Oliver Anthony turns down $8 million; NDEs of a loving God; why we are on this hellish world

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The Beam family and a most dramatic NDE


…..Oliver Anthony refuses giant show-biz offer of eight million dollars

All his songs are hitting the top of the charts:


……NDEs where the dying encounter a powerful, loving Being of Light 

There are many hundreds of Near-Death Experiences on YouTube, and the sincerity and joy are palpable.

This is an Air Force veteran recalling his NDE when, back before, when he was just 17, he got drunk at a party, and being sick, was on prescription meds and nearly died from mixing them. He asked a spiritual being what the meaning of life was, and was told it was love of all creatures. This is obviously just a regular guy.

This video just below is an interview with a founder of IANDS. I found the incident he recounts from Ancient Rome especially interesting, showing this is not some new, modern, trendy,”in” fad or  phenomenon.

Charles Bruce Greyson, MD (born October 1946) is Professor Emeritus of Psychiatry and Neurobehavioral Sciences at the University of Virginia. He is author of After: A Doctor Explores What Near-Death Experiences Reveal about Life and Beyond (2021), co-author of Irreducible Mind (2007) and co-editor of The Handbook of Near-Death Experiences (2009). Greyson has written many journal articles, and has given media interviews, on the subject of near death experiences.

Academic appointments[edit]

Greyson is Chester F. Carlson Professor Emeritus of Psychiatry and Neurobehavioral Sciences, and the former director of The Division of Perceptual Studies (DOPS),[1] formerly the Division of Personality Studies, at the University of Virginia. He is also a Professor of Psychiatric Medicine in the Department of Psychiatric Medicine, Division of Outpatient Psychiatry, at the University of Virginia. (My younger daughter Erika has a nursing degree from this university, which was founded by Founding Father and US President Thomas Jefferson.)

But the film “Miracles from Heaven” is outstanding, because it is a big-budget film with a major movie star (Jennifer Garner) about a true (and verified by me and others) story, based entirely on a real incident involving a top Harvard hospital in Boston and a highly reputable Texas family, and it had shocking and stunning twists.

Not only was the little girl sent home by the Harvard doctors as terminal to die but then this happened on top of it:

She survives — no broken neck or paralysis after a 30-foot drop onto her HEAD — and goes into total remission from her fatal disease.

She recounts here her NDE,and adds, with a shrug:  “Not everyone’s gonna believe. They’ll get there when they get there.”


This is an interview with the actual mother (a beautiful woman btw, and a successful author before all this) and her daughter, Annabel, to whom all this happened:

This, surprisingly, for as long as it lasts, is the whole movie for free!!! (Or, should this go down, you can rent it on YouTube or Amazon.)


……Superb NDE (Near-Death) film “Miracles from Heaven,” based on 100% true miracle in Boston at Children’s Hospital, a Harvard-affiliate

The actual Texas family, the Beams, who are shown plenty at the very end. Dr. Beam has a thriving veterinary clinic southwest of Dallas.

He is a surgeon at the Alvarado Veterinary Clinic: https://www.alvaradoveterinaryclinic.com/our-doctors/

Kevin Beam, DVM, NAAVOS – Orthopedic Surgery, grad. Texas A&M University Class of 2000


Very moving true-life film using the excellent actresses Jennifer Garner and Kylie Rogers


…..showing the totally proven, real story of a Texas girl with a fatal, agonizing, painful and incurable intestinal disease who is being treated at Boston’s Harvard-affiliated Children’s Hospital.

Logos of the hospital and Harvard


The Longwood Center is a part of Boston where the staff is directed by Harvard doctors. I taught American accent to many Japanese MD-PhDs doing research in these hospitals 1997-2003 whose accent in English was incomprehensible.


After five years of severe pain, the girl tells her mother she wants to die to escape the torment.


But the girl, played by Rogers, suddenly goes into complete “remission” – she is healed.


Many nice and fun scenes also occur, including an uproarious pillow fight, and a visit to the Boston Aquarium.



It is a loving family….

Kevin (MARTIN HENDERSON) says good bye to Anna (KYLIE ROGERS) before she heads for the plane to Boston in Columbia Pictures' MIRACLES FROM HEAVEN.

The real Annabel


The total healing happens right after she falls, in effect, headfirst three floors (while climbing a hollow tree) and hits her head….


This is one of the most heart-rending scenes I have EVER seen in the cinema, when a family that has undergone so much already, including also extreme financial stress (medical bills and flights for treatment to Boston), then experiences a final tragedy, and the mother understandably almost totally freaks out…. her child upside down inside this hollow, dead tree and silent as death itself after a 30-foot fall head-first.


As the hours drag on into evening, and a tv reporter looks at her in deep sympathy, she begins to panic more and more…


The wife/mother has already lost her faith completely that any kind of loving God exists… Great performance by actress Garner. This mother is truly at the very end of her tether, and having no faith in God, she feels incredibly alone in a barren universe.


But, incredibly, the little girl is not killed or paralyzed.

Instead, she has an NDE, a Near Death Experience. She leaves, and she SEES, her own body…. (a standard NDE experience)….


…..and a being like Jesus shows her an extremely beautiful place, like heaven …..


This scene recalls many accounts, where heaven — the temporary processing center for good people — is like earth, but more colorful and beautiful.



A butterfly-covered plant….





This is why Aryans make art: this is why a French poet said:



Between earthly lives, good people experience this.


…..and the Being of Light (this is how people of all races, religious and cultures who have had NDEdescribe him) says she is entirely healed, but must go back to living on earth with her (actually very loving but super-stressed-out) family.

And when her parents ask, she explains this to them.


She says “God” and she spoke telepathically but no words were necessary.


The mother flies back to Boston with Annabel to see Dr. Nurko, who confirms the child is totally healed, with no trace of disease. Asked how this could be, the Jew opines “maybe the blow to the head reset her nervous system.” LOL



At the end, the movie shows the actual family. This case is totally documented.

The real family, and they are not trailer park or some broke family full of drugs, booze and domestic violence looking to be famous overnight or make a quick buck off a movie deal. Dr Kevin Beam DVM is a successful veterinarian with Alvarado Veterinary Clinic in Alvarado, Texas, and yes, they did get ridiculed for coming forward. There absolutely are Born Again Brain-Deads who say all NDEs are either invented or they are of the Devil…..


Alvarado, Texas is southwest of Dallas


Dr. Beam, a 2000 graduate of the prestigious Texas A & M University


The actual mother, writer Christy Beam — she lost her faith, stopped going to church, especially resentful over some judgmental, self-righteous church ladies who said her tragedy-stricken family must have been sinful.



Annabel today, at the tree



This book by an engineer turned minister deals with the radical hostility of many Born-Agains toward NDEs. To say they are satanic is the worst thing a Christian can say against anyone or anything, and they say this.


This bestseller (also a movie) involves the subject himself, a Texas minister who died for 90 minutes. Sure enough, he was accused of making it all up, and that even if true, NDEs are of the Devil.


In fact, two key people involved in real life in the case are skeptical, anti-Christian Jews, one of them the doctor, Samuel Nurko, so this was no Born-Again plot to pretend the girl was deathly ill, as someone accuses them, or to push Jesus on people.  In fact, the multiple tragedies — physical, emotional and financial — make the mother lose her faith completely.

In other words, this is not some BS propaganda film but it shows a proven miracle by some higher power.

In fact, the movie is not overly churchy, though it has some church scenes and a skilled and caring pastor is involved, and Jesus is barely mentioned. In fact, several “church-lady” types are shown as incredibly obnoxious and hostile.

It is an NDE movie, and one about how medical tragedy (a child suffering extreme agony from a fatal disease) can shake the faith of anyone, as in the 1990s besteseller, “When Bad Things Happen to Good People.”

Happy ending, however, though such miracles obviously are rare. Most kids with fatal illnesses do die, and it happens to a little girl next to Annabel.

LOL — Many Christians doubt NDEs or even imagine they are demonic, because none are reported in the Bible. Even AFTER their daughter is miraculously healed, even THEN, the parents are doubtful and exchange weirded-out glances as their daughter, totally healed, tells them she left her body, looked down and saw it, went into the afterlife after touching a white butterfly, and was healed by and had a spiritual talk with a loving, glowing being of light sporting a brown beard…..



Btw, many Muslims, Buddhists and atheists also meet this loving being, but for them he usually is not seen as Jesus.


As in the 1997 movie “Contact” with Jody Foster, this being takes a form that the dead, somewhat terrified human is comfortable with. (“Contact” is a movie that forms a bridge between aliens and religion. The kind, wise, firm aliens are really like angels. Jodie’s character recognizes that the being is not her father and he admits the father image is just to help her.)


Five stars.


Interview with, first another NDE woman, and (from 2:38 on) with Annabel Beam, reported for NBC by Maria Shriver: http://www.today.com/video/today/57201513



Meet the local doctor behind ˜Miracles From Heaven’

[source: https://www.bostonglobe.com/lifestyle/2016/03/27/where-medicine-and-miracles-meet/sZLv1OBdBukE8DCtin5GDN/story.html]


Lane Turner/Globe Staff

Dr. Samuel Nurko, director of the Center for Motility and Functional Gastrointestinal Disorders at Boston Children’s Hospital. A new movie is centered around one of his patients.

JdN: This doctor is really Mexican, as in the movie. Here he is speaking in Spanish about the case and the movie:


This is the excellent Mexican actor who played him: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Eugenio_Derbez



Several years ago on a balmy winter day in Texas, 9-year-old Annabel Beam fell from a branch into the hollow body of an enormous cottonwood tree in her family’s cow pasture. She tumbled down 30 feet, landed on her head, and was trapped for hours before rescuers could reach her.

That Anna survived the fall unharmed is amazing. That she emerged from the tree free of the two rare, chronic diseases she suffered from is described by both her pastor and her doctor as a miracle.

For Anna’s physician, Dr. Samuel Nurko, director of the Center for Motility and Functional Gastrointestinal Disorders at Boston’s Children’s Hospital, the abrupt disappearance of Anna’s intestinal disorders following a major trauma is an extreme example of a certain kind of medical event he witnesses on a regular basis ” the kind for which there is no scientific explanation.

“I haven’t seen it to this degree, but we do see patients who have experiences that can reset the body,” says Nurko. “It’s like pressing control-alt-delete.”

For Anna’s family and their devout Christian community, there is no question that the girl’s miraculous recovery was an act of God. While she was trapped in the tree, Anna told her parents, she met Jesus in heaven and he sent her back to earth with a guardian angel.

Her mother, Christy, wrote a memoir about it. “Miracles From Heaven,” a film based on the book, is in theaters now, and Nurko is having a Hollywood moment. He walked the red carpet at the film’s Chestnut Hill premiere with Jennifer Garner, who stars as Christy Beam. He’s had boldface shout-outs in glossy magazines. He’s watched himself played on the big screen by Mexican superstar Eugenio Derbez, right down to his signature Elmo tie.

“I loved the movie,” Nurko says. But he declines to address the Beams’ interpretation of Anna’s sudden return to good health. “That is their story to tell.”

Prior to Anna’s fall, mother and daughter traveled regularly from their home near Burleson, Texas, a rural suburb of Fort Worth, to Boston for treatment and monitoring at Children’s Hospital. Anna had been sick since she was 4 with pseudo-obstruction motility disorder and antral hypomotility disorder, illnesses for which there is no cure. The nerves and muscles in her intestines didn’t contract normally, and as a result food, fluid, and air weren’t able to properly move through Anna’s body. By the time she was 5 she’d had multiple surgeries for intestinal obstructions. Anna’s diet was largely liquid, her drug intake copious, and she was in near-constant pain.

Then she fell into the tree. Nurko thinks that Anna had a near-death experience, although he says it’s impossible to know for sure.

“It was a major event in her inner self,” he says, “that’s the message. It’s been shown in many cases that your inner well-being — your faith, your attitude, your beliefs and experiences, your family interactions — they are all going to affect how you react to disease.”

The parents (Dr. Beam, far left, and the woman between Jennifer Garner and Dr Nurko, the writer Christy Beam) are good-looking, professional white people. Annabel is in the middle, wearing glasses.

From left): Kevin, Abbie, Adelynn, and Annabel Beam, Jennifer Garner, Christy Beam, and Dr. Samuel Nurko on the red carpet at the opening night of

Scott Eisen/Getty Images for Allied Integrated Marketing

From left: Kevin, Abbie, Adelynn, and Annabel Beam, Jennifer Garner, Christy Beam, and Dr. Samuel Nurko on the red carpet at the opening night of “Miracles From Heaven” in Chestnut Hill, Boston area earlier this month.

Nurko is describing the biopsychosocial model of medicine, known more colloquially as the mind-body connection. It is a driving principle of his practice, but despite growing evidence, Western medicine has been slow to embrace the notion that forces outside of the body may impact illness. Dr. Jeffrey Rediger, a practitioner at the nexus of medicine, psychiatry, and spirituality, is trying to change that.

“We’re groaning toward a larger understanding of the power of the mind,” says Rediger, who is medical director at the McLean Southeast Adult Psychiatric Program in Middleborough, an instructor at Harvard Medical School, and a graduate of Princeton Theological Seminary. “We can’t think ourselves into health, but the pattern I’ve seen over and over again is that if a person can have a deep change in their psyche or their soul, whether it happens quickly or over 10 years in psychotherapy, the body responds. It’s an unmapped wilderness in our culture.”

In the movie, (back) Martin Henderson and Jennifer Garner as Kevin and Christy Beam, and Kylie Rogers as Annabel Beam pushing Eugenio Derbez as Doctor Nurko.

Chuck Zlotnick/Sony Pictures via AP

In the movie, (back) Martin Henderson and Jennifer Garner as Kevin and Christy Beam, and Kylie Rogers as Annabel Beam pushing Eugenio Derbez as Doctor Nurko.

Spiritual experiences are an especially knotty problem for traditional science, Rediger says, rooted as it is in the assumption that thoughts and feelings must be excluded from the data in order to uncover objective reality. Regarding Anna Beam’s “miracle,” Rediger takes issue with the very definition of the word.

“I believe that miracles only contradict what we know of nature,” he says. “I believe that miracles are actually consistent with mental and spiritual laws, it’s just that we’re in the very early stages of mapping them in the West. Modern physics values consciousness, and this is very slowly revising science. As we continue to become more interested as a culture in the power and capacities of the mind, I suspect we will see more interest in researching such capacities.”

Nurko, meanwhile, would like to see more interest in researching gastrointestinal disease, and it’s his fervent hope that the publicity surrounding “Miracles From Heaven” will increase awareness and funding for a range of disorders that he says affect 10 percent of all children.

He said the public is not inclined to get involved in gastrointestinal disorders.

“When you talk about poop and vomiting, people don’t want to engage. It’s not stem cells. Cancer is sexier. These kids get forgotten.”

Anna’s story, however, is unforgettable. When she returned to Children’s Hospital for the first time after her fall, she was asymptomatic. Completely normal. A pizza eater. Nurko saw no need to run even a single test. Asked how surprised he was by Anna’s headlong return to good health, he says he is consistently surprised by diseases not doing what doctors expect them to do.

“We think we know what’s going to happen, but nature has a way to play games with us,” says Nurko. “We see miracles every day here in the hospital.”

