Odin and Odinism

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Even the most gringo-hating Mexican nationalists concede that the ancient Mexican civilization was created by a white, blond,and bearded stranger.  (Amerindians, like other East Asians, have at most a few chin whiskers, never a full beard. ) This kind and caring genius they call “Quetzalcoatl.” These pages above are from an elementary-school Mexican history textbook. Quetzalcoatl came to Mexico, they also say, in a flying “serpent” (a cylindrical ship?)

A comrade and very generous supporter asked me about Odin.


  1. I’m glad you brought up Odin. Do you think that the Norse faith came from our previous planet?

Now to reconstruct my answer: 🙂

Regarding Odin, one can only speculate about this great individual, and Hitler believed his religion, sadly, could never make a serious comeback, having been literally defeated by the Church.

AH felt the common people want only a victorious god, a winner.

Btw, the great Thor Heyerdahl felt Odin was a real man and king who was born in, or arose, in Ukraine (then probably Ostrogothic, not Slavic), then moved to southern Sweden around 2,000 years ago.

Going back to the theme of winners, in Germanic times, warriors would support their king as long as he clearly had the gods with him, and this blessing was called “heil.”

(This word is related to our English word “heal” or “hale,” as in “hale and hearty,” and is cognate ALSO to the latin “sal” as in “salvation,” or in the Ancient Roman greeting “Salve!”)

Once a king, however, lost a bunch of important battles, warriors concluded he had lost his heil.

He was then expected to step aside… not unlike the young, strong beta wolf taking over for the aging alpha wolf in a wolf pack.

So, anyway, Odin’s religion did die out, and this is a sad fact. :-(ßm

Hitler in Mein Kampf mocked the LARPers in Munich who went to teutonic-themed meetings, all dressed up in bad-ass bearskins and horns, and swilling mead, yet they refused to go out with him and fight the Reds in the streets. 😉

Having said that, Odin himself nevertheless was very interesting: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Odin

It would seem to me he was, perhaps, a visiting Nordic, a kind of missionary to us surface earthlings, a Promethean-type person, trying to uplift wretched humans.

One might speculate that he came from the same place as Quetzalcoatl in Mexico, or that he WAS the same person, who kept on moving around the globe, helping and teaching people, then moving on (to the great regret of his many beneficiaries).

OR he was a Nordic but not fully enlightened, and he chose to incarnate as a surface-earthling among us to advance his own spiritual evolution, knowing that one can grow 30X faster here on this mixed-bag planet than on more placid worlds.

Clearly, the part about choosing to hang for nine nights on a tree and being pierced by a spear to gain wisdom shows Odin felt he could grow and evolve more.

(And those two details recall the crucifixion of Jesus, who, in my view and that of AH and Dietrich Eckart, was an Aryan — a Galilean and perhaps a Kelt — as well.)

In the coming religion, while we can speculate in very interesting ways about ancient times, only proven facts will be allowed as church dogmas.

I want warriors to fight, kill and perhaps die in the absolute certainty that life after death is real.

It is no fairy tale.

And just as real is the expectation and the command of our gods/angels that every single white male must go forth and fight bravely, shedding his own blood and that of the foe, so that his Aryan race will both survive and go on to thrive: prosperous, strong, happy and free.

What are these proven facts? As my website has shown for ten years now:

1) reincarnation

2) NDEs, Near-Death Experiences

3) private, supernatural experiences that millions have had that show higher beings and deceased loved ones do watch over us.

4) angels from other dimensions are real, and so are demonic beings, and likewise higher beings from other worlds exist in our dimension and our Milky Way galaxy.

They are either a) good (like Odin and Quetzalcoatl), b) very bad (reptilians), or c) something inbetween (like the Greek gods, Nordics who sometimes used and exploited humans, instead of helping them).

These beings go about their business on this earth, which they do not view as “ours,” and they have been mining and carrying out other activities here, and under the surface, in protected locations, for many millennia.

In 2019, unlike 2009, public opinion is shifting on many topics I raise and in my favor.

The time is very soon for me to step forward.

In fact, there is no alternative.

Trump is thrashing about and floundering, tweeting and saying obscenities now though President of the United States. And, really, he has only served to buy us WNs some more time to get our own thing going, some more time with the First and Second Amendments (free speech and guns) more or less intact, but not addressing our real, and colossal, life-threatening problems:

–non-whites and white genocide,
–and the psychopathic worldwide cult of Judaism

As for myself, I see myself as someone who chose to incarnate here, not just to help others, but thereby to help myself.

I was not perfect in earlier lives, nor am I in this one, and humanity is not worthy or deserving of the gods sending it a perfect leader. In fact, surface-earthling humanity hates the truth, and always has.

But my goal is, by service and refinement of my own soul, to stay on the upward path. What others choose to do at this decisive time is their business.

But those who both do wrong and those who fail to do right will be punished in many ways. God is not one to be mocked. Whatever a man soweth, that shall he reap. — Jesus

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