On the 110th anniversary of the death of the sacred martyr Mary Phagan

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Mary, 13, height 4’9″, a virgin who had never had any boyfriend, a devout churchgoer who worked hard 55 hours a week in a factory to support her family, fought off the sexual advances of her jewish boss, Leo Frank, to the death. Every word about Mary’s life tells me she was a true saint of our modern times. Eleven other female co-workers at the factory testified under oath at Frank’s murder trial that he was a known sexual predator. But it was tiny Mary who stood up to this vile creep,  and she died rather than submit to his rapist demands as a high member of the jewish self-appointed master race. (Frank was also the head of B’nai B’rith in Georgia! For two years the big jews rallied around this creep because, as they see it — and as their Talmud SAYS it — jews have every right to rape gentile girls. We are animals in human form, born to be their slaves and fulfill their every desire.) But blondish-auburn-haired Mary said NO!

A German comrade wrote:

Today is the 110th anniversary of Mary Phagan’s death.

Rest in peace, little Mary. See you some day. But our job down here is not over yet…

The Mary Phagan case is extremely important. They really freak out when you say Leo is guilty 😉

This is perhaps their Achilles heel.

I’m glad I got to know John de Nugent. I can still remember our first conversation. Margi picked up the phone and I got to speak briefly to her, too.

She was a classy woman and her soul lives on. She protects us from above.

Now is the time to turn our anger into something constructive.




I answered:

Thanks, comrade.

Indeed, the Frank-Phagan case could and should become the Achilles’ heel of American Jewry. The Jews themselves boldly continue to lie about their fellow tribesman Frank and still loudly demand that the judicial authorities of today acquit Frank of his innocence…

Yes, with true Jewish perseverance, they are still fighting Frank’s death sentence imposed rightfully on him in 1913 and twisting it into some sort of great injustice to a poor, persecuted jew!

But I’ve noticed ever since 2011, when I got involved in www.leofrank.org,  that somehow my own readers aren’t particularly interested in this case, even showing dislike, boredom, and a lack of interest.

The latest example of this displeasure was last week’s visual presentation of the high-quality videos where Margi narrated a book on Leo Frank’s murder of Mary Phagan and trial.

Although my readers loved Margi very much and continue to love her even after her transition into God’s world, there was not a single comment or praise, absolutely nothing, below the five articles that featured Margi’s awesome videos.

Not one single syllable….

Obwohl meine Leser Margi sehr mochten und auch nach ihrem Übergang in Gottes Welt weiter mögen, gab es keinen einzigen Kommentar bzw. Lob, rein gar nichts, unterhalb der fünf

Articles are always about Negroes, Jews, Trans, Islam, compulsory vaccination, vaccine death, II. WW, Adolf, the Holocaust fraud, non-white immigration, and wog crime against indigenous Whites….

But when I bring articles, videos and audios to Leo Frank and Mary Phagan, there is only silence in the woods.

The theory or explanation of this finding by the co-curator of the website www.leofrank.org is:

The death by lynching (hanging by an angry crowd) suggested that there was insufficient evidence to prove Leo Frank’s guilt . as if to Aryans (even the most anti-Semitic, like my readers) this kind of execution of a death penalty not by the authorities, but by an angry crowd, seems reprehensible and un-Germanic and somehow could even offer an indication of Frank’s innocence….

The frustrating thing, of course, is that the complete opposite is true!


And the Jews with their money avoided all that!

After extensive investigations , three different lay judges decided against Frank!

At that time in Georgia there was a “coroner’s jury” in murder cases, i.e. autopsy court, where the arrest of Leo Frank was ordered, then the grand jury in Atlanta voted for a murder trial with judge, prosecutor and defense attorney against Frank, then this actual murder trial occurred the small lay judges’ court with twelve lay judges, i.e. in front of normal citizens, started rolling, and that for a whole month!

Found unanimously guilty of murder in August 1913, Frank appealed, after which the death sentence was upheld five times by higher courts, including twice by the Supreme Court in Washington DC.

The Georgia Supreme Court

The US Supreme Court

Headline: [Frank] loses in Supreme Court


Why then, as a German, one may ask, was the death penalty not carried out by those appointed to do so, either by the prison warden or by the sheriff?

Why did a crowd have to storm the jail, pistols drawn, haul Frank out and hang him from a tree in front of Mary’s birth farm?


Why did it have to be lynched at all?

That, my colleague said, goes against the grain for us soul Aryans.