Joan Anderman is a freelance writer. You can reach her at jcanderman@gmail.com.

…..Children’s Hospital article

Annabel’s journey: The story behind the movie “Miracles from Heaven”

Nurko_Annabel-beamEight-year-old Annabel Beam was on a quest to find the perfect gift. During a 2010 trip from her Texas home to Boston Children’s Hospital, she asked her Mom to stop at the airport gift shop before boarding the plane.

Annabel perused the aisles, examining each item in the hope of finding a token of appreciation for her gastroenterologist, Dr. Samuel Nurko, director of the Motility and Functional Gastrointestinal Disorders Center.

Annabel spotted a cuddly teddy bear wearing blue doctors’ scrubs. She reached for the bear, squeezed its arm, and a musical rendition of “Doctor, Doctor, give me the news ¦” began to play.

Annabel’s grin spread from ear to ear. “I want to give this to Dr. Nurko, Mommy,” said Annabel.

The teddy bear symbolized the kindness and hope Nurko shared with Annabel while she managed the rare and chronic gastrointestinal condition pseudo-obstruction. And it remains a symbol of the long-lasting bond between Nurko and his young patient.

“It was a very touching moment,” Nurko says of the day he received the teddy bear. “I keep the bear in my office, and he watches over me.”

This was one of many trips to Boston Children’s to treat Annabel’s chronic and often debilitating condition.

The road to Boston Children’s

When Annabel was 4, she had bouts of distended (swollen) stomach and difficulty eating, and she experienced intense stomach cramping and pain. “[Annabel’s] pain was almost always at a level 10, and on a good day, she was at a level eight,” recalls Annabel’s Mom Christy Beam. “She would live in a fetal position on the sofa with a heating pad on her stomach.”

Annabel was seen by several local doctors and underwent an array of tests including blood work, CT scans and X-rays. She was diagnosed with a variety of illnesses ranging from a lactose intolerance to reflux.

“I always felt bad, and my stomach always hurt,” Annabel recalls. “I remember going out to a restaurant; I would take one bite and would be done because the pain would be so overwhelming.”

By the time she was 5, Annabel had a full-intestinal obstruction that required surgery. Nine days after the surgery, she re-obstructed and required a second surgery.

Time for a second opinion

“After the second surgery, Annabel never got better,” Mom recalls. “So we pursued every doctor in Texas who could possibly figure out what was wrong with her.”

Christy says she can pinpoint the moment the decision was made to bring Annabel to Boston Children’s. “I had a doctor tell me that if her daughter was as sick as Annabel ”  and if she had the same problems ”  she would have her in the hands of Dr. Sam Nurko,” Christy recalls.

In 2009, Christy, Annabel and her aunt traveled to Boston Children’s for an appointment with Nurko. “Annabel was in a lot of pain when she came to see me,” Nurko recalls. “She had a lot of difficulty tolerating her feedings, was vomiting and had abdominal distention.”

Miracles from Heaven

Annabel with distended stomach ” a symptom of pseudo-obstruction

Mom says Annabel and Nurko instantly connected. “Annabel trusted him,” Christy says. “He was sweet and funny, and he made her giggle.”

Following a comprehensive examination and Antroduodenal Manometry   ” a diagnostic test performed in only a few places around the world ”  Annabel was diagnosed with pseudo-obstruction. The intestinal disorder is caused by nerve or muscle problems that prevent the intestines from contracting normally to move food, fluid and air through the intestines. “This is a disease where the nerves of the intestines and the muscles don’t work well, and things don’t move,” Nurko explains.

Treating pseudo-obstruction

There is no known cure for pseudo-obstruction. However, patients with intestinal pseudo-obstruction often require nutritional support to prevent malnutrition and weight loss. Medication may also be required to treat and prevent further complications caused by lack of movement of the stomach and intestinal contents.

Miracles from HeavenAnnabel required nutritional assistance in the form of nasogastric tube (NG) tube. She began treatment with Cisapride, a medication designed to increase motility in the gastrointestinal tract and only prescribed in a few centers throughout the U.S. Annabel’s medication regimen called for her and her family to return to Boston Children’s every six to eight weeks for treatment.

Pseudo-obstruction treatment goal

Miracles from Heaven

Annabel visiting the Freedom Trail

The goal of treatment, Nurko says, was to prevent complications, stabilize Annabel’s condition, treat her symptoms, improve her quality of life and get her active and functioning again.

“Dr. Nurko didn’t say it was all rainbows and butterflies,” says Christy. “But he showed concern about the seriousness of Annabel’s illness, and he was committed to doing everything he could to give her the best quality of life.”

Annabel and her family traveled to Boston Children’s for nearly three years. She says she found relief from her chronic condition, enjoyed her time with Dr. Nurko and was able visit several Boston attractions during their stay.

“I remember looking forward to going to Boston,” Annabel recalls. “We did the Freedom Trail and the New England Aquarium, and it was always a lot of fun.”

Taking the next steps

In 2012, a Boston Children’s fellow ” a motility specialist trained and affiliated with Nurko and the Center for Motility ”  began treating Annabel in Austin, Texas.

While in Texas, 10-year-old Annabel had a life-changing experience ” an experience Christy chronicled in her faith-based memoir, “Miracles from Heaven.”

The story recounts how a near-death accident changed the course of Annabel’s life. The motion picture, “Miracles from Heaven” starring actress Jennifer Garner is scheduled for release March 16.

Jennifer Garner, Miracles from Heaven

Dr. Samuel Nurko with “Miracles from Heaven” actress Jennifer Garner holding Annabel’s bear during a visit to Boston Children’s

Today, Annabel says she is feeling like a normal kid. She is extremely grateful for Nurko’s expertise and compassion and happy to see her teddy bear has made a new friend.

“I always looked forward to going to Boston Children’s,” Annabel says. “And I am very glad I was cared for by Dr. Nurko.”


Learn about the pseudo-obstruction and the research fund created in Annabel’s name. Find out how to request an appointment or an online second opinion.

…….Virtus analysis


[being added]

I feel very sorry for people who believe there is no life after death, or just one.

For the first deluded group, death is terrifying.

For the second, the one-life doctrine means God is very unfair. He gives some a good upbringing and life, great looks and wealth (think John F. Kennedy)  and others are born to a heroin junkie mom.

I am reading a NYT bestselling book now, Hillbilly Elegy, by a young Appalachian man who escaped the white poverty, violence, drugs and alcoholism of his Scotch-Irish people and went to Yale.

When tragedy strikes, or they go off to war (high unemployment drives them into the service) and are seriously wounded, their Christianity goes right out the window. The proof? They start drinking heavily or doing drugs. They cannot explain tragedy, just numb the pain.

Christianity does NOT explain tragedies well, and there is a scene in “Miracles from Heaven” where the mother, played by Garner, meets with the pastor and demands to know why her God-fearing, sweet little daughter is in agony. the pastor admits HE DOES NOT KNOW.





This is why this book by a rabbi from the mid-1990s — his own little daughter had died after a terrible disease — became a bestseller:



Now reincarnation explains sooo many mysteries of life, as automaker and reincarnation advocate Henry Ford realized:







Happiness comes from from good karma and unhappiness from bad karma.

A good person may have had a great childhood, and be surrounded by other good people, and conform to his surroundings, but tragedy strikes anyway.


In previous lives they did not lift a finger for someone suffering. they wer too busy. Or there was another excuse. Or rationalization.

Now THEY are the one suffering.

With regard to greater social ills:

Generations of earthly whites have stood there with stupid cow and pig eyes when heroic leaders arose — Queen Isabella, Martin Luther, Ford, Hitler, Pelley and Lindbergh to warn them about the Jews.

They reincarnate for centuries and do nothing.

Now their chickens have come home to roost.


We krushed the Krauts. USA-USA-USA!




Here, Mister Soviet, have half of Europe!



gi-bawling-crying-boy-parents-murderd-joined military-for-college


It is pig-headed selfishness and cowardice that have brought the earthly white race to misery.

Pollution, vaccines and poisoned food make kids sick by the millions.

The Jews did it, and we did nothing about the Jews.

We cursed the warners.

The ways of karma are righteous and fair.

A cute little girl today, who had near-perfect parents, could have been an uncaring, unfeeling bastard in another life.

Should we let her just suffer now?

NO! It is not helping the suffering that ruined her karma in the first place!

It is by suffering, and then by the act of being helped by an unselfish person, that a selfish person learns the beauty of compassion.

Fireman goes head-first down 30 feet of hollow tree to bring Annabel up



….Factual website, with nothing airy-fairy, by reputable scholars on Near-Death Experiences: https://www.iands.org/



….Beautiful vs. horrible NDEs


[From: https://www.iands.org/ndes/about-ndes.html]

The term “near-death experience” (NDE) was coined in 1975 in the book Life After Life by Raymond Moody, MD. Since then, many researchers have studied the circumstances, content, and aftereffects of NDEs. The following material summarizes many of their findings.

An NDE is a distinct subjective experience that a minority of people report after a near-death episode. In a near-death episode, a person is either clinically dead, near death, or in a situation where death is likely or expected. These circumstances include serious illness or injury, such as from a car accident, military combat, childbirth, or suicide attempt.
People in extreme conditions such as profound grief, deep meditation, or extreme physical exertion—or sometimes people just going about their normal lives—have described experiences that seem just like NDEs—near-death-like experiences (NDLEs)—even though these people were not near death at all.

Many near-death experiencers (NDErs) have said the term “near-death” is not correct; they are sure that they were in death, not just near death. Nevertheless, because they were not permanently, irreversibly dead, the term “near-death” can be understood to mean “actually in the first moments of death — though not permanent death.”

NDErs have reported two types of experiences. Most NDErs have reported pleasurable NDEs. These experiences involve mostly feelings of love, joy, peace, and/or bliss.
A small number of NDErs [some studies suggest as high as one quarter] have reported distressing NDEs. These experiences involve mostly feelings of terror, horror, anger, isolation, and/or guilt.
Both types of NDErs usually report that the experience was hyper-real—even more real than earthly life.
NDEs range from relatively simple, with few and/or less emotionally intense features, to relatively complex, with many and/or more emotionally intense features.


The “classic” pleasurable NDE includes four phases that tend to happen in a certain order. However, each NDE is unique. It can include any combination of phases, and the phases can occur in any order. The phases can even overlap, seeming to occur at the same time. Any two people describing the same general phase will describe differences between their two experiences.

The phase that often occurs first can be termed disassociated, because pleasurable NDErs no longer feel associated with their physical bodies or with any particular perspective. They feel detached and completely peaceful, without seeing, hearing, or feeling anything in particular. They sometimes describe a floating sense of freedom from pain and of complete wellbeing.

In the naturalistic phase, NDErs say they became aware of the “natural” surroundings—typically their bodies and the surrounding area—from a perspective outside their bodies. They usually say things looked and sounded like normal but unusually clear and vivid. They also often say they had unusual abilities, such as being able to see walls and also see through them, and being able to “hear” the unspoken thoughts of the people nearby.

In the supernatural phase, the pleasurable NDEr meets beings and environments that they do not consider to be part of the “natural” world. They may meet deceased loved ones or other non-physical entities.


They say communication with these beings is “mind to mind” rather than spoken. They say they went to extremely beautiful environments in which objects appeared lit from within.



They sometimes say they heard beautiful music unlike any worldly music they’d ever heard. They often say they moved rapidly through a tunnel or void toward a light, and then entered the light, only to discover that the light was actually a being.

They say they felt completely known and completely loved by this being.

They sometime say they experienced a “life review”: All at the same time, they re-viewed, re-experienced, and experienced being on the receiving end of, all their actions throughout life. Some pleasurable NDErs say they went beyond the light, seeing cities of light and knowledge.

The final phase of the pleasurable NDE is a return to the physical body.


About half of pleasurable NDErs say they chose whether or not to return. When they chose to return, it was because of a love connection with one or more living people. The other half say they didn’t choose to return: They either were told or made to return, or they were just suddenly “back” in their bodies.


People describe distressing NDEs much less often than pleasurable NDEs. The following four types of distressing NDE appear in order from most to least often reported. Distressing NDErs most often describe the powerlessness type as having the same phases as a pleasurable NDE, but they say they felt powerless while this experience was “happening to” them, so they resisted, were afraid, or were angry.


In the nothingness type, they say they felt as though they did not exist, or they were completely alone in a total and eternal void.


In the torment type, they say they were in ugly or scary landscapes, sometimes with evil beings, annoying noises, frightening creatures, and/or other human spirits in great distress. Only a couple of people have described the worthlessness type in which they felt negatively judged by a Higher Power during a life review.

Some distressing NDErs said that once they “gave up” fighting the distressing NDE and surrendered to it, or once they sincerely asked for help from a loving Higher Power, their distressing NDE became a pleasurable NDE.



…..A fatherly God

Hans Wilhelm is a German of really the best sort, though a transplant, married now for decades to a gifted, white American female artist. He works out of a converted barn in beautiful, rural Connecticut in New England. He is a very successful illustrator of children’s books (over 200!!) and now also of 130 high-quality short videos on true spirituality.

I think he has no children of his own, but he is a zealous stepfather and step-grandfather to his wife Judy’s kids. Anyway, here are just some of his hundreds of children’s books, which he composes and illustrates:

We  read under the video interview (with host Alex Ferrari of the “Next Level Soul” YouTube channel) that comes further below:


Hans Wilhelm is a mystic, author, and illustrator of over 200 books for all ages – including some together with Byron Katie.


Two Katie book that Hans illustrated:


His books have sold over 40 million copies and are translated into 30 languages.

Hans has recently created over 130 short YouTube videos in which he visually explains the spiritual laws of the universe. In these videos you can watch him drawing the dynamics of these laws and see how all the dots connect. This absolutely unique visual presentation has made his videos so successful that they have been watched by over 17 million viewers.

Hans says, “My wish is to inspire viewers to explore spirituality and to look at the bigger-picture perspective of their life. When we see how everything fits together and that there are no mistakes, we will begin to grasp the perfection and the Love that are the foundation of everything.”


SOME modern Germans, sad to say, unlike Hans Wilhelm, are atheists, materialists, and very cold personally, wary and even arrogant  toward people they do not know, almost bristling with abruptness.

I am speaking from decades of experience with this very great but also flawed German people. Of course, as we know, since 1945 they have been bombarded and, in effect, “brain-damaged” by constant Allied Holocaust guilt propaganda and twisted, lying, sick German self-hatred messaging.

These Neo-Germans often seem angry at the whole world and suspicious of any and all strangers. A very close and trusted white American friend of mine was shocked, while living for weeks in Frankfurt, a major German city and financial center, at how VERY unfriendly just regular German people were toward him and his adorable little white daughter.

“What IS it with these people?” he asked me. 🙁

Btw, Frankfurt is a very leftwing city politically, and tellingly is nicknamed Bankfurt for its many huge, ugly, cold banking skyscrapers.

***the negro immigrant’s atrocity at the Frankfurt main train station

An all-“traumatized” African migrant “with PTSD” shoved a a little German boy named Leo and his mother –he did not even know them but they were white Germans — onto the railroad tracks in Frankfurt. (Margi and I were in that exact spot in January 2007.) The mother and dozens of screaming German onlookers saw her little boy cut in half by a train entering the station.

