Death of a father; Obama’s minions stole your donations to me from the US Mail for ten straight days

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My father (lower row, second from the left) and I (upper left) and other family at his almost-beachside mansion in Vero Beach, Florida five years ago….



Twenty years ago

Both US Marines


James Waddell Nugent


JAMES WADDELL NUGENT Died on July 6, 2012 at his home in Vero Beach, FL. He was born on January 8, 1927 in Pittsburgh, PA and spent his childhood in the care of his maternal grandparents in Greensburg, PA. In 1943, he joined the United States Marine Corps. He served in the Pacific from 1943 to 1946 and again during the Korean War from 1951 to 1954, retiring with the rank of Major. He served as Aide to the Secretary of the Army from 1973 to 1976. Following active duty military service, he co-founded and served as President of Davis, Bateman, and Nugent, a provider of commercial insurance based in Providence, RI. He was the Republican candidate for Governor of Rhode Island in 1974, chaired the election campaign of Ronald Reagan in New England in 1976 and served as Chairman of Reagan- Bush for President in 1980 and 1984 in Rhode Island, during which time he was also White House Clearance Officer, chairing a Federal Advisory Committee. An avid golfer, Mr. Nugent was member of the Wannamoissett and Rhode Island Country Clubs, the Green Gables Golf Club in Prince Edward Island, Canada, and Bent Pine in Vero Beach, FL. A devoted Rotarian, Mr. Nugent served as President of the Rotary Club of Providence, RI from 1962 to 1963 and as Trustee of the Vero Beach Rotary Charities Foundation. Additional volunteer positions included Member of the Board of Directors of the American Cancer Society, Consultant for the Service Corps of Retired Executives, Elder of the First Presbyterian Church of Vero Beach, Florida, and Volunteer for the Humane Society of Vero Beach, among others. Mr. Nugent is survived by his wife of 40 years, Helen Nugent, sons John and Todd, granddaughters Ingrid Irigoyen and Erika Atzl, and two great- grandchildren. He was deeply respected for his leadership role in every community in which he lived, his service to his country, and his dedication to charity. He was known for his honest and straightforward nature, charming sense of humor, and commitment to doing the right thing in all his actions. He was beloved by many and will be deeply missed. Memorial Services will be held on Saturday, July 14, 2012 at 1:00 pm at the First Presbyterian Church at 520 Royal Palm Blvd, Vero Beach, FL. In lieu of flowers, memorial contributions may be made to the Humane Society or the Rotary Charities Foundation.


My mother Constance Colwell Nugent died in 1993. Both parents descended from the early co-founder of Rhode Island, Thomas Angell.

I miss the good in him and his many redeeming and wonderful features.






For those who have read my Tuesday blog (found right below) about the felonious theft  of my mail and donations for ten long days, this update:

* * *

As a result of this blog (again, found by scrolling 2/5ths below, right after the headline

“A Nation of Sheep Breeds a Government of Wolves!“) the large cash donation referred to by the Dutch comrade in the blog below, which was sent ON JUNE 26TH, somehow got itself “FOUND” again, and it was mysteriously in my mail box yesterday. 😉 😉 😉

An English instructor on the West Coast wrote me she sent me a check for $100. Let us see if the Obama Postal Service deigns to deliver it or steals this check as well.

A European comrade also sent me successfully $200 by Western Union.

Here is a photo of a very nice quilt which a loyal and generous Canadian supporter hand-made and wished to send to me, but since the first version, sent in February, 2012, never arrived — it too  having been STOLEN by the African emperor and his minions — she opted not to send it yet.

arrived. There is now a clear and criminal pattern of mail theft by the Obongo post office, and I will got to town with this scandal. The regime will rue the day they misused their power and the position of trust they enjoy as the taxpayer-supported “government” to steal gifts and money which, in a spirit of sacrifice, my supporters have sent me.

I still am missing the gift from France and also the $40 in cash from Connecticut.

What might happen now is the Zionist Occupation Government, installed with stealth, bribes, blackmail and murder to rule our America, will now dribble back these weeks-old donations to me after all…since they FAILED to strangle the baby in the crib. (After the huge expenses of the videos, no donations were permitted to come in, violating federal criminal law, but resulting in a severe but temporary financial crisis for a week, which Moneygrams and local donations resolved.)

