Occidental Dissent attack on JdN by Holappa

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[This thread was closed by the website owner, Brad Griffin, in 2014. I have made no changes to it except to display photos which were just links. The thread can be found on the “Waybackmachine.”]


Who Is John de Nugent?



Speaking of crackpots, I have been getting a lot of unsolicited emails lately from a White Nationalist called “John de Nugent” about the Jewish Question.

Here’s a sample of the stuff that de Nugent is sending me:

“The Enemy fears that Whites will gain new hope that 1) the German Reich never ended in 1945, and is now preparing its violent and vengeful comeback, and 2) there are advanced Whites throughout the galaxy who are bitter enemies of the Jews and of THEIR allies ” an evil power that is USING THE JEWS AS THEIR AGENTS, a force whose savage cruelty staggers the imagination. (It all confirms John 8:44.)” ¦

Listen to this:

“8) the Nordic Aliens are helping the Fourth Reich
9) the Grays are helping the US government and thus the Jews who of course control the US government. Thus the theme of the series “X Files” is simply true, that the Grays are deeply embedded in the US government. ¦

13) Nordic Aliens have abducted entire White American families and taken them to beautiful planets to work in agriculture and forestry, fearing that earth WILL be destroyed but desiring that White earthlings should be preserved. They are however kept at 1940s technology because Earthlings tend toward ego, violence, and misusing technology to make devastating weapons and, through pollution, to destroy their own environment to get rich quick.
14) A Gray-Reptilian alliance enslaved many planets with a HAARP-like mind control and neurochemicals, making them into programmed transhumans without free will, slaves and soldiers in their war machine.
The Nordic Aliens were forced to obliterate all life on those many planets and then restore those planets painstakingly so they could again host life.
15) The Nordic Aliens wish the Fourth Reich to take care of the problems on this planet.”

Note: See here, here, here, and here.

Update: John de Nugent believes he is the reincarnation of Adolf Hitler and that he was molested as a child as punishment for the Second World War:

“John de Nugent was then and is still certain about the fact that he is reincarnated from Adolf Hitler. One we had a walk he told me that how he felt the pain of losing the 2nd World War and how he still can remember the April 30th 1945 inside the Führerbunker. John de Nugent claimed that he remembers how he did hold the pistol before “he” (Adolf Hitler) finished his days among the living. John de Nugent could not bear any counter-statements about the possibility of Hitler’s escape from the bunker. John de Nugent had composed an article for the Barnes Review where he explains the last moments of Adolf Hitler. John de Nugent also kept the fact alive that he was Adolf Hitler in his last life by his facial structure and the matching eye color “ deep blue eyes. However, John de Nugent used blue contact lenses while his real eye color is blue-green. Before publishing any close-up pictures of himself where his eyes were exposed, he made certain to color his eyes in dark blue. ¦

Some of the Sunday hobbies of John de Nugent were to take photographs of him that is supposed to in the style of Adolf Hitler. He often said, also several other people hearing it, that it must be shown to the Jews that Adolf Hitler is back!

John de Nugent felt that all the pain he had gone through in his childhood sexual abuse was the karma of losing the 2nd World War and causing the deaths of 55 million people ¦”

This entry was posted in Humor, Kooks, The Jewish Question, White Nationalism. Bookmark the permalink.

292 Responses to Who Is John de Nugent?

  1. Mosin Nagant says:

    ˜Ancient Aliens’ is nonsense. http://ancientaliensdebunked.com/

  2. Fr. John+ says:

    “I love Pastor L, as well. He’s terrific!
    Hail Lindstedt!” “ Denise

    Well, then, dear, I’ve seriously misjudged you.

  3. Fr. John+ says:

    “I guess I don’t see the “striving for normalcy” element as positive because I don’t see much abnormality. ”

    Then you are nothing more than a child of your age.
    Misericordie, Domine.

  4. Mosin Nagant says:

    I believe Occigent was referring not to abnormality in Amerika and the world, but to false or exaggerated charges of ˜abnormality’ made against non-‘mainstreaming’ WNs by Mainstreamers.

  5. Re: Mosin

    I will speak for myself here.

    For 12 years, I was never once aroused to participate in a NSM-style rally or demonstration, and I have had plenty of bad experiences with WNs online over the years. I have repeatedly had to deal with nuts and cranks, for example, Harold Covington, who wrote a 900 page novel in which I am his arch-nemesis because one of the moderators here caught him using a sockpuppet.

    At the same time, I have met people like Jack Ryan, Stephen Dalton, Kyle Rogers, Tom Pierce, Matt Heimbach, Gregory Hood, William Rome, not to mention my wife, through my involvement with the White Nationalist movement. Feel free to disagree, but I think the WN movement should present itself to the public like we are doing in the League of the South.

    We need to be stable, level headed, normal, ordinary, approachable, presentable, yes, even conservative “ the exact opposite of the stereotype that the SPLC and its allies in the media try so hard to perpetuate.

  6. Mosin Nagant says:

    Re: ˜yes, even conservative’:

    However, Christian conservatism is NOT popularly regarded as ˜normalcy’, but as ˜turning the world upside down’. Instead of striving for and requiring the appearance of (what is popularly considered to be) ˜normalcy’, we should simply strive to do what is right.

  7. Mosin Nagant says:

    ˜At the same time, I have met people like ¦Matt Heimbach’

    Does Matt Heimbach (taking just one of your examples) really come up to the Mainstream standard of normalcy, with Nazi and Klan associations, conversion to Eastern Orthodoxy, etc.?

    I generally agree with your positions about style of dress and polite behaviour, Hunter. I said before I thought you had the better of most of the others in this argument. But perhaps you are a little too hard on the ˜abnormals’. Let him that thinketh he standeth take heed ¦.

  8. I talked with Matt just the other day.

  9. Lew says:

    The NSM can’t serious about getting a message across to anyone outside their subculture. NSM clearly doesn’t appreciate the value of their own substance. NSM seems to be more of a hobby group focused on a specific period than an activist group to be taken seriously for their ACTIVISM.

    You can have great substance, and NSM does, but if you think you’re too good to follow normal social conventions no one is going to listen to you nor should they. It shows poor judgment, immaturity or something else.

    David Duke, Jared Taylor, Richard Spencer, LOS and others manage to follow conventional standards for dress and appearance while spreading subversive ideas. Alex Linder from what I have seen from pictures of past rallies dresses well in public too.

    Imagine if David Duke or Richard Spencer took to the podium in a visible public event with an untrimmed, four-day growth of beard, gym shorts and a t-shirt with coffee stains but otherwise delivered the exact same substance.

    Wouldn’t you have to wonder what they were thinking, if they had any respect for the audience, and if they were serious about getting a message across? At that point, no one is listening.

    That’s basically what the NSM does. They just flout conventions in a different way.

  10. Mosin Nagant says:

    John wrote (on the Diversity thread): ˜Do us a favour a refrain from posting altogether’.

    Do us ALL a favour ¦? Who is ˜all’?

  11. Mosin Nagant says:

    Lew, isn’t convention flouting in the eye of the beholder? Being true to ethnic heritage and religion is seen as convention flouting.

  12. Lew says:

    I’m in-all in on flouting convention of the battlefield of ideas. That’s something different.

    I’m talking here specifically about social conventions that you need to follow if you want people to listen to you or take you seriously. These include standards of behavior, dress, demeanor and public decorum.