The indescribably wicked WHITE cops then forbade the public from attending little Leo’s funeral, ordering the bereaved mother – after seeing her kid mushed into lasagna – sternly to only invite her closest friends and next of kin to the burial — so that it would not “incite racism.” 

And the poor Germans just “took it,” because, thanks to the jews (and white traitors!!!!!), they are the most beaten-down, oppressed people on this earth. In Germany you must hate your own people.

The current vice-chancellor and foreign minister of Occupied Germany, Robert Harbeck (who is also corrupt), actually said these things that even the most leftwing politician in America, Britain or France would not dare to utter:

Maybe North Korean citizens are even more downtrodden and terrorized, but at least over there the government is, in its own way, undoubtedly and openly very proud of the Korean nation and culture.

Germany today exists entirely to serve as one gigantic ATM machine to spit out money from German sweat for Israel, the EU, and Black Africans, all the while being slandered, denigrated and overrun with hostile migrants and, especially in Berlin, hordes of cocaine-using, arrogant jews.

With every committed jew (and not all are) you see THAT LOOK — they SMIRK.

This was Jewish Prime Minister of France in the 1950s, Pierre Mendès, (who had the nerve to add the word “France” to his last name, becoming (“Pierre Mendès-France“)! Well, that sure makes him a real patriot….

NBC’s “Today” show for years featured this jewish groper, Matt Lauer (fired under pressure from the MeToo movement)

Jew actor Dustin Hoffman…the actress is smiling rather resentfully

The jew who destroyed his father-in-law Donald Trump, Jared Kushner. He is exactly as de Gaulle said of the Jews in general: “an elite people, sure of themselves and domineering.”

Jew financier Bernard Baruch, mentor of “Rhine Meadows Ike”

German media jew Michel Friedman absolutely deserves the First Prize for Khazar arrogance.

His Hebrewness looks patronizingly at four-star US Army general Ben Hodges, who was merely the Supreme Commander of NATO

He is just bursting with superiority over the goyim. 😉

But, to be balanced and fair about even the postwar neo-Germans, my late wife Margi, had many wonderful experiences in the small-town of Zerbst  in Thuringia, in “eastern” Germany, and this applies also to many other Germans in the small towns.

Almost everyone called her affectionately “die rothaarige Amerikanerin” (“the American redhead”).

Remembering my national-socialist girl, Margi Huffstickler (1948-2022) on this day, Nov. third, on what would have been her 74th birthday

And note too that just about the friendliest part of the United States is the very heavily German Midwest! And the jews rightly fear that I will reawaken these FIFTY MILLION German-Americans to be a powerful force again, just as they were before WWI!

The surprising truth is that the old communist East Germany (which then ruled the area where Zerbst is located, Saxony-Anhalt) actually never bashed or denigrated the German people per se.

Everything wrong in the old Germany, the commies claimed, was the fault of the rich capitalist fatcats, see, and haughty Prussian aristocrats with their monocles, and especially demonic were, of  course, the evil “Nazis,” the “Hitler fascists,” who even attacked the nice, peaceful, harmless Soviet Union! 😉

But the wonderful Red Army brought liberation to the eastern Germans [sic].

In any case, East Germany did promote German pride, AND a high white birth rate, and good, free medical care, fine child care, and many other positive things. (All the while, the regime ruled by total fear through the brutal Stasi, the secret police, and it shot hundreds of East Germans who tried to flee over the Wall  and past the minefields, self-firing machine guns, and vicious dogs.)

Because East Germany was actually pro-German (in its own very distorted way), it is not surprising that the anti-migrant, patriotic AfD party is doing VERY well (up to 34%!) in the former East Germany….

And it is finally making some breakthroughs even in the sometimes horribly americanized, muslimized, gay-ized and negrified western Germany.

Anyway, this German, this Hans Wilhelm, actually from Bremen in western Germany, is the very opposite of the cliché of the stiff, cold, critical, and arrogant German. He is joyful, warm, funny, modest, highly spiritual, and yet all-German in the many good ways which have earned the German people for centuries the highest respect. 🙂

So far, I really LIKE this guy.

Hans is also “up” on “conspiracies” and “secret societies” (as was some uneducated nut named John Kennedy, who, however, never quite dared to name openly the “secret society” which he really meant in this 1961 speech, and because he did NOT go to war with jewry in good time, it KILLED him so demonic Israel could obtain The Bomb.)


Wilhelm is open in his videos exposing the ideology of the “New World Order,” though, OF COURSE, like any and all Germans, he knows what topics are taboo, especially for the Germans, such as the role of the jews.

So he talks (very accurately!!!) about the nefarious role of the Freemasons, the Knights Templars, and others whom he correctly he calls “Luciferians,” groups which form all manner of well-funded “secret societies” that are very real and very dangerous.

But talk about “the jews” and, in Germany (or German-speaking Austria) you literally go to prison for five years (if not TEN in Austria!). And, in America, while there is still freedom of speech, you can get cancelled, slandered, sabotaged, etc., as has happened to me since ….. 1978!

Here now is a good Hans Wilhelm video, on “Who Rules the World Government?” As in other videos, note how this professional illustrator actually draws his concepts with a felt-tip pen on paper while he is talking.

And, btw, his content IS accurate. He just leaves the unimportant little jew-part out. 😉

Remember that about 10,000 Germans a year are fined or IMPRISONED for things they say or post online!!!! The good done by Hitler; racial differences; the truth about the Holocaust; and exposure of the genocidal, anti-white plans of the Big Jews — all are verboten topics.

I have personally known quite a few Germans myself as an American (in this life) over the decades. And, of course, as my readers know, I hosted Germar Rudolf of Germany in my own home last fall (WHEN NO ONE ELSE DARED TO!!!!! and also not one single WN lawyer in any state would help him!!!!) when he was fleeing from Pennsylvania, He had been totally falsely accused of being a sexual predator for skinny-dipping in a local Pennsylvania river in the dark!!!!)

*** on the evil heretic Germar…

Germar is a great scientist (physicist and chemist) who proved once and for all at Auschwitz that the “gas chambers” for humans contained not one trace of cyanide (Zyklon-B) on the walls.

Yes, there was plenty of real cyanide (seen in blue) on the walls of the small chambers that were indeed used to kill the LICE on camp inmate clothing! The Germans were brutally holocausting parasites!

Real cyanide, colored “Prussian-blue,” actually seeps right through the walls to the outside. The jews hate Germar to this day for proving, as a recognized scientist, once and for all, that the gas chambers for the jews are a wicked, slanderous, and, for the jews, lucrative LIE!


Anyway, back to Hans Wilhelm, who does really great work in his own, very different, and non-prohibited fields:

— advanced spirituality and metaphysics, and

— fun books to entertain and educate little children.


This is a sweet video about Hans’ touching children’s book A Pig called Jolantha. This is based on the story of a real pig, Jolantha, who lived generations ago. Out of compassion, she actually hid a teenage boy, a human, of course, who was fleeing from a bully, and who had dived deep under the straw in her pigsty to hide. Alas, his feet were still sticking out from the straw. 😉 But, quickly, Jolantha the pig picked up on the threatening situation, and she sat down gently on his feet to hide them. 🙂

This is one of a million examples of animals liking and caring for humans in need. We have all heard about dolphins saving drowning humans, and of course dogs and cats can also show genuine caring for their human owners.

You also can see Hans’ wife, the gifted and attractive artist Judy Henderson, from 3:47 on.


Hans (born four months after the German surrender in WWII in Bremen, northwestern Germany: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hans_Wilhelm) as a young man felt profoundly let down by standard churchy Christianity.

“It does not clearly explain to us

where we come from,

why we are here, or

what happens when we die.”

So Hans began looking into other traditions while seeing that JESUS Himself was indeed a great spiritual master whose teachings were distorted into a power-and-money trip, especially by censoring the truth about the reality of reincarnation.

*** JdN: I have written constantly since 2008 about this central truth of our existence that is reincarnation,  opposing the toxic, atheism-engendering falsehood that we get just one life and then are judged, going forever to a boring heaven or down the flames and tortures of hell. Nothing produces more atheism than this pseudo-Christian and anti-Jesus lie.

…..Reincarnation facts



He is being interviewed by Alex Ferrari, an Italian-American and himself a “recovering Catholic” — AND he once worked in Hollywood.

(Just as an aside, a great American national socialist who was well-known in the 1930s, William Dudley Pelley — who was railroaded by the FBI in 1942 for eight years into federal prison, with all his assets brutally seized — was a top scriptwriter in Hollywood — until he realized how evil, satanic and jewy the place was.)

See my article on the child star Shirley Temple and the jew producer of  “The Wizard of Oz,” Arthur Freed, A PEDOPHILE who exposed his genitalia to her at age twelve:

The day a Hollywood jew pedophile exposed himself to brilliant 12-year-old Hollywood superstar Shirley Temple; it was Arthur Freed, associate producer of “The Wizard of Oz”!

I have now transcribed for many hours Alex Ferrari’s interview of Wilhelm, who, like Eckhart Tolle, both speaks fantastic English and is a really,  really great teacher.

[It goes without saying that I am not suggesting that either man, Ferrari or Wilhelm, is in even th slightest agreement with my racial and political views. About NS they may be just as brainwashed as anyone else.]

Watching Hans communicate so clearly and impactfully, which is soooo very German, reminds me that the Germans at least used to have an expression: “Deutsch sein heisst klar sein.”

Translation: “To be German is to be clear.”

See if you agree as he converses with Alex and teaches us. 🙂

As for the title, “Make this your LAST life here,” I think this will resonate with a lot of people. The jew-world we live in is today terrible and getting even worse by the day.

A very pretty Bavarian gal and horse-lover who reads my website even wrote me recently:

“I want to never come back to this planet EVER again!”

But Hans Wilhelm explains why this material world is very useful to us, and how its built-in and often severe hardships can produce tremendous growth…and that we knew what we were getting into before we reincarnated.

So, as the old German-Americans who worked in the steel mills, glass factories, and coal mines in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania used to say:

“Quit’cher’ whinin’!” 😉

And some of us incarnate here also because of love…. I do love my race and I love and know some of the great white nations specifically — America, Germany, Ireland, Canada, and France.

(I have sadly never been to England. The Home Secretary of  the UK would also probably ban me, as with so many other white nationalists, going way back to George Lincoln Rockwell, who did enter England, but only via the ferry from Ireland.)

And I know I could come to also come to love and not just admire the brave, stoic, and often very humorous Russians.

Russian marines

I am here not just to grow and evolve spiritually myself, which is my private goal, but to genuinely help the many good people in these countries, who have no real leader to inspire and guide them, but who want exactly that which a new, spiritual kind of national socialism can give them:

— real joy, the quiet and deep joy of loving and serving one’s chosen Folk!

In French: “If you want to be sad, live in the past; if you want to worry, live in the future; but if you want inner peace, live in the present.”

Our ancestors, as seen in this ancient carving from Ilkley Moor, England, knew we Aryans are a race of the very highest potential.

And from 1933 to 1945, we national socialists PROVED that our race is full of untapped GREATNESS.

…So, now here at last is the interview I really love,conducted by Alex Ferrari, of the German mystic Hans Wilhelm.

[JdN: I edited the text below to cut out extra words, the umms, ahhs, etc., and occasionally to modify a German way he sometimes has as a German of putting things that might sound a bit odd in English. 🙂

And, of course I am not implying that Alex Ferrari or Hans Wilhelm approve of my views in any way, or of national socialism.

They probably believe the propaganda against the Third Reich and all the Holocaust moaning about the cash chambers, but even if they do not, to endorse NS would be career suicide for them.  And; right now; we see it again with Roseanne Barr, whose own 100% jewishness is not protecting her from being totally “cancelled.”]

This meme is pretty accurate:

Actually, Norm Macdonald did not say exactly this, but this is what he did say on “Saturday Night Live” after Marlon Brando denounced the jews on the Larry King show, then crawled and apologized:




Hans Wilhelm: The main purpose here in life is not to become smarter, wiser and so on, but basically to clear up all our karma which holds us back and returns us to this life, to this lower vibration here.



Host Alex Ferrari: I’d like to welcome to the show Hans Wilhelm. How are you doing, Hans?

Hans Wilhelm: Oh, very well, thank you, Alex. Delighted to be here.

Host Alex Ferrari: Thank you so much for coming on the show. I’m excited to talk to you. I’ve been looking forward to this conversation for a few weeks, ever since we booked it, because I love the work that you’re doing. I love the straightforwardness of your answers to these deep, deep questions about life and where we’re at.

But my very first question to you is, my friend, how did you start your spiritual journey, or when did you start your spiritual journey?

Hans Wilhelm: Oh, I think I started very young when I was in Germany, where I grew up, and I didn’t believe what was taught in the churches. Somehow they never answered the questions

“Where do we come from? Why we are here? And where we are going?

So I kept on searching. And then, thanks to The Beatles, I discovered Maharishi [Mahesh Yogi] and the TM [Transcendental Meditation] thing, which actually I no longer practice.

But it did help me a lot because it gave me a lot of courage….self-respect and so on and so on.

Then I left for Africa and then I learned about Edgar Cayce and then later I came to America and saw lots of other spiritual paths and then hadt the great fortune to work together with Byron Katie and Dr. [Elisabeth] Kubler-Ross [the Swiss founder of the hospice concept– dying with dignity — and researcher in Near Death studies] and so on.

So it’s a long venture and I studied many, many different paths. And for the last 40 years or so, I’ve been mainly linked to some deeply mystical Christian spiritual paths from where most of the information that I share in my videos come from.

So that’s basically it in a nutshell. So I’ve always been looking for it. I’ve always wanted to see and understand the bigger, bigger picture. That was my important thing. Why are we here, et cetera, and where we are going, too — that was most important for me to know.

Host Alex Ferrari: And it’s really interesting to illustrate what you kind of want to point a little bit about. What you just said is that you tried a “buffet” of different paths to the truth, and that’s something that some people need to listen to, because it’s not just like you find it and like, “Oh, this is IT! This is the only thing I need; I have found it!”

Some people are lucky that way, but I think you become more well-rounded when you start to study multiple traditions and to start looking for the common denominators to really sink in the truth. Do you agree?

Hans Wilhelm: Fully agree. You have to find out what resonates with YOU. And I think a lot of stuff which I believed even on this better path, later on I changed my mind about it.

But at that time I had to believe and understand [something], because otherwise I wouldn’t be ready for the next step.

So there is a lot of stuff where I no longer really would say “This is what I believe” because, at that time — 10, 20 years, 50 years ago — I believed it very strongly.

But it has changed, and that is fine. That is the normal, gradual way of awakening, of reawakening. I don’t think we learn anything [truly] new; what we are doing is REAWAKENING, reawakening to what we know deep down in us.

*** JdN: Arno Breker: “The Calling”  (This sculpture was destroyed by negro GIs with sledgehammers under orders of a jewish US Army captain.)


And there may be some detours necessary, but basically the more we [sincerely] search, the more we will find out truly who we are and why we are here.

Host Alex Ferrari: And the concept of REMEMBERING as opposed to being TAUGHT is such a powerful one. Because as I keep speaking to mystics and spiritual masters like yourself, I keep understanding more and more that we remember more than we are taught things.

