Obama military FULL of gays and lesbos; anti-atheistic science facts; LBJ, girlie-man, flees from blond German-American

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……The US military is full of homosexuals now

In this news item (https://www.rt.com/usa/332106-james-martin-pentagon-faint/=) I could only think: Gawd, what a disgusting man-woman lesbo, typical of the Obama military: http://www.af.mil/AboutUs/Biographies/Display/tabid/225/Article/108615/carolyn-m-gleason.aspx


Give me a Russian or Hungarian girl any day over the sexual freaks running roughshod over America!

Russian and Ukrainian girls were also formidable fighters in WWII. A German officer told a friend of mine the toughest soldiers he fought were Ukrainian women engaged in house-to-house fighting.



…….the Obama White House phone threat against me after my exposure of the homo-dominated NPI


And I also do not appreciate black racism….

Black fraternity house at the University of Cape Town in the “new and post-racial” South Africa



….Wonderful new NS-Fighting-Spirit Video:

The truth will win in the end!






…..After yet another 30-day suspension back on Zuckerbook



Btw, more and more Germans and Americans are switching to the Russian VK.com (German or English sections, of course) because VK does not censor us!




……In case you missed it — spooky astronomy for all you atheists out there who think some Big Bang created a random universe

(Many thanks to my friend “Pete the Greek” for this)

(from  this chapter two of my book — https://johndenugent.com/english/virtus-chapter-2-no-aryan-religion-is-based-on-strategies-tricks-escapism-lies-or-worshiping-our-enemys-god/ — and halfway down)



Very, very spooky “coincidences” if the universe is really just random forces:


Pythagoras saw all this 2500 years ago ¦.

The distance between the moon and the earth is exactly 237,600 miles.

Exactly 30 earths can fit between the earth and the moon, or exactly 110 moons ( 11 x 10).


The diameter of the earth (from one side to the other, like drilling from Pennsylvania to China 😉 ) is exactly 7,920 miles.

The diameter of the moon is 2,160.

The diameter of the sun 864,000 miles.

Now, go and multiply 1 x 2 x 3 x 4 x 5 x 6 x 7 = 5,040

5,040 is the combined radii (radius = surface to center) of the moon and the earth.

Hmmmmmmmmmmmmm.. what a weird “conicidence.”

8 x 9 x 10 x 11 = 7,920 = the diameter of the earth

1 x 2 x 3 x 4 x 5 x 6 (“factorial 6”) = 720

720 x 3 = 2,160, the moon’s diameter

720 x 11 = earth’s diameter

So the moon and the earth are in a perfect 3 to 11 ratio.

720 x 1200 = the sun’s huge diameter



Now, if you look at the sun and moon as disks in the sky, from our perspective on earth, though the sun is 400 times bigger than the moon, then due only to the difference in distance, during the solar eclipse the sun and moon look exactly the same size. What are the “odds” of that odd fact???? Why does the moon exactly cover the sun?


Moving forward, take the number 432, another one of these magic numbers. A simple number, 4, 3, 2.

If you divide it in two you get 216. The Moon’s diameter again is 2,160 miles.
But if instead you double 432 you get 864. The Sun’s diameter is 864,000 miles……
Now get this.
If you square 432 (432à—432) you get 186,624. That is the exact speed of light per second!
Light is the most important element in the universe, both from a scientific and a spiritual perspective. Everything is ultimately made of light.
Ponder the significance of the number 432 in terms of light. It relates to both the Sun and Moon dimensions and to the speed of light.
The Sun is our source of light in the day and the Moon our source of light at night.
By the way, a Platonic year, one complete cycle of axial precession, takes 25,920 years. It is divided into 12 zodiac ages. Each age is 2,160 years, exactly the number of years as the diameter of the Moon in miles.
For someone to dismiss all this as mere “coincidence” they would have to be a total moron. 😉


Moving forward again, the phi (“golden mean”) ratio is also found in our own bodies.

The phi ratio is the square root of 2, 3 and 5.

This is the basic ratio found throughout nature and perfect mathematical precision. A nautilus shell, a pine cone, a sunflower, the human body proportions are all in the phi ratio, also known as the Golden Mean.

