Obesity and God; how to be fearless without even trying; seeing things as the South did

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A local woman told me (but I don’t know if this is true) that some older female teenagers who are sexually active are getting a multi-month contraceptive shot and balloon out after that, becoming obese. All I can say is that I have seen teens go from slender and cute to seriously, dangerously overweight. In fact, when I first moved to Ontonagon ten years ago, NO ONE was obese. (At the time, I ascribed it to the town having — thank God — no chain junkfood restaurants here — no KFC, McD, Burger King, Pizza Hut, etc.)
Sure, there was some middle-aged spread, a thickening around the waist, as our metabolism slows down in our forties, but no one was monstrously fat… …
Then, about 2018, I began noticing true obesity, and it was in teens as well as adults. I sure agree with RF Kennedy, Junior on MAHA, “Make America Healthy Again.”
Oh, and gluttony is indeed a mortal sin in the Catholic Church, along with lying, adultery, and murder. The context then, however, was pretty egregious — during the Roman Empire, the rich would gorge themselves on food at banquets, then a slave would tickle the back of their throat with a feather to induce vomiting. With their stomachs now empty, they would go back to the banquet table and pig out some more….all this while the poor on the other side of town and their children were literally starving. …
So the Church was responding to a truly outrageous custom, and reflecting public anger, not just being harsh on people who occasionally overate.

……How did this guy get to be so fearless?


Regular people can quietly have supernatural experiences and then KNOW there is some Higher Power. I just watched this video about the Vietnam War movie “Platoon,” by director Oliver Stone, himself a Vietnam infantry combat veteran in the US Army. What people do not understand is that characters like Sgt Elias may have had supernatural experiences….. something that MADE them different. Often, no one else sees or experiences it. I had another one two weeks ago. It did not even surprise me. …
And then there are the many functional atheists (like jew Sean Penn’s character in “The Thin Red Line”) who never have even one spiritual experience — and if they ever did, they would just laugh it off : “F—k, that was weird. Oh, well.” …..
(1:01-19) “If you die, it’s gonna be for nothin’. There’s not some other world out there where everything’s gonna be okay. There’s just this one, just this rock.”
And just how in hell does he KNOW there is no other world??? Has he been to this no-other-world world? 😉
People have been having Near Death Experiences by the millions on the other side and coming back, especially since the late 1960s when they can shock you back with the defibrillation paddles. There IS a beautiful world on the other side, and 3/4s of us go there; but 25% go temporarily to a nasty place. It is your own deeds and attitude that send you either up or down, and you see a video of your life, the choices you made, and how you affected others. The bad stuff is in there, but also the good stuff you did.


The experience with the fox that I had on what would have been my late wife Margi’s birthday in 2022 was one of many. (On Airport Road, in the pitch darkness, a fox came right out of the woods and trotted right next to me for fifty yards…. I was def. a bit apprehensive and had my pistol out, though on the far side of his body, just in case he had rabies or something. After 50 yards or so, I shooed him/her back into the woods. Then I came to where Airport Road t’s into Paul Bunyan Road. Suddenly, a Dodge pickup pulling a flatbed trailer with a small earth-mover Cat on it came around the corner, and in its headlight I saw that fox, sitting on its haunches and waiting for me. It sure gave me the woollies. Twelve hours later, I brought the incident up to a gal at Stubb’s who is 1/4 Amerindian, and she said: “A Native American belief is that if a fox or cardinal comes right up to you, it can be a deceased loved one reaching out.” Well, it was right on Margi’s birthday, and I was frankly feeling a lot of grief that day.
What I am saying is that the fearless, self-sacrificing way that Sergeant Elias charges the communist enemy shows he KNOWS his soul is immortal. Many people have these experiences. In fact, I read a stat that 1 in 8 have SEEN a deceased loved one. It has happened twice to me. It means God is seeing what you are enduring, that He sees you are dejected, and He wants to give you a morale boost in your darkest hour….
But somehow, in His wise eyes, you must also deserve it. Selfish jerks just do not have these experiences. Why should they? God too “does not cast pearls before swine.” He absolutely lets some people just stew in their own juices, and go through all the sh–t which they brought on themselves — and upon others.
It is then God’s tough love… instant karma…. that the Big Guy lets you undergo, because He has seen for millennia that pain can be the only thing that wakes some folks up. God is still love, but the kind of love that is appropriate for you at this segment of your life, and it may not be that what you need is rainbows and unicorns.
……The Confederacy’s viewpoint

CONFEDERATE SOLDIER – “The Yankees are sacrificing their lives for nothing; we ours for home, country, and all that is dear and sacred. Everyone seems to know that his life, liberty, and property are at stake. I’m fighting because this is my home and they’re here.”
UNION SOLDIER – “We are fighting for the Union…a high and noble sentiment, but after all just a sentiment. They are fighting for independence, and are animated by a passion and hatred against us as invaders.”
Photo: Unknown Confederate Soldier: Infantryman With Kepi and Bayonet