And that’s why when the concept of reincarnation was first brought into my existence, I said, “Oh, that makes sense.” It was a remembering of, like, that makes much more sense than this other stuff that I’ve been learning in the Catholic Church for the last, you know, 20 years.

I’m, like, “This makes more sense to me because it rings true to me.”

So it’s that remembering that’s extremely powerful.

And so, in other words, the cup is not empty; it can be full. The cup has been full since you were born. You just have to find the key to the door to get access to your cup, and that you do by evolving and reawakening more and more. Correct?

Hans Wilhelm: That’s very true. And I had this very same response as you had the first time I came in contact with the Edgar Cayce material, who spoke about, of course, reincarnation, and that God and that Christ taught reincarnation.I had the same [reaction]. “Oh my God! Now everything makes sense!”

Suddenly I knew why somebody got sick, or was born rich, poor, and so on. And it was just a revelation. As you said, it was a reawakening of what I had known deep down in myself for a long time. But nobody taught me before.

Host Alex Ferrari: Interesting that it just, at least when coming from the same [Standard Christian] perspective that both you and I had, that you [supposedly] only had the one life and you only, you know, if you happen to be born rich, “Lucky you” and if you happen to be born good-looking, lucky you.

But if you were born, you know, without a leg, hey, it’s your own bad luck. But that’s all you have.

And that never made sense to me.

I was like, “Man, that’s pretty crappy universal odds.”

Hans Wilhelm: Yeah. And then speaking about how “God is love” and then [He] allows things like this makes no sense.

You cannot in one way speak of a loving God and then think that the one-lifetime-only people have it sometimes very bad in life, and others have it very good. That is not fair, and it doesn’t make any sense.

But the churches, unfortunately, had to teach it because as you know, reincarnation was taken out forcefully in the sixth century by an [Eastern Roman] emperor, not even by a pope.

*** JdN: This was the Second Council of Constantinople in AD 553 — half a millennium after Jesus — and many western Christian bishops were not invited to this supposed “Council,” did not attend it as a result, and therefore never voted to proclaim the nonsense that reincarnation was a false and wicked doctrine!

Reincarnation — the great white geniuses who believed in it


And therefore, all the other Christian denominations, which later broke off from the Catholic Church, never changed that part, and never corrected it. So they all picked up the same idea that reincarnation was not true.

It’s not in Christian teachings [since then], but it was what Christ taught, reincarnation.

We do have enough evidence for that, and unfortunately it’s just no longer taught in the organized religions.

Host Alex Ferrari: So for people who are listening to this for the first time, this concept of reincarnation, so, Hans, why actually do we reincarnate?

Hans Wilhelm: Because we are such FOOLS! [half joking] No….

Host Alex Ferrari: We’re just: “We just want a beating. We just want to continue to be beaten.” 😉

Hans Wilhelm: Well, there are many, many reasons why a soul reincarnates.

Of course, one thing can be really to re-enjoy this physical life, because in the spiritual life we don’t have a physical body. And certain things like sex and other pleasures [like alcohol] that people love are difficult to really fulfill up there.

There is this sort of people who come back here just for that, for this physical pleasure.

Others come here to help other souls to really grow and assist them.

*** JdN This is the main thing for me and other starseeds. We KNOW from experience that there are advanced Whites on many other planets who have graduated, via a higher spirituality, to really great, happy lives, and we white earthlings can do so too!

“A kind, compassionate and beautiful people”


Others come here to actually explore this universe and this life here. But the majority of people in this lifetime, in my understanding, has come here to clear up our old, messed-up karma. That is our main reason.

We come here for an average [lifetime] of only less than 800,000 hours each time, which is extremely short. Consider that we are eternal beings and in this very short time we re-enter what I call “the School of the Earth.” And we are here to undo our karma, because when we look at our life, whatever we experience, our life, from morning till evening, is nothing but a rewinding of our film, of our life-film, which means anything that we have done in the past or thought in the past that hurt other people or we spoke to them harshly, it all comes back at us.

Everything comes back to us in small portions. We call it the day’s energy, so that we now have the opportunity to clear it up. So, therefore, [for karmic reasons] now I might suddenly get sick. Or now, suddenly, someone cuts me off in traffic. Or suddenly I get an awful email — suddenly this and that, and things happens.

These are all elements, [bad seed] that we once sowed which is coming back from the causal computer.

This [causal computer] is where our karma is stored, coming back at us right now, so that we can clear it up.

The main purpose here in life is not to become smarter, wiser and so on, but basically to clear up all our karma which holds us back to this life, to this vibration, this earth’s or this world’s vibration.

So we have to free ourselves. So every day is carefully orchestrated by ourselves, for ourselves, for the pure and sole purpose of achieving our freedom.

Host Alex Ferrari: So the concept of being down here to become wiser or more sage-like depends on the soul and its blueprint that it has laid out for itself [between lives]. Some people do walk that path to become yogis or masters, spiritual masters, in their lifetime. Others come down here to, like, say: “Man, I did a lot of bad stuff in the last go-round. I got to give a lot of good in this one to clear that up.”

It all is relative to where that soul is in its evolution. And LOVE….. What you said about the vibration, Hans, it’s something that’s so at the core of everything we’re talking about…. to raise our vibration higher, to actually come back to Source [a synonym many use for “God”] where
something like hate and anger is a very low, dense, slow vibration, while love is extremely high, with forgiveness being service to others.

These are high vibrational energies getting you closer and closer to God or the Source energy. Correct?

Hans Wilhelm: Absolutely. Absolutely. And it’s in our hands [to do it]. It is why we are here. The only thing we have to do here is to love, nothing else. Right?

And when we do the love, we just learn to forgive. We have left [the rest behind]. We have no resentment. We clear up anything that comes here and we conquer it with love.

It sounds so simplistic, and it isn’t easy, but [actually] it is. It’s realizing that love is all that matters.

And through love we set ourselves free. And not only ourselves, but everybody else around us whom we have hurt or who has hurt us.

So the freedom is all around, because freedom is the main goal for me and, I think, for all of us. And love IS the key.

We can do this through forgiveness, feeling remorse and repentance, which I think are very important.

And, of course, no longer doing the negative, unloving behavior in our thinking, speaking, and actions.

Host Alex Ferrari: So, as the Beatles say, “all you need is love.” 🙂

Hans Wilhelm: It is so simple. It sounds so trite, so awful. And yet the more books you study and everything, in the end, this is IT. There’s only one rule, and that is love.

And there is nothing else.

We write a lot of words and a lot of texts and a lot of movies and a lot of books that are written, and so on.

But it always comes back to that. It says, and basically it says this: “Do that which you are.” We are love.

And by becoming, feeling and doing love, we [finally] are totally ourselves.

And then we are also, as you said earlier, going up into a higher vibration and returning to Source energy, which is pure love.

Host Alex Ferrari: Isn’t it fascinating that we tend to complicate things down here a lot?

Host Alex Ferrari: Yes. It’s a specialty of ours here. 😉 The ego is here to complicate things, but at the end of the day, you are absolutely right.

And again, again, from the perspective that I’m sitting in this chair, from talking to so many people, from so many different walks of life, all this talking about similar concepts, the simplest conversation or the simplest ideas are the most powerful.

And if you look back to Christ, Yogananda, Buddha…. these ideas that they put out into the world were simple, basic ideas.

“Do unto others as you would have them do unto you.”

Simple, basic. Not five paragraphs or six pages or a book or two about it, no “well, you know, if you do this or that” — No, no, no. Just simple and correct.

Hans Wilhelm: Absolutely. My teacher [= a  German woman named Gabriele] always said God is “ingenious simplicity” [in German “geniale Einfachheit”.]

And I found this very powerful, because whenever we usually make so much about we are in our intellect, we are using a lot of intellectual stuff which we have picked up, and then we make it complicated — and then we get exhausted.

But if we go within ourselves, we calm our mind, and so on, going within because the Kingdom of God is in us. We don’t have to go anywhere far out. It’s all there.

We have everything. That’s where the stillness is, where the quietness is, and that’s where the simplicity is. The real intelligence is simplicity. The intellect is complication.

Host Alex Ferrari: And it’s really interesting to go back a little bit to what we were saying in regards to our origin stories, if you will, with the Catholic Church.

I always found it so interesting that you could have a God that “loved” you, but yet was so angry. And, to be honest with you, in the Old Testament, [God was portrayed as] fairly egotistical. I mean, like, “if you don’t bow down to me, you will be, you know, you will be [punished like] this or that or go to hell.”

*** Yahweh, the demonic god of the jews,  openly says  “I, Yahweh, your god, am a jealous god” and threatens dire punishment if other gods are worshipped, promising the jews that their babies will have their heads smashed against a wall. (It is just amazing that 99% of Christians have never read more than ten minutes of their own Bible! The Catholic Church forbade peasants to read the Bible because so much of it is strange or shocking!)

Laurent Guyénot of France,  a Sorbonne graduate, has written a masterpiece about Yahweh.

From Yahweh to Zion – Laurent Guyénot

Founding Father Thomas Jefferson, a scholar, inventor and genius as well as president, was very familiar with Judaism and wrote:


His personal synagogue, replete with the classic jewish blue-and-white stripes (of both the prayer shawl and the Israeli flag) on the Orgy Island, “Little Saint James,” in the US Virgin Islands



God forbid! let’s talk about hell. All of these concepts, they didn’t make any sense to me. And when you become a parent, you understand that this makes no sense.

There’s nothing our children would or could ever do that we would damn them to everlasting damnation. And so if I [as a human] can’t do it, how could our Creator do that? It just didn’t make sense to me.

And they’re talking out of one side of their mouth, saying “love, love, love is all you need. BUT they’re [also] like, But if you don’t do [as I command, then you suffer] eternal damnation.”


Hans Wilhelm: Yeah. Oh, that’s what I realized very soon that this does not work for me. You’re absolutely right. Yeah, This doesn’t work.

I mean, the oldwriters of the Bible and so on. The only model they had was  the pharaohs,. and the pharaohs were, of course, very egoistic, personal- power- hungry, and a vengeful kind of creature.

And the Old Testament God is very much sketched the way a pharaoh was at the time.

So we have got this very human, kind of flawed human being and they projected that onto that god.

And it was Christ who put it, tried to put it aright, saying “God is love” and “[the kingdom of] God is in us.” And He did put it right.

But there was still so many stuff in the organized religions, which they changed so much.

And as Jerome, who put this whole Bible together, said, “If ever people find out, won’t they say I’m a forger — I’m a liar?”

By putting all these contradictory texts together, it’s very difficult, because to put all these various texts from which the Bible is now made up together [in one and the same book] and find something consensual where there is agreement about everything — it just isn’t. It’s all full of contradictions, left, right and center.

And our organized churches, of course, use all these different little things which suit them, and they reject other things which don’t suit them.

*** JdN: LBGTQ “church”‘s creed is “I believe in a nonbinary God and that Jesus had two daddies”


And I say this with some compassion, because as presidential candidate RFK, Jr has exposed, atrazine and many other chemicals are literally changing our sexual hormones.) 

In a recently unearthed video interview, Robert F. Kennedy Jr., the noted anti-vaccine conspiracy theorist and a Democratic challenger of President Joe Biden’s 2024 reelection bid, claimed chemicals in the water supply are turning boys trans.

“A lot of the problems we see in kids, particularly boys, it’s probably underappreciated how much of that is coming from chemical exposures, including a lot of sexual dysphoria that we’re seeing,” the scion of the Kennedy political dynasty said during an interview with Canadian psychologist and ring-wing pundit Jordan Peterson.

“I mean, they’re swimming through a soup of toxic chemicals today, and many of those are endocrine disruptors,” Kennedy said, adding, “there’s Atrazine throughout our water supply, and atrazine, by the way, if you, in a lab, put Atrazine in a tank full of frogs, it will chemically castrate and forcibly feminize every frog in there and 10 percent of the frogs, the male frogs, will turn into fully viable females able to produce viable eggs.”

“If it’s doing that to frogs,” he said, “there’s a lot of other evidence that it’s doing it to human beings as well.”

So that’s why stay within yourself. The church is in you; God is in you. You don’t have to go join any organization. You don’t have to go to any kind of priest, rabbi or whatever unless you really feel that’s where you’ll find some comfort and so on.

There’s nothing wrong to go there if that is somebody, if you are in a difficult situation, you have no one else to go see, and you may want to go to somebody. It’s possible. Yeah, everybody has a purpose.

But the idea is to be free also from these manmade kinds of restrictions, which we find in the world religions.

Host Alex Ferrari: Right. And I love the idea that what you said is like, you know, these are egotistical things that we apply to our gods. I mean, you could just look at the Greeks. I mean, the entire mythology of Greek gods, which were the religion for them at the time, was all about human frailties.

The Pharaohs did the same thing with with the Egyptian gods. I mean, all these gods all had these kind of human frailties because that’s all we can conceive.

The [unmercenary] concept is that “Oh, it’s all love. That’s that’s all it is. Oh, by the way, if you want to connect to God, it’s inside of you.”

[But a clergyman of one of the major world religions would react:]

“What? Can you imagine? What? I can’t make any money that way!”

Hans Wilhelm: You point your finger at the truth.

Host Alex Ferrari: I mean, how can I put gold on the walls around my castle if I agree that everything’s “within you” and you don’t have to come to me for that?

Like you just said, and as the old saying goes, just follow the money.

Hans Wilhelm: Yes. Yes, unfortunately. Yeah.

Host Alex Ferrari: And I mean, it IS true. It’s like “follow the money.” A lot of times it’s just like, oh, well, I have to do this [shady thing] in order to do that [good thing]. No, you don’t.

Hans Wilhelm: There are all these rituals as well, which, connected with religions, have made the organized religions. The rituals are binding us as well. They may sound very wonderful and ethereal, but basically they’re all binding kind of things too, worldly kinds of things.

And also the — what’s the word? — the old programs and so on. And it’s all holding us back. We are not living in the here and now if we cling too much to the old kind of history of either a tribe or a religion or whatever.

*** This is a fair essay on Ireland and England, showing the two peoples got along okay until the reign of England’s Queen Elizabeth I, when the Catholic-Protestant religious split led to previously unheard-of levels of violence and hatred. (This happened also in France and in Germany, killing a good fifth of the German people off in the horrendous, raping, burning and pillaging Thirty Years War of 1618-48.) Religions can mean  demonizing the other fellow!


Swedish Protestant troops — this really happened–pour hot urine (the “Schwedentrunk” or “Swedish drink”) down the throat of a Catholic southern German farmer who refused to let them rape his wife and daughters.



So we are here, and life is happening right now. So let’s be in the here and now and be guided by what we have to do right now.


Host Alex Ferrari: Now, let me ask, and this is a question I get asked all the time.

Why would you choose to incarnate into a sickly body, a damaged body, a body that is going to be part of an abusive family or thrown into an abusive, you know, religion or community that kind of just pounds you and pounds you and, like, why would you choose [to incarnate into] that?

Like, that’s hard for the ego egoic mind here to understand — to choose to go through the fire.

But I’d love to hear what you think.

Hans Wilhelm: Well, I think you yourself are a father, a parent.

If one of your children is very, very sick, really sick and maybe close to dying, maybe you want to say, “Oh, God, take me instead, but don’t take my child.”