    The problem with these groups, again, is STYLE and JUDGMENT not SUBSTANCE or COURAGE. If NSM, skinheads, Aryan Brigade, Klan and these other hardcore groups would just drop the symbolism which isn’t essential to the message anyway and put on some decent clothes, they could move white activism IRL forward over night.

    LOS wins this particular contest debate by a mile.

  13. Mosin Nagant says:

    ˜I’m talking here specifically about social conventions that you need to follow if you want people to listen to you or take you seriously. These include standards of behavior, dress, demeanor and public decorum.’

    Amish white people test those limits daily, with their odd ethnic ways and appearances, yet they are taken seriously enough, seldom hated. Sincerity, consistency, honest, goodness ” all count much more than stylish hair dressing, suit and tie. You can fool some people some of the time, but ¦.

    Whites might never outdo the Devil himself, and the Tamudists and Jesuitists, in the ˜art’ of deceptive PROPAGANDA. ˜Normalcy Strategy’ could be trying to ˜make war by deception’.

  14. Lew says:

    I know of no groups that dress like the 19th century WideAwakes or that carry pictures of Lenin, red banners with a gold hammer and sickle and who dress like the NKVD.

  15. Herr Kardinal says:

    Why Nugent is lying about obvious facts regarding Henrik Holappa? Why is he making claims that are not correct and can easily be unproven? I thought that Nugent is someone who is basing his claims on facts.

    He claims that Henrik Holappa was voted out from the leadership of the Finnish Resistance Movement. Though written in Finnish, Holappa writes that he resigns from the leadership position of the organization for the reason that he will be working in the Nordic level of the organization. Here is the article, just simply google translate it: http://www.patriootti.com/suomen-vastarintaliikkeen-johtajuuden-jattaminen/ (published Aug. 6, 2012). The Swedish website reports about it as well: https://www.nordfront.se/henrik-holappa-lamnar-over-ledarskapet-for-finska-motstandsrorelsen.smr

    Nugent claims that Holappa himself told at Carolyn’s show that he was voted out from his own organization. When Holappa gave the interview with Carolyn, he was still the leader of the Finnish Resistance Movement. There is no mention about any of those things that Nugent is claiming Holappa is talking about. Listen to it yourself:

    Nugent claims that Holappa had six charges, when one can easily counter that claim as well as simply just reading Holappa’s book at:https://archive.org/details/WrongfullyAccused-ThreeHundredAndTwenty-eightDaysInAmerica
    In the book’s document section Holappa clearly explains the contents and reasons of the charges he was charged with. Holappa was not brought to court because, as stated in those documents, time to press charges against Holappa had expired and there wasn’t enough evidence.

    Nugent obviously refers to Gerhard Ittner, but again, one can read Holappa’s own account of the events from his article about the matter:http://www.patriootti.com/tapaus-gerhard-ittner-oulussa/
    Just translate that into English, and get the facts.

    Nugent seems to have this urge to make lies about Holappa to hide his own actions. Why Nugent is lying about things that can be easily unproven and to be shown incorrect in a matter of just a few clicks on the net and reading the facts that there are? Nugent probably thinks that he can go around and make claims that everybody is just going to believe them without actually checking the claims. However the claims that has been made about Nugent by Holappa can not be unproven. Nugent’s own erratic behavior speaks for them.

    There is even evidence that Nugent has even asked RF people seriously hurt Holappa and his children and wife. It appears that Nugent had contacted through a Facebook a leftwing organization operating in Sweden and asked if they “could give a visit” to Holappa’s home and hurt him, his children and wife. He had also written a statement that is very weird regarding the fact that Nugent himself was abused as a child. However Nugent’s plan to hurt Holappa and his family could not be carried out because the police raided and arrested those leftwing radicals. Probably Nugent’s plan would have never come out if those raids had not happened ¦

  16. Herr Kardinal says:

    + Henrik Holappa was in custody when the charges were officially dropped in Finland in April 2009. Holappa was still 2 more months in custody. After that Holappa left his asylum case and accepted his removal from the US. So when Holappa returned Finland the charges were already dropped “ the charges were not dropped then when Holappa returned, as Nugent so claims.

    Nugent is a pathological liar.

  17. Anthony O’Neill says:

    “Herr Kardinal,” by the sound of his English, is Holappa himself, and is full of hasbara propaganda. To say that Holappa is in the leadership of the Swedish organization is a face-saving act of kindness by the Swedes after his own group (the one that Swedish money set up) expelled him and a Finnish WN in the group wrote me this on Facebook in a PM. A Russian WN told me that he actually fled back to Russia after Holappa threatened his life.

    Further, Holappa was incapable of getting any girlfriend at all while in America for eight months with his skinny six feet on a 130-pound frame full of pimples, and it was Nugent who by emails got him his one and only girlfriend, who by the way is not Swedish but a Californian.

    Holappa still cannot explain how six charges against him were dropped:

    1) copyright violation
    2) defaming the African community in Finland
    3) inciting racial hatred
    4) lying to police
    5) harboring a fugitive
    6) aiding a fugitive to escape (Ittner)

    With any other WN, they throw the book at him. Why was Holappa not immediately arrested on his forced return to Finland?

    The only hope Holappa has to stay free is to continue trying to please his Jewish masters by attacking Nugent, who put him up in his own home for eight months, spent $2,000 on his lawyer, let him use his car and his clothes, taught him how to speak good English, how to blog and post photos, and even found him a WN girlfriend in Sweden after he was expelled back to Europe albeit an overweight one, but at least she took him in.

    Every word from Holappa is a tissue of lies, half-truths and omissions, and it is appalling to see this level of ingratitude. So be warned: if you invite a “comrade” into your house, he might attack you online later to save his own skin. Others are willing to go to prison, but Holappa is willing to dump on his friends.

  18. Herr Kardinal says:

    Mr O’Neill indeed speaks and barks like a Nugent’s dog, but again, without any evidence.

    Where is your evidence that Holappa was in fact having six charges? How do you prove it? Where are your documents showing and proving all those claims that you, Mr O’Neill, talk about? If you are convinced that there really were so many charges, please, share all the documents, your words aren’t just enough.

    If you, Mr O’Neill, make incorrect claims that you can’t prove, why can’t I also claim that you have been charged of 6 counts of rapes, but the charges were later dropped. Why, Mr O’Neill, your rape charges were dropped? Hopefully you understand the point here.
    Why have you been charged of illegal possession of weapons, but the charges were dropped? Again, do you understand the point there? I can’t prove in any way that you have ever been charged of rapes and weapon related crimes, but somebody on a certain website did claim that you were and the charges were dropped.

    The fact is, Mr O’Neill, that you don’t have anything. You just have everything that Nugent has told you. You think you know something, but the fact is that you know nothing. The Russian friend, Vladimir Stepin, left Finland “ not because of threats made on him “ but because of unpaid bills and getting into troubles with the Finnish authorities.

    It is true that Margaret Huffstickler, who is planning to get married soon, paid $ 2,000 for the immigration attorney, but all the money were returned to Nugent’s account just three days later. There are bank statements proving that to be true. The transfer was completed on Monday, October 13, 2008.

    But, there in the Nugent-land of fantasy the facts do not matter. However, Nugent is the one who is wanting to become all-white leader. He is the one who has to do all the explaining. Truth is the truth, and there are many other things still in the air, and maybe just some day Holappa will be finally talking about them, and not to the WN media, but to the world’s media, as some of his information is very, I would say, extremely interesting.

