( and is often fined for being politically incorrect.



This is not a gobbledy-gook religion I am founding, but based on facts and truth. Anyone who sees this essay knows I am not inventing crap to get your money.

I wrote to a white Indian supporter in India:

I studied at the ashram in Pennsylvania of a brahmin, Swami Rama (Himalayan Institute,


One of the greatest adepts, teachers, writers, and humanitarians of the 20th century, Swami Rama (1925-1996) is the founder of the Himalayan Institute. Born in Northern India, he was raised from early childhood by the Himalayan sage, Bengali Baba. Under the guidance of his master, he traveled from monastery to monastery and studied with a variety of Himalayan saints and sages, including his grandmaster who was living in a remote region of Tibet. In addition to this intense spiritual training, Swami Rama received higher education in both India and Europe. From 1949 to 1952, he held the prestigious position of Shankaracharya of Karvirpitham in South India. Thereafter, he returned to his master to receive further training at his cave monastery, and finally in 1969, came to the United States where he founded the Himalayan Institute. His best known work, Living With the Himalayan Masters, reveals the many facets of this singular adept and demonstrates his embodiment of the living tradition of the East.

And my professor of Indo-European and Sanskrit studies at Georgetown University was a brahmin from Benares, Shaligram Shukla.

I am talking a serious path to turn us aside from selfishness, cowardice and foolishness toward our true being. Sin will never satisfy! In the end, the happiness becomes sadness, the thrill becomes a nightmare, the pleasure becomes an addiction. Sin never keeps its promises. In the end, what we need is a new Aryan religion for disciplined heroes, so we can take these JEWS DOWN: 

 That IS THE ONLY MISSION and the only satisfaction. Vengeance and victory.

–July 8, 2010 from a comrade in North Carolina

–July 7, 2015 from comrade J in North Carolina

Building a shed with him and Mike Delaney of


–8 July 2015 from J in North Carolina–

–July 10, 2015 from DP in Australia

–July 8, 2015 music CD from JN in Nevada

–July 6, 2015 from anonymous in Charlotte, North Carolina a USPS money order and letter

–July 1, 2015 from AL in Colorado

–June 27, 2015 from JL in Australia

–June 26, 2015 from B. in Massachusetts

–June 23, 2015 books from C in Germany

–June 17, 2015 from PR in Australia

–June 16, 2015 from K.B. in San Francisco

–June 7, 2015 from L.L in Australia

–June 6, 2015 from P.L. in Georgia

–June 3, 2015 from AF in Michigan and from ML in Germany
–June 1, 2015 from B. in Chicago, Illinois
–May 31, 2015 from J.K. in South Carolina; from J.S. in the UK;  from G.D. also in South Carolina, and from S.J. in Ohio; book from SH in Idaho

–May 23, 2015 $10 in cash from K. in South Carolina

–May 20, 2015 $25 from Glastonbury, CT

–April 17, 2015 5 Euros from Germany and stamps, and 40 Euro from Finland




–March 15, 2015 40 Euros from S. in Finland


–March 3, 2015 50 Euros via PayPal from K. in Germany

–March 1, 2015 $50 via PayPal (to from M. in Germany

–February 29, 2015 $100 via PayPal from S. in England

–February 27, 2015 $35 cash from K. with Irish shamrocks from Massachusetts
—-February 27, 2015 $50 cash from R. in California


R . is a former Marine, in his twenties, and wrote me:



–February 26, 2015 300 British pounds from W.N. in Scotland

–February 19, 2015 $400 via Paypal from J. in England

–February 19, 2015 $200 via Paypal from J. in Germany

–February 9, 2015 10 euros and other nice gifts from K. in Germany


–February 4, 2015 $40 from B. in Illinois


“January 26, 2015 $50 euros from H in Germany

“January 26, 2015 five requested books and a letter from C. in France


–January 16, 2015 $50 via Greendot debit card and $40 via Walmart money payment from B. in Illinois

–January 9, 2015 $35 check from F. in Arkansas

–January 2, 2015, from F. in Germany 50 Euros and 50 Swiss Franks

“Having read your emergency appeal [of the 18th of December], in addition to the Christmas package, here are 50 Swiss Franks and 50 Euros. Have a good slide into 2015 and all the best in this new year!”