You will, as a father, have this loving feeling for that child. Now, there are souls on the other side who see that a soul of someone to whom they’re close, has fallen very far down and has created enormous bad karma.

Sometimes they take on the karma of another person.

We can do that and incarnate on their behalf so that the other person’s soul can proceed faster in the purification spheres.

*** JdN: Wilhelm teaches that there are planets on all spiritual levels, with earth being at the bottom, and a place of purification. This is one of his many illustrations, not in this case of a children’s book but of his spiritual teachings.


There are a lot of souls who have incarnated in extremely unfortunate situations, handicapped situations, mostly who are not actually the souls who created the bad karma, but who have taken on the karma of another soul who is on such a low [frequency of spiritual] energy that he/she could not even incarnate anymore [= as a human, only as a wild beast].

*** Jeffrey Dahmer, blond, blue-eyed Wisconsin German-American — and homosexual, serial killer and cannibal. (He killed and ate a gay guy from here in Ontonagon!) This is a soul who is no longer on the human level.

Another blond German-American (last name Hamm), probably a druggie, tried to rob a family-owned convenience store — and got shot.

These are failed incarnations, spiraling ever further downward.


So that is one thing. I mean, this is only one person. That’s why we should never look at a person who is suffering and say, “Oh, he must have had a bad karma.”

No, it’s never, ever our business to speculate why anybody has whatever misfortune.

But this is one important point to really stop us from ever thinking about why a person who is handicapped, or, by contrast, very fortunate, or is raped, or whatever else, wanting to know why he or she is going through that?

But, of course, there is a lot of negativity that we ourselves do accumulate or can have accumulated in our past lifetimes.

So we could have been murderers once ourselves, or rapists, killers, and sadistic as hell.

We have in some cases had a thousand lifetimes.

I mean, this is enormous — all those lifetimes.

*** Famous “Highwayman” song about reincarnation with country music mega-stars Willy Nelson, Kris Kristofferson, Waylon Jennings and Johnny Cash. In the first life, the soul was a bandit, robbing stagecoaches and killing innocent people;  he is regretful only that “the bastards hung me in the spring of [18]25]. 😉


And in the Middle Ages, as you probably may imagine it, it was a rough life. It’s not like the USA at the moment. Here we have got some little problems, but compare this with the Middle Ages, where you could not even go from one village to the other without being robbed.

Host Alex Ferrari:Or killed or raped. Yeah,  all right.

Hans Wilhelm: And we may easily have been one of those cutthroats. Someone did it!

So this is all karma that has accumulated. So something in us may say:

“I will go through this; it’s only 800,000 hours. Yes, I will go through this. I will endure it. I will experience exactly what I’ve done to others as an handicapped person, as a rape victim — whatever it is.

Because, understand this, a raped child is not necessarily a young soul. It may be an ancient soul and may have gone through a lot of past lives as well.

So, as horrible as these acts are, and they do have consequences to the person who causes the harm, like with the rapist, and so on, that’s a karmic consequence.

But for the person to incarnate and experience the horror of war, the horror of rape, of torture, of genocide, is something that the soul knew about in prior incarnations.

It’s difficult for us to comprehend that. But we do have what, in my videos, I show to be something like a movie screen where we see our future life like a riverbed. And there are certain rapids, and certain kinds of problems on the river. There are maybe some rocks, [whirlpools, logs  jutting out, sandbars] and other difficulties. And we see that.

And these are life situations which we may most likely encounter, not with 100% certainty, because we have always the free will to change our fate.

But these are difficult things: difficult in-laws, or a problem with a very ill child, et cetera. A very difficult something — whatever occurs in our life.

We look at this in advance [in the interlife, before we reincarnate]. And we whole heartedly agree to it. Nobody is here against their will.

We say, “Yes, I will undergo this. I will experience it and then I will be done with it.”

It’s basically like paying off a debt. For instance, you own a half million dollars to somebody and it burdens you because you are struggling to pay it off. You just don’t make enough money.

And somebody says, “Well, would you be ready and willling to maybe work for me for one week? Very hard, 40 hours, and then all your debts are gone.”

We would  say, Yes, sure, I’ll do that.”

And the relatively very short period that we are here in this incarnation makes it so attractive. Because in the spiritual realm, we don’t have a physical body and everything takes much, much longer.

The concept of time is different than we have here. So not only do we experience it, the same karma,  over a much longer time, but we also don’t have a physical body.

And the physical body is very helpful because it’s like a buffer. We can do something if pain comes to us in some way. We can take medicine, we can, we can heal it. We do not have that buffer in the spiritual world. So we will immediately feel the karma that is coming back to us.

Hans Wilhelm: So it is a gift. That’s why coming to Earth is a gift for everybody. It’s a blessing and it is such an incredible gift that we can see it right now that we have gotten this enormous increase on population here on this earth.

I mean, it has just skyrocketed over the last hundred years from two billion to what is now eight billion. It’s incredible.

And the reason is quite simple — a lot of souls seeking purification. And there are billions, billions, and billions, of souls up there that have decided the earth is going through a very difficult time, and now is my opportunity to clear up all the mess that I have done in a very short time.

So they line up if there is any possibility to incarnate here, for any baby to get born.

There are more souls that want to incarnate here than we have babies [being born] here — because of abortion, of birth prevention/control.

And therefore, a lot of these souls who want to come here have to decide to incarnate actually in third-world countries, which is not normally their vibration, because they are usually more highly evolved.

But just to be in this coming, let’s say 50 to 100 years here on Earth, when the Earth will go through a lot of difficult times, that is the reason why they come here, and that is the reason for our high population.

The souls are so desperate to come here. Now, I know a lot of your viewers may be so upset with their life and say, instead, “Oh, I hate it here. I want to get out” and so on. “I’d rather commit suicide than stay there any longer.”

But let us be aware that it is such a gift to be here on Earth. It is such a blessing. And billions of souls are trying hard to come into this Earth School.

This is Yale. This is Harvard. This is one of the best schools we can have.

It’s very tough — like any kind of Ivy League school is a tough school for anybody.

But once we agree to it, let’s let’s stick with it. Let’s go through it.

We are not alone here. We have [each] our guardian spirit who is helping us every minute. We have got Christ in us, if you believe in Christ or the Christ force  is there anyway, even if you don’t believe in it.

And then you have got God and you have got the whole divine world assisting us, helping us being encouraging to us to go through this successfully and make this life a successful life. We are not alone here.

That’s very important. We are never, ever alone, even if it appears that way.

Host Alex Ferrari: And I’ve had the ability to talk to a lot of people who’ve had near-death experiences. And the one concept that I hear in those near-death experiences, which is appropriate to talk about in this as what we’re talking about, is the life review, is to be able to see their lives and not only see it, but feel what they felt and what the other person felt, which is really a really interesting idea that you feel all the pain and suffering you caused others throughout life.

From something as simple as cutting someone off [in traffic] to something much more, more extreme…. and that we feel that, and from my understanding, from my studies, [I believe] that you are right.

No one’s here against their will. If you have karma, you could choose to reincarnate and deal with it, but you also really cannot move forward until you deal with it.

So and on the other side, you were like, “No, no, I really want to go down there and take care of this” because, on the other side, it’s not looked upon — it’s looked upon as a workout, as a school lesson, as opposed to what we see it as like this [super-]heavy burden of “Oh, my God, I got to carry all this weight” where they [souls eager  to grow and shed bad karma]are like, “No, no, no. Give me more weight, the most weight I can get. I can get through this faster. I can evolve faster.”

But that is the point of this whole thing — to evolve that vibration to go higher and higher.

So can you explain, Hans, what Ascended Masters are? What “walking masters” are, because there are walking masters on the earth today.

So what are they doing differently than the rest of us are, and how do we get there?

Hans Wilhelm: [Pause…..] I’m hesitant on this one, because I have not really met a walking master.

I have, however, met people of highly evolved vibrations and who are actually living the law of love and expressing it.

Anybody who calls himself a master is, I’m sort of, I’m a bit careful with this one, hesitant,  yeah.

Because I think I would not do this. We are on such a low level here on earth for anybody here to be a master.

I don’t know; I think I will avoid answering this. I personally do not believe that there are many masters here.

There are people who express the law of love and teach it well and can be an example, like Christ was, and He definitely was a master.

But I don’t have enough experience myself to say much about that, and about what happens on the other, higher level.

What we do have on the other side is this — there are the teaching angels.

These teaching angels are coming from the highest absolute reality and come down in these purification spheres and in these spiritual purification spheres they teach souls [how] to move on.

They themselves have not necessarily incarnated onto Planet Earth, but they are teaching spirits and they are really helping the soul to move onward.

And I think about what you mentioned earlier about the “life review” [a kind of holographic video of your life and how you impacted others], there is one important aspect which I think we tend to forget, and it is about why  we do this [“life review”]?

It’s not just to undo our karma, because, actually, for that it’s too short.

But what it does, is, that it imprints something into our soul. Like, for instance, if I have hurt somebody because I said something wrong or whatever it is, it was hurtful. I feel it  now back inside me and very strongly.

It is partly to feel remorse about it, yes, but also to store it up in my soul.

So that’s why we call it something that develops our conscience.

So when we incarnate again, the next time our conscience will remind us, “Oh, no, don’t say this yet again. You have done it before and it just didn’t work out well. So don’t pull this act again.”

So this is where our conscience basically comes from, from the life review where we have seen the negativity in past lives.

And this is stored in ourselves as part of our conscience.

Of course, the conscience is bigger than that; it also learns during the course of our lifetime [and not just in the interlife period].

But this is one of the important points of how we suddenly remember or how our inner voice goes “Don’t do this. Don’t go this way.” There is this inner voice in us — it’s our conscience. And we have made a similar mistake, most likely in the past, and [we remember] it didn’t work out well.

Host Alex Ferrari: So it’s kind of like a spiritual DNA almost.

Hans Wilhelm: Hey. Yeah, you can say that. Yeah.

Host Alex Ferrari: Kind of like it’s stuck with you; it’s part of you.

Hans Wilhelm: [chuckles] Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah.

Host Alex Ferrari: Well, let me ask you, you mentioned the Beatles and Maharishi. Were you — did you [ever] meet the Maharishi?

Hans Wilhelm: No, I didn’t go that far. No, I just took the classes, and I did, and it really helped me a lot. I must say, it was amazing. I suddenly learned to really keep my “monkey brain” [inner mental chatter] a bit calmer, and I learned to calm down.

And the self-confidence I got out of this was just amazing.

But as I said, I no longer do it. I have my own [kind  of] meditation, so anybody who wants to see it and also a video on how to meditate, I do have that on my channel and I also have guided meditations, which are slightly different, but it was a very powerful and a necessary step on my evolution here.

Host Alex Ferrari: Right.And it’s not about what kind of meditation is that. You meditate, using whatever method you know works for you the best, and that is the the concept.

You know, you don’t need to go to TM or you don’t have to go  [anywhere]…..just find whatever happens to work for you, the concept. The thing is that you should be meditating [in at least some way].

And I think I want to kind of dig into what you just said there for a second, because it’s an important point. You said that after you started to meditate, you got amazing self-confidence. Would you agree that you got that self-confidence because you started to connect more with your higher self, and you started to remember more who you are? That the fear started to go away a little bit more, and you started to become a little bit more aware of who you truly are?

When you start to quiet down all that noise, you’re like, “Oh, wait a minute, I’m a soul.”

I mean, that’s kind of where I’ve gone because ever since I’ve meditated, I’ve become much more calm, confident, you know, and things that used to bother me don’t bother me as much anymore. Things like, I mean, before, if someone cut me off, I was the guy chasing you down with the middle finger and honking the horn. I’m like, “How dare you? How dare you?” This was when I was a young man, but that doesn’t bother me now. I’m like, “What is wrong? What’s happening with that poor soul that he had to feel that he had to do that?” I actually feel bad for him. I have empathy for that.

So that’s how I generally work it. I’m not 100%, let’s just call it [as it  is]. But but I’m much better than where I was.

Hans Wilhelm: Exactly. Yeah. Well, I must be honest about the Transcendental Meditation. I think I just learned to calm my mind, which was quite sufficient. I don’t think I went to much soul[-evolving] business at that time. It was just really an incredible technique that meant I was suddenly in control [of my mind]. [I relaized that] I don’t have to think every thought I can have at any minute, and that gave me a lot of confidence. It wasn’t so much at that time that  I was exploring my soul.

That came much later than did the meditations. And I also created the inner dialogue with divinity. That all happened much, much later, but not that; it was meditation that was my first step.

Host Alex Ferrari: Now a lot of the concepts we’re talking about, I’d love to know where the source of a lot of this information comes from.

Where have you been studying the deepest, and what has resonated with you to bring this kind of work out into the world?

Like there’s so many — a lot of these concepts are in hundreds, if not thousands of different teachings around history.

What is it? Where did you find these teachings and how did and how are they coming out of you?

Hans Wilhelm: Well, as I said, I’ve taken many popular paths in the past. A lot of them I use as well.

And I had the great honor and pleasure of meeting a lot of people on the spiritual-teachings path.

But over the last 40 years and so on, most of the information that I shared, my videos, comes from Germany, from a woman, Gabriela, who calls herself a mystery of light,and  she really is. But you won’t find her on the Internet. She does not want any promotion, any self-promotion, or whatever it is.

She says it’s only between you and God. There’s no one else. There’s no organization. There’s nothing. But there are all these revelations. These are the books [pointing behind him at a bookcase]. And you see them in the back, the blue books. These have, over time, become a huge “Sophia” [Ancient Greek: “wisdom”] library that has got all her revelations there.

And she channels from the absolute reality;  the material that I read there for the first time was just mind-boggling for me. I couldn’t believe the depth, the clarity.

See, when you remember [books wih the readings by Edgar] Cayce, he’s not easy to read. It’s very difficult.

Host Alex Ferrari: He’s not an easy read, my friend. No, he’s not.

Hans Wilhelm: Yeah, and [the same goes for the books of] Rudolf Steiner and so on. They are  all right, but you read them and you have to read the sentence three times.

Now, suddenly, it comes through in a language that is very clear, with no misinterpretation possible, and also on a depth which I’ve never understood before. And I try to put this in such a way that I understand it myself, because I’m a writer and illustrator.

I did make these illustrations in my videos because making them helps me. I do these videos also for myself. Alex. I mean, it sounds crazy, but when I do something physically like this, like draw things out and see how the dots connect so perfectly, that just has a major impact onto me. And then I share this gladly with others.

If it works for others, it’s great. I have zero interest in convincing anybody about whatever I share in my videos, not saying to believe it or you have to believe it. This is my own discovery; I do it for myself, and I gladly share that.

So what I found out on this path, on this Christian mystical path, is that for absolutely every question [Hans said “answer”] I could ever think of, I have an answer; I can find the answer for it.

And everything is very clear and everything is very direct. And there are no secrets. God has no secrets from His children. There is no mystery here.

And because of this absolute clarity, we don’t have to learn any exercises or join any groups, or clubs, or an organization which has its teachers and priests, and so on. No, it’s only a path between you and God or you and Christ directly. It’s a mystical path; the path within.

So I like the fact that I was not going to become dependent, myself, on another system and another formation, another group or whatever.