America was founded by Freemasons (not originally all evil back then!), who call God “the Great Architect of the Universe.”

The pentagon shape is in the phi ratio. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Golden_ratio


Kinda like this big building, whose cornerstone was laid on (yes) September 11 of the year 1941. It was hit exactly 60 years later, on September 11, 2001, exactly 11 years after George H.W. Bush proclaimed a New World Order in a speech to Congress….. all these amazing “coincidences”!

United States Russia Intercept

The pyramid (equilateral triangle) is also in the phi ratio.




The back of the US one-dollar bill was redesigned in 1935 by 33rd-degree Mason Franklin Roosevelt.


In Latin: (above) “Our plan has succeeded.” (Below) “New World Order”


Despicable — gloating Masons erect a pyramid of German helmets after Germany is defeated in WWI in front of Grand Central Station in Manhattan


Another phi-ratio symbol


Russian Air Force red pentagram


US Air Force pentagram on an F-35


The Fibonacci sequence is also based on the phi ratio (1:1.618). Fibonacci was an Italian scientist who realized that leaves on a new plant multiply at the phi ratio.

And the length of our fingernail to the first knuckle, the first to the second knuckle, the second to the third knuckle, the third knuckle to the palm, the entire hand (including fingers) to the forearm, and the forearm in turn to the upper arm all equal exactly 1 to 1.1618 ¦

It is all rightly called sacred geometry ¦

And….. the original seven planets (Moon, Mercury, Mars, Venus, Earth, Jupiter, Saturn, all known before the modern telescope also found Uranus, Neptune and Pluto) correspond to the seven days of the week, and the seven colors of the rainbow,

Every rainbow has seven colors beginning with red and ending with violet or purple. To remember the order of these colors, people use the acronym ROY G. BIV or VIBGYOR which stands for Red OrangeYellow Green Blue Indigo and Violet.


And remember the seven musical notes: do, re, mi, fa, so, la, ti ¦



Especially for you kabbalistic Jews reading all this ¦. 😉



….Girlie-man Lyndon Johnson

I wrote today to a Texas German:

Btw, speaking of your heavily German-settled Fredericksburg:

I loathed LBJ, who was from around there, and once saw him up-close, in 1964 at Brown University in my native Providence, Rhode Island, standing up ghoulishly, all 6-3 of him, in the same limo Kennedy was murdered in, and that he was a monster from his whole vibe.

Johnson comes gangsta-style to Providence. His limousine, in black, was prudently the sixth one back.


I had a very bad feeling about the man.  My father, James Waddell Nugent, a Marine officer in two wars, told me “Vietnam will be, after Korea, our next no-win war, thanks to Lyndon Johnson.” On the night he was elected over Barry Goldwater in November 1964, my father went out on the back porch and just stared at the stars, and rocked on his heels. When he got silent like that, I knew he was very upset — sickened by the thought that American combat warriors were again going to be betrayed and die FOR NOTHING.


58,000 killed and many, many more messed up



JFK’s final minutes


The JFK limo, altered and now at the Henry Ford Museum in Dearborn, Michigan. It was used (which I find rather appalling) after being cleaned up of the blood and brains by LBJ, Nixon and Carter as well.


I have published a major article revealing how he was a closet Jew via his mother, Rachelle Baines.


Anyway, as the Pulitzer-Prize winning bio of him by Robert Caro relates (Caro is a vile Jew who admired LBJ for his liberal agenda, but revealed the dark side anyway in order to write a bestseller and make a buck), LBJ horned in on a girl at a dance at the Texas Teacher’s College. Well, her boyfriend was a big, burly, blond Texas kraut named Otto from Fredericksburg, and he chased after that long-legged Lyndon, who ran up into the dorm and into his room. Otto followed him up the stairs and burst right into the room.

Unlike almost all American boys in WWII, sneaky jew-boy LBJ avoided the service and combat. 


Lyndon, all 6-3 of him, was on the bed in his dorm, kicking and windmilling his legs up in the air, girly-style, the way some girls have been taught to prevent rape. He would not fight Otto, though taller by three inches, but instead spun his legs around.


The Jewish War on the Kennedys



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