OF COURSE the police were been able to crush the nicey-nice Canadians’ trucker convoy

Armed police officer deploy to remove demonstrators against Covid-19 mandates in Ottawa on February 18, 2022. - Canadian police on Thursday began a massive operation to clear the trucker-led protests against Covid health rules clogging the capital for three weeks, with several arrests made. (Photo by Dave Chan / AFP) (Photo by DAVE CHAN/AFP via Getty Images)
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Police Escalate Arrests in Ottawa as Protest Organizer Says Leaving Is Safest Option

By Limin Zhou and Noé Chartier
February 18, 2022 Updated: February 18, 2022

This article will be updated throughout the day

OTTAWA, Canada—Large groups of police, some on horseback and some carrying assault rifles and what appear to be rubber bullet launchers, are currently clearing protesters in Ottawa.

It appears so far the only use of force has been by police, with some protesters resisting peacefully. The police have not charged the crowd or deployed crowd-control measures such as tear gas, and are only slowly pushing back the protesters.

Protest organizer Benjamin Dichter took to Twitter to urge protesters to leave and pleaded with the Ottawa Police Service (OPS) to let the truckers “leave in peace.”

“One of Freedom Convoy Canada drivers had his truck windows smashed by Ottawa Police, guns drawn & dragged out of his vehicle by force. It’s time to leave. Ottawa Police please allow the remaining trucks to leave in peace.”




Dichter confirmed to The Epoch Times that the decision to leave was made by convoy leadership.

“We had a meeting with all the road captains and they came to the conclusion that it is the safest option,” he said.

Meanwhile, protesters could be seen making snow barricades on Wellington and Metcalfe streets to slow the police advance toward the core of the protest in front of Parliament Hill.




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Canadian military veterans protesting against COVID-19 mandates are removed by police from the protest site in Ottawa on Feb. 18, 2022. (Limin Zhou/The Epoch Times)
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Police arrest a demonstrator protesting against COVID-19 mandates in Ottawa on Feb. 18, 2022. (Andrej Ivanov/AFP via Getty Images)

One Canadian veteran, a video of whom went viral last week when he told CBC reporters to leave the War Memorial as he was cleaning the snow around it, was again at the monument on Friday and told podcaster Viva Frei he dared police to come and arrest him. Another said something similar, adding “Freedom isn’t free.”

The OPS announced around 4 p.m. that 70 arrests have been made so far and 21 vehicles have been towed.

The Canadian Civil Liberties Association (CCLA) called out the OPS for telling media earlier in the day to stay away and warning that “anyone found within areas undergoing enforcement may be subject to arrest.”

“Warning journalists about safety risks in the protest zone is reasonable. Threatening them with arrest for doing their jobs is not,” wrote the CCLA on Twitter.

Organizers Arrested

Two Freedom Convoy organizers, Chris Barber and Tamara Lich, were arrested on Feb. 17. Former RCMP officer Daniel Bulford, who coordinated security at the protest, was also arrested on Feb. 18.

Barber is charged with “counselling to commit the offence of mischief,” “counselling to commit the offence of disobey court order (s. 127,” and “counselling to commit the offence of obstruct police.” Lich is charged with “counselling to commit the offence of mischief.”

Both are scheduled to appear in court on Feb. 18.

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A demonstrator against COVID-19 mandates kneels in front of police in Ottawa on Feb. 18, 2022.  (Dave Chan/AFP via Getty Images)

The House of Commons sitting on Feb. 18 has been cancelled as police expand their operations against protesters in Ottawa, the Speaker of the House said.

“Given these exceptional circumstances, and following discussion with all recognized party leadership, the sitting today is cancelled,” said a post on the official Twitter account of Anthony Rota.

On Feb. 14, the federal government invoked the Emergencies Act to confront the ongoing protests. The House of Commons is currently debating the measures under the Act. While the Tories are opposed to the move, so far NDP have spoken in support of the use of the Act, giving Liberals enough support for its passage once it goes to vote.

“To deal with the current threats, our government is invoking the Emergencies Act. The scope of the Act is time-limited and targeted, reasonable, and proportionate–and it gives law enforcement agencies more tools to restore public order and protect people,” Trudeau said on Twitter about his government’s decision to invoke the act.

Ottawa police have set up fences and barriers in downtown Ottawa to establish a secured area, banning travel and assembly of people within the zone. The secured area is from Bronson Avenue to the Canal, and the Queensway to Parliament Hill.

Epoch Times Photo
A demonstrator is arrested by police in Ottawa on Feb. 18, 2022. (Andrej Ivanov/AFP via Getty Images)
Epoch Times Photo
Police officers walk around vehicles parked in downtown Ottawa on Feb. 18, 2022. (The Canadian PressCole Burston)

Only local residents or people who work in the area will be allowed to go into the secured area.

“We want you to be aware that entering the Secured Area for the purpose of contravening the Emergencies Act, may result in you being arrested and/or charged,” Ottawa police said in a statement.

Interim Ottawa police chief Steve Bell said on Feb. 17 that the secured area includes close to 100 checkpoints, to ensure those who want to enter the area for an “unlawful reason, such as joining a protest, cannot enter the downtown core.”

The Justice Centre for Constitutional Freedoms (JCCF), which has provided legal representation to Freedom Convoy organizers, said in a statement that it has issued a “cease and desist demand letter” to Bell.