    Until then,
    As always,
    Herr Kardinal / EU

  19. Henrik Holappa says:

    To Mr Anthony O’Neill:

    Herr Kardinal might be a friend of mine who lives in Europe. Therefore I ask you kindly to forgive him some of the errors he has in his writing, and the same applies to myself as well, since English is not my native language.

    Hoo’ah, a good old heated conversation, can’t get better than that. Those claims that O’Neill shares in his comment regarding me, whether it is how I have looked once in my life, or whether or not I had a girlfriend then, or what are the appearances of my current life-partner, or why my charges were dropped while I was in custody, or whatever else, are most interesting subjects for some.

    I do not have the pleasure of knowing you Mr O’Neill, I don’t think we have ever been officially introduced to each other, or I don’t think you have ever seen me or really known me. I doubt, but correct me if I am wrong, you have never met Mr de Nugent in person, or you have never lived with him and certainly not for eight months. I must say, to be completely honest, you have a completely biased pictures of me and Mr de Nugent. I can’t blame you for that.

    Oh, another topic was whether I had clothing with me or not when I came to America, or was I completely nude and Mr Nugent gave me some clothing. Again, I had a huge 70 liter backpack with me upon my arrival to America. It contained a lot of clothing. Yes, it is true that John de Nugent gave me that blue shirt (with a couple stripes), a gray shirt, a white shirt and borrowed his tie. I also got, but from his friend, used US army combat boots and a BW raincoat. But all other clothing was mine, and almost all of them I had to leave behind.

    Anyway, please, Mr O’Neill, we must get to know each other. Do email me athenrik.holappa@gmail.com and ask any question you want to ask, share your doubts, or even hatred with me, have a discussion with me “ if of course you dare and you have guts enough. Maybe you first have to ask a permission from Mr Nugent first? But if you do really want to know everything, just do ask. It is up to you whether you believe anything I say, at least I have told you. You can only win, Mr O’Neill.

  20. Rich Stacey says:

    Who cares about Holappa? Who cares about this insignificant man? He is not going to be our leader. He is not going to represent us all. At least he doesn’t claim he will, and he hasn’t self-proclaimed himself to be the next Nazi leader. John de Nugent with his Aliens has however.

    Instead of Holappa, we should be committed to focus on John de Nugent who is wanting be YOUR leader.

    De Nugent has never answered to any of those questions.

    Here are the questions that everybody should be asking from this self-proclaimed Nazi.
    – If he is the most targeted man in America, why HE has never been ARRESTED, JAILED or FINED? Sure he has been questioned a few times, but so are many other people, in daily basis.

    -De Nugent claims he is always armed and that prevents the authorities to arrest him. If the authorities, such as the FBI, would really want to arrest him they would have done so already long time ago. They wouldn’t care about that whether or not he is armed. They probably would be happy to gun down in a firefight a self-proclaimed reincarnation of Adolf Hitler. So, why John de Nugent has never been arrested or jailed in his 35 year Nazi career? Why wasn’t he arrested because of his associations in 1970 ²s? In 80 ²s? In 90 ²s? He even says he had a personal contact with infamous Robert J. Mathews. Yet, he wasn’t arrested.

    – Why most de Nugent’s friends and assistants have been arrested or jailed while they have been in contact with de Nugent?

    – Why most of his assistants have left him, like Jason Salyers, William Fox, Joe Fields, Clark Lightbridge, and the former MP who took de Nugent’s money? Is it because there’s something wrong with de Nugent or is it because of something else?

    – If John de Nugent did not violently assault Margaret Huffstickler, why did the police visit their house (called by a neighbor in Sarver) in June 2008? Why did Huffstickler leave de Nugent for a longer period of time and traveled to Europe in 2011-2012? Why Huffstickler is planning to return to Europe and marry a German man?

    – Margaret Huffstickler has in various occasions denied the Holocaust “ verbally and in written form. While she stayed in GERMANY, why wasn’t she arrested and jailed for Holocaust denial? So many other people have been arrested and jailed for years for the same offense, but Huffstickler could stay in Germany. Maybe next time she won’t be that lucky ¦

    – Huffstickler stayed ILLEGALY in Europe more than 90 days. Why wasn’t she detained and deported from the EU?

    Before Huffstickler went back to America she was staying in Spain with WNs. A friend on Facebook (in a PM) told that WNs in Spain got tired of her and put her on the next plane back to America. Huffstickler tried to obtain “ ILLEGALY “ an EU driver’s license, asking for money from her friends in Germany. Another serious offense, a felony crime, but yet, Huffstickler was never questioned, arrested or jailed for two counts of serious felony crimes!!!

    – John de Nugent has been talking for veeeery long time about establishing a WN mass movement, already since the 1980 ²s. Only in 2006/07 he introduced the so called Solutrean movement “ yet in Germany “ and declared that he was writing a book about his views. This book was supposed to change the world. He talked about writing a book already in 2006!!!! In 2008 de Nugent dropped the idea of writing a book and he wanted to concentrate on producing DVDs. That idea became nothing. In 2009-2010 he produced a couple of videos that got no more than 200 views. And now again he is claiming he is going to write a holy book that is going to change everything “ this time the Aliens involved in the process.
    The question is: There’s a lot of talk by de Nugent doing this and that, but nothing ever happens. Why is that?

    – Why was John de Nugent threatening his own friend with a 9 mm pistol while this friend stayed at de Nugent’s house in Sarver?

    – John de Nugent brags that he is a Georgetown University graduate. According to a story he attended to a history class. He lectured about Adolf Hitler and bursting on tears he claimed he was Adolf Hitler. His Jewish teacher asked him to stop. (This was at the time when John de Nugent arranged his anti-gay 2-man demonstration at the campus). John de Nugent has of course denied this ever happening, but certain evidence speaks for itself that this truly happened.

    – John de Nugent claims that her father and mother sexually abused him as a boy. He has written about this many times, and he has described his mother as: “The most evil woman.” If this is the case, why he is often talking about his sexually abusing politician father?

    – John de Nugent has admitted that he has worked closely with SPLC, with the Secret Service and the FBI. He has also befriended with an American spy James F. Hitselberger whom he had threatened with a pistol. This is evidence enough of John de Nugent’s cooperation with the authorities.

    – John de Nugent says that he had many Jewish girlfriends. Not just one, but many. Why? Identity crisis, maybe?

  21. Anthony O’Neill says:

    This creature is not even Holappa. Holappa’s email address isheholappa@hotmail.com. For months now Swedish leftists have been impersonating him and contacting Solutreans such as myself to say that they are Holappa or his friend, and that Holappa was arrested after hiding out in the Norwegian mountains, he now has a black girlfriend, he wants to do a radio show with de Nugent, etc.

    I recommend that any sincere WN read http://therebel.org/news/diary-of-an-israeli-shill/ There are hundreds of full-time, paid shills for Jewry out there. And their purpose is to cause infighting in WNs. This blog shows their success.

  22. Several new comments have been approved above.

  23. Anthony O’Neill says:

    It is interesting that Google, owned by the two Jews Page and Brin, has put this link at the top of page one on the search term “John de Nugent,” because the Jews want it to get traffic. This tells you with whom Holappa, and of course the leftists who masquerade as being he, collaborate.