Now, only bad PR for the Jews and the half-Jew Obama can result.

I think the Jews have capeeshed that by blatantly stealing my mail and donations, they have a PR disaster on their hands, because I never just take the abuse and I will “go to town” with this scandal no matter WHAT they do.

All the Jews can do is limit the damage by never tampering with my mail again.

At a Verdun cemetery in 2002. 600,000 brave Frenchmen and Germans died here to make Jews obscenely rich. What else did WWI really accomplish?


I drove out to the airport and exchanged 100 Swiss francs and 20 Canadian dollars which I just received, then on the way back stopped in at an Olive Garden chain restaurant at Pittsburgh Mills mall for a cheap salad (“all you can eat”) for $5. The fellow next to me looked smart and interesting and sure enough we were soon discussing the weather and this led to chemtrails. His last name is German, but his mom is Italian. He works for a huge computer company.

He asked me: “If these chemtrails are real, then how can you get a guy to pilot the plane and actually spray this sinister stuff on the population? How could he live with himself?”

I took him through the whole argument:

1) the “horror filter” and how 80% of people repress scary news down to an area of the brain with repressed information; it is called “dissociative amnesia,” and usually follows a stressful event or shocking news, and cannot be attributable to explicit brain damage. It is thought to reflect a reversible deficit in memory retrieval probably due to memory repression. I said to this person that the brain recoils from scary news — but only if there is no solution or national leader in sight. People will face problems if they have a leader who can inspire them to optimisms and action. George Washington was this man in the 1770s.

2) psychopaths love to hurt people, and there are about 20% who are full or partial psychopaths (
3) NWO agenda of a slave-master planet

The Georgia Guidestones preach world government, one language, and reducing the global population to 500 million, which environmental technocrats worldwide are also preaching, saying “we have too many people.” And the more rotten the people are INDUCED to act, the more the masses get used to the idea that “it would not be a bad thing if most of the people on this planet disappeared.”

4) chemtrails are a) preparing to poison the soil for all crops except those sold by the sephardic Jewish Monsanto Corp., so the government will control all food; b) designed to make people docile yet anxious, miserable, depressed and defeatist, with HAARP in Alaska using the chemtrails matrix to influence brain activity

4) bribery, blackmail and murder are used to punish and deter whistleblowers

I showed him the back of the US one-dollar bill.

He seemed fairly convinced! He asked for my website and I gave him both verbally.

He actually came back into the restaurant and asked me to write both URLs down for him.




Problem Is Not How They Got There…
How To Get Them Out?













A Nation of Sheep Breeds a

Government of Wolves!


I made a shocking announcement in this interview recently on the exciting new pro-white website “Guardians of Diversity” (

It is that I now have evidence (from THREE detailed emails) that the regime, fearing the advent of the Eternal Solutrean Agency, resorted to the felony of opening my mail, stealing the cash (and gifts sent for my birthday on Saturday, July 14th), that were sent in by you, the people, for a ten-business-day period this month, and then callously, contemptuously discarded the rest.



This follows on the theft by Homeland Security of a beautiful quilt with the Solutrean logo that was sent me in February from Canada, and the closure of my PayPal and bank accounts.

The blatant mail theft began in early July, in fact, just as soon as I released launch video 5, followed by launch video 6. (The final launch video will be out this week, God willing.)



The purpose of this limited theft operation by Obama (who abducted my then assistant Henrik Holappa using three squad cars in 2009, throwing him into solitary for 87 days and then expelling him from the United States — was to steal the flood of donations that always come in right after a new (and expensive-to-make!) video is released.