“The Charter ensures that Canadians are free to peacefully assemble, to express their ideas, to gather to discuss them and communicate them widely to other people, including vigorous political dissent. These activities are basic forms of individual liberty. They are essential to the basic functioning of a democratic society like Canada. In Canada, people are free to discuss matters of public policy, to protest and to criticize governments,” JCCF said in a statement.

“The Interim Police Chief’s improper attempts to scare Canadians from exercising their Charter rights is disturbing,” added Keith Wilson, JCCF lawyer and external lead counsel for the Freedom Convoy 2022.

Civil liberties and constitutional rights groups have launched legal challenges against the government’s use of the Emergencies Act in the face of the protests.

“The government’s emergency declaration is unprecedented and seriously infringes the charter rights of Canadians,” Canadian Civil Liberties Association executive director Noa Mendelsohn Aviv said at a press conference on Feb. 17, after announcing that her organization is intending to take the government to court over its use of the act.

The Canadian Constitution Foundation (CCF) also said it’s taking legal action against the government over its use of the act on Feb. 17.

“Prime Minister Trudeau has set a dangerous precedent by invoking the never before used federal Emergencies Act to address the current situation. The high threshold for declaring a public order emergency in the Emergencies Act has not been met,” said CCF litigation director Christine Van Geyn in a statement on Feb. 17.

With the new powers granted under the Emergencies Act, Deputy Prime Minister Chrystia Freeland said on Feb. 17 that information is now being shared by law enforcement with Canada’s financial institutions to cut off funding for the ongoing protests.

“The names of both individuals and entities, as well as crypto-wallets have been shared by the RCMP with financial institutions, and accounts have been frozen, and more accounts will be frozen. Crowdfunding platforms and payment service providers have started the registration process with FINTRAC,” Freeland said at a press conference.

The ongoing protests against COVID-19 mandates and restrictions were inspired by a movement initiated by truck drivers opposed to the federal government’s requirement that truck drivers crossing the U.S.-Canada border need to have COVID-19 vaccination. As large convoys of trucks and other vehicles drove to Ottawa to protest the vaccination mandate, more people joined the movement, opposing various COVID-19 mandates and restrictions.

Many protesters have said they intend to stay in Ottawa until the mandates are lifted.

“We will remain peaceful, but planted on Parliament Hill until the mandates are decisively ended,” protest organizer Tamara Lich said at a press conference on Feb. 14.

Isaac Teo and Andrew Chen contributed to this report. 


  1. Police tramples protesters with horses

    Some paid shills claimed that someone throw a chair at the horse, but these horses have protective gear and there is no chair in sight.

    Someone should tell the truckers, that horses fear the smell of dromedars/camels. So if someone works in a zoo and can place their “smell” on roads, then no horses will trample peaceful protesters:
    Knowledge can be found here

    Flavius Vegetius Renatus – The Military Institutions of the Romans (De Re Militari)

  2. https://files.catbox.moe/4qrqk4.webm
    “Those “police” are most likely mercenaries and thus foreign invaders. They are threatening the lives of your countrymen, and your constitution. In the US, you would have a duty to kill them.’

    Police claim:

    Reality: now spot the bike
    the “bike” was the old lady’s walker after the horse trampled her.




    Best quote

    two robbers shoot at each other


  3. Your title says “…the police were been able to…” Bad grammar – the correct Ebonics grammar would be “…da poleece done be fittens ta be able to…”

    But on a serious note; another filthy nigger has murdered another white woman, who was an Uber driver. She leaves behind a husband and four kids. I have no sympathy for white women who have sex with niggers and are then killed by them, but I feel sorry for this poor woman and her family:



  4. The punk who rules Canada has announced that he will kill the dogs and cats of protestors against his injection decrees whom he has arrested and jailed.

    Boy if punks like that imprisoned me for my rational opinions then killed my cat Missy while I was imprisoned, that would be an act of war, to my kind, and my conduct would become that of a soldier fighting an enemy.

  5. Flavius’ comment is spot-on. I too believe these are foreign mercenaries.

    I’ve been tracking this Covid debacle since March 2020. I noticed in all of the videos (mostly made in Southern California) where clerks working at Trader Joe’s, Costco and other large retailers were very mean to female shoppers who were not shopping with a mask. I noticed that all of the customers who were harrassed, shoved, pushed, cursed on and arrested were white females.

    Not once have I seen an Asian, Black, Hispanic, Muslim or Jewish woman being hassled by these store clerks. I used to live in Southern California. I never thought I’d see the day where a Trader Joe’s employee told a maskless women to GTFU out of here (his words).

    Could you imagine what would happen if a black customer was shoved and thrown out? The town would burn. If that happened to a cholo Hispanic woman her family would find that clerk and beat him half to death. A muslim woman in a hijab maskless being shoved and cursed at? The entire Islami community would be out cutting heads off.

    These politicians, cops (the boys in blue serve the jew) don’t have a problem with non-whites rioting, looting or stealing. Just don’t dare be white. They hate whites.

    Bottom line is the jab is a white killer. The lockdowns are meant to debase, depress and humiliate whites until they’re at the point of suicide.

    These freaks are one day going to meet the wrong white man or woman and then a new game will appear.

    My grandma used to tell me: “Don’t poke the bear.”

  6. It was wise of the organisers of the truckers protest to back off. They saved so many from the state’s vindictive retribution.

    The state (Trudeau’s Canada, and all the other governments around the world) learned another lesson on how we will give way to their will and power for violence.

    Yes yet another lesson in how we will give way … especially with leadership from the chosen people.

    I’m thinking of how we need to respond to tyranny.

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