    In Canada, we are facing an avalanche of blacks, muslims, Hindus, Chinese and Gypsies pouring in and committing crimes. In Vancouver, B.C. the signs are everywhere in Chinese and Hindi!

    But the mortal enemy of our race wants us to attack each other, and he will always find narcissists and turncoats to do his bidding.

  24. Not really.

    It does that with almost anyone who I write about who isn’t, say, extremely famous like Tom Cruise. Search for “Mandela Satsuma,” the anti-racist who organized the Murfreesboro counterprotest, and OD is the first result.

  25. Anthony O’Neill says:

    It is the height of irony and chutzpah that the very trolls who have been attacking John de Nugent since March 2009, and with some success (I as his webmaster can say that he has less readers today than he did in 2009 as a direct result), and who do so deliberately in order to undermine financial support and volunteerism for him from the white nationalist community, then go on to denounce and mock Mr. de Nugent for not getting a movement going.

    But then again, isn’t that the purpose of all defamation, ridicule, feuding and divide-and-conquer by COINTELPRO, to prevent any white leader from starting a movement?

    It sounds like blame-the-victim to me, eh?

    The entire attack by “Henrik Holappa” above is unchivalrous, especially toward Margaret Huffstickler, who spent $2,000 on Holappa’s lawyer and never was thanked once for it, or for anything she did for him, including visiting him while incarcerated.


    This stream of lie after lie after lie is part of a coordinated attack by the Duke-Black forces working with COINTELPRO.

    Yes, “Toto, we are not in Kansas any more.” Real human beings that we know and once cherished are in fact now in the pay of the enemy. They know no gratitude. They have no life except trolling. And they have gone over to the Dark Side. Their hatred knows no moral or veridical bounds; for they cannot live with themselves after their betrayal of their friends except by justifying it over and over and over to themselves and to the public, painting those who helped them as diabolical monsters.

    What drew me to John de Nugent was reading how he went to bat for Holappa, ironically, when he lived at their expense for eight months in their home and when he was rallying support for Holappa after he was detained by the American authorities. He has helped others both after and before Holappa, such as Clarence Malcolm, the longtime assistant to FBI whistle-blower Ted Gunderson. (Upon retiring after 30 years with the FBI, Gunderson began talking about government cover-ups of satanism and child molestation rings inside the US government.)

    Malcolm posted the following on de Nugent’s Facebook page recently (https://www.facebook.com/john.d.nugent.37/posts/318091191665140).

    Screenshot of this conversation thread in Facebook: https://johndenugent.com/images/clarence-malcolm-on-fb-to-jdn-dec-6-2013.jpg

    Clarence Malcolm posted to John D. Nugent
    December 6 at 9:13 pm via mobile · Edited

    John ¦ I just wanted to thank you again for saving my life years ago when I worked for Ted Gunderson and was being stalked by spooks [undercover government agents] all the way from Nevada to Washington DC . also thank you for writing that letter to the French Embassy for me. Had you not taken me into your home, I’m sure I would be dead now ¦. All because ¦as Ted’s investigator ¦ I discovered the true source of the dead girl’s finger that ended up in a Wendy’s bowl of chili ¦.. and because I discovered the spook killer of “REBECCA” and the CIA cutout company operating out Guatemala that this spook was connected with. Thank you ¦ thank you ¦ thank you John. So you see John ¦ I have not forgotten ¦ I remember you and others who bravely helped me in my time of need when I was running for my life ¦.. And till the day I die I will never forget how you helped me then.
    Like · · Stop Notifications · See Friendship

    Clarence Malcolm Later ¦ After I got back to Texas ¦. the stalking began again and there were several covert attempts on my life ¦ And this did not stop until I went underground in Panama for an entire year ¦ which was made possible by Ted’s continuing financial support.
    December 6 at 9:33pm via mobile · Edited · Like

    John D. Nugent It was my pleasure and privilege to help a true and courageous patriot and later a true friend as well!
    December 6 at 10:18pm · Like · 1

    John D. Nugent When we look back, we remember all the good things about a man like Ted, former top FBI official and then courageous whistleblower. Maybe he is your guardian angel now.
    December 6 at 10:20pm · Edited · Like · 1

    John D. Nugent I saluted Ted in this very scary blog about his work exposing satanists inside our government: https://johndenugent.com/english/english-the-top-satanist-child-abuser-and-child-murderer-who-works-for-the-nsa

    ENGLISH The top satanist, child abuser and child murderer who works for the NSA

    Below is a video with Michael Aquino in the 1980s on a Geraldo Rivera talk show, with my late friend Ted Gunderson speaking first.
    December 6 at 10:22pm · Edited · Like · 1 · Remove Preview

    John D. Nugent Speaking of guardian angels, I did these videos about my English grandfather: My encounter with one of the most reputable “psychics” in America and, it seems, through her with my deceased British grandfather!

    Clarence Malcolm I’m just sorry that after you helped me spooks broke into your Washington DC apartment and trashed it.
    December 6 at 10:31pm via mobile · Like

    John D. Nugent Better spooks than dying of boredom ;-)
    December 6 at 10:35pm · Like · 1

    John D. Nugent With my redhead back I am never bored.


    at our rented house ” with Margaret Huffstickler in Apollo, PA.
    By: John D. Nugent
    December 6 at 10:41pm · Edited · Like · 1 · Remove Preview

    Clarence Malcolm John under fire I will stand by your side any day brother
    December 6 at 10:35pm via mobile · Unlike · 1

    John D. Nugent Just squish ˜em with that 18-wheeler of yours. ;-)
    December 6 at 10:36pm · Like · 1

    Clarence Malcolm John ¦ did you ever identify the red blood colored substance that was sprayed and/or poured down in your apartment?
    December 6 at 11:01pm via mobile · Like

    Clarence Malcolm This reminds me of the miniature explosive that was placed on Ted’s front car tire . the police said they could not identify the compound it had ¦. a radio antenna was inside a it so that it could be remotely triggered to explode to cause Ted to be in an accident this was all reported in the Lafayette Louisiana newspaper because they shut down the entire neighborhood to remove the explosive.
    December 6 at 11:06pm via mobile · Edited · Like

    John D. Nugent No, we never did identify it but they sprayed big “S-S” letters with it. I guess the dorks were saying I was a bigtime Nazi. ;-)
    December 6 at 11:08pm · Like · 1

    Clarence Malcolm Yes ¦. of Course ¦.spooks see you as a Nazi they probably have a big file on you. But I believe they’re also afraid of you because you’re well armed ¦..well ¦. Perhaps not so much “afraid * but lets say very careful. :-)

    If there is one lesson that Mr de Nugent learned from the Holappa and Michael McMaster case (the embezzlement of $42,000 after the police and FBI leaned on him, donations he had collected as he planned for a run for sheriff), it is be very careful what young people of the Me Generation you take into your home.

  26. Herr Kardinal says:

    Mr O’Neill, you are totally confused. First you do claim that I, Herr Kardinal, am Henrik Holappa, now I am a leftist? Excuse me, but WTF? Take your head out of your a**. How do you, as Mr de Nugent’s underdog and official representative, do answer to those claims about de Nugent written by Mr Stacey? What do you actually say that de Nugent attempted to shoot his friend, Mr Hitselberger?? That is a felony crime ¦ for the record, BTW!

