1. Obama! What did he do whilst in office? Got more Americans killed in needless foreign wars for Israel. Caused more racial division by uncontrolled gimmegrant invaders. Is there a group “White Lives Matter?” 50 million Americans are now on some forms of benefits, etc. Oh, he promoted his Irish ancestry, and said grandpa liberated a Nazi death camp.

    Lol! He drove past a POW camp in 1946!

    • Yes, all true, but he is SO BRILLIANT, you hateful man. 😉

      He just gave a climate speech in Glasgow, Scotland, then charmingly referred to Scotland as “the Emerald Isles” (LOL, yes, both confusing Ireland and Scotland, and doing so in the plural, as if there were several Irelands)…. and he implied, further mis-flattering the miffed Scots, that William Shakespeare, “the Bard,” was from there. 😉

      Actually, Shakespeare ( = Edward de Vere for the best plays) was from another country, Obongo, called “England.”

    • Not defending Obama, however, he did not create the immigration crisis. Credit goes to thevgrest Neo-Con and Top Idiot Bush 2.0. aka the nincompoop.

      It was indeed under Bush 2.0’s immigration policy that the flood began into the United States, and he deflected his voters’ attention from it to his “war on on terrorism.”

      Behind-the-scenes, it was this Bush 2.0 administration which continued to pursue Clinton’s “pro-China policy” by moving our manufacturing to China.

  2. Nice one, John. Lol! $800 million library… a pity he didn’t read a geography book or even google William Shakespeare.

    Looking at his ancestry, no wonder he got the job. The blacks and jews love him. Even lefturd whites fawn over him. I like the footage of him being turfed off the presidential helicopter, for not returning the sentry’s salute. “Barry, stick one up or we go nowhere, Mr President.”

    • His qualification for the presidency of the United States of America was he was black…

      Kinda like Karamel Harris….. 😉

      When, if true, did this sentry incident happen?

      In the old days, presidents never saluted, because they are civilians — they MUST be civilians — and of course are not in uniform. Reagan, who never really served, started this bullshit, which subtly undermines civilian control.

      What destroyed the Roman Republic, as America’s Founding Fathers knew, was military men, generals, constantly taking over, and even killing Roman senators!

      The military mindset is harsh, blunt and good, basically, for killing people…. but often not the right way to handle civilians.

      One reason much of the English working class loathed Churchill (and they voted him out as PM in 1945, as soon as the war was over!!!) was that he used the British Army twice on striking coal mines. “Might makes right” as his motto.

      How about maybe instead of troops a better life and safe working conditions for the working people who dig the coal that keeps your mansion, Chartwell House, warm, you drunken old paedophile?

      That is how we did it in NS Germany. NEVER once did German troops 1933-45 fire on their own people!!!

      • Here’s that video you asked about. If you watch it carefully, you can see that the Marine One helicopter pilot (sitting in the left-side seat), DID turn and say something to Obama as he got onboard, probably something like, “Mr. President, you forgot to salute the guard,” upon which Obama quickly exits the helicopter while giving a little wave to the pilot, as if to say, “Okay,” then goes over to the guard and shakes his hand to make up for his mistake, but still doesn’t salute him. Then, Obama re-enters the helicopter, upon which the pilot again turns to say something to him, possibly saying that he still didn’t salute the guard. Obama then goes into the back of the helicopter:


        Of course, the leftist Jew-rag Snopes says the entire incident was FALSE:


        So, while the pilot probably didn’t outright refuse to leave unless Obama shook the guard’s hand, he clearly DID remind Obama of his mistake, upon which Obama shook the guard’s hand, but still didn’t salute him.

        • Ah, now I remember this.

          Welk, even if it were right for a civilian to salute a military man in uniform, which it is not, Obama should not have saluted the Marine, since he “outranked” him. It is akways for the subordinate to salute his superior, a sign of obedience, and the same goes for saying “sir.”

          But the whole thing is “off.”

          Reagan, Clinton, Obongo, Trump and Biden all never served. … and Dubya barely…AWOL from even drills of his Alabama Air Guard unit.

          But the jews made them allCommander-in- Chief…. A vast military establishment “commanded” by men with zero military experience.

          The movie and novel “Starship Troopers” by Robert Heinlein preached, in fact, rhat only veterans or others in federal servuce should have the vote, and citizenship, since only they had proven a willingness to serve and even die for their country.

          Everyone else is just a talker.


          Citizens are people who joined the Federal Service and were honorably discharged and given franchise. Joining the Federal Service does not necessarily mean the military, and applicants may be assigned to any field where they sacrifice their time and effort for the Federation (Teaching, any of the civil services, experimental test subjects, etc), though military service is the most glorified.

          It all falls under Federal Service.

          They are able to vote in Federation elections.
          If they wish to attend college, they are given lower or no tuition fees.

          They are given special permission to have more than two children.

          It should be noted that members of the military are not given franchise while still serving, they must serve a two year service contract to be able to vote.

          “A citizen accepts personal responsibility for the safety of the body politic, defending it with his life, a civilian does not.” – Johnny Rico while student

          “A citizen has the courage to make the safety of the human race their personal responsibility.” – Johnny Rico after weeks of military service.

    • Thanks for the Yahoo link.

      Though libtardy, what it says is true: America was white, strong, rich and happy in the Fifties. I was there. 😉

      The one egregious error was saying there was no Social Security then. It had started back in the mid-1930s…. 50 years after Bismarck had introduced it in evil Germany. 😉

    • Are Polish nationalists the same as the Poles flooding MY country?

      A Polish girl in London complained to me that there were too many gimmegrants in Britain!

      Or the Polish guy asking me to help his girlfriend get a British passport. Don’t get me wrong — I like Polish nationalists if they stay in Poland. 😉

      Poles have called me a racist when I tell them I voted for Brexit, yet don’t want open borders for their own country, Poland…..

      East Europeans flooding Britain helped convince our British people to vote for Brexit. Now we have jewish charities funding the black/Brown Dover invaders.

      We, the real British people, don’t want Black/brown/ OR white self-invited gimmegrants. We’re full here!

  3. The truth is, John, that with open borders the government just don’t know how many people are here in Britain. Nobody counts them at ports of entry; no criminal security checks at all are undertaken. A driving licence was enough to get into Britain!

    Those 100,000 who came in in two years in Dover had none of these. There could be four million unregistered people in Britain, making our population 65 million.

    • Yes.

      Actually, Wikipedia estimates the UK pop. at 67 mio.

      They come in, rape, kill and cut British heads off.

      Yet woe betide any white American who wants to come to England! Or even to STAY in England because married to a Brit! Wrong skin color! Some “special relationship”!

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