The Obamas’ satanic, apocalyptic new film on Netflix aims to completely undermine white morale, show white men as effete, and incite blacks and Muslims against us all

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You may find this interesting — I sure did, and translated it from Italian into English, German and French. It would suggest what the Deep State has planned for us Americans, this film being from Obama himself!

“No one is more enslaved than a man who believes himself free but is not.” (Johann Wolfgang Goethe)
[My translation of the article in Italian I thank the Italian comrade who sent  me this link.]

Monday February 19, 2024


JdN: My only criticism of this otherwise excellent analysis below, written by “Lupo Bianco” (“White Wolf” in Italian) — is that the author does not mention that,first, the director of the film, Sam Esmail, is a Muslim (from Egypt), and what a handsome semitic guy he is, lecturing Whitey and getting handsomely paid for it…. while his own country is a Third World mess, and infamous for groping and sexually “fingering” women.


Then-CBS reporter Lara Logan, a white South African (also fluent in French, btw) was groped and finger-f—ed in Cairo in 2011m,  during the CIA-organized “Arab Spring”…. But, hey, Lara, get over it — Many Egyptian muslim men do this to their own Egyptian women as well, so no biggie……


Wikipedia (

On 15 February 2011, CBS News released a statement that Logan had been beaten and sexually assaulted on 11 February, while covering the celebrations in Tahrir Square following Hosni Mubarak‘s resignation.[28] 60 Minutes broadcast an interview with her about it on 1 May 2011; she said she was speaking out because of the prevalence of mass sexual assault in Egypt, and to break the silence about the sexual violence women reporters are reluctant to report in case it prevents them from doing their jobs.[29][30][31][32]

She said the incident involved 200 to 300 men and lasted around 25 minutes.

She had been reporting the celebrations for an hour without incident when her camera battery failed. One of the Egyptian CBS crew suggested they leave, telling her later he heard the crowd make inappropriate sexual comments about her.

She felt hands touching her, and can be heard shouting “stop”, just as the camera died.

One of the crowd shouted that she was an Israeli Jew, a claim that CBS said, though false, was a “match to gasoline”. She said that they tore off her clothes and, in her words, raped her with their hands, while taking photographs with their cellphones.

They began pulling her body in different directions, pulling her hair so hard she said it seemed they were trying to tear off chunks of her scalp. She was dragged along the square to where the crowd was stopped by a fence, alongside which a group of women were camping.

One woman wearing a chador put her arms around Logan, and the others closed ranks around her, while some men who were with the women threw water at the crowd. A group of soldiers appeared, beat back the crowd with batons, and one of them threw Logan over his shoulder.

She later said she thought she was dying during the assault. She was flown back to the U.S. the next day, where she spent four days in the hospital.[30][31] She was contacted by President Barack Obama when she arrived home.[33] CBS said that the identity of the attackers remained unclear, and that it was unlikely that any would be prosecuted.[30][31]


And it’s the same muslim-iness with the man who wrote the novel behind the movie “Leave the World Behind.” It’s the Bangladeshi muslim Rumaan Alam, who is even more handsome! He also looks almost negroid. We see in his expression with what tender affection he looks at the white race and the white Americans whom he depicts in his novel. (And yet his country, Bangladesh, was and is an infamous Third-World hellhole, or “sh–hole, to use an expression from then-President Donald Trump. 😉 )


“Leave the World Behind” is a disturbing new film produced by the Obamas


Produced by Barack and Michelle Obama, “The World Behind You” is about the complete collapse of America. 

And, through symbolism, the film wants us to think that [WHITE] America deserves this collapse.

Here’s a look at the film and the disturbing messages it hides. “Looking at the world behind you” is an unhappy experience. Like countless other viewers, it left me anxious and slightly terrified. Even though I realize that thriller movies are supposed to cause anxiety, this left me with no positive feelings at the end.

On the contrary, it just makes us feel dead inside.  Because there’s no fun or entertainment in this movie, just the gut feeling that “they” are trying to tell us something. In many ways, “The World Behind You” reminded me of the movie “ Contagion,”  which was about a pandemic spreading across the world.