  27. Margaret Huffstickler says:

    I am extremely shocked that I should even be mentioned in this thread, let alone lied about. I cannot imagine why anyone would want to spread false, malicious and/or extremely misleading statements about me, as I have never picked a fight with anyone.

    To the contrary, I have always tried to prevent infighting between people who are allegedly fighting on the same side “that is, for truth, the survival of the European race, and an end to the exploitation of all peoples on earth by a few psychopaths.

    Therefore I must assume that the person who is spreading malicious lies about me is working for the other side. Especially when they include false allegations of illegal and even felonious activity “apparently designed to try to cause trouble for me should I wish to travel in the future to speak at conferences, as I did in Spain in 2012.

    The following is an example of a verifiable complete lie told, or relayed, by Rich Stacey”:

    “Before Huffstickler went back to America she was staying in Spain with WNs. A friend on Facebook (in a PM) told that WNs in Spain got tired of her and put her on the next plane back to America.”

    Of course, I have no idea what a “friend on Facebook” told “Rich Stacey”, but since I stayed five weeks in Spain, most of that time in an apartment in Lloret de Mar reserved for speakers at Pedro Varela’s conferences at the Libreria Europa in Barcelona, it is clear that I was not put on the “next plane back to America.”

    Here is a url where you can buy a dvd of my speech in Spanish on “La Verdad Sobre la Gestapo” (based on Vincent Reynouard’s groundbreaking work on the topic) given to Pedro’s group at the Libreria Europa in November, 2012:


    Later in November I traveled with Pedro and others from the Libreria Europa to the “7 Jornadas de Disidencia” conference, where I sang a program of 3 classical Spanish songs and the famous German marching song “Lili Marlene”, and also acted as unofficial (and extremely inexpert) translator for Lady Michele Renouf and Bernard Schaub, sitting next to them in the audience.

    Meanwhile I spent a large part of my time in Spain visiting with my dear friend and distinguished Revisionist author Joaquin Bochaca, whose works I have been translating for years for The Barnes Review. I was interviewing him for an article that was later published in the May/June 2013 Barnes Review. That interview, and visiting Bochaca, was in fact the purpose of my trip to Spain. You can see the cover of the May/June issue, with a photograph I took of Bochaca, here:


    I have remained on extremely cordial terms with all my friends from my visit in Spain. I received a letter from Bochaca last week, thanking me for my work, wishing me Merry Christmas and regretting that I had not been able to visit this past summer; and I spoke with him on the phone today.

    Recently I translated an interview with Pedro Varela made by another comrade, which will appear in a future issue of the Barnes Review.

    I will not address any of the other defamations of “Rich Stacey” here, except to say that I did not ask for, nor receive, money from anyone in Germany; nor did I engage in any illegal activity there.

  28. Anthony O’Neill says:

    I can only shake my head at the latest accusation of “Herr Kardinal,” who is either Holappa or a leftist, but who cares, since they all are united ” under Judah’s star of David ” in attacking John de Nugent, who only spent 35 years of his life (https://johndenugent.com/wn-biography-of-jdn) defending our race and was disinherited by his MILLIONAIRE father, who died in July of last year:https://johndenugent.com/about-john/james-waddell-nugent-obituary

    Jim Hitselberger is a personal friend of John de Nugent and Margaret Huffstickler (he had been friends previously with the late Alfred Huffstickler, a major Texas poet: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Albert_Huffstickler) but not a WN. He was railroaded into jail by Barack Obama for anodine sending of published material about the Iraq War to Stanford University, and is now under house arrest pending trial, outrageously, for violating the Espionage Act.

    He also was at Georgetown University while de Nugent was studying there but their paths never crossed. (The school has 10,000 students.)

    The very idea that de Nugent pulled a gun on Hitselberger, a frequent visitor (they speak regularly by phone, and Margaret just visited him last month) is not only lunacy but actionable libel, and perhaps the time has come for Mr. Griffin, AKA Hunter Wallace, to delete this defamation by “Herr Kardinal,” or for us to subpoena Mr. Griffin to obtain the IP address of “Herr Kardinal” and sue him for defamation.

    This tactic of throwing up a wild snowblower of accusations reminds me of a modern Greek proverb that Spiro Lagoulis, a stormtrooper once for George Lincoln Rockwell said: “Just throw feces up on the wall until it dries and slides off, then throw up more.”

    As for Mr. Holappa, let him scan in and produce the bank statement where he remunerated the $2,000 which his hosts spent on his lawyer, Valerie May. It does not exist, nor do any facts supporting his other libels that, so far, have bought him the mercy of the Jews.

  29. Fr. John+ says:

    “I believe Occigent was referring not to abnormality in Amerika and the world, but to false or exaggerated charges of ˜abnormality’ made against non-‘mainstreaming’ WNs by Mainstreamers.”

    If that is the case, Mosin (and other posters) my sincerest apologies.
    – Fr. John+

  30. Fr. John+ says:

    “Does Matt Heimbach (taking just one of your examples) really come up to the Mainstream standard of normalcy, with Nazi and Klan associations, conversion to Eastern Orthodoxy, etc.?”

    If such is the case, Mosin, can’t one then assume that Mr. H has ˜repented’ of his NatSoc and KKK affiliations? I know of no Orthodox cleric, hierarch or anyone else east of the Tiber (or west of it!) that would admit to communion people who openly, actively had such affiliations.And I think I could say that from experience. While I may be a WN, and am not afraid of quoting such people, to dress like such, or be part of their groups, is tantamount to being a conservative RC and being a Mason- it just isn’t done ¦.

    And Lew’s comments about dressing, looking, and acting ˜normal’ (ie., WHITE/EDUCATED) are correct. That’s why Nigras who pretend to be ˜edumifcated’ always have suit and tie on, even though they look like Gilbert’s ˜only a monkey shaved’ barb.

  31. The only reason for all these attacks on John de Nugent is that ˜they’ can’t control him. It’s all part of the Western freedom of expression hoax. Our ruling parasites are more than happy to let people scream their heads off and say whatever they like as long as nobody listens to them. Once people do, they first ridicule and character assassinate them. If that does not stop people from listening, then they ruin, imprison or even kill them, depending on how effective they are. All these attacks on John de Nugent only go to show that he is being effective. Way to go!

  32. If the gallery is still following this, I can confirm that Margaret, John de Nugent, and Anthony O’Neill are somewhere in western Pennsylvania, and I am sure Henrik Holappa is posting from Sweden.

  33. Anthony O’Neill says:

    The most juvenile part of the Holappa attack is not the half-truths, such as claiming that William Fox of AmericaFirstBooks.com (http://amfirstbooks.com/) “left” John de Nugent.

    Fox, as Holappa well knows, merely sub-rented living space from him, and never, at any time, was considered by himself, by de Nugent, or by anyone as a “JdN follower.” Fox is extremely individualistic and almsot Aspergers’-like in his sense of privacy and hhis pursuit of his own topics, such as Fukushima, and he does very good work on his own things. But he is no joiner, as anyone who knows him can attest.

    This is just one example of a half-truth or really a 1/8th truth. ;-) Fox was living in the same house. That is all.

    Others did leave because they were discouraged by the lack of progress, but unlike Holappa, they did not turn on a friend and benefactor, betray private confidences, and curry favor with the enemy by bashing him in public to the delight of the Jews.