This blog is what released them both:

On the ninth day with no donations, I got this email:

* * *

From: Stephen O[…]>
To: John de Nugent <>
Sent: Thursday, 12 July 2012, 20:31
Subject: <No Subject>

Hi, Mr. de Nugent.Just wanted to make sure the donation I sent you about a week ago reached you safely. It’s been awhile since we’ve e-mailed. -Stephen

* * *

I responded:

* * *

Hi, Stephen.
I regret to say that no donations have reached me at all in now a nine-day period.
This is the first time in my 58 years of life that I got no mail over a nine-day period (except four pieces of junk mail and an envelope with photocopies of articles).
Normally, after releasing two major videos I get about a thousand dollars in donations, but not this time…….My address is on my blog regularly, and until now cash has always been received..
Would you please tell me 1) when you sent the donation, 2) was it cash or a money order, and 3) for how much was it?
I need to go to the postmaster and my congressman about this.
I thank you however for this donation. A French comrade sent me a music-related gift for my birthday on July 14th, and it too has not arrived.
This is now a first or me: the USPS stealing cash.
Thanks again for your donation and for letting me know you sent it. Now I need the facts from you to go to the postmaster and my congressman, since this is a federal matter. I needed that money desperately, and the regime has now  stolen money sent by a teenager and honor student. Believe me, I plan to raise holy hell over this.
John de Nugent
* * *
 He replied:

* * *

This is truly unbelievable. I put the card in my mail-box on Sunday the 1st of July, which means it would’ve been taken by the mail-man on Monday the 2nd. The card had your sending address on the front with no return address as usual, and a “Go Green” postage stamp exactly identical to the one pictured on the right at this link:

There was a total of $40 in the card, with two $20 dollar bills. Graduation money from my uncle. The card inside contained a message I wrote to you praising the content of the launching video, mentioning my concern for the survival of pure Nordic blood with a quote from Adolf Hitler, and finally full name printed at the end.

You’re very welcome for the donation. I appreciate your great concern and intent to raise holy hell upon this apparent Jewish postal thievery.


* * *

A Dutch comrade read the first version of this blog and wrote me immediately:

* * *

From: fdri[…]
Sent: Tuesday, 17 July 2012, 8:22
Subject: lost money

Dear Mr. de Nugent,


With astonishment I just read on your website about the fact that money sent to you through the post has been stolen.


On June 26, 2012 I sent you a small Christmas card in an envelope with US $ 200 included as I have done regularly now for six months around that date of the month.


Usually you acknowledge due receipt of the money on your blog and you send a postcard separately to thank me. Since both didn’t happen I began to worry, but now I understand.


If this E-mail is of any use to you as a form of proof, remember that on your blog you have acknowledged due receipt of US $ 200 every month since November 2011, which I sent you around the 23th of every month. You could show those acknowledgements on your blog as extra proof to the authorities concerned, saying that this is a REGULAR MONTHLY donation of $ 200 and that that amount of money in June 2012 has been stolen.


I will henceforth send my donations via Western Union and send you the Money Transfer Control Number ( MTCN ) by post or by E-mail as you like. Please let me know which way you prefer.


I will try to send you $200 by Western Union as soon as you say it is safe to do so.

Awaiting your reply and wishing you all the best, I remain,

Yours  faithfully,


* * *

I replied:

* * *

Very dear comrade in the Netherlands,
THANK YOU. I am glad you saw my latest blog — — and I am most grateful not only for all your donations but for this corroborative information, which should serve to deter — by painful public embarrassment — any further theft by the Obama regime against this law-abiding former Marine, whose ancestors helped found America in 1635.
I will add and run your email on the current blog, minus your name and other details, of course.
And I salute your courage! I know that Holland has hate-speech laws that violate human rights, and you and others are taking risks to help me launch this new movement, whose only focus is victory. Enough complaining — now we organize to win.

ELECTRONIC MONEY TRANSFER. So far, Western Union and MoneyGram have been working fine…… so if you wish to kindly make another donation as per your offer, I would be most grateful.


TIMING. And I am confident that I will get lots of local support and cash once this movement really launches. Western Pennsylvania is as ripe for me as Bavaria was for Hitler. It has been anti-regime ever since our local and good-paying steel industry, glass and coal-related jobs were lost due to the one-way “free trade” policy that we suffer from with the enemy country of China, a treasonous policy that has been imposed on our nation by the federal regime and its controlling Jews.

They wish the pride of the white man to be broken and for us to beg the yellow Chinese on our knees to help prop up our sick, debt-ridden dollar. This is also why Obama was imposed on us, to symbolize the end of the white man. But they are so wrong.