–December 29, 2014, both from Germany

50 Euros from northern Germany50-euros-aluminum-germany

Yule gifts from Bavaria

–December 26, 2014 $100 from C. in North Carolina

–December 23, 2014 100 Euros ( = $120) from M. in Germany
–December 23, 2014  30 Euros ( = $36) from F. in Germany
–December 23, 2014  $200 from M. in Oregon to John and Margi
–December 20, 2014, $50 in cash from anonymous from Switzerland

–December 19, 2014 $50 via Paypal from K. in Massachusetts
–December 15, check for $30 from D. in Canada
–December 13, 2014 $45 via Greendot MoneyPak
–December 10, 2014 100 euros and 100 dollars via Paypal from M. in Germany
“December 1, 2014 20 euros from F. in Germany
“21 November 2013 $30 US Postal Money Order from V. in Massachusetts
“October 31, 2014 $50 via PayPal from S. in Ohio
“October 22, 2014 $30 in cash from a German in the US named C.

“October 20, 2014 20 euros from Germany
“October 13, 2014 150 Swiss francs from Germany
“October 11, 2014 $20 US Postal Service money order from P. in Georgia
“October 9, 2014 20 euros from H. in Germany

“October 7, 2014 $50 from G. in Switzerland
“September 26, 2014 $333 via Paypal from Mark in Pennsylvania
“September 15, 2014 $10o via Greendot MoneyPak from Marshall in Tennessee
“September 15, 2014 $5o via Greendot MoneyPak from John in Kentucky
“September 12, 2014 $155 via PayPal from Mark in Pa.
“September 9, 2014 $20 via Paypal from R. in Texas
“September 3, 2014 $30 via Greendot MoneyPak from V. in Massachusetts
“August 18, 2014 $60 via Paypal to from H. in Florida
“August 16, 2014 $75 via Western Union from V. in Massachusetts
“August 14, 2014 $35 via PayPal from B. in Florida
“August 14, 2014 $50 via PayPal from Ian in Britain
“August 14, 2014 $500 via PayPal from R. in USA
“August 9, 2014 $25 via PayPal to from H. in Australia
“August 8, 2014 $100 via Greendot MoneyPak from T. in cyberland ;-)
“August 4, 2014 30 Euros in cash from H. in Germany
“August 1, 2014 $40 via Greendot MoneyPak from F. in South Carolina
“July 30, 2014 $20 Bank of Montreal US-dollar money order from D. in Canada
“July 30, 2014 $25 via PayPal from M. in Pennsylvania
“July 29, 2014 20 Euros from K. Austria
“July 23, 2014 $20 via Paypal from C. in Florida
“July 22, 2014 $55 via Paypal from M. in Pennsylvania
“July 22, 2014 $50 via Paypal from A. in Colorado
“July 19, 2014 $25 in cash from C. in Pennsylvania
“July 18, 2014 $25 via PayPal from Bob in Washington DC
“July 14, 2014 $40 via Greendot MoneyPak from P. in Florida
“July 11, $80 via Greendot MoneyPak from V. in Massachusetts
“July 6, 2014 $133 via Western Union from M. in Germany
July 5, 2014 $350 via Western Union from L., France
July 5, 2014 30 euros from Holland
“July 3, 2014 $20 from K. in Massachusetts via Western Union
“July 3, 2014 $10 cash from Richard, a truck driver in Minnesota
“June 26, 2014 DVD sent by G.I. in Australia “The Murder of Mary Phagan”

“June 24, 2014 $125 cash sent by KPL in Massachusetts STOLEN BY FEDERAL AUTHORITIES
“June 22, 2014 $50 from D. in Phoenix, Arizona via Greendot MoneyPak
“June 7, 2014 $50 via Greendot MoneyPak from V. in Massachusetts
“June 5, 2014 $157.23 via Western Union from J. on the Isle of Wight, England
“June 3, 2014 $91.55 from F. in Germany via Western Union
“May 31, 2014 $200 from W. in Germany via Western Union
“May 28, 2014 $300 in cash from M. in Oregon and $30 per USPS money order from V. in Massachusetts
“May 22, $6 in cash from Richard, USA
“May 16, 2016 $150 via Greendot MoneyPak from Mike in Arkansas

“May 15, 2014 50 Euros from Michael in Germany
“May 11, 2014 $45 via MoneyPak from P. in Florida, $20 from R.L. in Texas via PayPal, and $25 also via PP from D.Q. in Brooklyn, NY
“May 1, 2014 $107.82 via Western Union from D. in Australia
“April 22, 2014 $50 by check from Stephen in Alabama ” thank you!
“April 21, 2014 Set of books by the German writer Goethe, the German Shakespeare, donated by an Australian named Glen.