In my article about 10 years ago, I wrote:

Most people watch movies for entertainment. Well, I, for one, can say that there was absolutely nothing funny in “Contagion.” In fact, the only difference between this film and the state-funded educational films shown in schools is that with “Contagion” you have to pay to be indoctrinated.

Eight years after this article, the world followed exactly the scenario described in  Contagion .

“The World Behind You” is eerily similar to  Contagion   : it wants to expose the world in advance to a scenario that could easily play out in real life… and that’s it. Because otherwise, it can barely be called a film. There is no real plot, no major character arc, and absolutely no resolution.

There is only a growing sense of dread as we watch very unlikable characters realize how helpless they are.

Although we could simply ignore this irritating film about social collapse, there is one fact that deserves our attention: it was made by the former leaders of the free world: Barack and Michelle Obama. 

And, judging by the messages in this film, one really has to wonder: what is wrong with them?


Leave the World Behind   is the first film produced by Barack and Michelle Obama through their company, “Higher Grounds Productions.”

The former President and First Lady of the United States not only financed the film, but also personally participated in its making. In an interview with   Vanity Fair   , director Sam Esmail said President Obama put Alam’s novel on his summer 2021 reading list and offered Esmail some thoughts on the script.

Essentially, the director had access to one of the most experienced crisis management experts [ = President Obama] in the world. “In the original versions of the script, I definitely took things a lot further than in the film, and President Obama, because of his experience, was able to explain to me a little bit how things might play out in reality,” Esmail explains.

Although this Vanity Fair article praises Obama’s contributions to the film, a closer look at the messages it contains causes concern. I’m going to go ahead and say it: those behind the film don’t seem to like America or the public in general at all.

Through symbolism, the film tells us that the United States must pay for its sins. Plus, its population is too stupid and brainwashed to do anything.

Since the Obamas are instruments of the shadow elite, none of this should be surprising.

The dismantling of the United States from within and the demoralization of humanity as a whole is the primary goal of the globalists they represent. 

To bring their crazy vision to the screen, the Obamas hired director Sam Esmail, who specializes in elite-funded “entertainment.” Before “The World Behind You,” Sam Email directed the series Homecoming . The obvious sign of the all-seeing eye in these promotional photos indicates that he works for the elite.

The fact that he literally worked for the Obamas is another clue. So what message are Obama and Esmail trying to send with   Leave the World Behind  ? In the interview above, Esmail said:

“It’s not really a film with a message, it’s more a reflection on where we are as a society. But if there is a message, it is a warning. »

Let’s take a look at this thing.


From the start, viewers realize they are dealing with something toxic. A woman named Amanda Sandford (played by Julia Roberts) tells her husband that she is tired of the world and wants to leave for a while.

And, in one of the film’s opening shots, viewers can “easily” understand the true nature of those behind the film.

There are three sixes in this plan. From left to right: the white 6 on the cup [left], the big hand pointing to the number six on the clock, and on the right, the number six on the other clock. The other numbers from the latest watch have been hidden to make things more obvious.


*** JdN:

The invasion of the Allies on the beaches of Normandy happened on the 6th day of the 6th month in the 6th hour — what a coincidence!


I discovered this ASTONISHING fact in 2012 — that if you add up the latitude and longitude of Jerusalem, it comes to 666, just as does the Star of David symbol.


If you think this is a bit “forced,” read on. You will quickly realize that the film encourages the viewer to pay attention to the details of the settings because they are often imbued with symbolic details. After this symbolic salute to the satanic elite, Amanda looks out the window and says the elite’s motto:

“I f–king hate people.”

She is probably a supporter of the elite depopulation agenda. Watch the opening credits: a sequence of images that could be mistaken for the beginning of an anti-American propaganda film.

Upside-down American flags represent the fall of the United States as a nation. [JdN: It’s true and official. It is a symbol of disaster.]

Then the credits cut to the theme song from “Friends” which ironically describes Rose’s relationship with the media.

The toppled (inverted) Statues of Liberty represent the fall of freedom and American values ​​in general.

[You can see these inverted Statues of Liberty better this way, by inverting the inversion.]

After the anti-American images shown above, we are shown that this film was produced by Barack and Michelle Obama. But I don’t think they’re on our side, guys….

Then a great all-seeing eye reminds us that this is an elite occult production.