    I note the hypocritical attack by Holappa on de Nugent for not starting a mass movement. Well, since WWII no one has, including Holappa, who, yes, did some good street work in Finland and found out, as we all do, that the masses in the racially northern-European countries are very inert.

    Yes, in some Slavic and Mediterranean white countries there has been SOME political progress, but this has not proved possible yet in one single country of the colder nordic or keltic blood.

    One cannot disprove us by pointing to the sell-out, avoid-the-Jew-topic political parties such as the True Finns in Finland, the Swedish Democrats, in Norway the Progress Party of Siv Jensen (http://www.theguardian.com/world/2013/oct/01/norway-conservatives-coalition-immigration) or the UK Independence Party.

    All parties which have gotten votes have taken the permitted path of we-only-bash-muslims, and avoid arrests and hate-speech prosecutions by avoiding the real issue, THE JEWS.

    The Front National in France is doing well, in that mostly mediteranean-Latin country but this is because Marine le Pen, unlike her father, is embracing homosexuals, Jews and Arabs, saying everyone is welcome except those immigrants who are violent ¦ So she has watered it down drastically to win.

    One can add Jobbik in non-nordic Hungary, which bashes the gypsies ¦and has now started glorifying the Turks, to the disgust of all WNs around the world!

    I think we all have seen the superb video from Sweden “Attack on the White Nations,” which shows that the JEW is the real enemy. (Yes, Mr. Holappa, the Jew IS the enemy, and not John de Nugent., for whom you seem to have a son-father hate going. ;-) )


    Holappa’s mentor (in every radio show he speaks to or of him with reverence and filial devotion as “Dr. Duke”), whom we have known for 24 years personally, unlike Holappa, announced in the summer of 2010 that he would run for president and then did not. Why not? Because he got no financial support. Yet Holappa does not bash Duke ¦.

    As John de Nugent said on his blog here (https://johndenugent.com/english/english-obama-ominously-purges-generals-and-admirals-wns-that-are-afraid-to-die):

    “And when I had a sheriff campaign going [spring of 2013], and moved heaven and earth to get it off the ground, and it was a WINNABLE RACE, it was the same: just 1/4 of 1% of my 2,000+ readers sent donations. I got more donations actually from Germans than from Americans! (And I was not allowed to spend those foreign funds on a US campaign.)

    Same with Duke, whom I cannot stand for many good reasons, but whose national name recognition IS huge, who has many more readers daily than I do, who has some money and a bit of staff. When he announced in the summer of 2010 he wanted to run for president, he too got SILENCE.

    No one at all showed up for his press conference, neither media nor supporters! (Ask my friend at AmericanFreePress.net, Pete Papaherakles. He was there!)

    So this is not about me, JdN, complaining. This is about a fundamental human issue that we WNs all face:

    We Whites, 99% of the white race, are staring like deer-in-the-headlights at the oncoming train. And this is why I must do something radically different.”

    The fact is that no comrade should bash any other comrade for not starting a mass movement. It is especially childish and hypocritical for Holappa to do so when he himself failed to start one despite much hard street work, a fine website, and some good funding from Swedish comrades.

    Now, as to de Nugent being the reincarnation of Hitler:

    Holappa told him himself at a bar in Sarver, Pa, that he believed this to be true. Others have noted certain unusual resemblances, physically and in personality. But this was a private theory, not one that de Nugent proclaimed to the public. Here again, Holappa betrayed a strictly private confidence. De Nugent never strutted around with a Hitler mustache, with outstretched right arm, or demanded that anyone addressed him as the Fuehrer or by any title.

    In fact, his blog has frequently strongly criticized Hitler for certain mistakes made during the war, especially on the eastern front. This would then be, under that theory, self-criticism. ;-)

    It is the ultimate in childishness to think: “If de Nugent is Hitler, why does he not have a huge movement?” in view of the facts discussed above. NO ONE has succeeded in creating a mass movement “not one that takes the Jews on. No, not even with a worsening economy and with Turks, Somalis, other blacks, Arabs, etc., raping our women. Not even with an ongong white GENOCIDE in South Africa!

    In 1928, after eight years of hard work, even the now-famed Adolf Hitler got just a microscopic 2.6% of the vote in the 1928 German general election.

    It was the Great Depression that woke Germans up, and it began, fortunately for Hitelr and his party, just 18 months later. In 1932, 400,000 Germans committed suicide in despair, and the rest either voted for Hitler or suddenly supported him fervently after he became chancellor. They were ready then. They were not before.

    The enemy has learned from the sudden rise of Hitler due to the Great Depression, and is giving everyone their food stamps and unemployment benefits to preclude the kind of misery and hunger that allowed a feared antisemitic enemy like Hitler to actually come to power. The enemy is also spraying chemtrails full of barium, aluminum and other substances to make people zombie-like and depressed.

    And on the nordic peoples it is working very well.

    If Holappa and you, Mr, Griffin, do not like Mr. de Nugent’s new ideas, at least respect that he is engaged in thinking “outside the box,” trying in this way to end the impass where Whites are1) miserable and yet 2) refuse to do anything as we careen toward the racial cliff.

    It is you who started this thread bashing him, and Google is putting it at the top of page one so as to harm him to the maximum extent possible, as always.

    Why not live and let live, and focus now on our real enemies?

  34. Anthony O’Neill says:

    And a ” perhaps ” final note ¦regarding the lies told by Holappa (who probably is AKA Rich Stacey and is AKA “Herr Kardinal,” because it is all in the same bad Finnish English with many dropped articles; Finnish has no word for “a” or “the”):

    It is claimed that Margaret Huffstickler was told to leave Spain by the WNs there and that she is romantically involved with a German ¦. Then it is hard to explain this letter written TO HER AT JOHN DE NUGENT’S ADDRESS on December 4th by esteemed historian Joaquin Bochaca, complaining gently that she had not visited him. (Only Bochaca’s street address in Barcelona has been whited out.)


    This is hardly the kind of letter one would write if happy to see her go. The couple also received this spring a large donation from the financial backer (R.B.) of “Devenir Europeo” in Barcelona, who was a former high official of CEDADE in the 1980s.

    Strange also, if Ms. Huffstickler is really in the arms of another man in Germany, that some large utility bills (such as natural-gas heating) are in her name at John de Nugent’s address. She must be very rich to be with the German yet paying for John de Nugent’s heat. ;-)


  35. Henrik Holappa says:

    Yes, I can confirm that I am Henrik Holappa, and I am writing this message from Sweden. If I do comment on this specific website, I do that by my real name, not under any pseudonyms.

    My email is henrik.holappa@gmail.com “ not heholappa@hotmail.com. That address has been deactivated more than a year ago, therefore it is possible that someone else has taken that address in use and is pretending to be me or is sending messages as me. I don’t think it is completely unheard of that people do change their email addresses? One other reason why I did deactivate the address is that Mr de Nugent sent several emails and other irrelevant messages.

    I have only commented the allegations and claims written about me by Mr de Nugent, Mr O’Neill and Mrs Huffstickler.

    What comes to my criminal prosecution and charges between the years of 2007-2009, some are true and some are completely made up by Mr de Nugent.
    Here are the charges that Mr O’Neill presented above:

    1) copyright violation “ Yes, I was charged with this crime in May 2008. It expired in April, 3, 2009. The supposed violation had been committed on December, 5, 2007. I had confessed to this violation, because there was enough evidence to support the fact that I had indeed emailed a picture from a newspaper site to an American associate.