As Aryans and Solutreans we innovate, overcome and we welcome every challenge. Financing is MY great challenge. But as Nietzsche said, “If it does not kill me, it will make me stronger.” Nothing will stop me, if God approves.
John de Nugent

* * *

This was the email from a staffer for my congressman, Jason Altmire:

* * *

Dear John,
[..] If you believe criminal activity is occurring regarding your US Postal mail, you should contact the Postal Inspector for the Pittsburgh region at 877-876-2455.
I hope that this information has been helpful.
Rep. Jason Altmire  PA04
Natrona Heights District Office
2124 Freeport Road
Natrona Heights, PA  15065
724-226-1304  PH
724-226-1308  FX

* * *

I replied:

* * *

Dear Ms. [name]:
Thank you for your reply and the Postal Inspector number. I will indeed contact that person and scream bloody murder, and raise holy hell all over this area.
Theft of U.S. Mail is a federal felony under Section 1705 of Title 18 of the U.S. Code, punishable by two to five years in a federal prison.
As soon as I protested to your congressional office and to the Natrona Heights, Pa., postmaster, John Sherrick, by amazing coincidence mail service and donations resumed the very next day, Saturday, and continued yesterday, Monday. But the previous donations, probably at least a thousand dollars, remain stolen.
Is this what it has come to now, that the government can steal from your mail if they dislike your views? How, under Barack Hussein Obama, is this unlike a Third World dictatorship?
I have now gotten, with your email, THREE emails from regular donors asking if I received donations which I in fact did not receive, giving me specific details of when and how much.
I never before in my 58 years of life went ten days with no substantive mail, and certainly not right after releasing two major videos. I know my donors, and every new video triggers a flood of donations. I count on them. Instead, I got zero mail.
I can assure you and Homeland Security that this is just the beginning of this huge and blatant scandal.

No American is safe if the government can steal your mail if they dislike your views. And everyone, including liberals, will agree with me on that.

I absolutely will not tolerate the theft by the USPS or by Homeland Security of donations, and people will rally to me over this egregious issue. This is an act of tyranny, an assault on the First Amendment right of free speech, and a serious felony — to steal cash from the US Mail and discard the envelopes. I now have documentation and will soon be getting more.
Thank you again for your reply. […]
John de Nugent
P.S. As a result of this blog, the donation this Dutch comrade sent ON JUNE 26TH somehow got “FOUND” and it was in my mail box yesterday. 😉 😉 😉

My wife was screaming at me:   “Leave!!  Get out of this house!” she ordered.
As I was walking out the door she yelled, “I hope you die a slow and painful death!”
So I turned around and replied “So now you want me to stay?”


=============HOW TO DONATE TO ME NOW

I believe that the theft scandal is now over, and it will stay over because I am going to make a flyer and distribute it all over the area as a deterrent by public embarrassment.

On Saturday, I took in $40 in cash from New Jersey, and yesterday, Monday, $20 in US cash from Canada and 100 in Swiss francs from Germany.


I would however suggest that American and Canadian supporters send me postal money orders!!!!!! (Canada even has postal money orders denominated in US dollars.) And keep the receipt! This proves you sent it, and if I do not get it you can get your money back. Just fill it out with my name, John de Nugent, and my address:

John de Nugent

76 Highlands Mall, Suite 67
Natrona Heights PA 15065

If you wish to donate via PayPal, please contact me. There is a proven way you can do that.

My email address:


Moneygrams and Western Union are also perfect. Just go to one (Walmart service desks all have Moneygram, and Woodforest banks inside Walmarts have Western Union), fill out the form and send it off, then get me the reference number so I can pick it up.

IF YOU SENT ME MONEY RECENTLY AND FEAR IT WAS STOLEN, AND YOU WISH TO STAY ANONYMOUS, THEN START A HUSHMAIL ACCOUNT (WHICH WILL HIDE YOUR IDENTITY) AND SEND ME AN EMAIL WITH THE DATE, CASH AMOUNT, AND FROM WHAT COUNTRY. i need more evidence than the two emails I already have received (from Connecticut and from France) with exact details of the donations they sent that Obama stole.

God willing, the new organizational website will be completed this week:

You say you want a leader and a white mass movement?

Do you think Hitler will come back from the dead?