The opening credits sum up the entire message of the film: the elite want to destroy America from the inside because they want a one world government. But unfortunately, there are still about two hours of film left!

And we’ll spend the entire time listening to a very small number of characters say they don’t know what’s going on.


The film aims to convey a feeling of isolation, as almost the entire film takes place in a house where people are gradually losing their temper. The house is so important that it can be considered a character in the film. Remember when the elite locked everyone in their homes  and terrorized you through the media during COVID? You better believe they want this to happen again. This film brings us back to this sick mentality. Shortly after returning home, the Sandfords discover that something is wrong in the town.

A CNN report on a major cyberattack across the country. All major cities are severely attacked.

Faced with a continuing crisis, the man of the house, the head of the family, should be taking charge of the situation. That’s not what’s happens.


This character can be perfectly summed up in five words.

The head of the family is called “Clay” (= clay). As you may know, clay is an earthy material that can be molded into any shape when wet. Well, our man Clay has been shaped by modern society to be weak, panicked , and completely useless in the face of a crisis. At one point he says:

“I have no idea what I’m supposed to do right now. I can barely do anything without my cell phone and GPS. I am a useless man.”

During the first part of the film, Clay wears a “Bikini Kill” t-shirt. The characters in the film often wear symbolic clothing. Bikini Kill is a feminist punk rock band. It pioneered the “riot grrrl” movement which championed issues such as the evils of the patriarchy, classism, and how great anarchism and women’s empowerment are.

The fact that Clay – a man – is wearing this shirt perfectly symbolizes that he has been emasculated. He is the product of years of social indoctrination that eventually led him to identify with a feminist group.

Although Clay is the product of media indoctrination, he also “specializes” in it: he is a professor of media studies at an urban college. At one point he describes a book written by one of his students that seems to describe the film   Leave the World Behind   as a whole. “His second book is an exploration of how media serves as both escape and reflection, a contradiction he manages to reconcile. » Although “Leave the World Behind” is meant to be “escapism,” it is also a reflection of the elite’s worldview. As the drama unfolds, Clay gradually begins to hate his weak nature.

At one point, a Spanish-speaking lady urges Clay to help her because she has seen scary things happening around her. Instead of being a good feminist and helping another woman (or even a real man), white boy Clay simply leaves, realizing he’s just a big coward.


In this photo, the children’s t-shirts say “Obey” and “NASA.” Is this some sort of subliminal message?

And why NASA? As we will see shortly, the film contains numerous shots from space involving satellites and celestial bodies. Rose is the thirteen-year-old daughter of the Useless Man and the Angry Woman. It’s the product of a generation that grew up on phones and tablets.

Rose is obsessed with the series “Friends”. That’s pretty much all she talks about throughout the entire movie. Presumably Rose spent the COVID years at home, taking classes on Zoom and staring at screens the rest of her free time. Faced with the anxieties of the outside world, Rose (like countless other children and adolescents around the world) learned to cope by escaping through computer or phone screens and watching fictional characters live their lives… unlike her.

When the Internet connection goes out, the girl is devastated and her only goal in life is to watch the latest episode of “Friends,” entitled “The Last One”.

Considering the fact that [one of the stars of the series], Matthew Perry, died under mysterious circumstances shortly before the film’s release, the multiple references to “Friends” are rather disturbing.

Archie takes photos of Ruth wearing a bikini. At one point, Archie is seen masturbating while looking at the photos he took. Presumably he was trying to find a substitute for the porn – another form of modern addiction – that he was consuming before the internet crash.



GH Scott is the owner of the house. He is rich and well-connected. His daughter Ruth is, well, pitiless and ruthless.

The Scotts go to the Sandfords (who are renting their house for a vacation) to seek refuge from the current chaos. Even though they arrived in an expensive car and were dressed extremely elegantly, Amanda Sandford says: “I don’t feel at home with them at all. »

*** JdN

The blogger, an Italian, is, I think missing another element here in black rhetoric in the USA. “De black man built dis country, and de white man wif he privilege be enjoying da fruit of our work!”


