Obongo endorses Kamala — the Monica Lewinski, but dumber, of California; her 13 years as a S.F. DA and Calif. AG NOT prosecuting pedophile priests

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(NYT)  Former President Barack Obama endorsed Vice President Kamala Harris to be the Democratic presidential nominee, saying in a statement with Michelle Obama, the former first lady, that they would “do everything we can to elect Kamala Harris the next president of the United States.” Mr. Obama was the most prominent Democrat to have held out on endorsing Ms. Harris’s candidacy.

Ms. Harris accepted Mr. Obama’s endorsement in a phone call, a video of which her campaign released on Friday morning.

(A comrade wrote meon Facebook) There is a demonic crescendo of sorts occuring in the U.S. political scene — and Kamala is the “cherry” on top of that dung-pile.  … a dream-candidate backed by the defilers and destroyers of all that is good, noble, sane and honorable.
They are giddy with delight – – their machinations have brought her to the position where she is now.

Caramel Harris is in truth nothing but the Monica Lewinski of California — and of US politics — who sucked her way to the top via her black, MARRIED fuckbuddy, Willie Brown, the longtime California state legislator 1965-95, the Speaker of the California State Assembly (House of Representatives) 1980-95. and finally the mayor of San Francisco 1996-2004.

“She reeeeal goood… way betta dan mah wahf”


Kamala as State Attorney General did not prosecute ONE pedophile Catholic priest in eight years in this state with a 40-million population, probably half of which is Roman Catholic (white Catholics, Hispanics and Filipinos), because she was taking money from wealthy Catholic donors.


….EXCLUSIVE! Outrage: Cash-loving Kamala, for campaign donations from rich Catholic donors, did not prosecute ONE pedophile Catholic priest in seven years as California AG, rejecting hundreds of lawsuits by pitiful child victims

“Battle for the soul of the nation” — from a childless ghoul without a soul who told raped children to take a hike
by Johndenugent.com contributing editor François Arouet.
If you like the following article (a story I doubt you will read anywhere else) by François, and others that we publish on a daily basis – that John is paying for while he develops his new spiritual organization – then please write to John at john_denugent@yahoo.com to learn how you can help us. John would genuinely love to hear from you so that you can set up a private SKYPE conversation where he can explain his vision, and you can help him achieve his goals. We are this close to a new noble age. Our people need you NOW more than ever.
For me, few crimes are worse than the sexual abuse of children – in both their evilness and cruelty.
A grown person wrenching the innocence of a defenseless child for their own sick personal gratification is indefensible. (In spite of what the Left tell us.)
And there is but one deterrent to sexual abuse – due to the fact that perpetrators of these heinous acts are ALWAYS without conscience or morality – the LAW.
The fear they will get caught and sent to prison, where many of them are then rightfully preyed upon themselves, is literally the ONLY thing these people fear.
Often excluded from the home in cases where children are victimized by sexual abuse, fathers are no longer able to defend their families with force – and these monsters know this – a healthy fear of being nabbed and “sent down” is literally all that stands between child rapists and our children.
When the law is complicit, though, children are placed in the greatest of peril, as has been the case in California for decades – never more so than during Kamala Harris’s reign of terror as the State’s Attorney General.
FACT – During Senator Kamala Harris’s tenure as the State of California’s top prosecutor, Harris failed to prosecute a single case of child sexual abuse brought to her office by priests.
In fact, it has been uncovered by a Conservative investigative body with strong ties to the relatively mainstream Hoover Institute that Harris’s office “reportedly hid records documenting these sex crimes against children.”
56-year-old Peter Franz Schweizer is an accomplished German-American writer and President of the Government Accountability Institute (GAI) – the organization that conducted the research on Harris, as well as on other high-ranking liberals.
Schweizer, who is also a senior editor for Breitbart News and former fellow at the conservative Hoover Institute, rose to prominence in 2015 after writing, ‘Clinton Cash’, a “New York Times best selling book that detailed donations made to the Clinton Foundation by foreign entities, the access to the Clinton’s which said donations achieved, as well as uncovering Bill and Hillary Clinton’s income after they left the White House in 2001.”
Over the past several years the Oxford University political analyst and investigative reporter has been on a personal crusade to expose Harris (and other high ranking liberals) for her blatantly unfair prosecution of petty criminals and drug offenders, her record of burying evidence that would jeopardize her office’s cases, refusal to exonerate victims of unfair prosecution – often times hiding DNA evidence that would serve the defendant’s case – all, while giving a pass to white-collar crime.
What he uncovered while researching material for his latest book, ‘Profiles in Corruption: Abuse of Power by America’s Progressive Elite’, in which Harris is profiled, was just as egregious, but perhaps even more disturbing.
Schweizer discovered that, while serving as San Francisco’s District Attorney for seven years and then as California’s Attorney General for an additional six years, Harris “never brought a single documented case forward against an abusive priest.”