“April 3, 2014 $100 by check from William, Tennessee
“March 24, 2014: 100 Swiss francs from Helmut Schmidt (retired chancellor of Germany ? ;-) )

“March 24, 2014: $50 in cash from “Mike,” USA
“March 23, 2014 $40 by Greendot MoneyPak from B.H., USA
A comrade wrote me:

“John, here is the Greendot MoneyPak I promised. Sorry it took so long. I was worried supporting you may put me on the radar of whoever the heck is monitoring FB. But then I decided I was just being paranoid. Anyway, the number is [ ¦]. It’s just 40 bucks but I hope it helps.”

I replied:

Dear Brad, thank you very much!
” Thank you for using Green Dot. Your request has been processed successfully. Date: 03/23/2014 Reload Number: 19660674839201 Amount: $40.00 Account Number Ending: [ ¦] “
Well, you just took a risk to help a man who risks everything every single day of his life. ;-)
We win as individual souls through courage and generosity, and we will win as a race when I start a mass movement!”

“March 21, 2014 $100 by check from K. in Pennsylvania
“March 17, 2014 50 Euros from A. in Germany
“March 13, 2014 $20 in cash from “Richard,” and an excellent little booklet from our British brothers on the Fourteen Words.
To thank Richard, I will run this photo again of a brave Afrikaaner girl:
“March 13, 2014 two books in French by Vincent Reynouard and G.-A. Amaudruz on the farcical Nuremberg “War Crimes Trial”
“March 10, 2014 $20 by check from L. P., Michigan
“March 7, 2014 $1,250 loan from W., Washington DC
“March 1, 2014 via Amazon: DVD “Chariot of the Gods” (von D niken) and Joseph Farrell book, The Cosmic War from G., Australia

“March 1, 2014 $40 via credit card from Will S., Madison, Wisconsin
“February 28, 2014 $500 loan via Greendot MoneyPak from J., Tennessee
“February 27, 2014 $15 by bank transfer “PopMoney” from J., Washington State
“February 27, 2014 $50 Amazon gift card from G. in Australia
“February 25, 2014 $50 via credit card from Michael in Germany
“February 21, 2014 $400 via credit card from J., Australia
“February 21, 2014 $300 via MoneyPak from R., Washington DC
“February 18, 2014 20 Euros from H.W., Hofheim, Taunus, Germany
February 17, 2014 $200 from R. in Tennessee via MoneyPak
“February 17, 2014 $200 from R. in Tennessee via MoneyPak
“February 13, 2014 50 Euros from Annette H., Leipzig, Germany
“February 12, 2014 $88.88 by Greendot MoneyPak from D., Arizona
“February 9, 2014 $160 by credit card from J., Australia
“February 5, 2014 from Darryl in Australia via credit card $50
“February 5, 2014 from Germany:
“February 3, 2014 $35 via Greendot MoneyPak from Peter in Florida
“February 1, 2014 $10 in cash from Mary, Tennessee
“January 31, 2014 $10 by credit card from Eileen in Maryland
“January 28, 2014 $10 from W.L., Oregon
“January 25, 2014 $50 from L.P., Illinois
“January 24, 2014 $10 from T.B. New York
“January 22, 2014 $25 from Theresa (California?)
“January 16. 2014 $250 via credit card from J.K., Australia
“January 15, 2014: spiral device, DVD, 10 Deutschemark coin, regular-sized book and thin book, from T.W., Germany
..January 15, 2014 Two books from Y.D., Miami, Florida
“January 14, 2014 50 Euros from H.S., Germany
“January 13, 2014 $50 cash from “B.N.” pseudonym, France
“January 11, 2014 $50 via MoneyPak from N., USA
“January 7, 2014 $100 via credit card from J.L. in Australia
“January 6, 2014 $22 via credit card from N.T. in England
“January 3, 2014 $5 in cash in aluminum foil from Minnesota “December 28, 2013 $500 in cash in aluminum foil from Scotland 500-dollars-scotland