There is an element of racial tension introduced into the film at this point that only grows as it evolves. Later, Ruth told her father, “I appeal to you: If the world collapses, we will have to be careful whom we trust, especially if they are white people.” »

Her father agrees with her…and obviously so do the Obamas…because dividing the country is a big step forward for their agenda…

The Scotts sleep in the basement of the [their] house, a space that contains several symbolic objects.

Most striking is the picture frame above their bed, which is repeatedly highlighted throughout the film.

The poster above the bed is titled “United States of Attica” (1971) by painter and activist Faith Ringgold. This red, black, and green poster depicts a map of the United States showing native (Amerindian), slave, and immigrant uprisings and other acts of violence within each state since the late 1700s.

This poster is highly symbolic for several reasons. First, it visually depicts a divided America while portraying it as an inherently evil nation built on violence and oppression.

As we will soon see, an important aspect of “Leave the World Behind” is that America deserves what is happening to it. 

*** JdN Here it is again:


*** JdN Faith Ringgold, a black woman with a Jewish last name,

….created this painting of a US flag dripping with blood. (No Blacks want to go back to Africa, just stay here, whine how oppressed they are, and cash in.)

What is “The United States of Attica” all about?

In 1971, in Attica state prison in New York State….

with its two thousand prisoners, the majority of whom were black….

….there was a huge, violent riot in 1971 with hostages taken. It was crushed by the police (white) with 43 deaths.

Slanted, leftist, “poor, oppressed negroes” article:

The “overcrowding” which this article decries was because in the 1960s and 1970s there was an over-“crime-ing” by New York State BLACKS!  I remember! New York City became a death zone for Whites. Paul Newman starred at this time in a film called “Fort Apache — the Bronx”! [“the Bronx” = large northern borough of the city]


Another important fact: Faith Ringgold was strongly supported by the elite. David D. Rockefeller himself purchased her painting “Black Light Series #10”…until he realized that the words “DIE N*GGER” [= “Die, nigger”] were embedded in this painting with a distorted version of the American flag. So, instead, he bought another one of her paintings.

Here is an excerpt from David D. Rockefeller’s memoir that is very relevant to the overall context of this film.

“Some believe we are part of a secret cabal acting against American interests, calling me and my family ‘internationalists’ and conspiring with others around the world to build a more integrated global political and economic structure – one world”, if you like. If this is the accusation, I consider myself guilty and I am proud of it.” -David Rockefeller, “ Memoirs of David Rockefeller ”


Make no mistake: the occult elite does not care about or fight for the true interests of black people, not at all.

But they like to bring in influential people of color who can further their agenda. They especially like those who fuel hatred and division while fostering resentment against America. 

To ensure their views are amplified, they are generously funded by elites and given maximum exposure. This is how a country is destroyed from within. Fittingly, the Obamas represent exactly that. They were brought to power by powerful elite families and remain very influential to this day. Their work is generously funded by elites to perpetuate and exacerbate racial divisions in the United States.

Why? Because, as we saw above, the “secret cabal” works against the interests of the United States. In the film, GH Scott literally says that one of his clients is going to an “annual meeting with the rest of the evil cabal that secretly runs the world.” However, he adds that there is no “conspiracy of dark people running the world.” [sic!]

This is exactly what a conspiracy of the people in the shadows would have us believe. Scott also added that he knew a disaster was coming because the stock markets had moved just before the events, suggesting that some people had been warned. The same thing happened before 9/11 and COVID. They explain to you how they work.


On many occasions, we see photos from space like this “Earth eclipse” seen from the moon (including a dirty American flag ).
*** JdN: This film is one subliminal Anti-White-America message after another….
This kind of imagery gives the attack on [white America] a supernatural dimension. The entire film documents a “rogue attack” on the United States. At one point, GH Scott describes the three steps necessary to overthrow a country’s government from within.
It’s all scripted.
“The first phase is isolation.”
 Disable their communication and transportation. Make the targets as deaf, mute and paralyzed as possible, preparing them for the second phase. With no phones, no television, and no internet, the characters in the film are completely lost, confused, and useless. Even though technology makes life easier, those who rely on it are extremely vulnerable.

Self-driving electric cars can easily be hacked and controlled remotely. In the film, [Elon Musk’s] Teslas collide with each other, blocking major roads and causing the complete isolation of the population.

My advice for today: keep your old gasoline car that can’t steer itself or, worse, be remote-controlled!