A comrade told me he is gradually infiltrating the Masons….and getting good results. I wrote back:

Fine, but that would have been better in the 1970s when the country was still 85% white, all white men had military experience,  and very few under 60 had a beer gut, but we need a mass movement, comrade, and we need it now.

The “commander-in-chief” of the Armed Forces is a black bisexual communist, and so is the Attorney General.

The average white is now 43.

Whites are now just 49% of the US population.

And most of THEM are older, out-of-shape and obese.

Some are even mentally ill, or have challenges like ADD, Asperger’s or Tourette’s.

We could face a government-caused race war in Obama’s second term.

And as Obama said to Russian president Medvedev, he can do more in his second term when he does not have to worry about re-election……


There is no more time for gradually winning tiny handfuls of people over.

It is time for a mass movement. OUR ten percent can beat THEIR five percent.



07/17 @ 03:28 : Gostivar, MK [MACEDONIA]
Mavrova area
07/17 @ 03:26 : Ijsselstein, NL [NETHERLANDS = HOLLAND]
07/17 @ 03:25 : Natrona Heights, Pennsylvania, US
07/17 @ 03:24 : San Marcos, Texas, US
07/17 @ 03:20 : Minsk, BY [CAPITAL OF BELARUS]
07/17 @ 03:19 : Pensacola, Florida, US
07/17 @ 03:19 : Natrona Heights, Pennsylvania, US
07/17 @ 03:15 : Venice, IT
07/17 @ 03:14 : Saint Louis, Missouri, US
07/17 @ 03:12 : Paradise Valley, Arizona, US

07/17 @ 03:01 : Karlsruhe, DE

07/17 @ 03:01 : Natrona Heights, Pennsylvania, US
07/17 @ 02:58 : Lempäälä, FI[NLAND]
Mother and son in Lempääla
07/17 @ 02:57 : Worcester, GB
07/17 @ 02:52 : Waterlooville, GB
07/17 @ 02:51 : New York, New York, US
07/17 @ 02:50 : Erfurt, DE[UTSCHLAND = GERMANY]
07/17 @ 02:48 : Eugene, Oregon, US
07/17 @ 02:47 : Leesville, Louisiana, US
07/17 @ 02:47 : Austin, Texas, US
07/17 @ 02:47 : Erfurt, DE
07/17 @ 02:46 : Natrona Heights, Pennsylvania, US
07/17 @ 09:43 : Chicago, Illinois, US
07/17 @ 09:42 : Normal, Illinois, US
07/17 @ 09:42 : Natrona Heights, Pennsylvania, US
07/17 @ 09:41 : Toronto, CA[NADA]
07/17 @ 09:39 : Camrose, CA [ALBERTA PROVINCE]
07/17 @ 09:38 : Topeka, Kansas, US
07/17 @ 09:34 : Sarcelles, FR[ANCE]
07/17 @ 09:33 : Rouen, FR
I honor Joan of Arc, vileley defamed as a witch and burned alive by a corrupt British government in Rouen, in the Normandy of my distant ancestors. Below is a portrait of her done a few decades after her death. Joan’s face and overall appearance were very well-known. She had been seen up-close by the French king, his royal courtiers, the bishop and judges at her trial, by French and English soldiers by the hundreds, and by the crowd that witnessed her burning. She was a national heroine during her brief life, a living legend and an unforgettable redhead. Joan is truly a universal figures, since she was on the one hand a devout Catholic yet also disobeyed the Church authorities very openly….hence she was not canonized (made a saint) for 489 years! As all of us should, she listened to the deep inner voice — the voice of duty.
07/17 @ 09:25 : Waterbury, Connecticut, US
07/17 @ 09:25 : Natrona Heights, Pennsylvania, US
07/17 @ 09:20 : Zaventem, BE
07/17 @ 09:17 : United States, US
07/17 @ 09:14 : Murfreesboro, Tennessee, US
07/17 @ 09:12 : Saint Léger du Bourg-Denis, FR
07/17 @ 09:02 : Belarus, BY
07/17 @ 08:59 : Monroe, Georgia, US
07/17 @ 08:40 : Tulsa, Oklahoma, US


07/17 @ 08:37 : Naaldwijk, NL
07/17 @ 08:36 : Biel, CH
07/17 @ 08:35 : Manchester, GB
Manchester Central Library