    2) defaming the African community in Finland “ Incorrect charge. I was charged, in May 2008, with gross defamation. This supposed crime had been committed on December, 5, 2007. I did not confess to this crime because there was no evidence whatsoever to support the fact that I had moderated a discussion board (a website like this) that specifically targeted African immigrants. The police investigators did confiscate my computer for three days and could not find any evidence that from that computer I would have been moderating and keeping up an American website, and fully in English. Therefore the state prosecutor could not take this to the court because of the lack of evidence. And I could have asked compensations after a such court where I have been charged falsely.

    3) inciting racial hatred “ Yes, I was charged with this crime in May, 2008. This supposed crime had been committed on December, 5, 2007. This charge was related to the charge mentioned above. The police investigated and claimed I had moderated and kept up a racist website that spread hatred towards the African immigrants. Again, this could not be proven, because the police could not prove, after checking thoroughly my computer, that I had moderated any kind of websites. I was also able prove myself that I do not have enough computer skills to keep up a website and update it regularly. This and the charge above were dismissed on April, 3, 2009, on the basis of lack of evidence. And Mr de Nugent himself does know that I have no computer skills, so how could I have kept up a racist website?

    4) lying to police “ Incorrect charge, and has never been charged with this crime. In fact it isn’t even a crime. According to the Finnish laws it is not illegal to lie to the police during an interrogation. There is no law stating that one as a suspect would have an obligation to speak the truth, and therefore to testify against oneself. One must remind that it is the duty of the police to present the evidence and lead the investigation. A suspect has no legal obligations to speak or say a word in an interrogation. However, it is ILLEGAL to lie under an oath in a court room. That is a punishable crime. To verify this all, please visit this official legal help website (in Finnish) and just google-translate it:http://www.pohjanmaanlakipalvelu.fi/oikeusasiat/rikos-asiat

    5) harboring a fugitive “ I was never charged with this crime. Yes, I was questioned about Ittner’s visit in Finland on August, 8, 2006, but I was never charged with this made-up charge. Had we met in Germany and had he been there at my house, then yes, I would have committed a crime of harboring a fugitive.

    6) aiding a fugitive to escape (Ittner) “ Same as above. Mr Ittner was not, under the laws of Finland, a fugitive because he had not escaped from a Finnish jail or prison. Mr Ittner was never officially arrested or taken into custody in Finland, and therefore he could not have become a fugitive. The police officers who met and talked with him on August, 8, 2006 did not officially arrest him (i.e. reading his rights). Therefore he was not a fugitive. He would have become a fugitive had he been arrested in Finland and then escaped his jailers. Had I at that moment helped him to escape, knowing, that he had been arrested by the police in Finland and had he been able to escape, then yes, I would have been guilty of aiding a fugitive to escape. Must remind that running away from the police is not a crime if you have not been placed under an arrest and at any point was Mr Ittner placed under an arrest in Finland. This is not my or Ittner’s fault or blame, it is the fault and blame of the police.

    What I found hilarious, proving the same time that Mr de Nugent is lacking some sense of reality, is that he emailed and phone called several police officers in Sweden and Finland (including the Finnish and Swedish secret services) and demanded my arrest based on those bogus charges above. Here is the email he sent to the police and me:

    From: John de Nugent
    To: *****@poliisi.fi>
    Sent: Monday, June 20, 2011 8:00 AM
    Subject: Henrik Holappa

    “I know that you know the case of Henrik Holappa. I invited Henrik Holappa into my home for eight months, July 2008 to March 2009, because he was seeking political asylum in the United States. I thought at the time that he was a very fine young man.”
    […] “But he treacherously turned against me, and is publicly and actively spreading lies, serious lies, designed to end my effectiveness in the white cause and my political career as a leader. He has become an asset of the former Ku Klux Klan leader David Duke, who, as I recently discovered with several hard proofs, is waging an active campaign behind-the-scenes to destroy me.” […] “And now a fact that may interest you:
    The key thing of interest to you is this: […]SUPO was seeking a Gerhard Ittner, a German leader active in the white cause, convicted in Germany of what you, not I, call “hate speech” and what you, not I, call “neo-Nazi activities.” He went underground in Finland. As Henrik Holappa told me himself on July 30, 2008, it was he who was sheltering Ittner in an apartment he and his sister were using, in Oulu. The Finnish police raided his apartment, but he helped Ittner to run down the back stairs. I do not know where he is now, or if he is alive. When Holappa was here, at my home in the Pittsburgh area, he told me he had had no more communications with Ittner for many months. And if I did know, ma’am, I definitely would tell you.”[…] “If you arrest him and give him a long sentence, I will benefit by his activities against my mission being reduced,[…] every other prominent white nationalist in Europe goes to prison. Especially those who write books glorifying the Order and Richard Scutari.”[…]
    Respectfully, […] John de Nugent.

    What else there is in the list? Swedish money. Mr Lund of NRM was a leader for VAM in early 1990 ²s and he was sentenced to prison and did his time of various alleged crimes, and he was also sentenced of bank robberies. Mr Lund has not been in prison since 2004. VAM doesn’t exist anymore and certainly no banks are being robbed. I told Mr de Nugent that at some point Mr Lund had “an interesting way to ˜loan money'”, and by those words I referred to those times when VAM existed in early 1990 ²s. What is Swedish money? Certainly not any illegal activity, but rather a bookstore: https://webshop.nordfront.se/
    How about then in Finland? See it yourself: http://www.kadulle.com

    Sometimes we see that the truth is more incredible than the fiction.

  36. Anthony O’Neill says:

    I think it is time to end this, with two points:


    De Nugent and Holappa in 2008 in Pittsburgh


    At no time does Holappa ever thank John de Nugent and Margaret Huffstickler, even for the appearance of balance, for the eight months he was privileged to spend in THEIR HOME; the $2,000 which they spent in October 2008 on his lawyer, Valerie May (for which he has not and cannot provide evidence of any remuneration to them); the nine-hour drive they made to Philadelphia in December 2008 for his subsequent political-asylum hearing; the four-hour drive to Washington DC for another asylum hearing (and then they went on to Arlington Cemetery to visit the grave of a Finnish Waffen-SS officer who was buried there after dying in combat in Vietnam while serving in the US Army, one Lauri Törni).

    Nor does he deign to mention the delicious food Margaret prepared for him for months; the clothes he was given (he was in fact wearing a beautiful gray fleece Mont Royal sweater from Quebec when arrested); the three letters a week he received from de Nugent and/or Huffstickler (usually five pages in length, the prison maximum, and including WN news items as well as personal things); the use of their one car, an aging Honda Prelude, so he could go out with friends or to a WN rock concert 150 miles away;


    and the two girlfriends in Europe that John de Nugent found for him after he was sent back, in both France and in Sweden.

    And let the record note that the Swedish girlfriend is now the mother of his daughter, so it was John de Nugent who set him up in the most significant relationship that he has ever had “ by warmly recommending him to that woman in phone calls and emails.

    Just clicking on this link will show the over fifteen positive blogs from 2008 through 2011 that dealt heavily with Henrik Holappa and were written by John de Nugent, who treated him like a son:


    Here are four radio shows that de Nugent did with or about Holappa (two of them on helping him after his arrest in March 2009):

    (Scroll down 80% here at eNationalist or to Voice of Reason radio:https://johndenugent.com/about-john/radio the “eNat” links appear dead at this writing, but each show has a written summary. The site eNat has fallen on hard times since its admin was arrested by the feds in 2010.)