It is just something between you and God,  and only if it works for you. So this was the most powerful thing. Then, of course, over the years, while making a lot of mistakes, I have also slowly learned to apply the teachings and various tests, and the changes which I have seen in my life have been quite phenomenal.

There’s a long way to go, but given the little I have done, I have just really seen that this stuff works. This stuff is true.

And I mean, it’s simple stuff, which we also know from, like, the law of projection, that everything outside is a projection of ourselves. There are simple things like this, the law of attraction, et cetera.

But how to navigate through this? That’s something where I found so much help and that is what I express in my videos. And what if anybody is watching? It is also logical; a very simple logic.

For instance, I like to draw out these things on paper for myself. Like, for instance, here is the law of karma. You see somebody does something bad there and where this is stored, in the Akashic Records, and then in the repository planets, and how it comes back [to us in our lives].

When you see this in these very simple forms, it makes more sense to me than if I read it intellectually with my mind. So that’s basically what I do. I just express what I’ve read.

It’s like when you get the [furniture self-assembly kits] from Ikea, when they say you have to add part A to part B. It doesn’t make sense to me. But when I see how one part fits into the other, then it’s very clear to me and that’s exactly what it is. I do it the Ikea way.

Host Alex Ferrari: The Ikea way of spirituality, which is painful. 😉

By the way, if anyone’s ever built anything from Ikea, understand it’s not easy and it’s painful, but you can do it.

Hans Wilhelm: Yeah.

Host Alex Ferrari: Now let me ask you, because this especially in the West, we have such a need, and we’re bombarded with messages about finding happiness outside of us, through materialism, through consumption, through these latest whatever gadgets. And they all do have their place. You know, many of them have their place, as tools.

But this necessity,which people don’t figure out until it is too late or maybe not even at all, is that they can spend money, and spend money, and spend money, and have fame, and, as you know, I come from Hollywood, and I’ve worked with a lot of big movie stars and things like that.

And I’ve seen firsthand that when you have fame and you have money, when you have all of this stuff, still,  it does not even begin to fill the bucket that you’re looking to fill.

And only after you start to go inward is when you actually start to fill that bucket, little by little. But can you give any tips to people listening on how to kind of transcend that egoic mind of needing [material] things [that  are] outside of themselves, to feel happiness, to feel fulfilled and to start looking inward?

Hans Wilhelm: Well, you already sketched it out very nicely. I do have a video. I think it’s called “Fame, Power and Wealth,” where I explained in great detail that these people, often, very often, who are striving for these things, thinking that’s where the happiness is, have got this inner hole/void, this vacuum inside them, but the message is that what they usually always have is [this feeling that] “I am not enough. I am not enough. I am not enough.”

And that is where the negative forces [can  enter your life], and there are [unseen] negative entities around this [material] world which we can see, but they can really manipulate us, and can even help us, or they can give you this, et cetera, but in a really Faustian bargain.

[Hans said “Freudian”  but clearly means the Goethe play about Dr. Faust, who sells his soul to the Devil for wealth, fame, power, women, adventures, etc., with the Devil entitled to his soul when he dies.]

*** JdN: Goethe on Satan

Johann Wolfgang von Goethe was the German Shakespeare, a towering genius, an enemy of jewry (see his very antisemitic poem “The Annual Market at Plundersweiler”) and a man hostile to all forms of satanism.

In his great play “Faust” (where a highly educated but frustrated and unfulfilled intellectual agrees to sell his soul to the Devil in return for wealth, fame, sex and power, just like the degenerate pop singer Madonna), the Devil appears under the name “Mephistopheles,” meaning, in Greek, “Lord of the Flies.”

Gustaf Gründgens, a homosexual actor, played the Devil perfectly.

Note that, right below, Satan demands that Faust thrice bid him enter before he does. Satan cannot just go and take possession of you. God does not allow that, because free will is the cornerstone of the universe.


You must invite Satan in. If you do, God allows it, respecting your choice.

And you must respect the fact that there will be consequences for you….. because of all the people whom you will harm, like this Madonna slut, who has had such a harmful, terrible influence on girls and young women. And she will pay for it.

Here Mephisto declares what his heart’s desire is, and you can see it in the Allies’ bombing of Germany, the wanton lust to destroy, and to annihilate, especially, anything that is beautiful.

Nuremberg before the All-Lies bombed it


The Greatest Generation, hard at work



Sorrow! Sorrow!

You’ve destroyed it,

The beautiful world,

With a powerful fist:

It tumbles, it’s hurled

To ruin!

A demigod crushed it!

We carry fragments into the void,

And sadly lament

the beauty that’s gone.


Mephistopheles [first in German]:

Ich bin der Geist, der stets verneint!
Und das mit Recht; denn alles, was entsteht,
Ist wert, daß es zugrunde geht;
Drum besser wär’s, daß nichts entstünde.
So ist denn alles, was ihr Sünde,
Zerstörung, kurz, das Böse nennt,
Mein eigentliches Element.

Loose translation: (from  A.S. Kline’s Faust Parts I & II – Johann Wolfgang von Goethe transl A. S. Kline)


I am the spirit ever that denies!

And rightly so: since everything created

In turn deserves to be annihilated:

Better if nothing came to be.

So all that you call Sin, you see,

Destruction, in short, what you’ve meant

By “Evil” is my true element.


[Back to Hans Wilhelm] There is no question about it [with these negative entities].

And they can give you this — you can have wealth, and you can have fame, and you can have power. But every time you reach a level, it’s not enough; never enough.

I mean, even the richest person must have more, and more, and more, and more. It becomes more about greed.

And the reason is because they are totally, spiritually exhausted. They have no more energy left within themselves, so they think the energy from the outside, which is money, which is power, which is wealth and fame, will fill them up, and will give them the energy they need to live.

But every time they have it, it’s still not enough; still not enough. And it is usually this way until they finally, eventually, learn that the outside world simply cannot give you the stuff which you are really needing. So you have to really get back to the Source.

And the only source there is, is within you, and this is Divinity.

And then you can turn and get the energy from Divinity. You can, of course, rely on the energy which is lent to you by the negative forces.

But eventually you will have to give it back to them, as in the Faustian bargain. Eventually you have to serve them.

But most people believe that happiness, as you said, comes from things on  the outside.

I also like to say that happiness is always a little bit short-lived. For me, it is. The happiness is just a quick kind of joy, quick, and quickly over.

I like to go for deep joy, for deep joy, for deep ecstasy.

That is our true essence. We are — our essence is — to find deep, deep joy.

And the deep, deep joy does not really need “happiness.” Happiness is, for me, a bit short-lived. But it’s semantics here. I can understand if somebody does see it differently and we all like to be happy and so on.

*** Eckhart Tolle’s definitions

Happiness: When things in the material world are going well for you

Joy: Inner peace and contentment, regardless of external conditions


Hans Wilhelm: But the happiness comes from freedom. When I am free [from my own impulses and my chattering mind, and control my direction, and my thoughts, words, and deeds], then I am happy.

It’s quite amazing what freedom can do to us. And also what helps most is, it’s not coming from any things that are on the outside.

The other way to get into this more positive, maybe even happy feeling, is a very simple step — gratefulness.

Just be grateful for whatever you have; for the computer in front of you, for the nose on your face, or whatever else you can think of, because there are billions of people who don’t have even that.

And whatever we have, be grateful for that. And the moment we focus on gratitude, we cannot worry anymore.

We cannot complain because we are totally feeling the abundance somehow.

And the more we increase in our mind the items for which we are grateful, the more abundance we will feel. And out of abundance comes another feeling,  that of joy. And for some people, maybe, some happiness can come from that.

So we have got very simple tools to go from a negative frame of mind to a more positive one.

But as you said earlier, the main reason why so many people strive so hard, like in Hollywood, for wealth, money and so on, comes from the inner feeling that “I’m lacking something.”

I’m not good enough and I’m not enough.

Host Alex Ferrari: Oh, yes. I’ve, like, said that I’ve worked with many actors. Oh, my friend, my friend, I’ve met many of them. Many of them I worked with, and they just don’t understand. They just feel that there is that “I’m not enough” vibe. I’ve spoken to Oscar winners, and I go, “So you won an Oscar? Now what?” And they’re like, lost.

Hans Wilhelm: Yeah.

Because you put this into your mind that this [thing/achievement] is the ultimate prize, and that once I have this I will be happy. And you’re happy for a day, maybe a week, maybe a month.

But at a certain point, people, it just it doesn’t do anything [more for you] because, at the end of the day, it doesn’t mean anything.

Whereas the love of your child, or your partner, or the energy that you get from being of service to somebody, now that is so much more fulfilling, and powerful, than winning an Oscar.

And again, because I’ve had that ability to speak to a lot of these [Hollywood people],  sometimes on-air, sometimes off-air, and  actually the off-air conversations are much more interesting, but they’re not for public view, but you start to hear the stories of….of lack. And you’d be surprised….

Hans Wilhelm: Imagined lack; imagined!

Host Alex Ferrari: Like, exactly — imagined lack in their life, because they are not looking at the right — they’re not focusing on the right place.

It’s pretty fascinating when, you know, let’s say, you go out at a certain pointand  get all the money in the world.

Let’s say, tomorrow, you and I both have $10 million in the bank. Okay? US dollars. We’re pretty much done [making our fortune]. If you’re smart with your money, we have no more worries about anything else in life. We have a house. We have our food covered. We can help our children. We can help even certain [deserving people in need].

We’re covered.

But yet there’s people who go to 10 million [dollars] and yet then they need 100 million, and after 100 million they need a billion, and after a billion they need 100 billion.

And it’s just a sickness, almost, because at a certain point, how much bigger a box [house] do you need to live in?

How much fancier do you need your horse and buggy to drive you around in? Like, at a certain point you just have to go:  “Do I really need a $500,000 car?” Or will a Toyota do? It’s all perspective.

It really is all perspective. People are like, well, what if you were  gifted a Ferrari (because my last name happens to be Ferrari 😉 , like, I would sell it and buy a Toyota. Toyota’s not a sponsor [of this podcast], by the way. 😉 They’re not a sponsor of the show.

But it’s, you know, buy a Honda or whatever. Just buy something that — I just need a car to take me from A to B that is safe. It’s comfortable, and done; that’s it.

So it’s fascinating to people that that get so caught up in all of these things, you know, and don’t even get me started on clothes. Can you imagine  — my family walked into, like, this big designer store at an outlet mall the other day. And my kids walked in, and they saw a purse. A purse? A little purse. $850. Like a little hamper. They [my kids] go, “What is wrong with these people?” My daughters were, like, “That’s just a purse!” I go, that’s called branding.

Hans Wilhelm: You’re a man, so of course you just don’t understand! 😉 Now, my wife would have a way of explaining this to you. 😉

Host Alex Ferrari: …some deep spiritual reasons, like I need this Gucci. See, Gucci was brought in by Jesus, and Jesus was the one who created it…. [both laugh]

Hans Wilhelm: Well, this is the thing, that in our society, we fall so easily for all these influencers, which now is a totally new thing. And then all the commercials, and so on, the cars for advertising and so on, and in our capitalist society, that is something we fall for, and have fallen for during all the time. And partly it has helped our economy to grow. But the growth of our economy also meant the destruction of the planet. So it’s a very, very sad, strange kind of situation here.

We have never learned to be modest with our demands and our requirements. It’s just not part of our way of thinking.

And that’s where we eventually will learn [some lessons]. And we are learning things already, because of there is climate change. There is no more water in California, or whatever. So it’s, yeah, it is serious because we are into over-consumption, over-consumption. And the over-consumption is a form of karma coming back to us, and we all have to learn from this and we all have to make adjustments.

If we don’t learn the gentle way of letting go, then we will learn the hard way of sort of facing our own nonsense that we have created. But it is our society which promotes this idea that “I am not enough.” And we have to watch out for this very carefully. I think anybody who is watching this video may be asking, “Do I have it somewhere in me as well, the feeling that I’m not enough?”

And the only person, the only thing can help you is to fill that soul, that hole, is Divinity — is God. And when we can link up with that energy, then we are everything.

Host Alex Ferrari: And it’s so important that people listening should ask that question. Do you have that question [= lurking doubt] inside of you? “Am I not enough?”

But you were born [already being] enough. Yeah, you were born perfect. It’s all the crap that was thrown onto you from the moment you came into this world, from your parents, from your friends, from your colleagues, from your community, from your religion, through television, or whatever,  all that programming that they get into you.

I forgot who said this, but it’s very true:

You spend the first seven years of your life being programmed and you spend the rest of your life trying to deprogram that programming and to try to get back closer to Source… because you come in as close to you as you can be  to Source, but then you start to ask, like,  “Am I not enough? Why don’t I get the love I need, or this,  or that?”

And then you start creating stories in your head. And then, as you start to release those stories, as you start to believe, those stories then becomes dogma in your mind, as in “I’m not good enough; I’m not enough.”

Whereas if you deprogram yourself to understand the truth, then life becomes, like you said, free;  you’re more free in your life.

Hans Wilhelm: It’s all the programs which we have adopted from our environment. We have to question each one, and just let go of it if it doesn’t suit us anymore.

And that is, I think, our task: It’s freedom that I always come back to. The main purpose is for us to become free again, which includes questioning all the value systems, the programs, and the religions. We grew up in them, and I’m not saying they’re all bad. It’s just find out whether they’re still are right for you …. at this moment.

Host Alex Ferrari: Now, there’s something you’ve spoken about before, and I really think it’s an important topic to kind of tackle here — GRIEVING, and holding on too tightly to souls that have left or transitioned, and how you properly grieve, let go, and move on from a death in the family, or, you know, any such kind of thing… and the dangers of not letting go, and holding on, and holding on. Can you talk a little bit about that?

Hans Wilhelm: Yeah, it’s we have got this [wrong-headed] idea that this is only the only life we get here on Earth.

And therefore, if somebody dies, then, of course, he is no longer part of life here. He is no longer existing here. Or if he is existing [somewhere else, then, if we are the average un-spiritual person,] we don’t know what happened to him.

So how could he be happier than we are here?

The truth is that none of us are really happy here, either. 😉 [both smile; Ferrari chuckles.] But that’s for another time. 😉

So we have great problems understanding that the other person who has died is having a [full] life of his or her own at the moment, which means a progression of his (or her) education, development, and evolution.

And then so this stops us, and we think they still should be with us; they still should be here; they would be better off if they were with me…..

Truth is, perhaps they might have been better off staying here longer, but on the other hand, they could also [karmically] burden themselves more here on earth.

It is not necessarily better for somebody to stay here for very long. Long life does not necessarily mean we have led a successful life, because we could  create lots more bad karma for ourselves in a very long life.

*** Henry Kissinger,  b. in May 1923, is now 100 years old.


*** NPR,”National Public Radio,” as I recall from decades ago, once asked the Dalai Lama about the prospect of humans, via medical advances, living as long as age 180.

I do not know in what year I heard this interview, but I remember that the Dalai Lama was very skeptical and negative about this.

The gist of what he said was that most people do not make much spiritual progress in an entire lifetime, so why stick around until age 180 if you are not making any progress? You are just vegetating — existing.

This is because most earthlings are dishonest, yes, even and especially with themselves, and they justify to themselves their awful mistakes, misdeeds and harsh words, and do this habitually rather than feeling remorse and changing.