Well, outgoing Georgia Governor John Stanton, whether bribed, blackmailed, or both, had, to the shock of almost all Georgians, commuted the death penalty on the Jew to life imprisonment.

Why? In order for Frank to get a new and cheaper murder trial, this time with a judge bribed or intimidated , with witnesses bribed or intimidated this time, and with judges bribed or intimidated this time , i.e. a kangaroo trial that must end with the innocence and release of the satanic Jewish rapist and strangler !

The ultra-nasty ADL was also formed around this time, 1913-15, so that the next time, in the face of the massive Jewish defeat in the Leo Frank case, the top Jews would be much more sophisticated.

From now on one would have to act less clumsily in order to enable the acquittal of crimes committed by the important, well-known, guilty big Jews of the future.

Also, this ADL was formed to use quieter methods (such as firing, career ruin, and indictments) to either silence critics like Tucker Carlson, Trump, etc., or to significantly weaken their power in the audience.

Yes, I think this statement by the co-curator of leofrank.org is partly correct.

Lynching is unpleasant for us today, and even then (1865-1920) it was regarded as an unfortunately necessary evil, partly because it was believed that Negroes had to be terrorized because they were unreasonable, primitive, stupid, sex-obsessed, often drunk, and violent and especially hot on white women.

The case (also in 1913) in Anadarko, Oklahoma, where a black rapist of a white girl, one Benny Simons, was doused with liquid fuel and set alight, then shot half in half with shotguns and tied with a rope, almost dead, finally hung up in the treetops…. after begging for mercy,

This will of the whites to lynch justice arose from the conviction of many, from centuries of experience, that negroes should be treated more like wild animals and should be treated accordingly. that they form a race that lacks any self-control, reason and “internal brake”.

Only horrendous fear would tame their mighty urges.

Well, I agree with my colleague that lynching is nasty and is also viewed as such, and therefore for us Aryans Leo Frank’s death by a rope hanging from a tree cannot represent a happy ending!

Any killing of living beings, even a chicken or a fattening pig, so that a human family has something to eat is a bit sad!

But more importantly, we proudly speak of “the majesty of the law” in English. We do not want a world of lawlessness or arbitrariness!

(That’s why the riots of the “Kristallnacht” in 1938 were a catastrophe for the reputation of the Third Reich, but also the so-called “Night of the Long Knives” in 1934, when the SA boss Röhm, who wanted to put the putsch together, shot dead without trial …. It was a predicament where action had to be taken immediately, otherwise the Third Reich would have ended abruptly after only 15 months with the help of the Reichswehr, France and Poland. Paris and Warsaw both also wanted the civil war in Germany – SA against Reichswehr!)

But I think there is another and even more important explanation.

I suspect that in the unconscious of the reader, this Leo Frank/Mary Phagan case is deeply unsettling to the inner coward, keyboard hero, and lazy idler that is in all of us.

Because the great lesson from the matter with his deadly handling is the insight into the clear necessity for vital things to use brutal force.

Big Jewry with its almost omnipotence in the press, the stock exchange, the central bank, and in the state — and for the last 20 years also increasingly in the really big companies and in the military, once predominantly conservative and right-wing in all countries and races of the world — blocked all peaceful, legal and orderly solutions visible for decades.

Yes, despite the Internet, the big bosses of the Jews thwart all self-sacrificing disclosure of the truth. You end up in jail yourself, while the sheeple majority just keeps bleating and following the politicians and the media.


And yet it is unsettling to have to think of violence.

One longs to continue fantasizing that without physical heroism, without heroic death, there is an effective way to break this tyranny of the Jews.

However, the case of Leo Frank proved as early as 1915 that this peaceful solution does not exist.

It is a pipe dream — a suicidally dangerous and ultimately COWY denial of reality.

And so the lesson of Leo Frank’s case is a bitter disappointment to us — the realization that no blog, no website, no new political party or reform of an old party (as in Trump’s attempt with the Republicans), and no demonstration is the mass-murdering capable of chasing Jew devils from their almost omnipotence.

Before this enlightenment, we must first have a religion of sanctification of truth.

This is my mission in this life.




    • Yes, beautiful on the outside and in her soul as well, a heroine.

      For the Ancient Greeks and Romans, heroes and heroines were prayed to and they answered prayers, sometimes more than the gods. The Christian concept of saints derives from this pagan cult of praying to heroes and heroines.

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