The second phase is synchronized chaos. 

“Terrorize them with covert attacks and disinformation , crushing their defense capabilities, making their military systems vulnerable to extremists and their own military. Without a clear enemy or motive, people will start to turn on each other.”

In the film, a representative of “urban” America confronts the stereotype of the redneck under an American flag: a divided nation.

Drones drop leaflets across the country. Some are in Arabic ….

….while others are said to be in Russian or Korean. 

It’s all disinformation, making people not even know who is attacking them. The potential truth: This is all the work of the elite.

On several occasions, people are tortured by a shrill electronic squeal.


The capable “redneck” prepper ( = a man preparing for the “end of the world”/chaos), played by Kevin Bacon, says,

“It’s not that different from what happened in Cuba a while ago. Microwave weapons, as they are called, produce a type of radiation that can be emitted by sound. Some people have also lost their teeth. »

In 2018, I published US state documents on “remote mind control”. This stuff is real and they want us to know it. Here is a real government file on the effects of psychoelectric weapons on the human body.

Archie – who represents the future young men of America – becomes ill and loses his teeth due to the attacks. Like his father, he is rendered useless.

JdN: How does he chew and eat anything but liquid food such as “Ensure”? And where to find it in this crisis?

Scott then describes the third phase: “If executed successfully, the third phase will take place on its own.  Rebellion. Civil war. Total collapse. » If this movie had been made in the ’90s, noir star Will Smith would have jumped into an F-18 fighter jet and saved America. Then people cheered under a giant American flag. But it’s 2023. No one is saving America. The elite wants to demoralize and preprogram the world. Worse yet, the film wants us to believe that America asked for it.


The most terrifying aspect of the film is that it reveals the central philosophy of the Obamas and the entire system they represent. Through symbolism, the film sends a clear message: America deserves this.

The Sanfords witness an oil tanker crash on the beach. The name of the ship – “White Lion” – is highly symbolic. The “White Lion” was an English privateer operating under a Dutch brand that brought the first Africans to the English colony of Virginia in 1619, a year before the “Mayflower” arrived in New England. Although African captives were sold as indentured servants, this event is considered the beginning of African slavery in United States colonial history. The “White Lion” was therefore the first ship to bring slaves to America. This happened in 1619 and marked the beginning of the country’s sinful history.
There are other clues to that fateful year in the film.

For several seconds, the camera focuses on the car radio as we hear about “the aftermath of an ongoing cyberattack and catastrophic environmental disaster in the South, impacting animal migration patterns.” The fact that the radio station is exactly on frequency 1619 could imply that these terrible events are punishment for what happened in the past.

At one point, Amanda Sandford goes on a rant about how America is bad (instead of looking for her missing son).

“Fuck every living thing on this planet and we think everything will be fine because we use paper straws and order free-range chicken.” 

And the problem is, deep down, we know we’re not fooling anyone. I think we know we are living a lie.  A concerted mass delusion to help us ignore and continue to ignore howhorrible we are.”

Throughout the film, deer look at people ominously. These normally friendly creatures have become aggressive towards humans. Nature has turned against a society that is destroying it.

In short, Amanda almost welcomes disasters because she thinks humanity is terrible. And that’s exactly what the elite wants us to believe. Throughout the film, we are reminded that America engaged in the slave trade, has destroyed the environment, and made many enemies around the world through wars. It must therefore die and its territory slide under the control of a world government.

Do you know what’s funny? These bad things were all done by the elites of those years.

And now these things are being used to justify the fall of the United States. The collapse of America can now easily become a reality because many American citizens have been conditioned to hate their country and welcome its downfall. 

Furthermore, they are easily manipulated because they have no fundamental values ​​or institutions. Their family unit also fell apart.



Faced with adversity, the characters in the film do not unite and rise to the challenge. Instead of doing something heroic (which is what usually happened in disaster films of the past), our protagonists weaken and wallow in their baser instincts. This is what they want for us.

Clay smokes weed with Ruth, striking up an ‘interesting’ conversation.

In the most embarrassing scene of 2023, Amanda and [the black homeowner] GH get drunk and dance to “Too Close” by Next.