John De Nugent

The last justified war was in 1812. Every other one was based on atrocity propaganda lies or the lie that it was a winnable war when it was not (Vietnam, Afghanistan and Iraq). WE interfered with Mexico, with the South, with Spain, with Japan, and twice with Germany (as in “the war to end all wars” — Woodrow Wilson, who lied that Germans were raping Belgian nuns, cutting hands off babies, and crucifying Canadian officers — pure, deliberate lies)……
In fact, WWII only saved communism, and it spread around the world thanks to us. My father fought, bled and froze in Korea with the US Marines because in 1945 we had saved Soviet communism.
Stalin and Mao spread this communism which the US had saved to China, North Vietnam, North Korea and Cuba.
And what did the Civil War accomplish? Black crime everywhere.
Let’s get real. Yes, the Southern slave owners wanted to keep their expensive human property — or be compensated for losing it, and then hire free whites as farm workers. .
(Many slave owners wanted the Blacks to be 1) freed, and 2) sent far away, among them Thomas Jefferson and Robert E. Lee.)
But far more important was that they opposed giving Blacks citizenship, their freedom, the vote, and the right to move around, because in their view Blacks were inferior, violent, impulsive, thieving, raping and lawless — and Blacks would become a menace to white safety, order, and progress.
Look at Detroit, Newark, Oakland, Wash DC, or East Saint Louis, and then tell me these men who had had 200 years of experience with Blacks were deluded.

Hugh McGee
Imagine how anyone would react to an invading army about to destroy everything, your home, farm , livestock, crops,etc and leaving you starving!
Greg Webster
Hugh Mcgee they are, they are called Yankees
John De Nugent
Greg Webster true but I am a Yankee, and 100% for the South. Back then, the millions of Yankees who supported the South were called Copperheads and Lincoln imprisoned many of them.
Greg Webster
John De Nugent copperheads after the snake
John De Nugent
Greg Webster  The real snake is the white person who say he loves negroes and then moves two suburbs over, takes his kids out of a school full of Blacks, and puts them in an all-white private school. OR he/she moves from Detroit, Chicago, Milwaukee, or Minneapolis to the lily-white but economically depressed and backward UP of Michigan, where I live, SAYS “I like all the nature up here,” or “I like the low crime rate,” or “I like the pasties” [meat pies] 😉 or “the Northern Lights,” but never admits —

The main reason why I am here

is to get away from the Blacks.

As Shakespeare (IMO Edward de Vere) said in “Hamlet,”

“To thine own self be true.” And I guarantee you that if Kamala gets in, she will flood the 98% white UP with Blacks and Hispanics, and take OUR guns, not theirs.

Charles Hollingsworth

The Southern states were not rebelling, they were repelling the invasion from the north. Standing your ground and protecting your home does not make you a rebel.
Charles Hollingsworth that argument goes out the window when the Confederacy invaded the north in Pennsylvania and became an invasion force.

Robert E. Lee Camp 1640, Sons of Confederate Veterans

Matt Lighthall it actually does not. The goal of the Northern invasion was to get the Union Army out of Virginia. The attempted invasion of South Carolina was to provoke the South into firing and was the act of war that started the shooting.

John De Nugent

Matt Lighthall The Confederacy had zero intention of invading to conquer the North, merely wanting its legally voted independence recognized. Was George Washington “attacking England”? No, he was saying: “Go home, and leave us alone.” Does a beaten wife have the right to leave her brutal husband? (and vice versa, there being also wives who are violent to their husbands).

Matt Lighthall

John De Nugent what a straw man argument. The future threatening of owning human property is not equivalent to a beating husband or taxation without representation. The south had equal representation they just didn’t like the way things were going. So, like the petulant children they are they took their ball and went home. Then daddy Lincoln put you over his knee.

John De Nugent

Matt Lighthall Um, I actually am from Rhode Island and now Michigan, not a Southerner. Lincoln did not “put the South over his knee,” he slaughtered and devastated it.
Matt Lighthall  To send troops into a fort [ = Ft. Sumter, South Carolina] on what was at that time the soil of an independent nation for the intended purpose of military reinforcement is an act of war!
They were fighting to keep the country from becoming what it’s come to. So evil won, and now we’re all doomed !!!
Hugh Mills Been hearing that since the 1960s, yet here we still are.

John De Nugent

Monty Allen Yes, near bankruptcy, on the verge of a race war or heading into WWIII. Yes, here we are.
It may seem that way, but a new leader and vision are coming soon. Trump is not the one, though he has done some good. And the Deep State will kill him, steal the election, or crash the economy, esp. if he starts deporting the 40 million undocumented Democrats. This leader will leave jew-owned Trump, who cannot bring himself to say the word “white,” far behind in his wake. And it will be very soon.



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