In the bestselling Conversations with God by Neale Walsch, it says many earthlings go through a hundred or even hundreds of lives with only minimal progress. and this is because we lie to ourselves — and we also lie to others, and also lie about others, and, without any attempt at verification whatsoever, we likewise believe the lies that we hear about others, mostly  because we may not like them or their politics.

As I recall, the Dalai Lama said it is better to die more frequently and reincarnate AFTER you have carefully, honestly reviewed your life, your thoughts, your words, and your deeds.

And this failure to be honest with yourself is a big reason why earthlings live only 70-80 years, and not for centuries like other humans, such as the Nordics, who are very advanced.

Shakespeare (IMO Edward de Vere) got it absolutely right:

And these Nordics (and others who zip around our skies in their UFOs at 12 Mach) are very advanced because they make definite spiritual progress in each life; they embrace a courageous  and very loving, beneficial self-honesty.  🙂

In my case, in my last interlife, I had to swallow hard and clearly recognize that my Russia policy had been a catastrophic moral and military failure.

We lost three million wonderful German soldiers in WWII,  and two million out of that three million were lost on the Eastern Front.

This was truly MY fault; others actually would have preferred a russophile policy, but gave up pushing it, including Joseph Goebbels and Heinrich Himmler.

So I felt huge remorse after April 30, 1945, in my last interlife, especially from seeing, from the higher world, my beloved Germans, down on this earth, and defeated because of me, suffering hellish abuse and mass murder after the war, and then the psychological torture of guilt for a Holocaust that never happened. 🙁 🙁 🙁 :-(:-(

And I still tear up when I see these things…. and then I remember I have already beaten up on myself enough, and more would be counterproductive to my mission, which is not to wallow in the past, but learn thoroughly from it, then go and lead and save our race — NOW.


Fact: my and our Third Reich was truly, totally, on a roll of success under my leadership that ran from January 30, 1933 to June 21, 1941, which was the last day before we  surprise-attacked Soviet Russia in “Operation Barbarossa.”

We could have won.

And we could have prevented the real danger of a pan-slavist Russia that might have arisen after we had defeated the Bolsheviks, a huge and  powerful nation that might just revert unreasonably to an anti-German attitude again, just as during the madness of WWI. We could have stayed in Russia for ten years “in order to ensure de-bolshevization” (just like what the Americans did in Germany with their “denazification”).

And then we would have kept some troops there as allies, and to reform  many things, and educate a whole new generation of young Russians. Again, this would be American-style, just as with the Fulbright scholarships for smart young Europeans to study at American universities and absorb there our values and views.

The younger Russians would have been taught to see us Germans as their big brothers, their smart, well-organized friends, and their idealistic liberators from the horrors and terrors of the bolshevik jews and Georgians (Stalin and Beria).

We could have had MILLIONS of Russian girls doing this, and thus won the war, and saved our whole race from Australia to Alabama and Lisbon to Vladivostok. 🙂

…..my moral and strategic disaster in Russia:  the goal was to seize the land in European Russia from the Russians  for Germany, not just to destroy bolshevism

Look at the Russian people today — the only major white nation that is culturally, economically and militarily resisting the NWO!

*** [back to the interview after this long interlude…with Hans Wilhlem still speaking.]

So everybody dies exactly on time. As Byron Katie always says, there are no mistakes.

…although I must also say we do still have free will, so this means we can kill ourselves and go before our time.

And there also are some kind of medical procedures which can unnecessarily extend our life so we linger on as a very sick person.

But everybody basically dies right on time when their time is truly up. Now, a soul that leaves us is an eternal spirit. So this soul goes back to the spiritual realm, and there it continues its progress by returning home.

But if we, through our excessive mourning, hold on to that soul or we feel they shouldn’t have left, and sigh “How could you leave me here alone?,” et cetera, then that soul [on the other side] will feel every emotional pain that we feel.

If it was a close person who died, like a family member or a loved one, a spouse, this departed soul feels all this grief very strongly inside themselves. They are extremely burdened by the mourning, the grieving.

Then we could have excessive mourning and grieving.

I’ve come to the point that there is a certain amount is necessary, but an excessive amount is something which holds both souls back.

Now, grieving and mourning if somebody suddenly dies is a natural occurrence because it’s like if somebody chops off my arm. I have to first adjust myself  to this new situation.

It’s a time of adjustment, so I will be pretty pissed!

And this is really bad.

So yes, it is a loss, but after a while let reality speak and say, okay, there’s no other way around it– I have to live without my arm any more. That’s just part of life — loss.

So grieving and mourning are not bad in themselves. They are part of the healing period and they are necessary.

But the excessiveness can becomeselfishness, because we are only crying about ourselves.

We do not, not, not, not ever cry about the other soul, because we, really none of us, knows for sure what has happened with them.

But most likely they are doing fine, and are better off, particularly if they had been very sick. They no longer have that horrible sickness now and so they are better off.

But WE are crying away, and feeling sorry for ourselves. Sorry, but it’s a totally self-indulgent process if it goes on too long.

And this is where the danger lies, and that’s why I made a video on how too much mourning and grieving can mean holding back the souls on the other side.

And that cannot lead to their progress, because they, up there, are feeling so sorry for us grieving down here.

*** This part especially helped me. I sure cried a lot for the first month after Margaret died, and Wilhelm says some grieving — a month or so — is healthy and normal. After all, we were together or in constant, loving touch for 17 years. Even when we broke up in 2011-12, we kept emailing and  doing things for each other, both knowing we would be together again.  🙂

Yes, it was tough, and local women also would cry when I told them Margi had died.

Then the bereavement feeling did gradually get less.

And thank God it did, because my blood pressure briefly exploded. Statistics say that widowers in their sixties, exactly like me, have a 70% increase in mortality, the worst of any age group and gender undergoing grief.

I was literally dying of grief, and my dying would help no one!


This grief management has been my own best example and  proof to me that spirituality is practical.

I got my feelings under control — and, believe me, there were moments when I did not, and something in the house that had belonged to Margi would trigger me, and I backslid right back into tears again.

My heart would literally hurt — not as in generalized “chest pains,” oh, no — but I mean that specifically my heart muscle would ache. There is literally such a thing as heart ache.

And it can kill you.

This is something I love, a great prayer, the “Serenity Prayer,” from Reinhold Niebuhr:

So when I saw this interview by Alex Ferrari with Hans Wilhelm, I really took it to heart. I actually apologized in a prayer to Margi for crying so much, and asked her to forgive me if my pain was dragging her down in HER world… maybe even affecting her negatively in that higher place.

See, Margi was always very sympathetic to me on this earth, especially from understanding what abuse I suffered as a kid in the wicked CIA program MK-ULTRA. I suffered nightmares from it until I was 49 and got counseling.

But now my  sweet Margi is busy with her new tasks, and she is a beautiful 30 years old again in appearance.

And because I love her, I want what is best for her — for Margi to move forward, make progress, work on her own little issues (as I work on mine), and live an interlife rich in beauty, meaning and learning from God.




*** [Back to Hans Wilhelm]

Now, I also am [it is hard here to understand Hans’ words a bit] on my spiritual path, and my mystical path offers this advice — NOT to try to communicate with the soul that has departed.

Now, I know a lot of other people who do believe otherwise, and that’s fine.

But my reason is because some of these souls are maybe not necessarily strong enough or not focused enough, and so they can start re-attaching themselves to us down here.

And for this reason, what I would like to suggest is to turn to Christ or to God and let Him or Her [God having energy that is both masculine and powerful, and feminine and kind] go and speak on our behalf to that departed soul.

Let God or Christ come between you and the soul that has departed, in my recommendation, so that there is no more direct contact possible.

Ask Christ to convey your love to that person, and also whatever message you wish to say. You and they both still have things to do, and so let that be  passed on, and trust that energy to do this on your behalf that will protect both you and them.

Just make sure that the message which you have for that soul will be passed on to that soul.

So these are the little things I like to imagine. And there is another reason why we have very often people with absolutely excessive mourning, is because they think they have not verbalized enough “I love you” to the person who died. This is what Dr. Kubler-Ross taught me and that’s why I made my book I Will Always Love You, which is a bestseller, but it is basically that message.

If people feel they haven’t said it or not enough — the sort of married couple that never says “I love you” to each other, and then suddenly he dies, but the  truth is they hated each other!” They were fighting, and yet suddenly by dying he becomes a saint! The widow says, “Oh, he was such a wonderful person,” and yet she never said to him “I love you.” 😉

But you can still say that in your mind. However, the earthly person is dead. You can say it via Christ and say, “Look, I want him to know I love him” and so on.

And, of course, it’s also very difficult…. and I get many, many correspondents in the last few years, increasingly letters or emails from parents whose children have committed suicide.

So that is a very tough, a VERY tough subject.

And I can understand that because they are not prepared for it. And when an elderly person dies, we says, all right, one day we all go.

But if a young person commits suicide, there’s so much feeling of guilt in it. There are so many emotions involved in this one. So we do have this very difficult situation.


And I fully understand that grieving or trying to find a way to deal with the situation is very, very hard.

But we do have our comforter with us.

We are, none of us,  ever alone.

This is saying we do not have to walk this path alone.

We have Christ in us or God.

We can communicate. If we cannot have that, if we do not have that relationship, maybe it’s time to consider to develop that relationship to Divinity…. because sooner or later everybody will have to.

So, if so far our ego is saying, “Oh, I don’t need this God stuff or Christ stuff;  leave that for my aunt. She believes in all that stuff; I don’t.”


But eventually you will have to become love and return back to the love.

And I always believe the best parable Christ ever taught was about “the prodigal son.” This is when the son leaves the wealthy father, saying “Give me my full inheritance;I am going out into the world.” And he goes into the world and squanders his money.

It all creates karma until finally he is sleeping in a pigsty with the swine.

And this is how he survives. And then he remembers that the servants in his father’s home live better than he lives now.

And he says, “I will go home and just humbly ask to be a mere servant in my father’s home again.”

But when he returns, his father is so happy and praises him, throwing a big feast. And that is the story of our life.

Eventually we have to accept the loving energy of the Father.

I’m not saying accept our human father as somebody greater than ourselves.

That energy from our highest Father is with us all the time, wanting us to return to our home. That energy gives us all the help we will ever need when sorrowful times come, and they will.

All there is for us to do is this — turn within, and ask that Helper to show us the way.

I remembered one of the most powerful experiences that I ever had was when I was young and I had one of these breakups in a romantic relationship, and I was devastated, and so on.

You know, it was crazy, puppy love.

I mean, today I can laugh about it. But back then I was young and stupid.

Today I’m still stupid, but not young. 😉

But at that time I was just devastated. And I was crying in bed, and so on, and I said suddenly the words that I remembered from the “Our Father” prayer that Jesus recommended…. the one where we say “Thy will be done.”

And I said these words with streaming tears: “Thy will be done.”

I don’t know more than you, God; so I’ll leave it to you.

And the very instant I said this, [Hans makes a whooshing sound and gestures with his hand like pulling something down] there was a huge wave of energy that came through me.

It’s just like they’ve been waiting for this — angels waiting for this, for me to realize that.

And I was so healed in that instant that I couldn’t believe the sudden change, how it came in one instant.

When you suddenly say from the heart, “Thy will be done,” this is a total surrender to an energy that knows more about my life than I ever will do, and that knows far better than I what is good for me.

This surrender is so powerful. And that’s why I say, “If you haven’t developed an intense relationship to Divinity, maybe look into it.” 🙂

There really may come a time when things get much tougher on this planet.

Then you will need it, and the sooner you start getting it, the better.


Host Alex Ferrari: You said something that was really interesting, and I’ve never heard anyone talk about this before.

You said that the soul continues its evolution even on the other side… but that here is like an accelerated course, if you will, to learn things faster.

So on the other side, there is still learning, but it is a slower process.

Can you dig into that a little bit? Because I’ve never heard of that concept.

I just have always wondered what happens to the souls once the souls are on the other side. Are there, is there, like, a bar they all go to and drink and talk about their lives?

Are they watching movies?

Are they watching us because maybe we’re entertaining as hell? 😉

I mean, what happens on the other side?

I mean, I’ve heard a little bit from all the near-death experiences. I’ve heard a couple of them state about, you know, like a school-esque kind of environment and different rooms that they can go into.

Anyway, I’d love to hear what you’ve learned in your travels, Hans.

Hans Wilhelm: They have all of the above. 😉

Host Alex Ferrari: So there are bars; there are movies; there is music.

Hans Wilhelm: Yes, there are, because they’re on our planet Earth, so  they like them there, too. 😉

But let me tell you that there are a lot of what we call earth-bound souls, a serious issue.

And there probably are as many as eight billion earth-bound souls, yes, as many as there are human beings.

They are running around us, souls that have not been able to move on into higher spheres, who stubbornly believe that life on this Earth is all there is, and they dig their heels in very strongly about this attitude.

These souls are amongst us — and they’re influencing us. And if they do use drugs, and have that illness, drug addiction and desires, or whatever it is, they can influence us, and they can live through us.

I’ve got a video called “Spirit Possession.”

Spirit possession is such a powerful and real, existing situation at the moment. Most people are not even aware of it. So many suicides come also from spirit possession, and a lot of other things.

So we do have souls who have died and remain earth-bound. They have not moved on because they are not educated enough.

Their vibration level is too low. They really think this world is “it.” And they also are attached to their vices.

But the only way to live out their vices is they need a physical body.

Since they no longer have any physical body, they use the physical body that belongs to you and me, and they make me think:

“Oh, I need a drink.” 😉

And then I go get a drink, and have a drink,  or two, or more, and so on.

And these earth-bound souls use our energy. They actually attach themselves to our neck! And they use us to enjoy the drink, the alcohol.

So we are manipulated by the spirit being. But that is a minority of the deceased! It’s not the majority!  The majority does move right on into the higher spheres.

And we have got this in my video. I explained it mainly this way, that there are seven layers, spiritual layers. The lowest form is material. Material is nothing. That’s a vibration, and  there’s nothing else. I mean, we’re only talking about vibration here. The highest life form, divine love, is vibration, and the lowest form is earth matter, and yet it’s also nothing else but vibration. There’s nothing else; we are only speaking about vibration.

So they are then, depending on how high the vibration of their soul is — it’s like-attracts-like — They go after death to the various levels that correspond to their level and kind of energy. So that’s where they go, basically. They move, once they have died here via physical death, and go somewhere where they are surrounded by people like them, like-minded souls.

And the stronger our belief system is, the stronger the souls are in that sphere having similar beliefs.

Like, for instance, if I’m a very strong believer in Muslim things and so on, and also in terrorism, then I’m moved immediately BY MY OWN VIBRATION to go and be with that same kind of people —  who all think in a similar way as me.


If I believe a very capitalist lifestyle, and think only of money, money, money, that could result in me moving to a capitalist sphere where everyone else is into money, too.

If I lose my belief in one religion, whatever my strongest belief is after that, that strong belief usually determines very strongly where I will end up — amongst what type of souls I will be after death.

*** JdN: Michael Winkler has written the same thing

It is your own vibration that sends you where you belong, not some angry god or archangel, or worse, your dead mother-in-law. 😉

Germany’s Michael Winkler said this in his masterpiece (only in German), “The Spiritual World.”