Then the two literally become “too close.” Apparently, all it takes is a few hours and a little wine for them to be tempted to commit adultery and potentially destroy their family.

Meanwhile, Rose buys a bicycle and leaves the family altogether.

Rose parks her bike in front of a large, luxurious house. The film continues to tell us that only the richest will survive the cataclysm.

Inside this house, Rose discovers a huge underground bunker that contains everything she needs to survive for months. Better yet, she finds a huge DVD collection that includes… “Friends.”

The film ends with Rose basking in the light of a television screen, escaping reality and living her life through media. This is what they want for us.

Then the credits begin with the theme song from “Friends,” which ironically describes Rose’s relationship with the media.

So no one told you life was going to be this way.
Your job’s a joke, you’re broke, your love life’s DOA.
It’s like you’re always stuck in second gear,
When it hasn’t been your day, your week, your month, or even your year.

But, I’ll be there for you, when the rain starts to pour.
I’ll be there for you, like I’ve been there before.
I’ll be there for you, cause you’re there for me too.


CONCLUSION “Leave the World Behind” was made with contributions from some of the most powerful people in the world, and it shows. This isn’t entertainment; it’s indoctrination. 

This is predictive programming where a scenario is presented to the audience so that it can be more easily accepted when the time comes.

On a deeper level, the film is a means of freeing the elite from their “karmic duties”, as they feel they must warn the public of their evil actions before they happen. 

In this way, instead of being victims, people become willing participants, thereby freeing those behind it all from karmic retaliation.

If that sounds crazy to you, well, I don’t blame you.

These people ARE crazy and we live in crazy times.

Some might say that it’s just a stupid movie and shouldn’t pay too much attention to it. I hope they are right. But Mark Zuckerberg seems to think differently.

Regardless, the film already achieves one of the elite’s primary goals: to frighten and demoralize the masses. THANKS a lot, Obama! . . .




…..Zuckerberg’s bunker

Mark Zuckerburg Is Reportedly Building Himself a $270 Million Survivalist Compound in Hawaii

Plans for the prepper-ready property, called Koolau Ranch, include two mansions joined by a tunnel that leads to an underground bunker.

Per a recent investigation by Wired, the Meta CEO is reportedly building himself a sprawling 1,400-acre compound in Hawaii that will comprise at least 30 bedrooms and 30 bathrooms, divided among more than a dozen different structures. According to documents obtained by the publication, the Facebook founder has already shelled out a whopping $170 million in land purchases in Kauai beginning in August 2014 and will eventually fork over at least another $100 million in building costs.

At the center of the vast compound, called Koolau Ranch, will be two mansions sitting atop a survivalist bunker. The two residential buildings will total about 57,000 square feet and include elevators, an industrial kitchen, and conference rooms. Plans show that many of the doors throughout the home are expected to be soundproofed and operated via keypad. The dwellings will be joined by a secret tunnel that leads to a 5,000-square-foot underground shelter that’s protected behind a metal door filled with concrete. The bunker will feature its own living space, a mechanical room, and an escape hatch. The property aims to be further self-sufficient with an 18-foot-tall water tank and the ability to produce its own energy and food supplies.

The compound won’t, however, be all post-apocalyptic doom and gloom. Not only does it function as a comfortable family retreat, but there are plans for a wellness center that includes a full-size gym, multiple pools, a sauna, a steam room, and a tennis court. Elsewhere, 11 circular treehouses will be joined by rope bridges so that visitors can climb from one treehouse to the next without stepping foot on the ground.

The compound’s residential structures are hidden from the road, tucked behind a six-foot wall, and monitored by round-the-clock security guards. And, due to the scope and nature of the project, anyone who works on Zuckerberg’s property signs a strict nondisclosure agreement, sources told the publication. “For a private project to have an NDA attached to it is very rare,” a local construction official explained to Wired.

Whether the tech billionaire will use Koolau Ranch as a part-time or full-time family retreat is still unknown. However, the magazine reported that he’s already hosted two different corporate events at the compound, so its charms, luxuries, and secrets may not stay so secret for long.



  1. The Jewish religion (Talmud) requires that before the Jews commit an act of violence against non-Jews they must give a warning.

    We see this, for instance in 9-11, when a movie came out before the event which showed jetliners flying into tall buildings.

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