“December 28, 2013 50 Euros in cash and aluminum foil from H.S., Germany

“December 26, 2013 $25 by cc from M.W., Colorado

“December 21, 2013 $275 by Greendot MoneyPak from R.C., Arizona, $15 via PopMoney from J.M., Oregon and $20 by credit card from T.B., New York City

“December 19, 2013 $100 by credit card from R., Switzerland “December 18, 2013 $500 by credit card from J., Pittsburgh, PA.

“December 16, 2013 $200 cash from M.B., Oregon “December 16, 2013 $100 cash from K.B., Massachusetts
“December 15, 2013 $155 by credit card from A., France “December 14, 2013 $40 cash from W., Depew, NY and $88 by Greendot MoneyPak from D. in Phoenix, Arizona “December 11, 2013 $35 by credit card from W., Wisconsin “December 11, 2013 $30 by credit card from W., Wisconsin “December 9, 2013 $40 cash from B. in Texas “December 6, 2013 50 Euros from F., Germany “December 4, 2013 $14 by credit card from an English comrade named Nicholas “November 28 (Thanksgiving), $100 by credit card from an Australian comrade named Jason “November 27, 2013 Beautiful German DVD of the play “Faust” by Goethe from an Australian comrade named Glen and 50 Swiss francs from Maximilian K., Germany “November 26, 2013 from Benjamin M., Illinois $100 “November 24, 2013 “Justin B., Nova Scotia, Canada $5 “Chris J., British Columbia, Canada $40 “Janet P., Washington State $15 “November 22-23, 2013 I thank comrades who responded to my emergency appeal for funds using my convenient credit card system at “Erick L., Massachusetts $20 “Anthony M., Penn. $50 “Jason L., Australia $300 “Th. B., New York, $20 “Lars L., Tenn. $50 “William L. Ore. $10 “Dieter B., Ariz. $88 (heh-heh ;-)) But this is not enough! Every comrade who admires my 35 years of work, huge sacrifices and POTENTIAL LEADERSHIP FOR OUR WHITE FUTURE can send, via CC, $5, or $10, and get a thank-you letter from me personally! “November 18, 2013 50 Canadian dollars and 20 American dollars ” from Germany! 50-canadian-dollars-20-us-dollars-env-alu-germany “November 16, 2013 from a German comrade, 60 euros in aluminum foil: “November 16 2013 from a comrade in Australia ” a Walt Disney video on the rescue of the amazing white Lippizaner stallions of Austria at the end of WWII, and also a Dresden stollen roll which he sent and German cookies. (A “stollen” is a powdered, delicious, fluffy, German kind of fruit cake ” light, not heavy ” that Americans love): “November 15, 2013 $7 in cash from Richard “November 14, 2013 $41 cash-money from a former Marine officer, received just fine in aluminum foil “November 14, 2013 A shoo-fly pie from the Amish country from a comrade ;-) “November 10, 2013 $150 by check from MM, Pennsylvania November 3, 2013 $225 via Greendot Moneypak (see below) and then again $60
November 1, 2013 book from Germany November 1, 2013 DVD from “October 21, 2013 Ten books in German from Germany “October 21, 2013 $15 “Pop Money” recurring donation from JM, Washington State, USA

“October 21, 2013 USPS money order for $88 and two books of first-class U.S. stamps at $8.40 each usps-money-order-88-stamps-1 “October 18, 2013 $20 cash in aluminum foil from Minnesota/USA “October 18, 2013 $300 via credit card from western Australia “October 11, 2013 $20 check from J, New York 20-dollar-check “October 9, 2013 US Postal Service money order from Colorado “October 7, 2013 100 Euros in aluminum foil from Germany “ John de Nugent, 681 Canal Rd., Apollo PA 15613 “October 1, 2013 $10 in aluminum foil from unknown donor “September 30, 2013 $100 USPS money order from Oklahoma “September 28, 2013 book Raciology from Amazon from CvH “September 26, 2013 $10 USPS money order “September 8, 2013 $300 cash from unknown donor (3 $100 bills).

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