Michael is totally one of us politically, and he used to have a big website commenting on the news — until the Judeo-German authorities fined him so often and so heavily that this excellent and witty writer from Regensburg had to quit. 🙁

He makes the same exact point: Between your life-review video and your vibrational level, you are assigned and in fact gravitate automatically, unquestionably, and precisely, to the kind of sphere where you truly belong.

But this can be rough. Gangsters go to a world where they must watch their back every second, because EVERYONE else there is also a gangster. 😉

There are no innocent prey people out there, ready to be mugged and heedless of your approach, nope, just your fellow cutthroats, and wary as hell. It is just not as much fun when EVERYONE is a crook. 😉

And you keep going back to your Gangsterworld until you get sick and tired of deserving to be there.

Something grows in ou that you would like to live amongst decent people. And when your heart really, really means it, and you are beyond disgusted with being a criminal and having such nasty, lowlife friends, then God sees what is going on inside your soul — and He sees your vibrational level really is rising.

In any case, you cannot fool The Big Guy. And everything is telepathic anyway. There is no point in lying. 😉

And karma is not like a cop down at the precinct with your long rap sheet.

It is your vibrational level that is the problem. If your heart and mind were clean, you would not do these things!

And you can get out of even the most hellish world — and some exist, as temporary abodes — when your vibration rises.

God sees you down there, hating your filthy life, and wanting deeply to turn it around.  🙂 Your soul goes off like a teapot to God, who WANTS you to come back up!

*** [Back  to Hans Wilhelm]

And their education continues. The growth continues. The causal computer, which always brings us back the karma which we have put into it — garbage in/garbage out — will continue bringing me back to my specific karma world.

I will endure the pain and suffering as well there as I would endure it all here on Earth.

But in a non-material world, it takes much longer.

So eventually the idea is then to SINCERELY want to change, to return to Source energy, and be with God — with the Absolute reality.

But we do NOT give up our identity as a soul or as a spirit being.

We do not dissolve into the universal stream of God, into “Nirvana,” as in certain Eastern teachings, where we sort of suddenly become nobody, or we merge into all things, or we even start all over again.

No, we are eternally individual beings. We are created for eternity, and we return to our angelic state.

Oh-oh, Alex — that was VERY long, wasn’t it? I’m sorry!


Host Alex Ferrari: No, it  was perfect; it was perfect!

It’s a really interesting way to put it. It’s like so depending on the vibration.

So when Jesus passed or Buddha passed, they were at a very high vibration as masters, as walking masters. So they went up to a higher vibration [than we would].

And from what I understand from my teachings, there are even higher vibrations than where Christ’s consciousness was when he first evolved and came here.

And there are higher levels still, and there are levels that we don’t even understand yet, because we’re not even close to being evolved to that level yet.

*** JdN:  There are levels where very advanced souls design and make whole planets, because they can be trusted to handle great power with love — and higher yet levels, where whole galaxies are created.


And the Christ consciousness was much higher than anybody else’s then, hanging around down here on this Earth plane. And He slowly has been helping us, among other masters, who have come back to help us — to try to lift the vibration of the entire planet, which is kind of what I understand is happening now.

The awakening IS happening when conversations like this one, Hans, are becoming more mainstream, and people are searching for these conversations, as opposed to in the Middle Ages, where we would have both been burned at the stake. 😉

Hans Wilhelm: Yes, there is a definitely an awakening happening, there’s no question about it. But there is also a lot of bad karma now coming back also, and in a big, massive way.

Everything is now on the table because it’s a mess that has to be cleaned up.

And as tough as it may look, [the cleansing] is something we should embrace and do the best we can.

But we always have these teachings, which are given to us all the time. And what else is there? It’s all IN us. This is the thing — it’s not really outside of us. It’s all IN us — ALREADY.

And if we learn to be calm and quiet, as you said earlier, with meditation, whatever we need to know right now is given to us.

We are given it every day. We also get different challenges every day.

But if we go within, we find guidance about how to deal with every challenge we have. We are never alone, and we are always guided and helped.

Host Alex Ferrari: Now I’m going to ask you a few questions which I ask all my guests.

How do you define, or what is your definition of living a good life?

Hans Wilhelm: A good life is aiming for freedom, that’s what it is.

To become free of everything that enslaves us. Of everything that binds me to this planet Earth in a NEGATIVE way. I mean, this doesn’t mean to be free of my beloved one [my wife], because love is not is not somethngthat is “binding.” It’s linking; that’s different.

But anything that binds me, such as my habits, my belief patterns, or whatever it is, what binds me to this planet, I want  to get free of it. So the answer is to become free again.

Host Alex Ferrari: How do you define God?

Hans Wilhelm: God is the All-Love, the all-powerful God spirit. It has many, many names. In my video on “Everything is Energy,” because our human vocabulary is rather limited,  to find a really good word for God is limited. But we have different names. We have got Holy Spirit, we have got God, Divinity…. We have the Ether Power, the light & life force….. many, many words for it. That, for me, is what God is.

He is basically where we come from, we are made of Him and we return to Him.

Host Alex Ferrari: And what is the ultimate purpose of life?

Hans Wilhelm: The ultimate purpose of life is perpetual evolution, not only for ourselves, but for  the whole creation…. continuously evolving, evolving, evolving.

So we are part of this evolution. One day we go back, and the whole Absolute Reality is continuously evolving, and getting bigger and bigger.

And we are part of this. We are part of this very exciting process of having a returning to creation, where more planets and everything is continuously created and it continuously grows, and it continuously grows in awareness, in intelligence, in consciousness. So that is very exciting.

Host Alex Ferrari: And Hans, where can people find out more about you and the work that you’re doing?

Hans Wilhelm: Well, I’ve got my website www.lifeexplained.com.

Or you can also find me on www.hanswilhelm.com, and, of course, on my YouTube channel. If you punch in my name it should come up if anybody wants to.

Host Alex Ferrari: And do you have any parting words for our audience.

Hans Wilhelm: Parting words — Always remember gratefulness, gratefulness, gratefulness.

When you switch off this online video right now, close your eyes. Think of ten things you’re grateful for, grateful for, grateful for.

Not only your partner, because no, I want you to find three or five reasons why your partner is so important to you, or the person in your life, or the dog in your life is so wonderful and find five reasons why they are so wonderful — not just count them as one thing.

Be grateful and see how much different you will feel after that, a very simple exercise.

Host Alex Ferrari: Hans…..thank you SO much for this beautiful, beautiful conversation.

And I hope it helps people listening around the world. My friend, thank you so much for not only coming on and sharing your knowledge and your wisdom with us, but also for the work that you’re doing in the world.

My friend, I appreciate you.

Hans Wilhelm: Thanks so much, Alex. It was a great, great honor and pleasure to be with you. Keep well.

Host Alex Ferrari: Thanks for watching. Click on one of the videos below to continue your journey. And don’t forget to subscribe.




…..More on Hans Wilhelm

YouTube channel: https://www.youtube.com/@lifeexplainedvideos

I love it when this professional illustrator gets his Sharpie out and draws what he is talking about!


Two websites:




His wife’s artistic website: https://judyhenderson.com/



So far, I find this Hans a godsend, since his ideas — as do those of his fellow German Eckhart Tolle, correspond closely to mind and are very well presented! 🙂

However, I will add more later today…..




  1. One of the things I love about living in America, is that you can start up a conversation with another American over the flimsiest of excuses, and start up a friendship easily.

    If you want something to last a thousand years, hire a German engineer. 😉

  2. I want to add another important detail to the heinous murder by the ngr in Frankfurt.

    The mayor at the time was the jew Peter Feldmann.

    Even the israel-friendly PI News site in Germany dislikes him!

    Of course, “fighting right-wingers” was one of his goals.

    Even the brain-washed Frankfurters chose to get this asshole out of office in 2022 because of his nepotism.

    I visited Frankfurt in 2009 and even back then I felt in some areas I was the only white person.

    It is a sick city; we even nicknamed it “Krankfurt”(krank=sick). The area around the central train station is full of junkies. A friend of mine had to travel from another city in Hessen to Krankfurt for his education for years, something he surely doesn´t miss.

    The most known band from Krankfurt are the Böhse Onkelz (“evil uncles”, intentionally misspelled with the Z).

    They are low-life chavs, coming from the ghetto. Still they are rather successful as a band. Although it comes at the price of bowing before the anti-racism agenda, since they once were bashed in the mainstream media for having recorded songs like “Türken raus”(Turks out1) in their youth and playing for skinheads.

    So they established a kind of pseudo-rebellious image and constantly distanced themselves from “the right” and insulted them. They recorded a song named “Deutschland im Herbst” to distance themselves from “nazis”. Yeah, really classy guys.

    The singer Kevin Russell is half-british and heroin addict. He even nearly killed two turkish men while DUI. They are now disabled and scarred for life.


    Just to add, Hessen, aside from the big cities, is a nice area with nature and many classic half-timbered houses.

    It´s often true that just the big cities are the cesspoools.

    • Thanks. And yes, Hessen has many beautiful villages. It is also the only part of Germany to still have the same tribal name it had in Roman times, being then called the “Chatti” (where in the second, ‘German’ sound shift “tt” became “ss”).

      That Kevin Russell is awful! I read the whole article.

      Germany is becoming a clone of Jewmerica in every way. 🙁

  3. Dear John! I do not understand what you mean by “more charming.”

    At least in the Second World War many women from other European countries found German soldiers extremely charming. I remember an old woman from Finland who was very impressed by the charme the German soldiers had. She has never seen like this before. As a woman she has never been treated so well. The Germans, she dated treated her like a goddess compared to the harsh Finnish men.

    The same was true in France. Many French women loved German soldiers. Not only their appearance, but also their galant behaviour. Millions of European women had an affair with German soldiers back then. They preferred them over their own men.

    Compared to the Soviet soldiers who raped and tortured millions of women, the Germans were not only the most handsome, but the nicest guys to the European women.

    In what way are other Europeans more charming?

    Italian men are creepy according to some tourists:


    Why Italian men can be creeps
    Jan 2012
    Posted by sarahnikolai

    I’ve quickly realized that Italians act very differently than Americans, especially Italian men.
    My first hint was when, as my roommate and I were walking to orientation, we noticed men reacted strangely when we made eye contact with them. A man once called something out to me in Italian that included the word “bella,” and an older man winked at Lauren.

    I’m sure you’ve all heard about it. American women go to Italy expecting romantic Italian men to sweep them off their feet, but that rarely happens outside of the movies. In reality, Italian men tend to be very…well, I guess the best way to put it would be that they’re forward, aggressive, and many times straight up creepy. But why?

    Well, Lauren and I found out later that it wasn’t just the Italian men’s fault that day; apparently Lauren and I unintentionally egged them on by making eye contact and smiling at them!

    Now, in America, making eye contact with strangers, smiling at them and saying “excuse me” is completely normal. In fact, we could be considered rude if we don’t do that. In Italy, however, it’s not considered normal for women to make eye contact with or smile at strangers; in fact, smiling at a stranger is suggestive of us wanting to get to know them better…oops!

    I’m now trying to change my ways, but it’s harder than you’d think; avoiding eye contact with people means avoiding looking at people, and I’ve bumped into so many things just walking down the street because of that. I’ve even got the bruises to show it; I guess that’s nothing new, though.




    Please write only positive things about German men and other Germanic men in order to increase their self-confidence.

    • Dear comrade,

      You are absolutely right about German men and soldiers during the Third Reich period.

      To be a real man then meant to be chivalrous, gallant and respectful of women, and honor them and the vital feminine contribution to the nation. Motherhood was especially honored then, and the woman as homemaker. As I said then, men are destined to go out into the “große Welt” to work and struggle, into the bigger, outer world, but women are the key to the “kleine Welt,” the smaller world of the household, the world where we all start out as children, and these years are the “formative years.” A good woman, a good wife, a good mother, is a huge blessing and the foundation of a happy and strong nation. Every great male scientist, field marshall or political leader was once a little boy who felt boh a father’s discipline but also a mother’s adoration and love, and my mother Klara was the epitome of the loving, maternal, and feminine energy.

      Also, yes, some Latins are real pests toward women. My own elder daughter, Ingrid, who was very attractive, attended the University of Vermont and often went on weekends up to Montréal, the dominant city of French-speaking Quebec.

      She said the young guys (was she speaking of the French Canadians or of the many Arabs up there, or of both?) would not take “No” for an answer. As the saying goes, “NO means NO,” and men need to respect that. Yes, sometimes “no” means “maybe,” but the tone and body language make this clear. And if the man persists, then he is just a boor and on an ego trip, out for a “conquest” so he can brag to other louts. “Yeah, I had her. Yeah, I f—d her.” What an animal attitude!

      Why would I even want a woman who does not want ME?

      That is what Eckhart Tolle calls the egoic mind…. and this egoic spirit is what has long made our earth into a semi-hell, and now our world is becoming a complete hell.

      This egoic mind is why the jew is winning, this flaw IN US. Under Hitler, however, the German was at his best.

      • Ich habe mit Freunden eine Art politischen Salon gegründet, in dem wir frei über politische Themen diskutieren können.

        Wir sind auch der Meinung, dass Hitler das Beste aus uns Deutschen herausgeholt hat.

        …und dass in einer Demokratie wie Weimar oder der BRD eher die schlechten Eigenschaften gefördert werden.

        Und wir kommen immer wieder zu politisch unkorrekten Wahrheiten.

        Z.B. waren bei den Olympischen Spielen 1936 jüdische Sportler sicherer als in der Demokratie 1972 im München 😉

        Klar, es war eine Diktatur. Aber komischerweise war das Waffenrecht damals so frei wie in den USA heute.

        Er war ein Diktator, ja, der aber sein Volk geliebt hat. Er hatte keine Angst vor seinem Volk. Eben weil er keine Politik gegen sein Volk gemacht hat.

        Die Juden ruinieren unser Land und immer mehr Deutsche denken so wie ich, auch wenn sie es nicht öffentlich sagen.

        Vielleicht haben diese Volksverhetzunggesetze auch ungewollt etwas Gutes:

        Die Juden wissen nie genau, wer noch so tickt wie ich.

        Und ich will mal etwas vorrausblicken:

        Bald wird ein Deutscher eine Apparatur erfinden, die zur Lösung aller Energieprobleme beitragen wird.

        Und die Juden werden drüber richtig sauer werden.

        Das Prinzip wurde aus Natur kopiert:


        Kalte Fusion aus Wasserstoff und Sauerstoff.

        Am Anfang ist es nur ein Ring, dann zwei Ringe, die sich zu einem Ring verbinden und Energie freisetzen, und dann sich wieder zu 2 Ringen teilen, usw.

        Das Prinzip dahinter ist die Lösung.

        Diese Ringe hören nicht auf 😉 wie man in diesem Video sehen kann, was an für sich schon faszinierend ist:


        Aber wenn zwei von den Ringen zusammenstossen, geht es richtig ab.

        Und jetzt die Frage: Wäre es gut sowas herauszubringen oder wäre es im Moment eher schlecht und würde nur die Herrschaft der Demokraten stärken?

        Wahrscheinlich war dieses Prinzip der Energieerzeugung schon den Menschen vor tausenden Jahren bekannt.

        Alle Energie bewegt sich in einer Spirale oder Drehung — ob Atomkern oder Sonnensystem.

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