“During her decade-and-a-half tenure as a chief prosecutor, Harris would fail to prosecute a single case of priest abuse and her office would strangely hide vital records on abuses that had occurred despite the protests of victim groups,” the author contends.
And these aren’t baseless and meritless allegations. His investigative work is “backed by a mountain of corporate documents and legal filings from around the globe.”
And Schweizer does not believe that this is solely “by chance” either, suggesting in ‘Profiles in Corruption‘ that the primary reason for her soft approach to abuse perpetrated by the Roman Catholic Church was due “to the political debt she owed prominent Catholics in the San Francisco Bay Area.”
In fact, her predecessor and opponent in her first district attorney race, Vincent Hallinan, had a long track record of aggressively pursuing sexual abuse cases and brought dozens of these incidents to light during his campaign.
Schweizer contends that “Hallinan’s “gathering of incriminating evidence drove those implicated Catholics afraid of his findings into Harris’s arms,”  just as Kamala’s lust for power lured illiterate former Speaker of the California State Assembly, Willie Brown, into her pants.
Hallinan pointed to “well-connected institutions at the heart of California’s power structure. For instance, St. Ignatius College Preparatory School in the Archdiocese of San Francisco, which graduated California Gov. Jerry Brown and the powerful Getty family, faced public scrutiny because of abuse issues there.”
According to San Francisco election financial disclosures, Harris received large donations from those tied to the Catholic Church institutional hierarchy.
Schweizer writes that, “Harris had no particular ties to the Catholic Church or Catholic organizations, but the money still came in large, unprecedented sums.” Her reasons were not ideological – although her actions and the fact that the witch has no children of her own – demonstrate she HATES children – they were purely financial.
Harris also received “funding” from “Church fixer” and attorney, Joseph Russoniello, who via the law firm of Cooley Godward defended numerous priests in civil cases alleging sexual misconduct. Harris then appointed Russoniello to her office’s advisory board.
The law firm of Bingham McCutcheon, which handled legal matters for the State’s archdiocese, Catholic Charities, and many cases of alleged abuse, also donated $2,825 to the Harris Campaign — the maximum allowed under State Law.
Also on the list Schweizer detailed in his recent book is the law firm of Arguedas, Cassman & Headley.
Cristina Arguedas – the firm’s senior partner – represented the Catholic Church and a high-ranking priest in an abuse case which was later buried by Harris. She later donated $4,550 to Harris’s campaign.
Cristina Arguedas would also later serve on Harris’ advisory council.
See a trend yet?
In total Harris received well over $100,000 from a motley crew of child rape enablers, the attorneys that defended priests, as well as via donations from Catholic board members of various organizations in the Bay Area and their family members.
And boy, did all this money ever pay off.
Hallinan’s loss to Harris meant that the “fate of the investigation into Catholic priest abuse would dramatically change—and not for the better,” according to Schweizer.
*** JdN From a  database of priests accused of molestation: https://www.bishop-accountability.org/accused/
Where Hallinan sought and PROMISED to prosecute filth as well as “release abuse records”, Harris quite conspicuously acted to hide them.
“Harris, who had been a sexual-crimes prosecutor early in her career, moved in the opposite direction of Hallinan and worked to cover up the records,” Schweizer told the Hoover Institute last month.
Schweizer added that, “Harris claimed that she buried the records in question for the protection of the victims. This excuse though was quickly shot down by victims’ advocacy groups, and the records show this.” “Victims’ groups wanted the documents released, and it was Harris who was stopping it. They were outraged by her actions. Far from protecting victims, they argued, the cover-up was actually protecting the abusers by keeping their alleged crimes secret,” Schweizer charged.
Survivor Network of Those Abused by Priests’ (SNAP) Northwest regional director Joey Piscitelli, lambasted these actions. “They’re full of s–t,” Piscitelli fired. “You can quote me on that. They’re not protecting the victims.”

“It is an astonishing display of inaction, given the number of cases brought in other parts of the country. To put this lack of action in perspective, at least fifty other cities charged priests in sexual abuse cases during her tenure as San Francisco District Attorney. San Francisco is conspicuous by its absence,” Schweizer contended.
This evil creature may become President of the United States over the next four years.
But don’t say anything; she is a woman and also “of color” (we still aren’t sure of which one yet) and therefore, regardless of  how many innocent people she has DESTROYED  over the years, deserves our utmost respect and adulation.


    • I would shop at this grocery store just for the entertainment.

      Matt Koehl once told me that he prefered Black cashiers because they are uncaring enough to take ANY coupon without checking.

      • I got some minor things like license renewal free from blax at the DMV in Virginia because of my reservist ID, though the freebie applied only to active duty. (The active-duty card has a different color, and Virginia is bursting at the seams with military personnel (the Pentagon itself, Ft. Belvoir, Quantico, etc., etc., etc.) but of course the black DMV gal I ran into didn’t care.)

        Once the IRS called me and my then wife in, but conveniently our baby daughter soiled her diaper at the right moment, and the black IRS guy let us go. 😉

        So there is a silver lining to everything. 😉

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