    2) INSTANT KARMA. Yes, after repeated and urgent warnings by de Nugent to Holappa, who laughed them off with “Go ahead, old man,” John de Nugent did indeed contact the Finnish authorities with evidence of Holappa’s illegal acts for Gerd Ittner (though, toward that brave German comrade, they were indeed very good acts).

    Once a “friend” betrays you, then he cannot whine when he suffers retaliation after being warned clearly what would ensue.

    If ever a “friend” who has enjoyed living in your home and enjoying every proof of your true friendship, goes out and publishes things online designed to utterly annihilate the career and even the life of his benefactor (and WNs or whistleblowers who never had, or lost their following, live the most dangerous lives of all; they are murdered by faked “suicide,” “car accident” or “heart attack” by the FBI), and then he reveals things said among friends in confidence, and attacks his benefactor even more with lies, half truths, distortions and omissions, this individual cannot possibly complain when his own secrets are revealed as just punishment.

    Payback for ratting out a friend is indeed bitter, and the jailbird Holappa should know that.

    And Holappa was fully warned of this possible payback in fair warning to him, and he scoffed at it.

    De Nugent further warned him that IF the Finnish authorities did NOT arrest him, this would provide proof back to de Nugent AND THE WHOLE WORLD that Holappa had a HOSTILE BUT USEFUL DEAL with the Finnish authorities, showing he was under their protection in order to attack John de Nugent and be “on call” for them.

    Regarding the Finnish legal situation, de Nugent wrote in January 2013 to a Finnish comrade:


    Please research for me the criminal penalty under Finnish law (how many months or years in prison) for harboring a fugitive in one’s home, helping him evade the police, and lying to the police about it.

    After Holappa attacked me on Stormfront in June 2011, I wrote him that he seemed to have forgotten that he had told me that he harbored a German political fugitive, Gerd Ittner, in his apartment in Oulu in 2007, that he had lied to the Finnish police about it, and that he (and another person ¦ ¦whom I will not involve) had helped him escape down the back stairs when the police were running up the front stairs.

    I warned Holappa to either retract his slanders against me or I would report him to the Finnish police, SUPO.

    He replied on Skype:

    “Go ahead, old man. Take your best shot, Johnny boy.”

    I noted how strangely serene he seemed ¦ ¦

    So again, comrade, would you please do research online and then tell me how long one normally would go to prison in Finland for 1) harboring a fugitive, 2) aiding him to evade recapture, and 3) lying to the police. I am sure all this is in the Finnish code of criminal law somewhere.

    I would appreciate having from you the exact number of each law, such as “Finnish Criminal Code, Section 1, Article 2.”

    What provokes me to this question is that comrade Gottfried Küssel in Austria (whose website alpendonau.net was hosted by the same webhost we had) just got nine years in prison, one of his assistants got seven years, and another assistant got four years behind bars.

    Yet Holappa is forgiven six things. What did he agree to do for the Jews in exchange?

    I am so tired of helping young people, for months on end, who either attack me online to save their own skin or steal from me (McMaster) ” in both cases seeking to to not go back to jail.

    It is all very harmful to me and my efforts to progress and start a vibrant WN movement where today there is none! The Holappa attack was in fact both the most ungrateful but also the most damaging betrayal I have ever suffered.

    Thanks, comrade.


    The answer:

    Hello John,

    Harboring a fugitive in Finland is punishable by fines or up to one year in jail under the
    Finnish Criminal Code, Section 15, Article 11, found athttp://www.heikniemi.fi/rikoslaki/rl15.html

    I hope this helps, John, and good luck.


    I rest my case.

    Holappa “earned” in 2009, while in US federal detention, where he was turned, 1) the dropping of all prior hate-speech-related charges (by agreement between Obama and the Finns), and then 2) all fugitive-helping violations that I reported in 2011.

    The deal was to continue, to this very day, to seek by defamation to destroy the one man in America who would take in a Finn (from a country few have heard of), just because he said he was a persecuted WN. David Duke has a big house in Mandeville, Lousiana, and Holappa was even translating one of his books into Finnish, but “Dr. Duke” never offered Holappa to stay in his home or anything else. Just go to jail, Henrik ¦.

    While others go to prison, Holappa seeks (and for how long will this succeed for him?) to avoid jail by attacking the one comrade in the entire world who did the most for him.

    Of course, as I warned Holappa last July (2012), in my final attempt at reconciliation, once I pursue my attack along the lines that he is free from prison only because he attacks me, “they” may lock him up both to 1) spite me and 2) to give his accusations seemingly some new “cred.” Holappa said to me he does not care if they arrest him, and even said he would come to America and rape me in prison, which I found comical, since he weighs 130 and I weigh 200, mostly muscle.

    In reality, Holappa is now in a bad spot. “They” may now jail him just to pretend they have no deal with him.

    In that case, as with Duke, who spent exactly one day in Prague in jail and one measly day in Cologne, Germany, they briefly put their asset in the jug so the totally naive among his supporters get impressed with what a persecuted hero the asset is, and how much the Jews fear him ;-) ¦ ¦

    But the fact is that the real heroes get one, two, three, six or even nine years. The charges are never dropped for hardcore WN activists who cause lots of trouble.

    In fact, such men get the max, and no parole either for good behavior. Shaun Walker of the National Alliance got six years in federal prison for a barfight ” with no injuries, and the Mexican involved never pressed charges himself; the Jews went to him two years later! Six years for a bar fight!

    Holappa ” all charges dropped.

    Of course, in the John de Nugent case the reason why he gets no time is because he has vowed publicly and repeatedly to fight to the death if they ever dare to try to arrest me. And that vow stands today.

    As we have often seen, strange changes happen in federal prison. The sad truth about the Order in the 1980s is that all the militants except Robert Mathews surrendered, thought heavily armed, and almost all “gave each other up” to federal authorities (testified/”ratted”) to reduce or eliminate their prison time.

    What we have seen with Holappa is all too common ” an idealist who was corrupted. Did it involve prison rape or the threat of rape? Did it involve tampered food? Did it involve a small-scale use of some brainwave technology? “The Washington Post” of January 2007 says the government has devices that can change moods sad even create voices inside one’s head.

    Mind Games
    New on the Internet: a community of people who believe the government is beaming voices into their minds. They may be crazy ” but the Pentagon HAS pursued a weapon that can do just that.
    By Sharon Weinberger
    Sunday, January 14, 2007


    And Holappa fears justifiably that if he does not continue his attacks, they will haul him away again.

    Anything that can besmirch John de Nugent will be tried. In 2010 his name got over three million hits on Google https://johndenugent.com/images/google-jdn-sept-27-2010.jpg and so now they even put it down to 300,000 artificially.

    Holappa is one of many means to a larger end, that the white race should have no leader in its agony. Infighting should devour our Cause while the Jews devour our race.

    John de Nugent has never attacked anyone; he has only counter-attacked so as to defend a lifetime of his work and sacrifice, and his continuing ability to serve our people. He began making sacrifices in 1978, seven years before Holappa was born. Enduring this abuse and fighting back is part of the painful duty any leader must fulfill.