07/17 @ 08:31 : Amsterdam, NL
07/17 @ 08:30 : Beirut, LB
07/17 @ 08:24 : Vienna, AT
07/17 @ 08:22 : Abu Dhabi, AE
07/17 @ 08:22 : Israel, IL
In “honor” of Israel….an American Jew and top US military expert says that Israel did 9/11

07/17 @ 08:18 : Manchester, GB
07/17 @ 08:18 : Berlin, DE
Museum Island, Berlin
07/17 @ 08:13 : London, GB
07/17 @ 08:11 : Coatbridge, GB
07/17 @ 08:10 : Hallenberg, DE
07/17 @ 08:06 : Hernando, Mississippi, US
07/17 @ 08:04 : Dhaka, BD
07/17 @ 08:00 : Milan, IT
07/17 @ 07:58 : Paris, FR
07/17 @ 07:56 : Makawao, Hawaii, US
07/17 @ 07:54 : Zagorje Ob Savi, SI [SLOVENIA, NEXT TO AUSTRIA]
07/17 @ 07:54 : Hernando, Mississippi, US
07/17 @ 07:47 : Victoria, CA
07/17 @ 07:38 : Ashburn, Virginia, US
Ashburn is home to AOL, Verizon, Equinix , the Howard Hughes Medical Institute (HHMI) at Janelia Farm, and many other hi-tech corporations. Here is AOL headquarters.
WITH YOUR HELP THIS ETERNAL SOLUTREAN AGENCY WILL BE MAKING HEADLINES SOON! I am now taking out paperwork to start a religious movement. This will fulfil my dream when in 1984, on good terms, I left behind the quasi-atheistic Dr. William Pierce, determined to someday put God and the soul of the Aryan at the center of this struggle, and not just racial differences and historical facts. White skin alone means NOTHING. The quarter-Jew Sabrosky and the all-Jew Brother Nathanael prove that nobility is found in every race, and Mitt Romney proves that whites, however rich and handsome, can be utterly despicable traitors.


Just think, in a few weeks I will be known via the jewsmedia as the most delusional homosexual 😉 — and yet also wife-beating skirt-chaser 😉 — in western Pa. …. In fact,  didja know (author Mike Piper reported this rumor to me) it is now being circulated that I was thrown out of the Marines for gayness? Sigh….. How many girlfriends has a guy got to have? 😉

All this fun, like the iceberg for the Titanic, is looming for me now “dead ahead.” But I see this defamation-berg coming, and that is the big difference. I am not hurtling heedlessly as that ship did at full speed through an iceberg field. Every step has been planned for 34 years now. And now we are almost there.

Jews, you have not stopped me. I thank God and His angels for their mercy to me, a sinner as are you. 😉

Presidential video parts one and two from July, 2011 with the “Titanic” opener:

Part 1-a  CLICK HERE!

Part 1-b  AND THEN HERE!


All the Eternal Solutrean videos before the launch video:

And gee, if I “hate black people,” why was my (excellent and dedicated) webmaster for two years a black man, and why did he fly from Los Angeles to Pennsylvania to help me at my home for four months in 2011?

With Clark at PPG Square in downtown Pittsburgh




  1. Dear John,

    It’s shameful that a gang of CRIMINALS within your local Post Office had the GALL to open your mail and steal whatever forms of donations that happened to be inside those envelopes, then callously toss the empty envelopes in the trash.

    As you said, such activity is a FEDERAL FELONY that calls for a prison sentence up to five years in prison. Give these lowlifes holy hell — and keep it up until you receive restitution. Everyone who mails you a donation should be free from any concerns that his/her donations reach you safely.

    God bless,


    • Dear Ellen,

      Thanks and I AM giving them hell. and it is already working, as the update to this blog at the top reveals.

      This reminds me of “Give’Em Hell Harry” Truman. In the 1948 election, someone asked Truman why he gave the Republicans such hell. He replied:

      “I just tell the truth and it FEELS like hell!”


  2. Dear John,

    I just learned about your father’s passing away. Words cannot express how very sorry I am for your loss. I clearly understand what an inspiration he was to you and what an impact he made on your life. And know in your heart that he too was blessed — by having an amazing son like you.



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